Royal Road

Chapter 163

Chapter 162

Where is this **** soldier from? ! Anyone who sees the foreground of the eye will be stunned first. Yangyi has an open terrain, if an enemy comes, you can detect it within a few miles. But last night there was no moon, and no torches were seen. How did such an army of 3,000 men and men come under the city?

After the consternation, he was terrified. Just by clothing, you can recognize that this is a Jin army. However, there is a large army stationed near Jinyang, and the road to Shangdang is also controlled by the rush. Wuxiang, the nearest to here, had to climb over the mountains, not to mention more than seventy miles of mountain roads, and it was impossible for an enemy army to appear outside of Yangyi overnight.

Could it be possible that they came here with wings out? ! The drunkenness instantly turned into cold sweat, so how dare the soldier hesitate, struggling to sound the alarm!

“There is an enemy! An enemy is coming!”

The harsh bell ringing broke the silence of dawn, and also forcibly called those who had not yet awakened from the hangover. He drank too much last night and spent the night at Hualiu. Pi General Liu Mang ran to the main general’s bedroom without wearing his shirt neatly. The general of his family drank more than he did, fearing that he never woke up. If the military situation is delayed, something big will happen!

It’s a hell! Today is Yuanri, why is there an enemy coming? !

Full of fright, he ran to the door of the bedroom, calmed down and said: “General! The alarm bell is ringing, and the enemy is coming!”

However, no answer came from the room. After realizing it, Liu Mang realized that no one was standing guard in the courtyard. The entire courtyard was terribly quiet, with an ominous smell. His face changed drastically, he reached out and pushed open the door, the pungent smell of blood greeted his face. Liu Mang opened his mouth wide: “General…General!”

On the bed, there was a headless corpse, with blood all over the ground, which had long condensed into a dark brown color. Already drunk, Liu Mang almost vomited when he was overwhelmed by the smell. However, this shock also made the drunkenness involved in his body disappear without a trace.

An assassin came to the door in the middle of the night and snatched the head of the general. In the early morning of the next day, a large army of soldiers approached the city… This is a traitor! Not daring to delay, Liu Mang hurriedly rushed out of the room and said loudly to the guards: “Control the surrendering Jin army! If there is any suspicious behavior, interrogate immediately! Send another two hundred people to guard the head of the city!”

After the orders were passed down, Yangyi immediately became a mess!

“General Ge, the head of the city guard has fallen to the ground.” Upon receiving the news from the dead man, Yi Yan immediately said that he knew Ge Hong.

“It deserves to be a daring soldier in the army. In this way, the siege will be much easier.” Ge Hongzan said.

Today’s troops are dispatched, and it is a surprise soldier. A few days ago, everyone gathered in Wuxiang and sent scouts to walk back and forth along the mountain road to determine the best marching route.

Departed before dark yesterday, and rushed at night. I only took a rest for one night, and drove a full seventy miles of mountain roads, and before dawn, he came to the city of Yangyi. This kind of marching intensity is night again, but the formation is not chaotic at all, which is really breathtaking. Ge Hong had also practiced swordsmanship anyway, his body was quite strong, and he had to ride a horse for a long time before he could barely keep up with the team. It can be seen how brave these soldiers under Yi Yan are.

Taking advantage of the night, the whole army had rested for an hour before dawn. Now that the reorganization of the team has the power to deter others. But these are second, the death squad sent by Yiyan is the prelude to this battle.

A group of six people sneaked into the city at night, lurked beside the defending general, and took the head of the opponent when they were not prepared. Nowadays, in Yangyi city, there are both Huns and soldiers. When you meet an assassin at night, you will see an enemy under the city during the day. What do ordinary people think? It is nothing more than combining the inside with the outside, taking the opportunity to make chaos. As long as the benefits left behind are not too dull, they will immediately attack the descendants. In this way, there is no need to siege the city, and the city will be messed up first.

Once the people in the city are in chaos, their plan can be implemented.

Yi Yan turned on his horse and said in a deep voice, “I’ll take the cavalry to surround the side first to guard against reinforcements. The siege will be left to you.”

“School Lieutenant Yi rest assured.” This is not the first time Ge Hong has led troops, and the plan for a siege has been drawn up long ago. On the contrary, it was easier than Yi Yan’s task.

The cavalry of the brigade galloped towards the south gate, and Ge Hong turned and ordered: “Let’s start construction!”

Following the order, dozens of craftsmen began to move. In this night raid, the team was streamlined to the extreme, and they didn’t even bring much grain. However, there are still several large vehicles in the team, loaded with exactly what is necessary for this siege: the thunderbolt.

This time, the Perak battalion directly allocated forty artillery and the same number of craftsmen to transport the Perak artillery and provide effective fire support at the same time. Several college officials have checked the height and distance of the city, and on the west side of the main gate, a gun cart has been set up on the spot. All the craftsmen are skilled, and they assemble the scattered parts without much effort.

