
Chapter 176: Thread of Fate – Part 1

Thant turns off the "little sun," and I notice that there's a subtle delay before the "mirror" goes from glowing white to absolute black.

Wait, holy shit, how big is this space, then?

I don't remember the exact speed of light, but I think light takes a couple of seconds to travel between the moon and Earth, so this place must be. Fucking. Huge. And we're alone here, if Samkelo is to be believed, but even if we aren't, it'll be harder than finding a speck of sand in a football field.

Then I turn to the four worried guards, all squinting at us since their eyes still hurt, though the two Horns seem fine. "Apologies for blinding you all. We were merely having a bit of eccentric fun," I soothingly apologize with a handsome smile.

Thant immediately realizes the problem with his behavior and tenses up as his tail straightens like a startled cat, which I find rather endearing. "Uh… yeah, sorry," he shyly adds like an awkward teen.

And I playfully chastise him with a wry smile, "It was only slightly inconsiderate of you to suddenly blind our guards, preventing them from doing their duty." Then I turn to the cherubic manchild. "And you encouraged him, even though you're a decade older."

"I never claimed to be the responsible one, but I'm sorry for scaring y'all," Sam answers with a lazy shrug and a very cheeky grin.

"May we speak honestly, Your Highness?" the first of the Companions politely requests.

"You may," I answer with a nod.

"That much is nothing considering what we've been through already," she states with a smirk that's so suggestive that I can easily see it from under her helmet.

"I kind of expected it," the first Horn remarks and snorts.

And the second amusedly adds, "Same. The word 'flashbanged' gave me an idea of what was going to happen, though it was a bit different from what I imagined."

"What did you imagine?" little Sam inquires suggestively.

But he speaks of a dirty topic with such clean honesty that only a Chimera could achieve, "His Highness Wolf is known to have tentacle-penises, so I expected you to do something similar with your 'moldable' light."

Sam, the Imp, raises his eyebrows high in surprise, but then his smile turns twice as dirty as he turns to T. "You hear that? He thought you'd show me your 'Cock of Light'!"

"'Bang' you with it," the Horn proudly corrects.

And an insecure, hot-blooded teenage boy answers in the only way he can, "W-we're not gay!"

"I've heard the other Companions say that a lot," the second Companion teases with a very fujoshi grin under her helmet, mirrored by the first as she nods along.

"But you're women!" Mr. T exclaims back, showing some clear lack of knowledge of Rupegian "culture."

"So…? Plenty of men would love to be plowed by His Highness Wolf," the first fujoshi states as now the second nods along.

"See? Lily told us he was 'dangerous,'" Samsmall whispers teasingly.

"Not in that way," I casually correct.

But that just amuses him further. "Oh, she certainly did mean it that way when she warned Chesa."

So I sensibly admit, "Okay, Chesa is in more danger than you guys."

"And apparently, we aren't not in danger!" It seems that Smallsam Small is enjoying this talk quite a lot.

"Well, I certainly won't deliberately tease you into becoming gay," I calmly state.

"It's something that just happens when you stay in His Highness's company for long enough," the first fujoshi adds in the same tone.

But I think we've teased Kit-T-teen a bit too much, so I firmly request, "Alright, that's enough teasing. Let's talk about something serious now." Then I give my men a pointed look, and they promptly resume their guard, so I turn to the Earthlings again, Smallsmallsmall, specifically. "I want to know how you 'saw' us."

The cherubic, imp, gnome, manchild boy makes a casual but thoughtful expression as he prepares his speech, but then he shows how he really doesn't have a high "Charisma." "Okay, so, I can 'see' magic, but I just don't understand what I'm seeing. When the sky turned white, I was bombarded with the sensation of magic, so I focused on one part of the sky and saw the same 'weird stuff' that I'd see if I were looking at us. Not only that, but I also 'knew' that I was looking at a mirror in the same way that you 'know' what type of spell a mage is casting by the 'feeling' of their mana."

"I totally understood that… not," Teen memes, and it surprises me because that's an oldie.

But SSS glares at him. "You got some magic training too. You should have an idea of what I'm talking about."

