
Chapter 175: Endless – Part 3

I feel totally giddy, absolutely mischievous, and positively sprightly. It just feels so good to rustle Ciel's skirt and expose her slutty red panties that I even do the same to Alissa's, and the sight of my fox's lacy orange lingerie is like a breath of fresh air to me. Who cares who's looking? Panty flashes for everyone!

Roxanne isn't wearing anything under her robe, so she just crosses her arms and stares at me with a frown as I have her flash her bare pussy to everyone. Hana is wearing pants, while Yunia is always in a not-bikini, and Aoi doesn't wear anything… so that only leaves the gloomy Gothic lolita, and I commit both a crime and a sin by exposing her angelic whiteness.

I giggle childishly as I evade their anger like a furry Plom, merely slipping out of the way whenever they get close. My movements have become so much more fluid and smooth that I'm both a nimble leaf in a storm and a dandelion seed gently falling down.

No, that's not it. I simply am the wind. And the wind takes me where it wills…

Until I run out of mana.

"The menace has been caught," Lina sternly grumbles as she gives me a bit of a bear hug.

Alissa doesn't care that much about my transgressions, but she wants to support her sister-wife in her revenge, so she hugs my thick tail and tries not to make it look lewd, which is really hard for her.

"Wait, what are you going to do to me now?" I ask, slightly concerned.

"Oh…" our gloomy loli blurts out as her expression goes blank.

She forgot to think about the "after" part, but my mana did run out a bit too fast, so that didn't leave her that much time to think.

"Hmm…" So she thinks this through thoroughly as she rests her forehead against my chest. She feels like she has to make me pay for Ciel, too, so she comes up with "fair" terms. Then she raises her head again and cutely demands, "I want you to apologize and say that you love us."

My lips reflexively widen into a smile, then I huskily release my corniness upon her, "I'm sorry, my love. Forgive me for being such a helpless pervert; it's just that I can't control myself near you because I love both of you so much, my dear angelic wives." And I finish up with the kindest peck upon her little lips.

"Hey, hey…! Mine was worse than all of yours!" Roxanne suddenly interjects, then also grabs me and pouts.

And I sense a snowball of love building up as the girls start to feel jealous of Lina. This might get bad if I don't put in the effort to give everyone an equal amount of love, and I feel like I might kill one of the Earthlings with the overflow of sweet, corny love overdose by the end of it.

"Guys? It's opening! I'm opening a hole!" Chesa diffuses the situation, and we all gawk at the stormy wall of dust as a tunnel slowly opens up in it.

"Oh! Oh! How long can you keep it open?!" I excitedly ask and reflexively hug Lina back, then start patting her head.

I know that I'll have to compensate the other wives later, but it'll be in a more convenient place, time, and way.

But the mergirl starts stuttering as she answers without a slick of confidence, "I-I… I don't know. Ten minutes, maybe? Maybe less if I get tired."

I merely nod and create tentacles to pat both Alissa and Roxanne too. "Should be enough. The squad that got teleported didn't spend that long inside the tornado."

"Wait, we're going in?" Lily interjects, a bit startled.

"Why not?" I hum with a shrug.

"What if things go wrong? Aren't you putting too much responsibility on her shoulders?" the responsible and prudent loli speaks something slightly reasonable.

"I agree…" Alissa whispers, really not wanting to say the words.

So I reply in kind to Lily and reassure them, "The wind elemental-wives and the ship's [Wind Shield] should give us plenty of time to escape in case shit hits the fan. It'll take mere seconds for me to [Gate] everyone back."

"What about the wings?" Ciel inquires, trying to hide her eagerness.

I flash a handsome smile at her, and she sucks at using [Acting], so she twitches anxiously. Then I cheerfully explain, "Later. I definitely won't finish them today, so we might as well explore the tornado before Chesa runs out of juice!"

"Adventure!" Roxanne follows along.

And I give her spiral horns a nice little squeeze. "Indeed! Adventure awaits!"

With half the Horns and a squad of Companions standing guard, we feel like we'll be pretty safe even if we get teleported. So we dive into the storm.


I'm a sucker for cool sights, and the inside of the tornado is really cool. The cloud of dust billows and waves but never gets too close to the airship, though the pieces of ruins aren't so easily kept at bay, forcing us to use the ship's [Wind Shield] to protect us from them.

