Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 127: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Kitten Have?

With the Jardson family's demise, the Harriman and Duru families had taken over the majority of their assets, effectively becoming the rulers of the Abyss.

However, during these hundreds of years, the Abyss had been left in shambles due to the Jardson family's manipulation.

The treasures accumulated in their treasury had been scraped bit by bit from the people of the Abyss.

The biggest problem left behind is the over ten thousand addicted individuals.

They are like time bombs, experiencing withdrawal symptoms and entering a state of mania if they don't take magical potions for even a day.

To restore order in the Abyss, the first thing we need to deal with is these over ten thousand magical potion addicts.

Having them take the Magic Repulsion Potion is the most permanent solution.

But currently, the Magic Repulsion Potion was only introduced three days ago.

According to the information Charlotte received from the merchants, the price of one million copper coins remains firm, and it is estimated to be able to be sold for another seven days, allowing every willing but gullible person with money to enjoy the first batch of expensive Magic Repulsion Potions.

However, the merchants have already established a vast supply chain for the Magic Repulsion Potion, and production capacity is rapidly increasing.

After seven days, the price will be halved to five hundred thousand copper coins, and it will be planned to be sold for another seven days until it reaches one hundred thousand copper coins.

Once it reaches one hundred thousand copper coins, it will be sold for a month.

By that time, the production of the Magic Repulsion Potion will be very sufficient.

It will enter the era of widespread pricing at ten thousand copper coins per bottle.

Ten thousand copper coins may seem like a lot, but you should know that magical potions on the market easily reach tens of thousands of copper coins, with the least expensive being a few thousand copper coins per bottle.

They can consume one magical potion per day, showing their spending power is not low.

A potion that can permanently cure their addiction, sold for ten thousand copper coins, is entirely acceptable for the magical potion-addicted population.

At that time, most addicts in the Abyss will be able to afford the Magic Repulsion Potion.

Charlotte had previously robbed a potion dealer, and the price of a bottle of Blue Flame potion was no less than five thousand copper coins.

"The Harriman family also agrees to eliminate magical potions. It does more harm than good to the Abyss," Diana seconded Roland's proposal.

Both of them looked at Charlotte simultaneously.

"Given the current price of the antidote to magic potion addiction, only a small portion of people can afford it in the Abyss," Charlotte shrugged.

"In a month and a half, the price of the antidote will drop to 10,000 copper coins per bottle, by then, most magic potion addicts should be able to afford it."

He felt pity for some of the victims trapped in magic potion addiction, but he had no sympathy or goodwill for those who knowingly embraced the dangers of magic potions for the sake of curiosity, inspiration, or showing off.

Despite the hardships he faced in the Abyss, Charlotte had never indulged in magic potions, even in his leisure time when he wandered through the streets of Aman.

Were there so many things worth numbing with magic potions?

"Giving the Black Magic Guards a few dozen bottles of the antidote is a bargaining chip for our cooperation. From today onwards, I won't provide the antidote in my capacity," he stated.

Charlotte knew what the two were thinking, so he needed to make his stance clear.

Diana exclaimed with surprise, "A month and a half later, dropping from one million copper coins to ten thousand copper coins. Aren't you afraid that those wealthy fools will come knocking at your door?"

"That's not a concern of mine," Charlotte smiled and shrugged.

Miracle-refined medicine, the price set by merchants, had nothing to do with him, Charlotte.

"It seems we need to help these addicts survive for another month and a half until the price of the antidote drops to ten thousand copper coins, allowing most people to afford it," Roland pondered.

"I'm curious, what's the cost of producing one bottle of magic potion?" Charlotte looked at Roland and asked.

"According to the alchemists, the cost of producing one bottle of Blue Flame Magic Potion is around 100 copper coins, while the selling price reaches 5000 copper coins."

"Wow, that's quite the profit!" Charlotte was astonished, as it amounted to a staggering fifty-fold return.

"What about the cost of producing one bottle of the antidote?" Diana asked softly.

Charlotte glanced at her warily, "That's a trade secret, not something I can disclose."

If people were to know that the cost of producing one bottle of the antidote was only 4 copper coins, while it was being sold for one million copper coins, even businessmen would have a hard time handling it.

"Currently, the only solution is to keep the magic potion industry running, ensuring that addicts can still buy magic potions, thus maintaining the relative stability of the Abyss," Charlotte proposed.

"We can establish a direct sales channel, reducing the price of magic potions to 1000 copper coins per bottle and limiting each person to purchase one bottle."

"That's a good idea, reducing their cost of obtaining magic potions may also decrease instances of robbery and looting, which will benefit the stability of the Abyss," Roland nodded in agreement.

"The profits earned from selling magic potions can be split between our two families or accumulated as a fund to provide medications for patients who can't afford the antidote," Charlotte emphasized.

"Of course, this is just my suggestion, and I don't intend to personally benefit from this money."

"The Harriman family won't take a single coin from selling magic potions," Diana made her position clear.

