Royal Road

Chapter 143

Chapter 142

Zhang He was not the only one who greeted the gate of Liang Mansion. There are also several stewards in Liang’s house, and Han Dang, a doorman who has just taken office. This person is an old friend recommended by Duan Qin, and he is not bad in knowledge and character. Liang Feng just tried it, and he was assured that he would be in charge of the Liang Mansion in charge of the affairs of the mansion.

This time, Han Dang was naturally in the first place. With his big sleeves, he saluted Liang Feng who stepped out of the carriage: “Gong welcoming the lord and returning home.”

Liang Feng smiled and stepped forward: “Why do you have to be polite? I have been bothering about everything in the mansion these past few months.”

“Thanks to the trust of the lord, I don’t dare to be ashamed.” Han Dang bowed respectfully again.

When I first arrived, I received such an errand, and it is false to say that I am not moved. However, Han Dang was prudent and cautious, and he didn’t have any thoughts about this unusual appointment. What’s more, in Liang Mansion, no one knows the checks and balances in the mansion better than him.

Liang Liang, who is in charge of farming, is a loyal household in Fuzhong; Zhou Kan, who manages the accounts, is a guest of the lord’s credit; Chao Yu, who is acting as an agent of Sifang, is Xiao Langjun’s nurse. What’s more, there is Zhang He, the battalion deputy who led the tribe. It can be said that as long as he gives up the slightest change, these people around him can immediately take him down.

Such an arrangement did not make Han Dang uncomfortable, but rather convinced him. No doubt about employing people, but not carelessly leaving loopholes to make people confused. This is the best way to ensure long-term stability. No wonder Duan Qin will serve this Liang Lang. Among the high schools, such a wise master is rare.

After all, after two days’ journey, Liang Feng went directly into the house after saying hello. Ordering other people to settle down first, he invited Han Dang to wait for the in-house staff to inquire in detail about the development of Liang’s residence these days.

“Now the number of households in Fuzhong is over 800, and there are more than 3,000 people. Most of them are people who have escaped from the counties of Shangdang.” Han Dang submitted the yellow book and said seriously.

Because most of the fugitives are locals from the Shangdang, they are well-stocked, so the total number has also grown significantly. In just six months, it has more than doubled, which is really surprising.

“Yuhu are all selected from Gaodu?” Liang Feng frowned slightly.

“That’s true. If you want to become an eupper, you must be physically strong, or have a good skill.” How could Han Dang neglect this sort of screening work. “However, there are quite a few refugees accepted by Gaodu, and the number of candidates in the government can double.”

It seems that this time Gaodu’s newly reclaimed official land has gained a lot. I am afraid that Guo Jiao has gotten his mind and dared to let go. However, the rapid population growth is still very stressful. Liang Feng asked again: “In this way, is there enough food in the government?”

“It’s okay to store grain. Four quarters have a good income this year, and the grain for next year has been left.” Han Dang replied truthfully.

The business of white porcelain and colored glaze beads has only recently been negotiated. What big deal is still missing in Sifang this year? Liang Feng turned his head and asked Chao Yu who was kneeling on the side seat: “But the study has sold scriptures again?”

Chao Yu leaned slightly: “Just as the master had expected. After the victory in Lucheng, the study sold a lot of scriptures. This year, the income from the book sales exceeded ten thousand stones. There were also some who could not transport rice. They changed to silk hemp and got more than a hundred horses.”

This is not a small sum. How many scholars are there in Binzhou? Even if the prostitutes are added, there will be too many. This sales volume is almost enough for one person, and there may be many Huns nobles who have also bought town houses. Pretending to be a ghost is really the most expensive business!

“What about Huai’en Temple? Has it been carved again?”

“I have carved more than ten volumes. They are all written by the presiding officer, and the rice grains obtained are full of a thousand stones. However, after the establishment of the Huns, the Huai’en Temple no longer printed scriptures.” Chao Yu said.

Liang Feng hadn’t copied scriptures long ago, but the monks in Huai’en Temple did not stop the wholesale business. Instead, they printed some engraved books with the scriptures written by the abbot. However, the war still affected the business. Jinyang was surrounded by the Huns. Even with the skills of the old monk, he was afraid that he would not be able to ship rice.

Liang Feng nodded clearly: “Next year’s engraving of the scriptures, we will still give priority to the Chongshuguan. This time I brought back several volumes of scriptures. After I resume work, I will print them one by one.”

These days, he also discussed with Cui Ji and others that he wanted to carve a batch of classics, including “The Book of Filial Piety”, “The Analects”, “Book of Rites”, “Chun Qiu”, “Shang Shu” and so on. It was also after familiarizing himself with the Jin Dynasty that Liang Feng discovered that there was no such thing as the Four Books and Five Classics at this time. Therefore, articles extracted from the Book of Rites such as “The Daxue” and “The Doctrine of the Mean” have not yet been promoted to the status of later classics. But there are still books that must be read. Even if you can’t get an excellent commentary, these classics need to be memorized one by one by the students and remembered thoroughly.