Occasionally, we see the green glow of an island's floating crystal, and then one launches toward the airship. I see an opportunity here, so I decide to keep it. I believe the spirit Chimeras or the Sky Landers could get some insight into monster floating island technology by analyzing it, and if not that, one can never have enough magical crystals, especially when they want to create Wind-attuned angel wings.

"Your Highness, we've been teleported," Oritiki suddenly reports.

And I blink blankly, astonished. "What? So soon? And I really felt nothing."

"This dungeon is giving me a bad feeling," Alissa remarks, still hugging my tail. Though now she's definitely being a bit lewd about it as she presses the tip between her supple tits.

"Same…" Ciel hums absentmindedly, so absently that she doesn't notice that we've noticed that she's also thinking about titjobs.

"Now what?" Chesa questions, interrupting the increasing lewdness of our thoughts.

This time my answer is less bold, but my casual tone keeps everyone calm, "Stay alert in case we get attacked while we continue forward. Surely this tornado can't be endless, right?"


And it isn't, as a couple of minutes later, it quickly dissipates into nothing, leaving us floating in a dark void. But we immediately become uncomfortable since being the sole source of light for as far as the eye can see is really damn creepy.

"Now what?" Chesa asks again, more relaxed now that she doesn't have to keep the storm up.

But I shrug as I grin. "No idea. Go forward? We have to find something. Not even dungeons have endless space, so we'll eventually reach the limit of this area."

Since there's no more wind, I unsummon the wind-Alissas and replace them with Hollys that I tell to scout in all directions. There's absolutely zero light and sound coming from every direction, so the Hollys will have an easy time spotting anything.

But only if there's something to be found.


An hour later, we're really damn bored of seeing nothing, while the wives have become a bit nervous due to the oppressing and ominous darkness. According to the Earthlings, not even the other layers were this empty, which is really odd.

Then I start to speculate, "So, this dungeon might be old enough to have grown so large that it's effectively endless for us."

"Wha-…?" Samkelo croaks, half-asleep.

I don't want to waste time being vague, so I just admit outright, "I said that exploring at random might not be the best idea."

"Wow, what a genius realization!" Lily sarcastically exclaims, then yawns drowsily, so bored that she's only capable of brief outbursts of banter.

But Alissa loudly clears her throat and glares at Lily for being so disrespectful in front of our men.

"Forget I said anything," the angry loli quietly backs down, refusing to say the words, "I'm sorry," but Alissa lets it slide this time. At least the angry loli realized that she was being rude.

"Do we even know if the dungeon isn't just teleporting us back to the middle of the room?" Samkelo questions absentmindedly.

The answer is kind of obvious, considering nobody's said anything so far, but then I frown as I realize something. "Isn't your Gift something related to 'sight'? Can't you see any magic going on?"

And the gnome manchild groans childishly, "Ugh… that thing is just so draining."

"After what I did today, you better put in some effort, too!" Chesa annoyedly exclaims, surprising us with an uncharacteristic outburst of emotion. She looks really cute when she's angry, though.

"Seriously. You should've volunteered before we were teleported," I pile on, and the wives all hum along in agreement.

But the lazy boy turns his nose up and stubbornly makes excuses, "It doesn't even work very well."

"Or you just suck at it," Lily wisely points out.

"I'm sure he's very skilled at using his Gift to peep on women," Yunia remarks and gives him a (very sexy) disgusted and snobbish glare.

He has enough self-control not to get a boner, but he still shifts on his cushion. "That's the easy part. Seeing whatever the fucking weird shit I see when I use it more intensely is hard as fuck," he so eloquently explains.

"Just do it," Lily encourages him, deliberately choosing these exact words.

That, he can't argue against, so he just sighs and agrees, "Yeah, yeah…" Then he stands up and starts to take a big fat dump on the deck.

We sense some weird magic going on with his eyes as we do our best to ignore his stupid expression, and the girls feel a chill as if a dangerous predator has been released, but not even the gnome is dumb enough to do it in front of everyone.

"Yep. All I can see is weird shit," he grumbles between gritted teeth.

"What do you see, exactly?" Roxanne curiously questions.

"Abstract chaos, as if someone took a bunch of paint and made a mess, though it's a pretty green mess right now…" Then he turns to me and frowns. "But you're shiny, holy fuck. Why are you shiny?"

I smile smugly and shrug. "That's just my scales. They're magical."

He waddles closer and then purposely focuses on my chest since my Cock is at eye level with him. "Your skin is pretty shiny. There also seems to be some sort of weird shadow all over you, or something."