"You are rather bad at explaining things," I point out.

"Domkop," he swears (I think) in a surprising but brief flash of anger. Guess I don't know him well enough to freely banter like I do with Lily. "Nobody can explain magic well. It's a mess."

He's lucky our men don't understand his Earthling speech, so he gets a free pass this time, but they'll catch on to the meaning if he keeps saying it.

"There's still some logic to it, which is why I want to study at a magic university again," I calmly retort.

He shrugs and makes himself more comfortable on his cushion. "Well, you're nerdier than me; I just want to create cool stuff, like sarin gas."

I see an opportunity here, so I shift the conversation a bit. "And what do you want to do, Thant?"

But the cat lowers his head and stares at his furred hands for a moment, then just shrugs. "I don't know. Fighting is pretty depressing, and my Gift doesn't do anything but kill."

"You could work as a lamplight," little SSS hums.

And I point out the obvious, "Dude, you're a dispenser of Light mana. Have you ever tried healing anyone?"

"No, I'm not a doctor," he meekly deflects.

So I drive the point in, "Well, you should look into learning, then. You're young, and you're definitely going to live to more than a hundred, so you have more time than ever."

But Kel-O's suddenly laughs out loud. "He's a hero in an isekai, and you're telling him to become a doctor. Where's your creativity?"

"You're one to talk," I grumble back with a frown.

And he rolls his eyes. "He's a soldier. Why aren't you happy with being a 'hero'?"

"Mandatory service. I don't really want to be a soldier," U T dryly explains.

"Well, you're God's chosen who can fart holy light, so go be Jesus on steroids or something," the gnome (I ran out of nicknames) mumbles tiredly.

But I feel like I really need to make this clear, "Please don't actually try to become Jesus on steroids. I'm pretty sure that we've been chosen because we're unlikely to abuse our powers, so don't go against that."

"So just be a wandering saint, healing anyone you come across and getting all the crazy pious pussy," the lazy uncle corrects himself.

"The world is your oyster," I agree with a nod.

Thant stares at me for a long moment, letting an awkward silence settle in, then confusedly asks, "What does that even mean…?"

"No idea, but it's supposed to be inspirational," I shamelessly admit with a silly smile.

And Sam suddenly sits up on his cushion. "It's inspired me to leave this place. Since we're clearly in an empty space, how about we leave?"

But one last thing occurs to me. "Hold your horses, Kellogs. Did you see my summons?"

He furrows his baby-like eyebrows at me. "Did you just-… it isn't fair that you get to give others nicknames, but yes, I saw two little masses of magic that were exactly like the masses of your other summons."

And I happily hum, "Nice, because they just got teleported like the other Hollys I summoned. Since the area they were in isn't very far, I want us to inspect it and see if we get teleported too."

Sam doesn't look happy. "Alright, let's get this over with already, but fly at full speed, pleeease."

So I nail him again. "Righty-o, 'Kello."


I said I wanted to inspect the area, but that's easier said than done. They disappeared in the middle of an empty void, so the only information about their location that I have is the direction and an imprecise distance to it. Still, the summons all disappeared at the same time, so either the "trigger" is a sphere, or it was a deliberate teleportation, and the latter is starting to scare me.

The dungeon is fucking around with us too much, and there isn't even a "theme" or "lore" to explain things; every level has simply been wall after wall.

Then I get the idea to summon waves of six Hollys to find out the pattern in which they get teleported, and each Holly of a wave will go in a different direction, just in case. We likely won't notice if everything gets teleported, but it would be a pain to organize to check for that, so we ignore that possibility for now.

It doesn't take long, and the Holly that went in the opposite direction the airship is flying towards suddenly disappears from the sight of the second Holly far behind it. The next ones to disappear are the Hollys that went up, down, and sideways from the airship, all at the same time. Then the Holly that went forward also disappears, the last summon of the first wave.

This pattern repeats again soon after with the second wave, confirming that the "disappearance" trigger is based on the distance from us. The last thing to confirm is whether or not we're getting close to the "mirror," but I have a feeling that that doesn't matter because even if we are getting closer, the delay between the turning off of Thant's "little sun" and the sky tells us that there's about a light-second of distance between us.

