Royal Road

Chapter 30

Chapter 29 Beginning

“The first column, shoot the gun. Kill!”

A row of long spears stabbed out, and a few steps away suddenly a burst of grass scraps flew.

“Second column, shoot the gun. Kill!”

The second row of spears stabbed out without stopping, followed by a third shout. A row of five people, four rows of twenty long spears just smashed the few sturdy grassmen in front of them. After all the stabbings, the five straw piles in front of them were already in tatters.

Before anyone could speak, the two small soldiers ran over quickly, removed the old stakes and replaced them with new grass men. The four corps leaders immediately took a step forward, stood in their positions, raised their spears, and went deep. Take a breath.

“Take the gun. Kill!”

This is an assassination action that must be practiced daily in the part. The corps leader led the recruits with guns in both hands and attacked the target in front of them. The spears they are holding today are not the bare wooden rods they were in the first place. Each gun has an iron tip that is more than three inches long. Although it weighs less than a few taels, its lethality has been increased several times. It makes tigers and tigers alive, quite shocking.

“Drink!” After stabling the last shot forcefully, Zhu Er had to stop and took two breaths. This is already the third round. Who would have thought that just firing such a shot would require so much effort. However, he did not dare to neglect in the slightest. The trilogy is not a place where you can come in and eat food at will. If you can’t keep up with the drill, you will be kicked out.

Among the partners who had come together before, several people couldn’t keep up with the drill, and they had already been cut out of the song. A good performer can also be an “auxiliary soldier” without Tencent. Those who are not diligent enough can only go home and farm. After sifting and selecting, only four corps were left. If anyone fails to meet the requirements, they will be demoted as “auxiliary soldiers.” Such a good job, he can’t just lose it!

Thinking about the ten acres of good land that could be cultivated by his family, Zhu Er immediately cheered up, followed his Wu, and walked quickly to the prescribed position. You have to line up before and after the shot is fired. If you can’t keep up with the team’s rhythm, or get out of the way, you will get pumped!

Perhaps this time the line was neatly arranged. The team standing in the front was looking at it for a while, and finally said: “rest on the spot for a quarter of an hour.”

Hearing this, there was a long sigh from the crowd, and many of them sat down with their guns. It was really a mid-afternoon exercise, and it had already exhausted everyone’s energy. Zhu Er also let out a long sigh, dragged the gun to the side of the shade of the tree, untied the water bag and took two gulps. This water sac was also issued after adding the trilogy. They are not drinking well water, but hot water that has been boiled early in the morning. They are filled in the sac. When they are thirsty, they can drink some, and they can drink it every day. Two big pots.

No one knows why it takes time and effort to boil the water before drinking it, but some people say that this is the Buddha’s guidance to kill some invisible epidemics. This word came from the lord’s mouth, and even the doctor Jiang who came to see the lord nodded and said yes. Regardless of whether it is true or not, as long as the people in the village are not too lazy, they will think about boiling the water before drinking it.

After only a few sips, Zhu Er put down the water bag and carefully checked his precious spear. This gun needs maintenance. Check whether the tip of the gun is worn out or whether the gun body is cracked. The captain of his family said that the spear is the lifeblood of soldiers. They should be carried when running, when they are in line, and they should be carefully placed by the pillow when they are sleeping. If you don’t even look at the roots of life, won’t you become an eggless person?

After checking up and down, Zhu Er only breathed a sigh of relief. His stabbing position was good today, and he didn’t let the tip of the gun wear a little bit. The captain couldn’t say anything now. Relaxing, he picked up the water bag again, ready to take a few more sips. Unexpectedly, as soon as he raised his head, he saw some commotion in the middle of the school field, and several people gathered around the grass target. Zhu Er’s eyes were very good, and he could tell at a glance that one of them was his family leader, Sun Jiao. bad! Does he really want to compete with the team? !

