Royal Road

Chapter 29

Chapter 28 Moisturizing silently

“Father, there is a dead mouse here too!” Jiang Yin stopped by the pyre and shouted. This was the fifth dead rat they found.

Several farmhouses in Yucun, County Suburb were infected with typhoid fever. According to common sense, everyone would avoid it, and even the witch doctors would not be able to invite them. The Jiang father and son rushed over early and carefully searched for nearby houses. Sure enough, several dead rats and two domestic dogs were found in the vicinity of the patient’s house. They also died unclearly.

“Is there really an epidemic?” Grand Doctor Jiang rushed over after hearing the sound. Although he was nearly seventy years old, his figure was not clumsy, and he was still full of energy.

After years of practicing medicine, the doctor Jiang’s vision was so harsh, and he could tell at a glance that there was no trauma on the dead rat. Obviously there was no injury, but a large number of deaths. Except for the “epidemic” mentioned by Liang Feng, the doctor Jiang really couldn’t think of a better answer.

Jiang Yin took a step forward, trying to take a closer look at the dead rat, but was stopped by the doctor Jiang, “It’s not careless. Liang Zixi said that this thing can be passed on to people through blood-sucking bugs. If there is a fleas. , It’s dangerous.”

It is only April and no mosquitoes have been born yet. No wonder typhoid fever occurs frequently in summer and autumn. If the “epidemic” is really carried by mosquitoes, shouldn’t it break out in summer?

“How many mosquitoes, mice and ants are in the world, and if the pests are really attached to such things, how can they be prevented?” Jiang Yin frowned and asked in a low voice.

Doctor Jiang shook his head, but he couldn’t think of a way. If it is impossible to prevent, even if you know the source of the epidemic, what use is it?

He sighed, and said: “Wait for Darer’s news first. Since the Buddha had taught the disease in a dream, Liang Zixi should know how to solve it.”

Hurrying all the way, it took only six or seven days to reach Liang Mansion from Jinyang, but when Jiang Da saw Liang Feng, he was still shocked. My father had clearly diagnosed and treated him before. Why didn’t he see any improvement, but became so sick? The eye sockets of the person on the couch were sunken and skinny, no matter how amazing their looks were, they couldn’t conceal the heavy illness on their bodies. Could it be that the medicine is not right, what happened?

“How did Liang Langjun become sick like this!” Jiang Da ignored the etiquette, stepped forward quickly, grabbed Liang Feng’s wrist, and cut his pulse.

“The Danshi has been activated these few days, and it’s a little wasted.” Liang Feng’s answer was gentle and polite, and he couldn’t hear much emotion.

After closing his eyes and numbing the pulse for a long time, Jiang Da also sighed: “It is true that Danshi was initiated. Most of the symptoms will be affected by taking the medicine. The medicine is difficult to treat, and you can only suffer. However, you have not taken the medicine without authorization. It is also symptomatic. After this month, the body will gradually recover.”

With that said, Jiang Da glanced at the man lying on the couch again. You know, taking Wushisan too many people are addicted to patients. Once the Danshi attacks, no matter how high your status and demeanor you are, you will inevitably twitch and bark and lose your mood. Even if it is mild, it will be violent, mentally disordered, and inaccessible.

Because of the terrible symptoms of Danshi, those who take Wushisan will rarely stop drug addiction. Even if the doctors urged them to do so, they would use the medicine again, killing themselves. However, the person in front of him, even if he was only half of his breath, had not taken it again. What’s more rare is that his fingers have been trembling slightly, but the clarity in his eyes has not been reduced by half, and he can answer the questions as well as he can, without any gaffe.

This is not something ordinary people can do. No wonder he can make Wang Zhongzheng amazed.

