Royal Road

Chapter 142

Chapter 141

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the soil is so firm that even the iron plow cannot break open. When the cattle and horses need to enter the shed to cultivate, the reclamation gradually stopped. In contrast, the refugees have more time to practice.

From two hours a day to four hours. As long as the sun rises, you can see the group of men dressed in thick linen lining up to practice, shouting and fighting. Most of these people have seen the fierceness of the Xiongnu cavalry, and have felt the pain of being unable to resist and can only abandon their homeland. So when there is a chance to re-own their own fields, someone will give them clothes and food, just to make them strong and able to protect themselves. Those feelings of depression and unwillingness immediately turned into aggressiveness, which made people feel desperately striving for strength.

Riding on horseback, Yi Yan stared coldly at the queue in front of him. Two months are enough time for this group of people to change from mud-legged soldiers into soldiers who can serve. But after all, they are still recruits. If you want to go further, you can only go to the battlefield.

“Lieutenant, a total of 50 teams passed the monthly exam yesterday. Before the beginning of the spring, there should be a number of thousands of troops.” On the side, Sun Jiao reported loudly.

These farmers in Guantian are all trained by Sun Jiao. To have such an achievement, naturally makes him proud.

“Before the beginning of the spring, the infantry will have to practice once. You and Wang Long will each lead the recruits and fight against each other in the field.” Yi Yan said.

Sun Jiao’s breathing became short. The thousand and five hundred troops under him were all foot soldiers. And Wang Long led five hundred cavalry. Although they are all recruits, the cavalry has always been more dominant than the infantry, not to mention that it is still a field battle.

However, after a short pause, Sun Jiao immediately said: “The final ability to defeat the enemy ride!”

Yes, in the future, this group of infantry will also face the Huns cavalry. Three times the enemy will retreat, so there is no need to fight that battle! Sun Jiao still has this courage!

Upon hearing this, Yi Yan nodded slightly. Since the last time the bandits were suppressed, the Shangdang has settled down. The Tuoba Xianbei borrowed by Sima Teng was also quite brave. In this way, these recruits have no chance to fight. After the beginning of spring, the energies of the troops will turn to farming. If you don’t practice in advance, I am afraid that these soldiers will not be on the battlefield.

Seeing the chief nodded, Sun Jiao’s heart was upset again. Although he was born in the Liang family, he has been in charge of the crossbow team, and this is the first time he has led such a new army. As a group of corps leaders, Zhang He has now temporarily ordered the Liangfu trilogy, but he wants to bring such a group of auxiliary soldiers who are half-farming and changing war, how can he not let people feel embarrassed.

This military training is his best promotion opportunity. As long as they are caught, this group of troops can also become a powerful army! For these people who came from Liangfu tribe, they have never been afraid of war. On the contrary, it is their true colors to dare and thirsty to fight.

Just like the young man before him.

In just one year, this Ying Zheng was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. Also took off the last bit of greenness on his body. The body is over eight feet long, with a bee arm and a bee waist, and awe-inspiring. What was even more terrifying was the pair of gray-blue eyes. Looking at it, they couldn’t discern happiness or anger, but only condensed murderous intent. If it hadn’t been for me to have been with him for more than a year, I was afraid that I would not be able to speak smoothly in front of him.

It’s strange to say that at the beginning, this Ying Zheng was cold and cold, but he was not so powerful. Is it because more battles are fought, so naturally you become this kind of murderous god?

Just thinking about it, there was a sound of horseshoes from far to near. The messenger Kuima brought an order, and after three days, the man would lead his team back to Liang Mansion.

When the sky was bright, a convoy drove out of Lucheng. There were 300 cavalry in the team, and ten bullock carts accompanied. It looks amazing.

This is the chariot of the Shangdang prefect, and it will be Lari in a few days. As a pavilion, Liang Feng of course has to return to Fuzhong to worship his family temple and hold ceremonies. This is the responsibility that the head of the family must shoulder. In addition, he hasn’t returned home for half a year, so Liang Feng took his son and the trilogy on his return journey a few days in advance.

Riding on a black horse, Liang Feng wrapped the fox fur cloak around him. Since he arrived in Lucheng, he has worked hard to repair this official road. Nowadays, there are not too many pits on the road, and there are a lot of carriages on it. But he is still more willing to ride a horse, although he is a little tired, it is better than motion sickness.

“Father, can Rong’er ride a horse?” In the carriage on the side, Liang Rong put his hands on the window, and his **** eyes stared at Liang Feng.

As the only heir of the Liang family, he will also go home with his father to worship his ancestors. After finally taking a vacation, he was walking with his father again. He was very interested and looked happy.

“This is a hurry, Rong’er should take the car well. I’ll talk about it after I return home.” Liang Feng gently clamped his horse’s belly. “Come on for a little bit today and settle down at the post outside the Xuan family.”

Yi Yan straddled the horse closely behind Liang Feng, but did not refute it. After blowing a whistle, the speed of the convoy immediately increased and moved forward.

That night, the convoy drove into Xuanshi County, and did not alert the county magistrate, but stopped at the station for one night. It set off on the second day. Before noon, the convoy drove into the mountain road where Liang Mansion was located.

“It seems to march in a hurry. It only takes a day and a half to return home.” Liang Feng leaned on the Yinji and said to Yi Yan, who was driving in front of him.

Part of the reason for the fast walking this time was that I wanted to test the capacity of the repaired official road, and the result was even more ideal than I expected. If there are all roads in the Shangdang area, the speed of reaction will be more rapid when encountering an enemy attack.