How long would it take for a car to drive from Earth to the moon if there was a road connecting them?

I'm gonna go with a long, long, long time.

So I come out of my tent and admit, "You know what? I'm running out of ideas. We might as well leave a bunch of summons here for safekeeping and then just go back."

And Kellogs jumps to his feet. "Okay, are you sure? Because if you are, I'm leaving right now to get high."

I nod. "Yeah, I'm sure…"

But Thant cautiously inquires, "Will the [Gate] remain open? I want to stay just a while longer because the silence is soothing."

And I nod again, then leave along with Samkelo and the guards.


I [Gate] myself back to our mansion, and the moment I enter the room, multiple hands help me get out of my clothes as fast as possible. My Cock springs up, hard as Okross, as they pull my pants down, and they giggle foxily at its Immensity, then hand me a cup of Cinco Flores to take the edge off.

Alissa raises her head, her mouth dripping with saliva and pussy juices, then gives me the purest smile a depraved slut like her could make. It's still leaning heavily on the "pure" side of the scale as she has the face of a dedicated wife who has put all of her love and energy into the meal before her dearest husband.

And what she's prepared for me is the eyepatched imperial catgirl. For being wounded while doing her duty, she'll receive a small reward: the honor of being the first pussy to coat my Cock with her orgasm cream. All of the other girls that fought will also be rewarded to avoid encouraging them to get wounded during battle because some of them are just that crazy for my Draconic Cock.

A very cute mage elf happily and eagerly lubes me up, and she has to stop herself from giving me a handjob as she almost becomes completely enraptured by its glorious shape. Then I return the empty cup and approach the lightly tanned and athletic kitten, but she makes a tense expression, which puzzles me.

"What's the problem, my kitten?" I soothingly ask as I stop before her, my Cock a mere centimetri from her dripping pussy, close enough to feel the heat emanating from her.

"I feel like the eyepatch is ugly," she cutely answers with an embarrassed pout.

"Nonsense," I gently but firmly reassure her.

I can't say that eyepatches are sexy (and also make her look tomboyish) because that's a weird fetish from anime, but even to the wives, she doesn't look bad. It's a source of pride to be wounded and scarred in battle, though women generally prefer to fully heal all their scars. But still, she'll soon recover her eyesight, so she's just being a bit childish, though she does seem to be around Roxanne's age, and we all know how that one is.

Then I line up my Cock and press its head against her moist pussy lips, making her breathe in. "You're still as gorgeous as ever, but your dedication to your duty also makes you gorgeous in my eyes," I huskily charm her, and it hits her right in her weak spot: the fanatical zeal they have for us.

And the only response she can give is a soft purr as she's overwhelmed with emotions, which she then repeats more intensely as I push my hips forward and slide inside her fiery folds, turning it into a lewd, moist moan. Her insides grip and spasm as she's suddenly taken over by the need to be bred, begging for me to cum inside her already, but we're just starting.

I grip her small but supple breasts with my clawed hands and slowly pull back, lengthening my Cock to make the slide last longer. Then I perform my lady-killer long stroke and drive it inside her again with a loud smack. Her spread legs quiver in ecstasy, and her jaw starts to go slack, revealing her cute fangs.

But my other specialty is stimulating all of a woman's erogenous zones at the same time, so I lean forward and kiss her as I create suckers for her nipples and also tentacles to caress her cute, black, cat ears and tail. And, if I'm being honest, the ears and tail love is as much for me as it is for her because I'm addicted to fluffy and furry bits.

With every moist and hard thrust, I extend my soul further inside her and all over her pussy lips, and she gradually loses more and more control of her tongue as I fuck her mouth, too, with my extensive kissing experience. I savor this moment a bit because it feels so sweet to see her slowly melt in my arms, but eventually, my soul reaches her clit and G-spot, which starts the countdown until she's mindblown and passed out.

But since we had two whole squads fight today, there are a lot of thirsty women waiting to be rewarded with a good breeding, so we might as well turn this into a full-blown orgy/party and release the booze. The dragon wants to impregnate some girls, so I have literal buckets of cum ready to be released.