Seeing Jiang Dana’s slightly approving expression, Liang Feng sighed in his heart. What he wanted was not the admiration of others, but to stop the **** withdrawal reaction. These days, if you don’t eat well and sleep well, you don’t stop for a moment when your hands are shaking. Fortunately, the hidden dangers of Liang Mansion have been eliminated one by one, and the slow pace of life in ancient times was scary, otherwise, he would have burned out his oil.

However, he did not doubt what the young doctor said. If there is any placebo or special medicine in Wushisan, can it still be poisonous for a hundred years and harm several generations? It seems that there is no other way except for hard resistance.

With a slight click, Liang Feng replied: “With the words of Brother Jiang, I feel relieved.”

Looking at Liang Feng’s appearance, Jiang Da couldn’t help adding: “But Liang Langjun can’t take it carelessly. Recently, he has to take a good rest and eat some medicated food. By the way, Wang Zhongzheng also asked me to bring some medicinal materials this time. There are a few flavors in it that can soothe the nerves. I will write a recipe for a while and make it into a fragrant powder. Burning at night can also help sleep.

“It’s so good, thank you brother Jiang.” Liang Feng’s eyes lit up, and he can have some sleeping pills to help him reduce his nightmares.

Seeing the expression of the person in front of him, Jiang Da also felt relieved. He coughed slightly and said: “This time, the family has something to do, stay in Tong Da, and send me to give Liang Langjun a medical treatment. In addition to the previous oral administration. In addition to the medicine, acupuncture and medicated bath are used to help detoxify. However, Liang Langjun’s body is too weak, and he is afraid that he will have to take a few more days to use acupuncture. Liang Langjun is also asked to calm down and take care of it. ”

Unexpectedly, this Doctor Jiang not only returned to the clinic, but also served as a physical therapist. This treatment was much more than the last time! Did the sent letter work, or did they discover the key problem with the source of the plague?

As soon as he turned his mind, Liang Feng smiled and said, “Unexpectedly, Doctor Jiang would not be able to come. I don’t know the ‘epidemic’ mentioned last time. Have you found out the clues?”

Jiang Da coughed lightly: “It’s true that I came to Liang Mansion this time not only for the consultation of Liang Langjun, but also for the’epidemic’. My father and brother have been searching around the county town recently, and they are indeed suffering from typhoid fever. A dead rat was found in the patient’s home. In fact, a long time ago, I suspected that the disease was not just filthy. Those high-ranking nobles are all avoiding typhoid such as snakes and scorpions, but even if there are no patients around, they will unknowingly contract typhoid, which is really suspicious. Now that I saw the dead rat, I just realized it.”

This is also where Jiang Da is most interested in the disease. Logically, as long as you don’t come into contact with patients with typhoid fever and keep your door shut, you can stop the infection. However, after the outbreak of the epidemic in one place, whether rich or poor, high or low, the disease always appeared one after another, and it was impossible to prevent it. Even if they move away, some people will continue to be infected. Many people say that this is the pandemic. Now think about it, I’m afraid that sick rats were trapped in the team, and some mosquitoes sucked the patient’s blood and spread it to other people. It’s just to guard against the contact between people. Who would have thought that these little wild mice are causing trouble?

“But if the disease really comes from pests and rats, how can the disease be eliminated?” This is also something Jiang Da is very confused about. Is it possible that what secret method can the Buddha pass down to kill all pests?

“You only need to control the source.” In the past few days, the illness is intolerable. In order to divert attention, Liang Feng also carefully recalled the key issues about epidemic prevention. Now that someone who knows medical skills has finally come, he naturally cheered up and said, “First of all, you can sprinkle lime water made from lime in the epidemic area and sprinkle it on the place where the patient has been. The lime water must be used now. , Can’t be left for too long.”

“Lime? But the kind of white ash used to build the tomb?” Jiang Da was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood. The so-called lime is white ash. There are also many ash practice yards among the people, producing white ash for wall painting and tomb building. This thing can prevent insects, this effect is also necessary if you want to.