These three gun carriages were a bit taller than those used in the previous Shangdang offensive and defensive wars. According to the gunner’s instructions, they stood three hundred steps away from the city gate. This is too close to the city gate, which is comparable to the range of a crossbow. If the defender leaves the city, it will not take long to rush and destroy the artillery cart.

However, in any siege, the defender will not easily open the city. Because the enemy’s military formation was also within the same distance, people might be able to cover up with the effort of the Kaicheng lineup. It is better to stick to the gate and wait for work with ease.

It is precisely because of this that the range of the siege equipment does not need to be too far. It is already quite terrifying that a large artillery like this can shoot out more than 300 pieces.

Looking up at the sky, Ge Hong raised his volume and said loudly: “The gun car is ready, the stone projectile is thrown!”

In the sound of his command, the three behemoths moved. The counterweight wooden basket squeaked down, and the stone dumping bag behind it popped out violently, and the dull sound of breaking through the air sounded. More than 20 kilograms of stones broke out of the rope net and flew towards the city walls of Yangyi City!

More than a dozen army leaders were quickly brought under control, and the trial was directly culled when confronted with resistance. After finally suppressing the more than a thousand Jin troops, Liu Mang led his soldiers directly to the top of the city.

Contrary to what he expected, the army outside the city hadn’t even begun to attack the city. More than a thousand cavalrymen have already rushed straight to the south gate and blocked the retreat. There are still two thousand foot soldiers in front, all with guns and knives, standing in front of the city gate. But why didn’t they attack the city?

“General Liu Pi, the Jin army is assembling the Explosive Cannon!” A soldier who had boarded the gate immediately responded.

Liu Mang was shocked. The soldiers below may not know it, but these generals have all heard of how powerful the Shangdang cannons are. The 20,000 army led by Luli Wang Liu Cong was repelled by this thing. Although he doesn’t know exactly how the Thunderbolt will fight the enemy in the field, this thing is definitely more powerful when used in siege!

“I used a bed crossbow to shoot a rocket and burned that gun cart!” Liu Mang ordered immediately!

“The distance is not enough!” The school officer in charge of the rhubarb crossbow shook his head again and again, “It’s a few dozen steps away. If you shoot the crossbow now, it’s just a waste of effort.”

The crossbow machine also requires manpower. What’s more, it was difficult to attack the city at the beginning, and the number of crossbow bolts left was not large, so it was empty, what should the enemy do when the enemy attacked the city?

Liu Mang gritted his teeth: “Never mind, they only have three Thunderbolt cars. As long as the reinforcements arrive!”

What do these people think, three thousand people dare to attack Yangyi? Even if the inside meets the outside, it may not be able to pry open the city gate in one day. The army was on the outskirts of Jinyang, and within half a day, they could help. Isn’t it easy to wipe them out? !

“Quickly, light a beacon for help!” Liu Mang ordered.

However, before the soldiers approached the beacon tower, a whistling sounded under the city. The thunderbolt fired!

“Be careful!” I don’t know who yelled, and all the soldiers on the front of the city were far away from the arrow.

The purpose of blasting and throwing stones is to smash the city wall and hide under the arrow, but it is an act of seeking death. Unexpectedly, the expected collision did not occur, the huge stone flew past the city wall, and fell straight into the city!

Shot missed! Liu Mang was overjoyed in his heart. It seems that the rumors are not true that such a large wall can also shoot off the track! The most important thing to use the Thunderbolt is to use a boulder to smash the city wall or the city gate, destroy the wall with great momentum, and make it easier for soldiers to attack the city. However, the accuracy of this gun is really not very attractive.

However, as soon as that joy was born, there was a cry of crying in the city. Liu Mang’s face changed drastically, he ran to the wall and looked down. In the direction of the barracks close to the city wall, the whole area was bloodstained, and several soldiers with missing arms and legs screamed again and again. Before he could react, the second stone bullet also landed in the city.

It was not an ordinary stone, but a polished round sphere. The huge momentum did not smash the stone bullet, just like a rampaging wild boar, it broke into the crowd, as long as it hits it, it will immediately fly! The third one didn’t have that good luck, and it smashed directly to the slate floor. However, more stone flakes splashed, and there was another wailing!

Their goal is not the city wall! Liu Mang buzzed in his head and roared loudly: “Quick! Stand against the wall! Get away!”

Three stone bullets flew out, and the gunner next to the thunderbolt cannon said loudly, “The stone bullets enter the city!”

This is exactly what Ge Hong needs to achieve. They are good for attacking the city, but they have to defend the city themselves. The city wall was broken with artillery, and when the Huns came back, how to guard against it?