I'm reminded of our weird visit to the Oracle, so I promptly turn his attention away from me, "Look at the darkness around us and tell us what you see."

"Okay…" he hums and promptly turns around, happy to not be staring at a man. But then he remains quiet for a long moment, and his frown turns into deep confusion. "Huh… this feels like watching a lake through a mirror."

"What?" Thant finally says something. He's been awfully quiet since the fight.

"Exactly. What?" Samkelo repeats and shrugs. "I see something like ripples on the surface of the water, and I also have the feeling that I'm staring at a 'mirror.'"

Lovely. Even more vague or abstract shit.

I liked it better when dungeons had clear puzzles and challenges based on simple themes.

"How far is this 'mirror'?" Lily asks.

"Veeery far."

And I immediately get her point. "Well… memorize the distance because we'll ask you in another hour if we're closer to it."

He stops taking a shit and promptly returns to his cushion as he grumbles, "Sure…"


About half an hour later, I get the sensation that all my summons were suddenly transported to another "level" of the dungeon, though they sense nothing different on their end. But what's truly eerie is that they were all teleported at the exact same time.

I relay the news to everyone, but all we can do is frown and wait until our turn comes. I also summon two more Hollys and tell them to scout just to see if we can get more information on the teleporting.

Then the one hour of waiting finally comes to an end, and Samkelo uses his Gift again.

"Either it's too far for me to notice any difference, or we didn't get any closer to the mirror," he answers unsurely, and we all feel very disappointed.

I groan loudly in boredom and frustration, then just give up, "Okay, we need a better plan."

Roxanne snorts loudly. Her mind is empty, and everyone else's might as well be empty too because nobody has any better ideas.

So Yunia comes up with the most reasonable proposal we can make in this situation, "I suggest we have Samkelo continue using his vision in case he spots anything different. Even just a single anomaly would be enough of a lead for us to investigate."

And we all turn to the lazy stoner in question, who makes a very pained expression.

"Fuck me-…" he begins.

"No, we won't," I immediately correct.

He sighs and starts over, "Fucking hell. It's really hard to keep this power going, you know?"

"It'll be good practice," Lily encourages with a sadistic smile, and it looks really fucking hot on her face.

"We have nothing else to do, so we might as well," Roxanne adds with a shrug. We've been shrugging a lot today, which is concerning.

Then Alissa kindly suggests to the Earthlings, "There's no point in having everyone stay here. Unless you really want to stand guard, we can have you [Gate] back while our golems pilot the airship." But she's only saying this to give us some private time.

Three of the Earthlings happily hum in agreement, but then Samkelo interrupts and demands of his comrades, "Oh, no! You're all going to stay here and give me moral support! We're sharing in the boredom and misery!"

"'Moral support'?" Alissa slowly repeats in confusion, her cute eyebrows knit in confusion. Lately, there have been so many Earthling concepts that I've had to explain to the girls that the golems are just reflexively doing it in my stead through [Bind].

So I'm free to cheekily exclaim, "Fine by me!" Then I cast [Inspire] and grin smugly. "I can do this all day!"

And his eyes open wide as he feels the effects of the spell. "W-what did you-…?! No! This is horrible! You can go!"

He's immediately realized how a spell that makes you excited and eager can be absolute torture when you have nothing to do.

"Hm… yeah, I'm leaving. Just don't be a baby, Samkelo," Lily declares dismissively, not feeling like joining in on the silliness.

"I'll stay because… the view is kind of nice, I guess," Thant muses, sounding rather gloomy.

"But there's nothing…" Hana states, red eyebrows high in disbelief.

"Yeah," the cat hums with a shrug.

He's a weirdo, so let's leave him be.

"I want to rest, again," Chesa tiredly confesses.

Then Yunia calmly declares, "We'll have our High Officer keep a [Gate] open for you all to come and go as you please. Just don't go too far."

The gnome seems very annoyed that nobody but Thant wants to keep him company, and he bitterly grumbles to himself as he turns away like a child. I'll take the first turn and stay, then rotate with the other wives, just so that he doesn't feel completely abandoned.


I seclude myself within the ship's tent and do some more testing with [Wind Aspect] again, but this time, I control my mischievousness to not cause another "incident." I mean, the two dudes might like the playfulness, but I actually need to take this seriously.

Alissa calls for the repair crew, who arrive through a [Gate], and then they freeze on the spot because of the ominous darkness that surrounds everything. But they show a good amount of professionalism and quickly recover as a Companion guides them toward the damaged wing.

