Royal Road

Chapter 164

Chapter 163

In the office of Lucheng Mansion, Liang Feng stood in the courtyard with his hands upside down. Today was Zhengdan, but the county government did not hold a Yuanhui, and even his staff were not with him, only a small figure stood by.

“Father, will there really be a solar eclipse today?” Liang Rong was a little uneasy, but he dared not raise his head and look directly at the sun. Father said, looking at the sky, it is easy to be burned by the sun. Therefore, he could only look carefully at the copper basin in front of him, and observe the situation in the sky from the surface of the water dripped with ink.

“According to Li Zile’s calculation, there will be a solar eclipse.” Liang Feng’s voice was calm, but his heart was not as calm as it appeared.

The troop dispatch this time is considered a military adventure. In order to siege the city, Fuzhong craftsmen spent more than a month rushing to make new trebuchets and various matching shells. The manpower and material resources spent on this item alone are as high as 200,000 yuan. The money is still secondary, and the most important thing is the three thousand soldiers and horses. The cavalry battalion is all dispatched, and there are two thousand elite soldiers. If the siege fails, the loss is unimaginable.

But even so adventurous, Liang Feng gritted his teeth and implemented this plan. To put it bluntly, it was a time lag, fighting for an unexpected opportunity from the Huns who were stationed in Yangyi and besieged Jinyang. The soldiers were in danger. The Red Fourth Regiment flew to capture the Luding Bridge, but under heavy rain, they ran the night and walked one hundred and twenty-six miles of mountain roads. They used 22 commandos to seize the bridge head to cooperate with the friendly forces. Occupied Luding City. Such military actions simply do not conform to common sense. However, it is precisely this kind of “extraordinary” that can give the inferior Central Red Army a chance to survive.

And today’s Shangdang has reached this critical time of life and death! How could Liang Feng give up this opportunity because he was too risky.

Arrange step by step, plan a little bit, and deduce the tactics to the extreme. Whether the solar eclipse will come is not very important for the siege. But for the subsequent strategy, it is extremely critical.

So now, he is standing here, there is no Yuanhui, no He Yi, just waiting quietly, looking forward to the appearance of the solar eclipse.

Liang Rong didn’t notice the thoughts in his father’s heart. On the contrary, his little face showed some anxiety: “But the solar eclipse is ominous…”

Liang Feng came back to his senses. Of course he knows this era, most people’s understanding of astronomical phenomena. The witchcraft wind has not faded yet, and the heavens and humans have added chains. No matter its function is to restrict the monarchy or deceive the foolish people, its influence on the world will not be easily erased.

After pondering for a moment, Liang Feng said: “Why is the solar eclipse ominous?”

Liang Rong was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: “The sun and the moon have no need to act. The four kingdoms have no politics, no need for good.”

This is a sentence in the “Book of Songs: At the Turn of October”. The beginning of the whole poem records a solar eclipse. “At the turn of October, the new moon is xinmao. The sun is eclipsed, and the hole is ugly.” This celestial phenomenon caused the poet to feel that there is no good governance in the world. “The sun, the monarch and the elephant”, once a solar eclipse occurs, it indicates that the monarchy will suffer a major disaster.

Unexpectedly, the little guy would use the “Book of Songs”, Liang Feng smiled: “Rong’er is right. But the sky can show people, but people can’t change the sky. As long as the calendar is accurate, the solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse can appear on time according to the time. This is The sky is like the sun rising and the moon setting. The four seasons are cold and hot, and no one can change it. The real omen is that the four kingdoms have no politics and do not use good things.”

This is a dialectical question. It is not the celestial phenomenon that caused the disaster of the country, but man-made. Liang Rong blinked, seemingly understandable: “Can’t the elephant show people that day?”

“Yes.” Liang Feng replied simply, “but if only a natural vision is the only way to panic and sin oneself. The country is also uneasy. How can life and death only wait for the heavens to show the country?”

He did not completely brainwash Liang Rong, to popularize various natural laws. These thoughts are too advanced, and for Liang Rong who grew up in this era, it is not a good thing. But the way of thinking and logic can be changed. No country, no system is perfect, and always paying attention to the operation of the country is fundamental. Rather than seeing a vision and being afraid of being punished by God, then he went to redeem and correct it. At that time, it was too late, and it would really respond to the omens of the sky.

This is the first time Liang Rong has heard such a statement. This thing he learned seems to be different, but it is not incomprehensible. After thinking about it for a moment, he asked: “Then, father is raising troops today to eliminate disasters and eliminate bad omens?”

This time, Liang Feng was silent for a moment before he replied: “If the sky is powerful, I can only save the Shangdang county.”

Liang Rong closed his mouth suddenly, he seemed to understand his father’s true intentions. Just like “the time, the right place, and the harmony of people” mentioned in the book of war, my father is not afraid of changes in the sky, because there is something more important than fear in his heart.

While Liang Rong was meditating, the sky suddenly changed. The originally bright sky dimmed suddenly, as if something was blocking the daylight. Reflexively, Liang Rong suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky. I saw that white sun suddenly darkened a corner, as if a piece of the sky was missing, revealing a strange and ominous feeling.