“It’s better to test the disease.” Yi Yan replied.

Yesterday, I was riding too much. When I saw the lord dismount the horse, Yi Yan didn’t care about the opponent’s protest, and squeezed people into the carriage. The weather is already cold, and it hurts my muscles and bones, and a year of conditioning is in vain.

With Luzhu and Liang Rong present, Liang Feng didn’t even have room to resist, so he had to drink motion sickness medicine and ride back in the car. But even in the car, he didn’t let the team slow down. So hurrying and hurriedly, only then can rush back to Liang Mansion within a day and a half.

Listening to Yiyan’s words, Liang Feng couldn’t help but smile. His saddle was carefully wrapped, and even if he had a sore back and back after riding for a day, the skin on the inner thigh was not worn. But with such a performance, he is also content. Last year, he had to rest for half a day after riding a horse. It seems that his physical condition is still getting better. After a few months of raising, you may be able to exercise systematically.

Thinking of plans for next year, a rush of horseshoes came from the front. Yi Yan turned around and said, “Lord, deputy Zhang Ying led troops out to welcome him.”

“Pick up the brocade curtain.” Liang Feng instructed Lvzhu.

The wind-shielding curtain outside the car was picked up, and Liang Fengduan sat in the car and looked out. Zhang He led dozens of cavalry soldiers to greet him. Seeing Liang Feng, he immediately turned over and got off his horse, kneeling on the side of the road: “The final general welcomes the host!”

“Deputy Zhang Ying, please.” Liang Feng said with a smile, “But the guard on the mountain detected the convoy?”

“Exactly.” Zhang He replied with a bow. This time the Patriarch returned, without notifying the Fuzhong at all. It was the sentry that found the trail of the convoy first and put it in the message tree. Zhang He reacted very quickly and immediately led the team to greet him. It seems that this choice is not wrong.

“You have a heart. Join the team and go back to the house with me.” Liang Feng was very satisfied with Zhang He’s cleverness and ordered.

Zhang He mounted his horse again and drove to the side of the carriage, guarding him like the soldier next to him. Sitting by the car window, Liang Feng asked casually: “How many soldiers are there in the mansion now?”

“There are three hundred more regular soldiers, six hundred auxiliary soldiers, and eight hundred soldiers. They are all combatable. There are also three hundred recruits sent to Lucheng and returned to the cavalry camp.” Zhang He remembered to be reliable and quickly reported. come out.

“Not bad.” Liang Feng praised.

In less than half a year, there was such a result, which shows that Zhang He did not slacken at all. It’s just that the proportion of people is still a Songun politics. It’s because the mansion sells porcelain and glass, and there are a few other side businesses to support it, otherwise it really can’t support this large group of people. It’s a sigh that although he became the prefect, the two thousand stone salaries could not be taken back at all, almost all of them were posted on the side of the city.

The reclaimed acres and the new population are not the data Zhang He should have. Therefore, Liang Feng did not intervene, and instead asked about the hospital and the military situation. As he walked, he said that the convoy slowly circumvented the last mountain col. Liang Feng suddenly stopped and turned his head to look towards the road.

I saw people on both sides of the road. I don’t know where the news came from, and all the villagers in the villages along the way greeted it. I don’t know who first saw the owner of the Liang Mansion in the convoy and the car, and someone shouted: “It’s the Buddha, the Buddha is back!”

Like the wind blowing wheat stalks, everyone knelt down. Some people turned their heads down and worshiped, some choked out, and some women chanted scriptures with their hands folded. Like believers who have fallen into fanaticism, all the villagers worshipped the convoy.

Liang Feng raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, “You arranged this?”

Zhang He shook his head quickly: “How dare the generals! It is the villagers who greet each other spontaneously. The owner has been away from the house for too long, but the villager has been thinking about it for a long time.”

Thousands of wear, only flattering. What’s more, it is still such an exciting scene. All the knights guarding the side stood tall, and even Liang Rong sitting in the car trembled slightly with excitement. Liang Feng slapped and got out of the carriage, holding Yi Yan’s shoulders and standing on the shaft.

“Master!” Yi Yan was startled. This is the driver’s seat of the coachman and it is not spacious. Standing is even less safe. What if the horse is shocked? !

However, Liang Feng patted his shoulder lightly: “It’s okay, drive well, I can stand.”

Holding Yi Yan’s shoulder with one hand and the back of his hand behind him, Liang Feng stood up straight like this. Beside him, there are hundreds of majestic knights, all in armour with bright swords and bright helmets. Under his palm, there is a cold, fierce, high-nosed Jiehu, like a monster and a vicious creature. And the figure standing on the car is so slender and tall, with a dusty appearance. Just like the Buddha’s real body guarded by Vajra Yasha!

The strong contrast made the voice below louder. More and more people lowered their heads, pressed their foreheads against the cold ground, and chanted the Buddha’s horn. The earth in front of them was also trembling, trampled by horseshoes, and smoked, like a billowing torrent, indestructible and invincible!

This is the new prefect of the political party! This is the Patriarch of the Liang House they rely on! This is the immeasurable Buddha who has blessed them, let them escape military disasters and plagues, and escape death and disasters!

The sound of the mountain call is thunderous!

Standing on the car, Liang Feng took a deep breath. Most people will panic when they see such a scene. However, he was used to it. I am accustomed to such religious worship, and I am accustomed to carrying the prayers of these people on my shoulders. This is what he can carry, and he should be able to carry more!

At the end of the road, the door of Liang’s Palace slowly opened, welcoming their master and returning from afar.

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