Liang Feng nodded slightly: “Lime can not only kill insects and lice, but it can also be poured into the water to get rid of mosquito larvae. It is very useful. But when it is spilled, it does not hurt people.”

Quicklime can generate heat when mixed with water, and too much seems to be harmful to the human body. But in the face of the plague, these little things are nothing. He continued: “There are still people who have died. The body is best burned. If not, use white ash to bury the body as soon as possible. All clothing that has been contaminated with patient feces, vomit, and blood should also be burned.”

This Jiang Da can naturally understand that when he encounters a malignant illness such as smallpox, he also needs to burn off the clothes contaminated by the patient. As for burning the corpse, it’s a bit difficult, but being able to bury it in white ash can be considered as a burial for some people.

“By the way, whether you are visiting a doctor or preventing an epidemic, it is best to cover your mouth and nose with a cloth towel. In case of foulness, you can also resist one or two. Also, don’t touch the items with the epidemic, just wrap your hands. A layer of cloth towels, or a wooden clip or the like, will be much better.” Masks are a major invention in the history of medicine, and they are of great help to medical staff. Talents are rare. If these doctors are also infected with the plague, it would be bad.

This article is entirely for the sake of doctors. When Jiang Da nodded, he couldn’t help but speculate to himself, did the Buddha point out this article? Are you afraid that Liang Langjun’s thoughts are appropriate?

“Finally, it’s a trivial matter. Wash your hands before eating to prevent the entrance of insects. Take a bath regularly and clean the house to reduce insects and lice. Bury sewage ditches to prevent mosquitoes from reproducing, or use wormwood and other medicinal materials to prevent mosquitoes. Get close. Kill fewer night owls and vegetable snakes and let them hunt wild mice. Over time, the typhoid fever may be controlled.” Liang Feng finished speaking in one breath, and took a breath.

In this era, I am afraid that epidemic prevention can only do this. Although I don’t know how useful it can be, but controlling the source of the disease as much as possible and reducing the spread of the plague can save a life, it is a life.

Is it just that, can typhoid fever be eliminated? Jiang Da was a little unbelievable. However, when I think about it, I think it makes some sense. Even if the typhoid fever cannot be completely eliminated, if the states and governments can implement one or two, they will be able to control the number of people infected with typhoid. This is a great act of kindness!

Looking at Liang Feng’s pale and thin face, Jiang Da sighed: “If Liang Langjun’s method is really feasible, it will save countless people.”

Liang Feng smiled and said, “It’s better to let the book “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” compiled by Master Zu be able to pass on Zhang Changsha’s medical books. It is a charitable act. I also hope that your government will find more doctors to study the disease of typhoid fever, brainstorming, and produce Really effective prescriptions come.”

The plague does have proven prescriptions in Chinese medicine, and Liang Feng is very clear about this. But when he discovered it and who discovered it, he didn’t know anything. Rather than working behind closed doors for generations, it is better to find more people to exchange research results, maybe it can promote the birth of special drugs. It’s just that the medical technique is considered to be an unspoken secret, and I don’t know how many people can truly break it.

Jiang Da hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: “Do your best.”

With this, that’s enough. Liang Feng leaned back on Pingji and took a breath: “Brother Lao Jiang.”

Seeing Liang Feng’s haggard face, Jiang Da couldn’t help but said again: “Liang Langjun still has to rest a lot. Danshi’s seizures are not trivial and should not be neglected.”

This matter, Liang Feng knows much better than him. It’s just that I don’t find something to do for myself, and I’m afraid that I’m going to have depression. The withdrawal reaction is not a joke. However, the other party was also kind, and Liang Feng smiled slightly: “There are doctors Jiang and brother Jiang to take care of, what’s the fear?”

This smile is simply heartbreaking. Jiang Da couldn’t help but smile: “Don’t worry, I won’t leave Liang Mansion recently. Let me write a calming recipe, Liang Langjun try it tonight…”

That night, Jiang Da’s prescription for calming the nerves came in handy, and the medicinal spices quickly soothed Liang Feng’s nerves and plunged him into deep sleep.