Now that there is Chongwenguan, it is also necessary to reopen the county government school. It is still necessary to print some unannotated and sentence-reading versions. Cui Ji asked someone to sort out a set of manuscripts of the Han Li version, ready to be used for engraving. This is the Cui family’s biggest concession to engraving printing. Wouldn’t it be a pity not to seize the opportunity?

With these tasks, I am afraid that the bookstore will no longer be able to pick up the outside Buddhist scriptures. Chao Yu bowed his head and said: “The slave and maid will arrange craftsmen to engrave them carefully.”

Although he has taken charge of Sifang, Chao Yu’s posture is still gentle and elegant, Liang Feng smiled, it seems that he did not choose the wrong agent. Turning his head, he said to Han again: “Can there be resettlement for all levels of officials in the mansion?”

The population has skyrocketed from three hundred to three thousand, and it is bound to have more managers to deploy. This was also something that Liang Feng had deliberately arranged before he left.

Han Dang replied: “Twenty officials have been selected, nine of them are elders, seven of them are scholars, and four of them are from the Fuzhong Middle School. Examinations are conducted every month. If they are not competent, He was dismissed and suspended. The list is also on the list.”

The chaos not only caused the people to be displaced, but also broke down many of the less-stressed families. In the process of fleeing, these people will inevitably become attached to the rich family and become their vassals. Now Liang Mansion is already a powerful party, and Sizhou and Bingzhou are in chaos. Of course, there are many such people. Han Dang reviewed them one by one, and only then received a group of officials.

Liang Feng is quite relieved of Han Dang’s vision, not to mention that Lizheng, who manages civil affairs, is promoted by Aliang, and Zhou Kan personally trains helpers in the accountant. If the two sides can’t insert people, even if something goes wrong with the official, it won’t have much impact.

Satisfied and nodded, Liang Feng said, “That’s good. Where is Shiyue and Zhichuan?”

“The two guests are still in the workshop, can the host want to call them back?” This time Liang Feng came back too suddenly, and Han Dang did not have time to inform the workshop.

“It’s okay, I can just go there in the afternoon.” Liang Feng didn’t care. After the kiln workers and iron workers moved into Shanzhong Xinfang, he hasn’t been there yet. It’s not bad to see for yourself.

Hearing what Liang Feng said, Han Dang didn’t say much, and continued to report other matters.

After checking the current situation in the mansion, Liang Feng took a break after lunch, and rode to Xinfang on horseback. The Liang Mansion itself was built on the mountain, and this time the two workshops were moved to the newly opened valley. There are guards guarding them from afar, and they are divided into three posts and three posts to enter the factory area. The environment here is good, and there is a tributary passing by. The river has been widened long ago, sluices have been built, and waterwheels have been standing on the edge of the river.

This is the water cone that has just been remodeled, but under the mallet used to pound the rice, it is not white rice, but white soil. This is the raw material for making porcelain, and it is also the key to the whiteness of Liangfu white porcelain. It takes a lot of effort just to beat the magnet. But now with the water cone, driven by the water power, the mallet beats the stones in it endlessly, saving a lot of manpower.

Liang Feng stood by the water cone and watched for a while before walking inside. After just a few hundred steps, pungent smoke appeared in the air. This is the exhaust gas produced when coal is burned. Just smelling it makes people feel depressed. The porcelain-making kilns have been expanded to four, and there are also iron furnaces on the side of the ironworkers, which are intertwined, and the pollution is even more serious.

But now is not the time to talk about environmental protection, Liang Feng ignored the bad air and continued to walk in. After a short while, he came to the outer courtyard of Taofang. It has been reported that Ge Hong and Liu Jian greeted them quickly.

“Man, how can you come here?” Ge Hong frowned. After all, he is also one of Liang Feng’s health doctors, and naturally knows that the other party is weak and shouldn’t be in such a dirty place.

Liang Feng smiled and said: “I haven’t been to the workshop for a long time. I heard that you are here, so I happened to come and have a look. I wonder how the hydraulic bellows is developed?”

Liu Jian immediately came to the spirit: “The bellows has been modeled and it is indeed usable. But Zhichuan came up with a way to build a furnace, with a bellows, or it can be several times stronger than the current furnace.”

“Oh?” Liang Feng’s eyes lit up when he heard it, “I don’t know how the furnace that Zhichuan said is shaped?”

Ge Hong didn’t pretend, and took out a drawing and handed it in front of Liang Feng: “This is the official furnace, which is used by the iron official. In Han Dynasty, there was a large furnace that was ten feet high and required three hundred people. Now the mansion uses it himself. You can imitate its shape and reduce the height as appropriate. It will surely produce iron several times!”

