Royal Road

Chapter 162

Chapter 161

Yangyi? For a moment, Ge Hong thought he was listening. But seeing Liang Feng’s expression, his back immediately shuddered, and even his breathing was a little short: “The mansion is going to attack Yangyi?”

Now that Yangyi has just been taken by the Huns, such a fortress must naturally be firmly guarded, and it can be captured wherever one wants to attack. However, Liang Feng spoke directly and named him the magistrate of Yangyi. If Ge Hong hadn’t understood this manor, he would have thought he was confused and hysteria!

“The Shangdang needs Yangyi as a barrier. If this city fails, Jinyang will be in danger.” Liang Feng said solemnly.

This is also the strategic goal he finally determined after spending a lot of effort. The geographical location of Yangyi is too critical. It is the main link between Shangdang and Jinyang. Yangyi was seized, and it would be extremely difficult to contact the defenders in Jinyang City. The Xiongnu separated Jinyang from the Shangdang, and it was easy to break each one.

If a battlefield must be delineated, Yangyi is indeed the best choice.

“But…” Ge Hong hesitated for a moment, “…but if there are countless thousands of horses in Yangyi and other strong cities, how can it be recovered in more than a month? Not to mention that the Huns are still outside Jinyang. Yangyi, you can arrive in half a day!”

People have a strong city and a large army. How can they be defeated by fighting? How could Ge Hong have read military books and went to the battlefield, how could he not know the absurdity of this matter?

“If it were in the past, it would be extremely difficult to capture Yangyi. But this time it was extraordinary, with the help of the sky. According to Li Zile’s calculation, next year’s Zhengdan, the sun will eclipse!” Liang Feng revealed his trump card.

Ge Hong couldn’t believe his ears: “Are you going to go to war on Zhengdan? Because of the solar eclipse?!”

What a joke! Zhengdan was originally the day to stop the war, not to mention the major weather changes such as the solar eclipse. If there is a solar eclipse, even the Zhengdan dynasty will stop, not to mention that it is a war!

Liang Feng didn’t mean to partly joking: “Even though we repelled the Huns before, our army has also lost a lot of strength. If we fight again in the future, the Shangdang will have no power to fight back. Won Ri was chosen because of surprises. This change is the key to scaring off the Huns. In order to join the tens of thousands of people in the party, this battle must be fought!”

Ge Hong knew more or less the current situation of the Shangdang. Insufficient troops, flood of refugees, and a battleground, if the Huns attack again, let alone hundreds of soldiers, all the cities will be at stake. Did he give up this county like Sima Teng? Or use it as a battlefield, turning all the cities into a piece of scorched earth?

In any case, Ge Hong didn’t want to choose. After a moment of silence, he opened his mouth and said: “How can the monarch be sure that the solar eclipse will come? It should be noted that the Taishiling of Jiantian may not be able to calculate the eclipse of the sun and the moon, let alone Li Xin, who is a mess? There was once Taishi prophesied the Yuanzheng solar eclipse, and all the officials made suggestions to cancel the Yuanhui. Xun ordered the monarch to insist on holding it, but the solar eclipse did not happen. The historians would make mistakes, and the cataclysm might disappear by itself. If everything is suppressed in the eclipse Above, isn’t it absurd?”

“You don’t need a solar eclipse to seize the city.” Liang Feng said, “This time the siege, the ultimate move is gunpowder. Therefore, whether there is a solar eclipse or not, it’s just God’s help!”

Ge Hong was stunned. He is the person in charge of the development and production of gunpowder, and he naturally knows the current development situation. The use of this object to attack the city has always been the main direction of research and development, and some instruments that can be used are indeed made. However, who would have expected it to be used at this time!

Can you conquer the city by surprise with gunpowder? Ge Hong actually couldn’t guarantee that, after all, no one had ever tried it. But when a solar eclipse occurs, can you conquer the city with gunpowder? This is a question that does not need to be answered at all.

It turned out that Liang Zixi had this idea. Just like the great victory in Lucheng!

There was an unspeakable emotion in his chest. Everyone regarded the solar eclipse as a natural disaster, but no one dared to regard this vision as the help of God. Is this act boldly or desperately? Ge Hong tightened his lips: “You know, the eclipse is deceiving the lord? Even if it can scare the Xiongnu back, it may not be a good thing for the monarch.”

The sun is yang, and the moon is yin, so a solar eclipse is the image of yin invading yang and the minister concealing the king. At the end of the Han Dynasty, if a solar eclipse occurred, the three gongs might be guilty or even killed. If you choose Yuanzheng to send troops and a solar eclipse occurs during the siege, it is difficult to say about Liang Feng’s wind.

Hearing this, Liang Feng said: “If we can save the people in this county, how can we avoid misfortune and fortune?”

Of course he thought about using the impact of the solar eclipse. This is not a good omen, but the most ferocious of all celestial phenomena. “The Book of the Later Han Dynasty” has said: “The supreme husband does not pass the sky, and the sky changes as much as the solar eclipse” is the conclusion of this era. What’s more, there is the meaning of Chen Kejun.