This feeling is terrible, but it is magical that makes people unable to look away. However, before his eyes were pierced with tears by the sunlight, one hand was already blocking his eyes.

“Don’t look directly at the sun.” Liang Feng said sharply.

His gaze was in the copper basin in front of him. In the ink-colored water, the round sun was already missing a corner. The eclipse really arrived! Not bad!

There was noise in the courtyard, and countless people began to exclaim. The sound of gongs and drums rang immediately, piercingly, but it was also a necessary means to get rid of the tengu. This was arranged by Liang Feng in advance, and Duan Qin and Cui Ji pacified the people and held a ceremony.

However, this sound, to Liang Feng, was more like a drum of war coming from afar. Tianwei is here, can Ge Hong grasp it?

The people in Lucheng were only frightened, but the defenders in Yangyi felt that they had fallen into a ghost. When the sky was dark, the sound of thunder rang at the same time.

The enemy’s thunderbolt artillery did not stop, but the fire bombs inside turned into nine mysterious thunders, slamming on the head of Yangyi city with a bang!

Liu Mang felt that his body was pushed violently by an invisible giant hand, flew upside down, and hit the ground severely. There was a burst of Venus in front of me, my ears were humming, and I could no longer hear the movement around me. How is this going? Something cold and fishy fell on his face. He stretched out his hand blankly, and found that his hand was already stained with blood. The nose and ears were dripping blood, and there was numbness and pain from the shoulders. He was injured, what happened to him? !

It seemed that only a moment had passed, and it seemed that a long time had passed. Liu Mang suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky! The sun in the sky has been swallowed by a half, and the black shadow is visible to the naked eye permeating the aperture, as if it is about to eat the sun one bite at a time. But why did thunder fall? Isn’t Tengu afraid of sound? Why did lightning strike the city?

Tears ooze from his eyes, and his eyes are blurred. Liu Mang realized in horror that he couldn’t see things clearly with his eyes: “Hurry… come on…”

There was an uncontrollable tremor in his voice, but no one heard it. Another thunder blasted in the city.

A shivering, Liu Mang fell to his knees. This must be God’s punishment! Why should the punishment be placed on their heads? Is it because of Yangyi city, or because of the Jin army that attacked under the city?

Yes! That is the army of the Shangdang, the hero of the Buddha…

The third thunder sounded again. Liu Mang had completely forgotten his duties, curled up into a ball, knelt on the wall, trembling and bowing to the sun that made him blind. The blood dyed his winter clothes red and took away the temperature in his body a little bit.

When the first thunder sound appeared, Ge Hong couldn’t help taking a step back slightly. Eyebrows furrowed, watching the horrible scene in front of him. The first thunder bomb was accurately thrown on the head of the city, smoke and firelight appeared at the same time, a large pile of arrows shattered in the loud noise, and several people’s shadows flew out. The sun wheel in the sky was swallowed in a fraction of a second, and in the dim sunlight, that terrible scene seemed to be carved in everyone’s pupils.

Not to mention the guards on the city, even the brave team behind him caused a commotion. A small number of people knelt down directly, and many people stood there, unable to hold the swords and guns in their hands.

Seeing this scene, Ge Hong shouted loudly: “The Xiongnu seeks rebellion, the monarch will calm the chaos, and the sky will turn thunder! This is the **** who is helping the monarch!”

His volume was extremely high, spread all over the field, and also recalled the minds of those soldiers. Yes, if God punishes them for reinvigorating troops, why are they thundering on the enemy’s city? This is clearly the man who has been blessed by the heavens and turned the fire into thunder!

A brilliance flashed in those fearful eyes. The trembling legs no longer tremble, and the hand that squeezes the sword regained strength. The commotion has stopped, it has become a force ready to go, it has become joy and courage!

Ge Hong couldn’t help but loosen his heart. It seems that the prestige of the monarch in the hearts of the people is even higher than the celestial changes. How can such morale be missed? !

Striding to the second gun carriage, he took a deep breath: “If God helps! Let the thunder fall again!”

With that said, he raised the rocket, ignited the second thunder bomb, and the artillery roared, sending this terrible weapon into Yangyi city. With a bang, the loud noise appeared again. But most of the team behind him has stood up, and it seems that even the darker and darker sun in the sky has been forgotten behind his head.

“At the moment of Tianyang Fuming, when we are attacking the head of the city for our army!” Ge Hong took another step and ignited the last thunder bomb.

It took too long for the blaster to wind up, and only these three can be thrown during a solar eclipse. But three are enough!

When the last loud bang exploded, no one in the formation called out first: “Retake Yangyi! Kill the Xiongnu!”

“Kill! Kill! Kill!” Two thousand people shouted in unison, louder than the thunder falling on the city!

As if startled by the thunderous shout, the black shadow invading the sun wheel stopped moving and began to retreat little by little. The dim shadow began to shrink, disappearing into the bright sun.

The sky will be bright!

Ge Hong drew out his sword and said loudly: “Clash with me!”

The two thousand steppers moved, like a swelling tide, rushing towards the strong city ahead!

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