Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 128:You are a foodie!

Diana's words made the atmosphere in the carriage a bit strange.

The three of them stared at Anna, observing her cNo matter how they looked at it, the small white fur cat didn't seem like a terrifying being that needed to be sealed and suppressed with runes.

But Diana had shown them earlier that there was indeed a golden rune seal on Anna's left front leg.

"Where did you get this cat from?" Diana asked.

"It was from a three-headed Dogkin who came to the clinic. One of his heads fell off, and Anna was his payment for the treatment. But he died due to excessive bleeding," Charlotte recalled seriously.

"That Dogkin doesn't seem like someone who can afford rune seals. Anna is probably something he stumbled upon."

"What malicious intent could little Anna have? Boss, Landlady, I think you're worrying too much," Vivian said, hugging the slightly trembling Anna tightly and smiling.

"Besides, rune seals are not only used to seal powerful monsters but sometimes they can also be used to conceal characteristics. Perhaps it's a seal added by Anna's previous owner."

As an intermediate mage and a noble by birth, Vivian had some knowledge of rune seals.

The carriage came to a stop just as the conversation ended, and the fox guard driving the carriage reminded them that they had arrived at the clinic.

Charlotte looked at the slightly frightened Anna cuddled in Vivian's arms and couldn't help but soften his heart.

He reached out and rubbed Anna's head, saying, "Alright, don't be afraid. We'll find a way to remove the seal for you."

If there's a chance, they should find someone who understands what type of seal it is.

If it's a benign seal used to hide certain traits, they can remove it.

But if it's a seal to suppress a terrifying monster, then they might just have to let her remain as a cute little cat with a limp.

Charlotte got off the carriage and realized that there were quite a few curious neighbors gathered in front of the new clinic.

They had been doing business on Baka Street for many years, but it was the first time they had seen the Harriman family rebuild a house for a tenant, and it was done so luxuriously.

The polished white boulders stood out from the surrounding black buildings, like a white swan among a group of black ducks, extremely eye-catching.

Although it was also a two-story building, it was taller than the surrounding houses, and the third-floor terrace had a fence and decorations, making it a landmark building on Baka Street.

The steps were made of polished, reflective granite, and the windows were large panes of glass, giving it an exquisite look.

"Isn't this house too luxurious?"

"They lost a window, and then they rebuilt a luxurious mansion. Is this what love from a domineering female CEO is like? So envious!"

"This house must have a high rent, right?"

"Rent? You're shallow. Haven't you heard that Doctor Charlotte has been living in the Harriman Manor recently? As long as he takes good care of Miss Diana, he doesn't have to worry about the rent."

The neighbors whispered among themselves, but when they saw Charlotte getting off the carriage, they stopped their gossip and warmly greeted him, although they couldn't hide their envy in their eyes.

Charlotte noticed the unfamiliar neighbors and responded with a smile. He had heard everything they said earlier, and Diana in the carriage probably heard it all too.

Then, Diana walked out of the carriage.

There was instant silence.

The neighbors who spread the rumors unconsciously took two steps back, avoiding her gaze and not daring to look at her.

Other than surprise, the looks directed at Charlotte were filled with even more envy.

This was solid evidence, wasn't it?

The Harriman family had just joined forces with the Duru family last night to wipe out the Jardson Family.

Miss Diana must have had many things to deal with, yet she squeezed into this small carriage to come and see the new house together with him.

It was evident how much favor she bestowed upon him.

And Diana, who used to be the queen of Baka Street, could now be considered the queen of the Abyss.

To hold such a beautiful woman in his arms was like holding a bowl of rice filled with meat, truly enviable.

"Are you satisfied? This is the new house I've built for you," Diana ignored the gazes of the others and looked at Charlotte with a smile.

He looked up at the new house in front of him and couldn't help but be amazed.

The floating ash has been cleaned away, leaving this white two-story building spotless, exceeding his expectations.

The walls are not simply white, as skilled craftsmen have added delicate lines and patterns to give it a more grand appearance.