Today is the 6th, Ekt, day of Electricity. I just wonder if it will have any impact on Lyle's computers once miniaturization gets so evolved that the components reach the nanometer realm.

And my musings are enhanced by the gentle blowjob human-Aoi is giving me. When I open my eyes, the first thing I see is her alien-like obsidian pair, their black sclera making her look mysterious, while the red and blue irises give a "wild" flavor. But when she moves her head up, her (super) long and silky, dark blue hair tickles my thighs and belly, giving me a very pleasant chill as I unleash a thick rope upon her tongue.

She briefly shows me her bounty and plays with it with her tongue, as is our custom, then happily swallows and kisses the tip, but a little drop comes out, so she gives it another lick.

"Good girl," I praise her with warm eyes as I pat her head, and she gives me a gentle smile, which looks gorgeous on her supremely feminine and almost Asian face. But I can also easily see her draconic and menacing face superimposed over her human form, and it looks just as cute.

The Companions are still slowly waking up, and Ciel is helping the ones with hangovers clear their systems and rehydrate, so I guess now is a good time to give some personal attention to the needy wives.

I turn to the fox happily resting her head on my chest, and her fluffy tail immediately starts to wag. Her pointy ears also reflexively rise up as my hand moves towards them to begin satisfying my obsession.

I did want to become a wolf boy, which is part of the reason why I chose my name, so I sometimes feel jealous that I'm not furry myself. A dragon is fine, too, but I was never one to dream of having such an extremely glorious and glamorous form.

But if I was chosen to be isekaied because I was unlikely to misuse my Gift, then I was also chosen to become a dragon because I wasn't very prideful, to begin with, so I ended up becoming a very reasonable Lord, King, and hero. Isn't too much pride a very common reason for dictators to fall?

I honestly feel like becoming a dragon just hardened my "no fucks given" attitude. My pride is as hard as my scales, so it's really damn hard to wound it.

But enough musings. It's time to fuck a fox silly.

And the vixen in question instantly responds to my internal statement by immediately laying her whole body upon my chest. Her round breasts press against my skin, drawing my gaze to their adorably squished forms, but then I instinctively raise my eyes to stare upon the cutest little smile my dear young wife is making.

"Oh, so there is something that can make you look away from breasts," she playfully whispers and makes an adorable pout to deliberately attempt to stab my heart with her cuteness.

And I grin as I calmly and warmly defend myself from her aggressive love, "That's unfair. I only have one pair of eyes, but you have so many beautiful parts that I could stare at all day. Though, you don't always walk around naked, so I don't get enough of your perky breasts."

"Then, would you like to see them bounce?" she proposes and raises her chest a bit, letting her pair hang and sway with her movements.

"Of course," I immediately hum back, entranced by them.

And she gives me a quick peck on the lips that makes my heart flutter, then excitedly mounts me and presses her warm pussy lips against my shaft, spreading them in a very luscious manner. I don't even need to read her mind; her foxy grin simply tells me everything she wants to do to me and me to do to her.

I sink my claws into the perky pair that I love so much, and she begins to move her hips back and forth, rubbing her mildly wet lips against my long, hard Cock, coating and lubing it with her lewd juices. This sends electrifying jolts of pleasure to both of us, and we almost immediately lose control of our slow teasing.

Neither of us is good at keeping it slow, tho, so this definitely won't last long, but I'll savor it regardless.

We never let a clit be neglected, so I cover it with my spirit, and she almost instantly cums, but this also makes her leak her lubing fluids, enhancing the pleasure as she speeds up the shaking of her hips. I even release her tits for a short while just so that I can appreciate their firm jiggle. It's different from the entrancing shake of Ciel's cow tits, but it's alluring nonetheless.

Then she smirks at my tit obsession, drawing my eyes to the gorgeous, cheeky beauty that only a fox can have. Her shoulder-length hair waves with her movements, and her lips part as she begins to let out breathy moans. Then I even catch a glimpse of her wagging, fluffy tail, making me struggle to choose what I want to focus on.