Anyway, I ask for one of the Horns to let me inspect their wings, and I see something interesting with [Sense Soul]. Different from Hana's wings, which are mostly physical, or Roxanne's wings, which are entirely magical, these wings are a perfect mix of both. The bones are the important part as they're made of a very sturdy and artificial material that's deeply Wind-attuned, allowing it to be enchanted just like a gem; the skin and feathers are fully magical, so they're easily maintainable by the enchantments in the bones while also (looking extremely pretty and) offering some basic protection for the more precious inner parts.

Still, I have no idea how the magic actually works. The Horns say that there's a self-repairing enchantment, an enchantment that allows them to change the size of the wings at will, and also a [Fly] enchantment, but I have no idea where any of them even are. It's possible that there's some high-level enchanting trick that even Lina doesn't know, so I feel like this part should be left for last since actually creating the attuned bones is more important.

"Isn't it fine, though? We got past the tornado, so we don't need the wings anymore," Ciel cautiously states through [Bind].

"I want to give you angel wings, and that's enough," I assuredly state.

She feels conflicted about it as she isn't a vain woman and doesn't feel like the wings are necessary. But, as a counterpoint. Angel. Wings.

Pure white angelic wings.

Who doesn't want a pair?

The repairmen briefly leave to gather the materials for the repairs, and seeing that, a sly smile appears on the gnome's cherubic face.

"Hey, lamplight, can you illuminate this darkness…?" he suddenly suggests, sounding mightily bored.

I actually stop my experiments to listen to the answer.

And the snow cat makes a thoughtful hum that's almost a purr, but then he gets embarrassed at the cute sound he's making and forces a cough. "Dunno, but I could try," he awkwardly replies, a bit embarrassed.

"Give me some fireworks, then," the gnome casually hums.

"I can only do a light show."

"Good enough."

And Thant snorts. "Well, you're the one who asked to be flashbanged."

"Oh, wait, don-…"

But Thant doesn't wait, and I close my eyes as I pray that the Companions and Horns nearby have done the same because he turns on a fucking sun. There's no heat, but it's still so damn bright that my eyes hurt even with the tent's screen between us, so 'Kelo's must be burning.

"Huh… I can't see anything," Thant curiously remarks.

"No, shit, you idiot! You just made me go blind!" 'Kelo whines as he rubs his eyes.

"No, I mean, it doesn't seem like it's doing anything."

"Everyone! Keep your eyes closed! Thant, make it brighter! As bright as you can!" I shout as I come out of the tent with my eyes closed. I can sense that his "little sun" is hovering above his head, and it's so bright that I only know where he is because of my [Sense Presence].

"Alright…" the cat hums with a shrug. Then he raises his arms and starts taking a big fat dump on the deck as he roars like an ogre, "UOOOOOOOOH!"

I take no responsibility for the brain damage if any of the wives are listening right now as I childishly meme, "Goku needs your help! Raise your arms and give him your energy for the Genki Dama!"

"Oh, my god. I hate you for doing this," the gnome groans, still rubbing his eyes, but then he stops and raises his hands. "I can't see, so you better be doing this, too!"

I laugh out loud and cheer the cat on, "Let's gooo! Take my energy, Thant!"

"Boys…" Alissa whispers wryly in my soul space.

"AAAAAH!" the snow cat turns super Saiyan.

"SAMKELO! USE YOUR VISION!" I shout, seeing an opportunity.

"FUUUCK!" he shouts in frustration as he also begins taking a dump.

"Master, look outside," Jarn advises telepathically.

And the black world suddenly turns white, so white and bright that now, there's nowhere that I can look.

"Wait! What the fuck?! I'M SEEING US!" Samkelo suddenly shouts in disbelief.

"WHAT?!" Thant and I yell in unison.

And he struggles to find the words, "Not just… not just once. I'm seeing us many, many times. It's… IT'S A DAMN MIRROR!"

Well, that's worrying, so I concernedly insist, "But do you see anything else?! Like, a portal, or an island?! Anything?!"

"NO! WE'RE ALONE HERE!" he cries in despair.

Oh, fuck… now what do we do?




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord FrostyCube.

Lord Glaistig Uaine.

Lord School work.

Lord Beater.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord Peter Kraushuber

Lord David England.

Lord Cidant.

Lord Marwin33.

Lord time Campbell.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble warmoger55.

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