The double doors, which open in the middle, are large and black, fitting together seamlessly and exuding a sense of stability.

The granite floor extends towards the entrance, covering the entire ground.

This... is a bit too luxurious.

You see, this is the same layout as Diana's villa.

"Quite satisfied," Charlotte nods.

Although it feels like being maintained by a female CEO, the house is truly impeccable.

However, when his gaze sweeps to the second floor, he seems to catch a figure passing by the window of the neighboring bookstore.

But the bald bookstore owner is standing at the entrance, winking at him.

"Wow! This is amazing!"

Vivian also comes down from the carriage, holding a cat and marveling at the new clinic in front of her.

"Let's go, let's go inside and take a look."

Diana leads the way to the front door, assuming the role of the lady of the house.

The Fox Guards step forward and push open the door.

Charlotte and Vivian follow inside.

Indeed, the granite covers the entire floor, and the oil lamps on the walls illuminate the spacious first floor.

There is a spacious reception hall, two independent operating rooms, a ward, an alchemy room, a laboratory, and a separate storage room.

The spatial arrangement is strictly based on Charlotte's blueprints, perfectly meeting his requirements.

As for the decoration, it completely exceeded his expectations. It was made to match Diana's villa level, although not extravagantly luxurious, the inherent elegance and grandeur cannot be concealed.

Currently, furniture and medical instruments have yet to be delivered, so it appears somewhat empty.

Harry can be notified later to bring in the customized furniture.

"It's so great, the new clinic is simply amazing!"

Vivian jumps around like a butterfly, excitedly exploring each room. She's almost rolling on the floor in joy.

Anna, on the other hand, remains composed. She looks around, not seeing her beloved large cabinet, and quietly stays in Vivian's arms.

However, being back at the clinic gives her a sense of security as she obediently lies down.

Charlotte casually walks up to the second floor.

The layout on the second floor is also based on his requirements—a 200-square-meter flat, with four bedrooms, each equipped with its bathroom.

The magical water spray and the flushing system powered by magic arrays make bathing and using the toilet convenient and comfortable.

The convenience brought by magic is diverse in the eyes of the wealthy.

Perhaps, this can also be considered another form of high-tech.

There is a separate kitchen with an exhaust system.

On the earthen stove is a large iron pot customized by Gai.

With just one earthen stove, you can make most of the dishes you desire.

The living room is empty, with a custom-made sofa, but without a television, it resembles more of a tea room.

"You two only have each other, yet you've made four bedrooms. What's the matter? Are you planning to have a polygamous life?"

Diana appears upstairs, her voice faintly mocking.

"Those are guest rooms, a place for friends to temporarily stay if they visit."

Charlotte glances at her, a smirk forming at the corner of his mouth.

"If I wanted to marry three or four wives, then I should have made the bedrooms larger and custom-built a big bed for everyone to sleep together. Wouldn't that be delightful?"

Diana's eyes widen for a moment as she stares at Charlotte, but eventually, she concedes defeat.

"When it comes to being abnormal, it has to be you."

"You have exceeded my expectations with this house. I assume it must have cost quite a bit of money," Charlotte says seriously while looking at Diana.

"Why? Have you suddenly developed a conscience and want to thank me?"

"No, I just wanted to ask if the rent will go up."

Diana chokes for a moment and then bursts into laughter.

"Of course, it will! It must go up!"

"Come on, we had an agreement. The rent is 10,000 copper coins. A gentleman's word is as hard to retrieve as a lost horse." Charlotte becomes anxious.

"I am a woman, always capricious," Diana smiled lightly.

"Unless, in these four rooms, you leave one for me, then I won't raise your rent."

"But you're not someone who lacks a place to live, right?" Charlotte looked puzzled.

"Could it be that you've already fallen in love with the feeling of living with me?"

"Haha, think whatever you want. Anyway, I've said my piece. Either raise the rent by ten thousand coins or leave a room for me. It's up to you," Diana said confidently.

"Deal. I'll leave a room for you, and you can come and stay whenever you want," Charlotte conceded.

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