The water didn’t take care of it, and Zhu Er picked up the spear and ran towards the court. I saw Yi Yan and Sun Jiao both holding bows and arrows, standing in front of the grass target. Sun Jiao glanced at the people around him, and said in a serious way against Yi Yan: “The team is right, if I win, I will practice the trilogy for you for a day, how about?”

Sun Jiao was originally an Orion in Zhuangshang, not only has outstanding skill, but also his arrow skills are very good. After joining the trilogy, he was quickly selected by Yiyan and became the head of the corps. However, he was very energetic. After familiarizing himself with the training procedures, he felt that these were not too difficult, so he started to think of “team right”. What does it mean to take five people? It’s great to be able to direct twenty people to advance and retreat together.

Therefore, after observing for several days, he finally decided to compete with Yi Yan. It wasn’t that he had never thought about comparing guns before, but after practicing a few times, Sun Jiao realized that this method might not work. Obviously it is also a long spear, and Yi Yan’s spear can always be as fast as thunder, fiercely unable to hide. If someone avenges private revenge and gets shot accidentally, they will definitely not survive. So Sun Jiao knocked his attention down on the bow and arrow.

Archery is Sun Jiao’s special skill. Jianzhi Yiyan would like to practice arrows alone when he is resting. It seems that his strength is pretty good, but his accuracy is far worse, much worse than his archery skills. With such an idea, today, he finally stood up for a fight, or specially adjusted this kind of rest time. As long as Yi Yan wanted to save face, he would not refuse.

Glancing at him, Yi Yan said calmly: “You go first.”

Is this promised? Sun Jiao immediately came to his spirits, pulling the bowstring repeatedly, and swishing three arrows shot out, hitting the grass man’s chest a hundred steps away. The newly-changed grass man, when it is strong, the arrow can actually shoot into the lower half, it seems that the strength is very good.

Sun Jiao lowered his bow and raised his chin: “Can you still use this arrow technique?”

Arrow training is not a matter of overnight, let alone ordinary farmers, even a real sergeant, rarely has outstanding arrow skills. This hand is indeed enough to show off.

However, Yi Yan didn’t even look at him, pulling the bowstring in his hand, standing still and drawing the bow and arrow. His bow was also a stone hard bow, but under the full string, the long feather arrow pierced the grass man’s eyes like a white rainbow piercing the sun. If you miss a minute at this time, I’m afraid you will slip off the target. But the tail of the arrow didn’t tremble, and it sank directly into the straw, followed by the second and third branches, inseparable, nailed in a square inch less than the size of a copper coin.

After the three arrows, there was a burst of cheers from the crowd onlookers, and several Jie Ren smiled and said: “The surname is Sun, don’t be silly, the team is more left-handed.”

Sun Jiao opened his mouth wide. what? Left-handed? Why has he never seen Yi Yan use his left hand, whether he is practicing or practicing arrows in private, he always uses his right hand! Immediately, Sun Jiao’s face turned pale again, and he was recklessly provoked and was defeated. How is the team going to deal with him? To erase the title of his corporal captain, or to make a trilogy?

Unexpectedly, Yi Yan didn’t mean to punish him, and said, “You Wu, please clean up the cottage.”

A simple hut was built next to the camp for them to use the toilet together and accumulate fertilizer by the way. Every team will clean the huts in rotation for seven days to keep them clean. No one likes to do this job, but it’s not a big deal. Everyone couldn’t help laughing, and Sun Jiao blushed and mumbled: “Sweep and sweep, who has never used fertilizer! The team is right, what if I win next time?”

“You can give it a try.” Yi Yan put down these words, and shouted at the onlookers with a stern face: “Gathering, start training!”

This is much shorter than the scheduled rest time. However, an order was given, and there was not even half of the people who dared to stand up. Everyone hurriedly stood where they should be standing, holding their guns upright, and waiting for the next round of drills.

After a day of practice, Yi Yan went to the river to take a bath as usual. After washing away the dust and sweat, he quickly changed into clean clothes and walked towards the inner courtyard.