If the Sima County kings of Luoyang or Chang’an knew about this, they might think of him. But now is not the time to think about these things. If he doesn’t try, he probably won’t be able to wait for those surnamed Sima to come to Xingshi to question him. Moreover, Liu Yuan claimed to be his true fate, but he was taken back by the eclipse Yangyi, and the deterrent effect would only be even better.

Seeing the calm expression of the person in front of him, Ge Hong didn’t know what to say. Who can do everything possible to save the people of a place even if they bear a wicked name? Sima Teng has already escaped, and more princes who are in high positions and hold heavy soldiers are fighting between Luoyang and Chang’an, just to hold the emperor to command the princes. Does anyone care about the struggling people?

Ge Hong had experienced wars. The rebellion initiated by Zhang Chang and Bai Bing stirred up the whole Jiangnan and almost harmed his family. With hundreds of fellow villagers from his hometown, Ge Hong joined the rebels in order to eliminate the military disaster and save more lives. Unfortunately, no one cares about his merits. And now, someone needs him to stand up again and save the people in this county.

“The city of Yangyi is in danger, not a perfect place. However, if you get the help of Ge Lang in this battle, you will be foolproof!” Seeing the entanglement on Ge Hong’s face, Liang Feng gathered his sleeves and bowed his head.

This is the best candidate he can think of. Although Ge Hong is not old, he is not less talented than others. To stand out in the war, his art of war and courage are not inferior to others. What is even more rare is that gunpowder is a sharp weapon developed for Ge Hong. No one knows the usage of those siege weapons better than him.

Can command frontal siege operations, use gunpowder to the utmost safety, and even face the astronomical spectacle of solar eclipse, without being confused. More importantly, Ge Hong is a “owner”. After conquering the city, he can directly take over Yangyi to ensure its normal operation and incorporate it into the Shangdang defense system. No one under Liang Feng can do this. Even the new Linghu situation can’t.

This worship carried a solemnity far beyond “courtesy”.

However, Ge Hong’s mood is no longer the excitement he had when he was just appointed to be an official. In the bottom of his heart, there was a bit of emotion, a bit of boldness, and he exhaled the breath that pressed against his chest for a long time. He bowed his sleeves and bowed: “Thanks to the Lord Palace, I wish to give it a try!”

The same sentence, the second time, has a completely different meaning from the previous one.

January flies quickly, and the weather in the state is getting colder and colder. It’s a pity that there was no snow this winter. Apart from the cold, it was a worrying drought. I don’t know if it will affect the harvest next year.

Although he lost the battle in Shangdang, Liu Yuan hunted wildly in Lari, told his ancestors, worshipped the heaven and the earth, and also prepared for the Yuan and Japanese dynasty. This is the second Yuanhui held since the founding of Han. Sima Teng flees, and the state is empty, the significance of this dynasty meeting is also extraordinary. Don’t say it is a hundred officials, even the generals who are out of the field have to rush back to Lishi.

If it were to change the battlefield, I am afraid no one would dare to act so recklessly. But Bingzhou is not what it used to be, and the generals of the Jin army are all shrouded in the city, hoping that the Huns will not come to attack the city. The cities that have fallen into the Han state are connected together, watching each other, and they are not afraid of being attacked by others. Having said that, even if there is a battle to be fought, Qingqi will arrive in two days from Lishi to Jinyang. Who can conquer those strong cities within two days?

Therefore, not to mention that the generals above, even the soldiers guarding the city, rarely relax. After a year of fighting, it finally reached the end of the year. There are rewards, food and drink, why not have a good year?

With this mindset from top to bottom, no one would worry about war. The newly-occupied city of Yangyi is no exception. There are 800 Huns in the city, and there are more than 1,000 Jin troops who have returned. But no one was afraid of these soldiers rebelling. On the contrary, those who offered to surrender Kaesong wanted Han to win the most. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be meaningless to betray the Lord?

With so many people guarding the city, the general guarding the city gave an order early to hold a banquet on New Year’s Eve. This kind of big banquet, the rare drinks are open to supply, and everyone drinks happily.

Hearing the cheers coming from the city, the soldiers still standing at the head of the city were all itching and unbearable. It was also because of bad luck that it was their turn to watch the night. At this time, who can stick to the post wholeheartedly? It’s just an errand. After little effort, some colleagues secretly transported the wine and meat to the top of the city, and the soldiers sat around in twos and threes, eating and drinking.

However, just as these absent-minded city defenders gathered around to keep warm and steal their lips, a few shadows quietly turned over the city wall and touched the Yangyi Mansion. No one noticed these flashing shadows. They didn’t know the ghosts or the ghosts. They lurked into the temporary center of Yangyi City, quietly waiting for the arrival of the prey.

Celebrate all night. When it was destiny, the soldiers at the head of the city got up sleepily. I didn’t dare to drink too much wine, but the food was filled with stomachache. With a comfortable feeling of fullness, a soldier clamped his wrapped winter clothes, rubbed his eyes, and looked out of the city. This glance surprised him in place.

I saw an army waiting in full battle, inexplicably appearing outside the city gate.

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