
Chapter 176: Thread of Fate – Part 2

My [Wind Magic] increased by 4 (now 1+8), which is expected after my little foray with [Wind Aspect] (though I'm sad I didn't learn the Aspect skill); my [Polearm Use] has increased by 1 (now 12+9), and that's a good level up, considering my tentacles only went for easy monster kills; but the really good level up was [Chaos Breath] (now 2), and I believe that learning how to power through the post-blast tiredness is what tipped it over.

Alissa increased her [Hawk Eyes] by 1 (now 8), a surprise but not really, considering she used it a lot to spot things for us all throughout the battle.

Roxanne increased her [Reduced Mana Cost] by 1 (now 19+9), likely from spamming Brain-[Explosion].

Hana increased her [Tatesomu Style] by 1 (now 12) because she did her style's specialty: charge in like a fucking heavy horse (that's more like a truck), and her [Intimidate] by 1 (now 5) as she used it a lot when hounding out the monsters.

Also, she's now 25 years old, but instead of being happy, she gets a chill when I check her "Status."

"What's up with you?" I question confusedly as I slowly move my Cock in and out of her.

She looks away and embarrassedly answers as she plays with her nipples, "You're going to make us sing that 'birthday' song again, aren't you?"

"I actually forgot you got embarrassed by that," Roxanne remarks with a mischievous grin as she approaches.

"It's impressive that there's something that makes you embarrassed," Yunia flatly adds.

"It doesn't make me embarrassed, just happy," Lina confesses with a shy smile.

And Hana turns to her as she immediately replies, "Then you stand behind the cake… ahn… while we sing." Then Roxanne starts playing with her clit, making her moan louder.

"No! It's your birthday, not mine," our gloomy loli bravely declares.

"I admit it does feel a bit embarrassing," Alissa remarks with a bitter smile.

"Exactly! And… ahn…! I'm the only one who's gone through this…!" Hana frustratedly follows up between moans as Roxanne's clit rubbing intensifies.

"Only because we got stuck in a coma in Legado for a while, so don't worry, everyone will eventually have their cringe birthday song," I reassure her with an evil smile as I pound her pussy harder.

And I can't say that the girls are very excited about that.

"What is it about this 'birthday song' that's so embarrassing?" Kaatohe curiously questions.

I'm too busy cumming inside Hana, so Alissa explains in my stead.

"That sounds silly," my bronze cat quietly remarks, sounding scared of offending me since it relates to my culture, but I just snort.

"It is, which is why it's funny that Hana of all people is embarrassed about it," Roxanne cheekily replies and kisses the emerald scales on Hana's cheek.

"I'm not a silly woman!" she exclaims annoyedly, making her pussy tighten so good that I moan.

Then I slow down and look into her yellow lizard eyes as I grin. "But we're a corny family, so be a good girl and let us smother you with our love," I warmly request.

And when I say it lovingly like that, she's unable to resist my charm and begrudgingly accepts it.


Now, continuing with the "Status" updates.

Ciel increased her [Tiretiera Style] and [Wind Magic] by 1 (now 0+4 and 9+31) from all the air combat.

Lina increased her [Earth Magic] by 1 (now 14) from pelting dozens of monsters with [Earth Bullet]s. No melee skill up as she didn't engage in very intense combat since She-Hulk kept things manageable.

And, lastly, Aoi didn't get any noticeable growth, and neither did Yunia get any skill ups as even her use of [Precognition] wasn't heavy enough to give her a point in [Weaverism].

For Lords, mass battles aren't that great of a source of levels or skills unless we fight a Lord-level foe. Otherwise, we're mostly dealing with weak enemies that don't push our skills while there's also too much diminishing returns on the EXP they give.


We eat our breakfast on the bed due to the second party/orgy, so it isn't until well into mid-morning that we come out to have a talk with the Earthlings. We don't know what to do, so we need to come up with a new plan.

"So, how was the 'party'?" Kellogs asks the moment we enter the room, grinning suggestively like the fool he is. I guess our men told him we were "resting" all this time.

"I don't want to know," Lolily immediately declares, sounding almost desperate.

So I give a dismissive answer, "It was an orgy with dozens of women, while I was the only man. Imagine it." Maybe I shouldn't purposefully irritate Lily, except when we're bantering.