When he got the artwork drawn in charcoal, Liang Feng couldn’t help but feel a little dazed. Isn’t this the kind of small blast furnace of the past? Why is there now? !

In fact, blast furnaces have existed since the Warring States Period. The “Han Shu” records: “In the first month of the second year of Heping (27 BC), the iron officials of Pei County cast iron. People are startled. The sound stops, but still looks at the ground. The ground sinks a few feet. The furnace is divided into ten. The iron sold in one furnace is like a meteor, and they all go up. It is the same as the second year of Zhenghe (91 BC).” This said. It is because the material is hanging in the middle of the blast furnace, the molten iron accumulates too much, and it suddenly falls, resulting in an accident that destroys the furnace due to excessive pressure.

Metallurgy has always been the country’s most important indicator of national strength, so the level of blast furnaces mastered by iron officials is indeed not bad. The furnace of one foot high and one foot wide is the main furnace used in iron ore mines. However, these techniques are not spread among the people. As an alchemy master, Ge Hong has an extraordinary understanding of furnaces, so he could come up with the idea of ​​building a blast furnace.

However, Liang Mansion used a wooden bellows instead of leather. The ability of blowing wind is several times stronger than that of . Therefore, it may not be necessary to build a large furnace, one foot high and more than two feet wide enough. A blast furnace of this scale can produce astonishing iron. In addition to the use of hydraulic exhaust, a lot of manpower is needed, and it is more than enough to mine the mine!

This is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes, unintentionally planting willows and willows! Liang Feng made a decisive decision: “This furnace is very good! It can be trial-produced first! Send some people to find the veins and circle the mountains to make iron!”

Shangdang is a place where iron is produced. There are so many high mountains and ridges, and there are bound to be many iron ore that have not been unearthed. With the blast furnace and the ore veins, are you still worried that the iron in the palace is not enough?

By the way, Liang Feng remembered something again: “We should also look for a few places where coal is produced. Coal can be made into charcoal like wood. This kind of coal is used to make iron, which is probably stronger than ordinary charcoal.”

Coke is a must for ironmaking, and Liang Feng does know how to make coke. There was a symposium on destroying an earthen coking plant in the bureau. The earthen kiln was almost the same as the charcoal kiln. It is also smoldering raw coal to make coke. This kind of native method consumes a lot of pollution, and it will be shut down if it is discovered by later generations. But for today, it is a cross-age invention. If there is coke, the output and quality of iron will be greatly improved. How can you let go of such a powerful thing!

With Liang Feng’s affirmation, Ge Hong and Liu Jian were both excited, this is another great achievement! If it can produce good iron, it will be of great help to the Liang Mansion.

After talking about this accidental discovery, Ge Hong remembered what he did when he came to Liang Mansion. He returned to the courtyard and took a piece of porcelain: “After coming to Fuzhong, I followed Jiang Jiantou to burn the kiln for several days and found that it was in the kiln. There are also color-changing porcelains. This may have something in common with the variegated colors in colored glaze. I blended some materials and fired the porcelain, and it really changed in color. Just like copper and iron, it can vary with the temperature of the furnace. If the impurities in the colored glaze material are removed, the colorless glass that the mansion said can be burned out!”

Looking at the fancy broken porcelain piece in Ge Hong’s hand, Liang Feng was speechless again. Isn’t this kind of glaze the embryonic form of the Tang Sancai for later generations? Although most of Tang Sancai were tombs, they were all the rage, and dignitaries and nobles were buried with them. Not to mention the various official kiln works after the development of glaze. It is of course important to get rid of impurities in the glass, but the ability to burn glazes in porcelain is also a big deal for money!

He is really confused. Putting a chemical genius, just making some explosives, acid and alkali, isn’t it a violent thing? !

With a long sigh, Liang Feng said: “I knew the great talents of Zhichuan a long time ago, but never thought about where they should be used. It is a certain negligence. It seems that only in-depth production can we use the power of Zhichuan!”

Ge Hong: “…”

What’s wrong with Fujun? Isn’t colorless glass not made yet?

Regardless of their inexplicable expressions, Liang Feng rushed to hold the two of them: “Let me meet the two craftsmen Jiang and Ding. I’m afraid it’s the workshop, I won’t be free this year.”

The author has something to say: The 44-cubic-meter blast furnace in the Han Dynasty produced 570 kg of iron per day, with an annual output of about 60 tons, and it has long been known to add limestone to aid melting. Coal began to be used in the Jin Dynasty, and coke was produced in the Song Dynasty. Both small blast furnaces and coke in the Ming Dynasty were very mature. The ancients are so hungry, you need to be cautious when passing through the invention =w=

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