That night, there were neither night terrors nor attacks. When Liang Feng opened his eyes again, the sky was already bright outside the window. Both Lu Zhu and Yi Yan were happy, and they seemed to be happier than Liang Feng himself.

Briskly helping his Lang Jun clean face to change clothes, Green Bamboo said with joy: “This benzoin is really useful! The medicated diet has also been cooked, and the servants will bring them to Lang Jun!”

Yi Yan moved faster, already standing in front of the couch with a bowl in his hand, looking like he wanted to help Liangfeng get up and take medicine.

“This is medicated diet. It should be used slowly. Give me the bowl quickly!” Lu Zhu groaned.

“I know.” Yi Yan didn’t move, relying on himself to be taller than the little girl, putting the bowl high up, as if he couldn’t make any step.

“You **** man…” Lu Zhu clenched his small fist, looking like he wanted to kick him.

Looking at the two little guys fighting with cats and dogs in front of him, Liang Feng blinked and smiled: “Let’s put it down, I’ll drink it myself.”

The sound immediately calmed the two of them, the joy in Lu Zhu’s eyes became heavier, and he quickly moved a small case and placed it in front of Liang Feng. Yi Yan slowly put down the bowl, but his eyes remained close to Liang Feng.

Seeing the bowl of rice porridge exuding medicinal flavor, Liang Feng took a breath, slowly picked up the spoon soup, and drank the porridge. Although his hands were still trembling slightly, they were not as trembling as they had been a few days ago. I don’t know if adequate sleep played a role, or the withdrawal reaction was reduced. This is obviously a good phenomenon, and let the boredom in Liang Feng’s heart dissipated a little. He drank half a bowl of warm medicated food one bite at a time before he put down the spoon.

“Lang Junguo is so much better, I should give a good reward to the doctor Jiang!” Lu Zhu was overjoyed. These days, seeing Lang Jun getting thinner and thinner, and often with a gloomy face, it frightened her. I can’t wait to do everything I can to make Lang Jun a little bit happy. Now that Lang Jun finally showed a smile, how could he not make her happy.

Looking at Liang Feng’s slightly ruddy complexion, Yi Yan felt a little complicated. These days, he would personally feed the man’s decoction every day, wipe the man’s body, and occasionally encounter night terrors and nightmares at night, hold the man in his arms, and personally smooth out those uncontrollable tremors.

Of course Yi Yan knew that this was all caused by illness, and this terrible disease would endanger the life of the lord at any time. But only at this kind of moment can he touch the lord who is like a celestial man, and narrow the distance between them. Secretly shook the palm of his hand, pressing down the anxiety in his heart. It doesn’t matter, as long as he trains his family soldiers well and creates an invincible trilogy for the lord, he can naturally become an irreplaceable figure around the lord. More irreplaceable than green bamboo, and even more irreplaceable than Xiaolangjun!

After eating the medicated food, Yi Yan went to the barracks again. Liang Feng got up from the couch: “Lvzhu, help me to the study.”

“Langjun, you should rest for a while. Why don’t I get a few books?” Lu Zhu didn’t want Liang Feng to be affected, so he quickly persuaded him.

“No. I still have to reply to Wang Zhongzheng as soon as possible.” This time Jiang Da also brought Wang Wen’s letter, and the other party said a lot of comfort and gave valuable medicinal materials. If you don’t reply carefully, it’s impossible to justify.

Hearing this, Lu Zhu didn’t dare to persuade him again, and carefully helped Liang Feng to walk towards the study.

Entering the study, what Liang Feng took the lead to read was not a book, but a little jade man sitting in front of the bookcase.

“My father!” At first sight of his father, Liang Rong jumped off the Hu stool in excitement, and then he remembered the matter of Shouli, quickly straightened his face, and obediently walked to Liang Feng to salute.