The solution is obvious, so I get everyone to stare at us, allowing me to see every angle of our love-making through [Bind], which has the side-effect of making the wives horny too. And since they're all already naked, I might as well link everyone's feelings, creating a gentle song of breathy, female moans that makes my Cock twitch.

Alissa jumps in surprise at the mild change in thickness of her rubbing pole, and it actually slips into her.

"Ah…!" she squeaks adorably as I spread her hot, moist insides wide, and she promptly sits on it fully, making my whole shaft disappear inside her until her landing strip hits my pelvis. There's just something about seeing a woman slide down my shaft that gives me a chill of excitement.

And we're both animals, so the moment we realize that I'm inside her, our wild side breaks out of its chains. So I buck, throwing her up in the air, and then she pushes herself down as I buck again, slamming both of our hips together with a loud smack.

Ah, the jiggle. Her fox ears, her hair, her perky breasts, her thighs, her fluffy tail. They all look so sweet as they shake with our fucking that I get Gify to replay them in glamorous slow motion inside my mind.

"Gih…" the very kind and gentle member of our family energetically chirps, happy to help, but I'm too deep into primal lust to pay attention to her.

Alissa puts her hands on my chest to stabilize herself as she grins in ecstasy, showing me her cute little fangs, but her upper lips gradually rise up in anger as the fox takes her over. Another cute sight to distract me from her jiggling breasts, and her lips curl up in a smile as she reads my mind, distracting me further, but it only lasts a short while before her animal nature takes over again.

Our ferocity continues to escalate, and we begin to growl with every thrust, every wild penetration deep into her cunt. Our bestial nature pushes us to go beyond just love and lust, and so I crave to breed her while she wishes to be bred, to dominate her and her to be dominated, to fill her with my seed and her to wring me dry.

The wives then start a chorus to encourage me further, "Cum! Cum! Cum! Cum! Cum!" And I've always been an impatient one.

So I slam into Alissa one more time and press against her cervix as I unleash rope after rope inside her. My Cock throbs with every release, making her let out weak squeaks both from the pain from her cervix and the squirming of my meat club inside her. But to me, this feels like absolute bliss as the dragon achieves the ultimate goal in his life: impregnate the extremely fertile fox that my eyes refuse to look away from.

But the human wants more. He wants to blow his beloved's mind, so we must continue the breeding. And now that the floodgates have opened, I repeatedly cum inside her.

The cadence of the thrusts slows down as I must unleash a cumshot inside her every time, but this just gives us more time to prepare ourselves to slam against each other with even more violence. Our limbs begin to shake, and our moans and groans start to tremble as the sensations overwhelm our minds, but we don't stop moving, no matter what.

But I also won't hog the orgasms all to myself, so I link everyone's pleasure into one big mess, infusing the savagery of the dragon into all of us. May the Companions find comfort in their prayers to the Gods, for we have no mercy to give.

And I give them a preview of what's going to happen to them through Alissa's cunt. Reddened from arousal and slapping our thighs together, dripping with lewd fluids and cum from both of us, and abused, stretched, violated, and stimulated to the point that her mind goes blank and her legs move on their own to continue the pain and pleasure.

But this is just the start of the average Ravaging for us.

It's also bad manners to let my little breeding fox do all of the work, so I push her down and mount her. She lets out a cute squeak of surprise but promptly moves her hips as I continue slamming myself into her again.

Then our eyes meet, and the feral hunger grows even further. She grabs my back to steady herself, and her pointy nails find their favorite spots to bite into my skin. Like hooks, they give her a stronger hold of me, and they also tell me that she won't let me go until I'm done.

So I slam and cum inside her, again and again as I get closer and closer to heaven, though I'll never actually get there.

But this heaven-on-earth is enough for me because, once I'm done with Alissa, I'll start the climb again with the other wives.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord FrostyCube.

Lord Glaistig Uaine.

Lord School work.

Lord Beater.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord Peter Kraushuber

Lord David England.

Lord Cidant.

Lord Marwin33.

Lord time Campbell.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble warmoger55.

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