"I agree with Charlotte's suggestion. The Duru family will not take a single coin from selling magic potions either.

All the money will be accumulated and used as relief funds to support those who cannot afford the antidote, as well as assist the impoverished and needy," Roland sighed softly.

"Winter is coming soon, and there are many people in the Abyss who won't see another spring."

Charlotte glanced at Roland; this senior student truly possessed a compassionate heart, like a bodhisattva aiding the suffering masses.

Of course, judging from his decisive action in annihilating the Jardson family, he was praiseworthy, a saint, and not a hypocrite.

If it weren't for people like him, Charlotte wouldn't have known where to send the pitiful little girl from last night.

"Perhaps I can have a chat with those potion alchemists and see if we can improve the potion formula, reducing its harmful effects and allowing more people to survive," Charlotte suggested.

"I can arrange that anytime, just let me know when you're available," Roland immediately offered.

After reaching a consensus and discussing some details, the three of them adjourned the meeting.

Roland was responsible for handling these matters, so he left in a hurry.

Charlotte could already sense that after last night, Diana and Roland, these two young individuals, had gained actual power within their respective families and had acquired a higher level of decision-making authority.

The abyss begins to enter an era managed by the younger generation.

Charlotte called Vivian and found a carriage, eager to go and see the new medical center.

Foxy drove the carriage, but it stopped shortly after leaving the courtyard.

The door of the carriage opened, and Diana walked in.

"Landlady sister." Vivian greeted politely.

Anna in her arms shrank her neck and looked at Diana cautiously.

"Are you going out too?" Charlotte looked at Diana in surprise, then realized it was strange. She had her car and didn't need to squeeze into a carriage with them.

"Where are you going?" Diana sat down next to Charlotte without hesitation.

The carriage was small, so she was almost sitting close to Charlotte, and she casually placed her hand on Charlotte's leg.

Her soft body leaned lightly against him, emanating a faint fragrance like an orchid, making people's hearts race.

Vivian looked at the two people, and her eyes widened.

Why would the landlady sit so close to the boss? Wouldn't it be more spacious if she sat on my side?

Strange, so strange, really strange.

"We're going to the new medical center. The craftsman told me it would be completed yesterday, so I'm going to check how it turned out." Charlotte moved a bit to the side and looked at Diana. "And you?"

"As the landlady, shouldn't I go and take a look as well?" Diana replied, posing a counter-question.

Charlotte was left speechless.

The carriage left the estate, and Diana stared at Anna in Vivian's arms for a while, then smiled and reached out, saying, "Come, let me play with the little cat for a while."

"Uh, sure." Vivian nodded.

But Anna resisted and buried her head in Vivian's arms, firmly holding onto her arm, showing strong resistance to Diana.

"Anna is shy. Maybe you should wait until she gets more familiar with you before holding her," Vivian said apologetically.

"This cat is not just shy, it's practically untamed. I can't even hold it," Charlotte couldn't help but laugh.

At first, Anna wouldn't even come near him.

In recent times, she had improved slightly, at least allowing him to touch her head.

But to hold her in his arms and stroke her fur, it was clear that their relationship was still far from that point.

"This cat is quite interesting." Diana withdrew her hand, smiling as she looked at Anna's leg.

"This limp, it still hasn't healed?"

"Yes, we've tried treatments..." Vivian almost stopped herself, paused for a moment, then continued,

"The treatments and potions didn't work at all. We have no idea what's wrong."

"There are no signs of fractures, but it still limps. It's really strange," Charlotte said with a puzzled expression. They had tried many methods on Anna during this time.

Potions, healing spells, they had tried them all, but none had any effect on her limp.

As a professional veterinarian, it was a blow to his confidence to face failure in his field.

"Have you considered that this might not be an injury, but a seal?" Diana raised an eyebrow, her gaze fixed on Anna.

"A seal?"

Both Charlotte and Vivian were shocked.

"That's right." Diana waved her hand, and a purple light flew toward Anna's left front leg.

Anna was startled and tried to retract her paw.

The purple light landed on her left front leg, and a golden circular seal appeared, pushing the purple light away.

Intricate runes flowed on the seal, giving it a mysterious appearance.

Anna seemed frozen, staring intently at the seal, afraid to move.

"It's a rune seal!" Vivian exclaimed in amazement.

"Rune seals are used to seal powerful magical creatures. But why would someone use it on a little kitten?" Charlotte couldn't understand.

The past few days, he and Vivian had tried various methods on Anna.

Potions, spell treatments, they had all been tried, but none had any effect on her limp.

After about a minute, the mysterious seal gradually dissipated, returning Anna's left front leg to normal.

Anna regained her mobility and moved closer to Vivian, only showing one eye, watching Diana with great caution.

Diana withdrew her hand with a smile and said, "Well, I'm not sure either. A rune seal like this is quite expensive. Since someone used it on this little kitten, there must be a deeper meaning behind it."

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