Since Chao Yu was promoted to the manager of the weaving house, he couldn’t accompany Liang Rong at all times. So she thought of a way and asked Liang Feng to let Xiao Langjun use the study. This little thought, Liang Feng didn’t understand, he clearly wanted to find more opportunities for Liang Rong to get close to him. And there will be no problems in the study, and she can feel more at ease when she is away. Liang Feng naturally agreed, and Liang Rong began to read and write in the study.

Seeing the look of the little guy, Liang Feng raised the corners of his mouth, took Liang Rong’s little hand at will, and walked towards the book case: “Is Rong’er copying?”

Liang Rong’s face was flushed, and he happily replied: “My boy is preparing for the word, today I have 10 pictures!”

I wrote ten big characters so early in the morning, and the little guy really worked hard. Liang Feng smiled, and walked to the table to read the copybook carefully, and saw that the large-character structure above was rough, but Liang Rong was weak and his hands were a little trembling, so he couldn’t make it completely horizontal and upright. There is also the Fa Tie, which is not a good product. It’s a pity that it is still a little early to practice Liu style, and his handwriting is not enough to make a post.

After thinking for a while, Liang Feng said, “I will find you a few copies of Taifu Zhong’s copybooks later. Let’s come to that first.”

Zhong You’s official script and regular script are nothing to say, it is a good choice for getting started. It’s just that the excellent copy is not easy to find, maybe you can ask Wang Wen for help? The only way to make friends is to have contacts, and it is not a good way to keep your distance too much for such top-notch giants.

Touching Liang Rong’s head, Liang Feng said: “Go, write a few more pages, I will let Green Bamboo play with you.”

Children can’t nest in the study every day, and the girl in Luzhu is also a lively girl, so it’s just right to play with the children.

Liang Rong obediently obeyed his orders and climbed onto the Hu stool again. This stool was also remodeled by Liang Feng. In fact, there are stools that can sit on at this time, but they are all soft-faced foldable stools, which are only for temporary use when people travel. He asked someone to change it, replaced it with a wooden chair, and asked Liang Rong to replace it, so as to prevent the child from kneeling for a long time. The reason was easy to find, so he said that the book case was too high and asked him to sit on a high stool.

The children had no impediments to etiquette, and Liang Rong was very happy to be able to use his father’s bookcase, so the Hu stool was naturally placed in the study.

Seeing Liang Rong grabbing the pen again and starting to learn the calligraphy seriously, Liang Feng smiled, and walked to the book table on the other side and sat down on his knees.

The past few days have been ill and unconscious, but the memory of the “Diamond Sutra” has not stopped. One is to prepare a letter to Wang Wen, and the other is similar to all the scriptures. The “Diamond Sutra” is indeed a good thing for chanting and calming the nerves. , Even if you meditate silently every day, you can restrain your mania a little. This is extremely important for Liang Feng’s emotional control. It’s just that the hand trembling a few days ago was really bad, and the words I wrote didn’t take shape. Today, I finally recovered a bit. It’s a good time to copy the scriptures.

Zuo Bo’s paper was naturally spread on the table, and the green bamboo briskly polished it. After the ink thickened, Liang Feng picked up his pen to write the scripture silently. This time, he wrote the fourteenth chapter of the scriptures, and it was about Subhuti who wept after he understood the meaning of the scriptures. It is also to explain the appearance of non-attachment and comprehend the true meaning of Buddhism. This will only be more powerful for people who are obsessed with the Buddha and are extravagant.

This passage is very long, written word by word, and the irritability in Liang Feng’s heart gradually subsided. You can meditate by practicing calligraphy, not to mention carefully writing scriptures silently. Like flowing springs and winding paths, the ink characters fell on the white paper, leaving only a rustle.