These days, the practice of the part has become more and more diligent. However, due to the sufficient food, eggs are provided every day, and fish soup or broth is available from time to time to relieve gluttons. Everyone is refreshed and their physical strength gradually follows up. The morning jog can basically be finished in a little more than a moment. There is no one who has delayed it for two quarters of an hour.

With the spirit, the heads of these guys also began to come alive. Like Sun Jiao, he has met more than once these days. However, Yi Yan thinks this is not a bad thing. Among the battalion, the key is to have the courage and courage, and now they only have pikemen, which is not a problem. Maybe you should ask the lord, do you want to form a team of archers?

Entering the door, Yi Yanmeng opened his eyes wide with a strong smell of wormwood. I saw Liang Feng half-naked, lying on the couch between the half-covered curtains, Jiang Da sitting beside him, holding a long needle, gently twisting it into his back. The needle was an inch long, and most of it was submerged in the body, and it was painful just to look at it. However, the anger in Yi Yan’s chest ignited and was quickly suppressed because he saw Lu Zhu sitting on his knees, covering his mouth with his hands, trembling as if he wanted to see but didn’t dare to look.

This is healing. Yi Yan gritted his teeth. This must be a cure, otherwise Lvzhu would not just look at it, otherwise the lord would not let the surname Jiang behave. But no matter how he warned himself, he still couldn’t help glaring at Jiang Da and the long needle in his hand that made his scalp numb.

On the bed, a vague voice suddenly came out: “Yi Yan, is the practice over?”

This voice immediately evoked Yi Yan’s sanity. He walked quickly and replied in a low voice: “Lord, it’s finished training.”

“Well, go and sit on the side, just wait for a while.” Liang Feng did not turn his head, instructed lightly.

With just a few words, Yi Yan’s murderous aura faded. After finally looking forward to his companion, Lu Zhu turned his head in tears, dare not even say anything, and pointed to his side pitifully. Yi Yan didn’t refute either, and walked to Lu Zhu’s side in two steps, and honestly knelt down and sat down.

The feeling of sharpness on his back finally disappeared. Jiang Da wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked, “How does Zixi feel?”

“It’s a little sore, but it’s okay. Jin will let go of the injection.” The two are the same age. Although their identities are different, Liang Feng doesn’t care.

Jiang Da nodded: “Warm needles will be a little swollen and painful at first, but it will become numb and itchy after a while, so you must be calm and patient, and don’t move.”

After that, Jiang Da took another long needle, warmed it on the burning moxa for a while, and pierced it into the next acupuncture point. It stands to reason that the first time acupuncture is applied, the acupuncture points on the back are punctured. No matter how mentally prepared, the patient’s shoulders and back will be a little stiff, making it difficult to get the needle. However, the person beside him is not nervous at all, just like lying on a couch dormant, relaxed and natural, allowing him to get the needle smoothly.

With such an extremely well-coordinated patient, Jiang Da’s movements have become much smoother, and he will pierce all the needles in a short time. He took out the moxa stick and lightly tapped it where there was no needle drop. The Jiang family was already good at health preservation, and Jiang Da was taught by his grandfather to inherit the mantle. Moxibustion was naturally very proficient, and he didn’t even leave any burn marks.

However, no matter how dexterous his movements were, Yi Yan still couldn’t help but clenched his fists. That hand wandered around the lord’s back so unscrupulously, the palm of his hand was pressed against the skin, like an inch of stroking the thin nape of the neck. I don’t know if it is pain or burning, the pale skin faintly reddened under the acupuncture, oozing sweat. I don’t know when the hair bun is scattered, and a few strands of black hair fall on my shoulders, bringing out a somewhat cryptic taste.

If it could, Yi Yan couldn’t wait to push the healer away and wrap the body firmly in his jacket. But he can’t. This is to cure the disease and to save the life of the Lord. He couldn’t even stare firmly, for fear of interfering with the man’s movements. Yi Yan lowered his head in silence and clenched his fists.