Therefore, the wall is not his goal at all. Those defenders in the city are!

“Continue!” Ge Hong ordered very calmly.

The gunners got busy immediately, pulled down the tip of the gun, fixed the net, stirred the twist plate to make the heavy wooden basket rise back to its original position. Half a quarter of an hour passed, and the gun carriage was ready again and began another round of shooting.

A total of five rounds of stone bullets were fired. This is all the projectiles that can be transported by the baggage. It takes a lot of effort just to polish the stone ball, and it will be thrown away in a blink of an eye.

After half an hour passed, he had not sent a single soldier to attack the city. After looking at the sky again, Ge Hong ordered: “Prepare the fire bomb, be slower.”

The slingshot net was replaced with a gun butt. One by one, the black clay pots were placed on the support, and a gunner took a rocket and carefully ignited the grease on it. When the flames started to burn, the gunner quickly retreated and stood aside.

The weight of the fire bomb is lighter than the stone bomb, and the range is naturally longer. Hearing only a few sharp sounds, the burning fireball pounced towards the head of the city. The clay pots were filled with kerosene obtained from even coke. It burned with black smoke and a foul smell, and it was more difficult to extinguish than ordinary grease. The soldiers who were hiding in the barracks or corners were miserable, and the hissing sound rose with the thick smoke.

Liu Mang’s face turned green: “Fight the fire! Send someone to fight the fire!”

The fire bombs dropped this time didn’t just fall in the city, but some fell directly on the top of the city. The city was full of city defense equipment, and those rolling logs and arrow feathers burned directly. Even some soldiers also affected the pond fish.

The boiling water that had been boiled to prevent the enemy forces was used in another direction. Liu Mang couldn’t even care about the barracks that burned down below. In the unlikely event that the city’s head burns, the enemy will take advantage of the emptiness to enter, and it will be possible to seize the city within a short time. I don’t know how many spies are lying in ambush in the city. If the city gate opens, the winner will be decided immediately!

Fortunately, I don’t know whether the following thunderbolt winds up too slowly, or the enemy has insufficient ammunition. The flames that flew into the city wall were less than expected, desperately trying to fight the fire, and even slightly stopped the fire. Has the enemy started attacking the city? Liu Mang did not dare to relax for a moment, staring closely at the army formation under the city.

At this time, Ge Hong paid attention to the sky.

Throwing two kinds of projectiles has taken more than an hour, and the distance from that time is getting closer and closer. His heart also thumped.

Can Li Xin count?

In another half an hour, half an hour…

As if responding to his expectations, the sun hanging in the sky suddenly turned red. It was like a blazing light, stabbed by something, and began to converge.

Ge Hong was shocked and walked quickly to the front of the gun car: “Prepare thunder bombs.”

His voice is not loud, only a few gunners can hear clearly. These people are Sun Jiao’s confidantes, and they are the elite trained by Ge Hong. Upon hearing this order, they immediately opened a wooden box and took out a few iron bullets.

This is made by the most experienced clockmaker of the Shangdang. The walls are thin and hollow, and there is a layer of silk wool in it. Then half a can of gunpowder was placed densely. Just ignite the long fuse above, and it won’t take long to explode.

Ge Hong personally tested this kind of thunder bomb. Different from the original artillery battle, after the thin iron sheet is exploded, it can scatter and injure people, and the stone slabs a few inches thick can also explode into thin pieces. More importantly, its sound is extremely amazing. It’s like a flat mine.

With this thunder bomb, most of the enemies can be panicked, and taking this opportunity to attack the city is just like turning back. However, there are better opportunities.

The daylight is getting darker and darker, as if someone was covering a curtain in the sky. At this time, someone successively reacted, looking up at the sky, and the cry of exclamation immediately sounded.


A small black spot appeared quietly, as if a piece of the sun wheel had been bitten off by something. Is this a solar eclipse? ! How could there be a solar eclipse at this moment? !

Don’t say it was a soldier from below, even Liu Mang panicked. Was it because they threw troops in Yuanri that caused God’s punishment?

Come truce! Truce now! Liu Mang wanted to shout, but his throat seemed to be blocked, and he couldn’t even open his mouth. The city was in chaos, and many people knelt down, and some even started looking for something to take advantage of, trying to make a sound and startle the tengu who bit the sun.

Under the city, the soldiers were also in chaos. There are not many people who know the eclipse, but how many people can restrain their fear in the face of sudden changes in the sky?

Everyone was in a mess, only Ge Hong stood in front of the gun cart and took a deep breath. Li Xin is hit! In other words, the heavenly majesty of assisting the mansion has arrived. How to respond, Ge Hong will not hesitate at all.

He personally took a rocket, he put the flame on the fuse, hissing, the star flame lit up.

“Drop a bomb!”

Following his order, the black projectile flew into the sky.

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