Liang Rong is also about to write, but no matter how calm the child can be, it is only a child. After a while, his subordinates accidentally crooked and broke a copybook. This character was originally intended to be shown to his father, but it was broken in the last stroke, and the little guy couldn’t help but feel greatly upset. However, when he raised his head, he found that his father was also doing something. The kneeling posture of the opposite person is so correct, his wrists are gracefully suspended in the air, and the rhythm of the movement is like a movement, just watching quietly, it makes people admire them incomparably.

Liang Rong looked down at the post he had written again, and suddenly his face blushed, he secretly revealed the page, and continued to practice.

The father and son wrote quietly for a little while. Liang Feng finally stopped writing and let out a long sigh of relief. After two dictation, finally there is a word that can be read. After thinking about it, he attached another page to the letter, thanking Wang Wen for the medicine, praised Jiang Da, and expressed concern about the epidemic prevention problem mentioned by the Buddha in the dream. Finally, he attached the copybook matter and said I want to find some good stickers for my son.

Although he inherited the memory of the original owner, Liang Feng really couldn’t write the colorful text. He could only tell the story as flatly as possible. He couldn’t make the text exquisite, so it was simple.

After finally finishing writing, he looked at his son who was still working **** the other side, and smiled: “Lv Zhu, take Rong’er out to play. Write for too long, beware of bad eyes.”

Lu Zhu was anxious that Liang Feng would stop writing and rest, so he naturally agreed, and took Liang Rong who was still reluctant to leave the door. After a while, a few children laughed joyfully in the courtyard. The spring sun melted, and there was only the fragrance of books and ink in the study. After the choking medicine was gone, Liang Feng no longer remained upright, and relaxed leaning on the back of his back. After only a while, he became drowsy.

I don’t know how long it has passed, and Lu Zhu’s whisper came in his ear: “Lang Jun, are you tired?”

“It’s okay.” Liang Feng opened his eyes and smiled at the concerned green bamboo. “Someone is here?”

If there is no one, Lu Zhu would not ask, but let him rest at ease. Seeing through this little thought, a red cloud appeared on Lu Zhu’s face, and he whispered, “It’s Liu Jiang’s head and Jiang Jiang’s head.”

“Call them in.” Liang Feng rubbed his face, turned his head and saw that there was no one in Liang Rong’s place. Perhaps he was taken away by the maids for fear of disturbing him to rest.

Luzhu did not dare to delay, and walked out quickly. In a short while, Liu Jiangtou and Jiang Jiangtou walked into the study and paid respect to Liang Feng.

“The bellows has been developed?” Liang Feng didn’t look at the two of them, but saw the large wooden box that Liu Jiang was holding on his head.

Wind heating has always been a good way to increase the furnace temperature. Liang Feng naturally thought of the dual-piston bellows. Almost every household in the countryside has this thing. When he and the guys went out to live in the farmhouse, he also played it a few times, although he didn’t know the interior. The structure, but the general appearance was still known, so he told Liu Jiantou about this and asked him to find a way to develop it.

Liu Jiangtou has also been very energetic recently. Not only did his son take over the important errands of Zhifang, but also his own wooden workshop was quite tempestuous. The spear was made very well, and was praised, and the host gave another job to make the bellows. Liu Jiangtou didn’t dare to neglect, so he went to Tiefang to find Ding Da and borrowed Pi Shu, and he almost didn’t let Ding Da, a stubborn old man, turn his face with him. After accepting the favor of the other party, and saying that he must be replaced with a new skin, he finally figured out the internal principle of this thing. In addition to Liang Feng’s hint, the double-piston bellows does not have any complicated structure, it is just a layer of window paper, and Liujiang directly makes the finished product.

Liu Jiang’s face was flushed, and he replied excitedly: “Thanks to the guidance of the master, this small bellows can be made. As long as you pull the pole, you can blow the wind. It’s much easier to use than Pisha, and the wind is stronger!”