Jiang Da kept his hands moxibustion repeated several times with moxa sticks. When Liang Feng’s back was almost saturated with sweat, he finally stopped and said, “Hold it up, I’ll withdraw the needle.”

After speaking, he did not dare to stop for a while, lightly and quickly pulled out the silver needle that he had pierced. Several drops of blood ooze out and are mixed into sweat. Jiang Da took the clean soft cloth on the side and carefully wiped the sweat drops and the slightly oozing blood beads on Liang Feng’s back before he breathed a sigh of relief: “That’s good. From now on, acupuncture and moxibustion will be performed every five days. After one month, You can use the medicated bath.”

“Thank you, Jin.” Liang Feng slowly got up from the bed, and said with a smile, “Green Bamboo, take Doctor Jiang down to rest.”

Jiang Da is also sweating profusely at the moment. Acupuncture is not a joke, especially this method of acupuncture Aiqi is very energy intensive. After bothering to exhort Liang Feng a few more words, he slowly left the bedroom.

Seeing the outsider left, Yi Yan’s first reaction was to walk up quickly, pick up the shirt on the bed, and put it on Liang Feng.

Liang Feng smiled: “It’s okay, the weather is getting warmer now, it’s not so cold anymore.”

Only then did Yi Yan wake up, take a step back, and after a long silence, he said, “Master, today Sun Jiao tried a bow and arrow with me.”

This is a change of topic, but Liang Feng didn’t think so much at all, and raised his eyebrows in surprise: “He is so courageous. What did you fine him?”

Without even asking the result, the lord knew he would win. Yi Yan’s frowning eyebrows slowly unfolded, and he whispered softly, “I let them sweep the cottage for a round.”

“Haha, yes.” Liang Feng smiled. This is really a common punishment method in the army. Yi Yan did a good job. It did not damage his authority or really attack the enthusiasm of his subordinates.

The other party’s smile was full of approval, and Yi Yan only felt that his chest was getting hot, and the things that were not visible just ran away clean like the wind. He thought for a while, and then said, “I think we can build a new army, pick some good archery, and specialize in archery. The long spear array can only be in hand-to-hand combat. If there are archers in the enemy, it is not good to guard.”

Liang Feng nodded: “This is natural, but now the number of people in the part is too small, so it’s better not to divide the troops. Wait until the busy farming is over and consider increasing the source of troops. Recently, you can lead the team to drill near the farm and release the news of recruiting new recruits. Over time, those who want to join the army can’t help but train secretly. This has become a good source of prepared troops. In case of emergency, they can be quickly mobilized. As for defense, I am asking the weaving room to rush these days. When making a batch of leather armor, the key parts will be sewn with cowhide, which is not strong, but it is always better than wearing cloth.”

The lord always thinks more carefully than him, Yi Yan nodded vigorously, “I understand!”

“Building a strong army can’t be done in a short while, take your time, don’t worry. But you must keep in mind that the four corps under you now are the most precious seeds. When the time is right, you can throw them into the recruits. In the team, everyone can be the leader of the corps and the team leader. Therefore, you have to strictly control them so that they will not grow into crooked seedlings.”

Although there are not so many soldiers in hand, the soul of a troop will take root when it is established. What Liang Feng wanted was not a litter of bear soldiers. It is the most basic requirement to advance and attack, retreat and defend, and fully obey orders. And this must be implemented at the beginning of the team building. Fortunately, he had a good vision and chose a competent leader.

There was still a burning sensation on his shoulders, Liang Feng stretched his waist and lay on his side on the bed: “While the day is still bright, take the roll of “Spring and Autumn”.”

Recently, my spirit has improved. Liang Feng has put elementary education on his agenda. During the day, Lv Zhu and Liang Rong learn to write, and at night, he tells Yi Yan some stories from the history books. He doesn’t want to be surrounded by a group of illiterate people, and can teach nature well.

Yi Yan immediately came to his mind, and walked quickly to the book case outside. Looking at the eager back, Liang Feng couldn’t help but smile. Such a day of recuperation is not bad.

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