Jiang Jiantou was as excited as he, and said: “This bellows is really easy to use! I tried it on the kiln once, and the fire was incandescent. It was indeed a legendary porcelain fire! But the original pottery kiln was too big. It’s hard to control the temperature of the kiln. I’m afraid we have to build another small kiln. The money in the Taofang’s account is enough!”

The higher the flame temperature, the more the flame light becomes cooler. Jiang Jiantou is an ancestral kiln-burning technique, and it seems that observing the flame temperature does have some tricks. As for other requests, Liang Feng will not refuse: “Taofang can stop all the work at hand and concentrate on trial-making new porcelain. And I have heard that there is a kind of black stone in the mountain that can be combusted in fire. I wonder if you can. Buy some and try firing this kiln.”

This is naturally coal. Bingzhou is located in Shanxi, but it is a large coal mining province, and I am afraid there are many open-pit mines. If coal is used to burn porcelain, it may be more labor-saving than wood, and the furnace temperature can also be increased.

Sure enough, after thinking about it for a while, Jiang Jiantou asked: “Is the lord talking about black stone? The mountain people also call it carbon coal. Some people use it to save trouble and use it for cooking. It also has a slightly heavy smell. Large families rarely use it.”

now it’s right. Liang Feng nodded and said: “I also heard someone say it. Since there are few people who use it, the price is naturally low. Go get some and give it a try.”

After several beatings, Jiang Jiang was obedient to Liang Feng, and immediately nodded in response.

Liang Feng said to Liu Jiantou again: “This time the bellows, you did a good job. Go to the account and withdraw two thousand dollars as a reward for research and development. There are still signs of a major drought this year, I am afraid that we will need to do something. A tool for drawing water, can you make a waterwheel?”

Liu Jiang’s head was almost stunned by two thousand dollars. When will there be a reward for hitting such a small thing? It’s still two thousand dollars! He didn’t hear the second half of the sentence clearly. Jiang Jiang was still clever and pushed him a bit before he made him react. He hurriedly said, “Small, small can roll over! It’s quite time-consuming and laborious…”

His family originally belonged to Fufeng. At the time, Ma Dajiang was a Fufeng person. After the keel was transformed, it was widely spread in his hometown. Therefore, Liujiangtou’s ancestor passed down the craft of turning over cars, and it is not difficult to do this. It’s just that it not only takes time to build a rollover, but it also costs a lot of money, so Liang’s mansion just built a few rollovers at the beginning, and it doesn’t cost money anymore.

“Just make it, the money is easy to say.” Liang Feng directly decided.

In the previous paragraph, Wu Jiangtou was dealt with, and not only was he beaten up, he also copied his home. There was an extra one hundred thousand dollars. These cash money is also moldy in the treasury, so it is better to put it into production. The infrastructure should be installed, and bonuses should be distributed. Only in this way can the enthusiasm of producers be improved and greater economic benefits can be obtained. This set was sent to him back then, but unfortunately now, there is no such person by his side.

The mood suddenly fell a little bit. Liang Feng ordered the two to be more careful, and after keeping the bellows and porcelain firing a secret, they waved back. Let Luzhu invite Jiang Da to talk about epidemic prevention in detail.

The author has something to say: Picha is the original blower, probably in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the Han Dynasty has made great progress. Piston-type bellows appeared in the Tang Dynasty, which can effectively improve the efficiency of blasting.

Regarding the use of coal, it has been recorded in the Western Han Dynasty. It should have been common to mine coal for ironmaking in the Jin Dynasty.

Ma Dajiang was the famous inventor Ma Jun during the Three Kingdoms period. He renovated the weaving machine, made the keel rollover, and also improved the crossbow and hairpin that Zhuge Liang invented. He was a master of ingenuity. It was precisely because of the sharp decline in population and frequent wars during the Three Kingdoms in the Wei and Jin Dynasties that many military inventions were used on farming tools, so that in the early years of the Western Jin Dynasty, agriculture developed rapidly, and the society was stable and prosperous. Extravagance.

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