"How was the smell?" the filthy gnome dares ask. The smell isn't something that's talked about often, even for Rupegians. It's just "something you get used to."

"I really don't want to know," Lyli insists, though even she can barely hold back a smile because of the naughty topic.

So, of course, I just have to give the most hammed-up answer with a straight face, "When you're horny, pussy smells like perfume, and I'm always horny."

And Lila makes a defeated expression as she sighs. "I'm so glad we didn't have this talk during breakfast."

"Come, now, Lily; sex is a natural thing," I gently hum as I take my seat at the center of the long table, directly opposite hers.

And Ciel comes to my aid, "You Earthlings are so squeamish about sex. Wolfy was like that too until we 'helped' him 'open up.'"

Lile rests her head on her fist with a smile on her face that says she's both amused and in disbelief. "And you're the priestess?"

There's something about the Earthlings that just tickles Ciel's desire to preach, so she cutely smiles, very proud of herself, and gives one of her usual priestly explanations, "Yes, I am. Your surprise is understandable, considering the Sky Landers aren't the most faithful followers of the Humanoid Gods, but surely you should've become accustomed to it, given the Chimeras basically walk around naked all the time."

"Nudity and sex are two different things. I knew you were more free-spirited, but I didn't expect a full-blown Roman elite copycat."

"Explain what you mean," Yunia politely but firmly requests. She already knows, but she wants to put Lili on the spot.

But this much isn't enough to put Lilo off balance, though she does hesitate for a second to carefully choose her words. "The Roman elite was infamous for their… well, orgies and parties."

"'Infamous'?" Yunia repeats just to pressure her further.

"They lived in excess while their nation crumbled around them," Lilu falls right into the trap.

So the elven Queen sternly questions while snickering internally, "And we're supposed to be similar to them?"

There's a pause as the implication sinks in, but then Lala realizes that it's a trap and narrows her eyes in a complete lack of amusement, which makes her look very sexy to me.

"You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?" she boldly questions the Queen.

Who flashes both a smug and snobbish smile. "I am."

And then they fall silent as they stare swords and daggers at each other.

"Chesa, are our mommies fighting?" Roxanne jokes with a childish tone.

"I think they're flirting," Che-che surprisingly jokes back, then giggles girlishly.

This disarms Lele a bit, as she's definitely not flirting with anyone, especially me when she banters.

And their joke lightens the mood, which makes Aoi comfortable enough to innocently share, "Every day, we learn a new Earthling word, and it's very entertaining." But the power of her voice almost makes the Four jump in surprise.

"Yeah, it's nice," Hana hums while Gify nods in agreement.

The gluttonous little griffin follows us because of how interesting our lives are, so the daily session of learning about Earthling culture is a very fulfilling meal for her.

The two bantering girls seem to be done with each other, so I casually remark, "Well, the Gods here say that sex and love are great, so chillax a bit."

"Just don't force me to listen to this topic," Lyly tiredly requests.

But Kel-Kel isn't done being cheeky, so he boldly continues with a lecherous grin, "Well, I'm fine with it. I'm just surprised that I didn't get invited."

"You're lucky that Yunia has an ugly bastard fetish, or she'd never flirt with you," I promptly bust his balls.

And he opens his eyes wide, taken aback. "Dude, what the fuck? I have a baby face!"

I actually chuckle at how mean I'm being to him. "But you have the soul of an ugly old man."

He's a tough bugger, though, and takes it in stride. "I'm going to consider that a compliment, that I'm man enough to be a threat of NTR'ing others."

And I shrug. "Whatever makes you happy."

La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo lets out a loud, pained sigh and then glares at both of us intensely. Once it's clear we're done, she finally broaches the actual topic we've gathered here to discuss, "Since it seems we're stuck in that void, I think following the teleportations isn't the way. The other levels all had a spherical portal like the one in the middle of the fortress, so why would it change so suddenly?"

Alissa nods in agreement, something that still feels icky to her, then muses, "Yes, that makes sense. Maybe the portal is inside the tornado?"

"Oh, no. You're going to make me dispel that massive thing?!" Sa-Sa suddenly exclaims in horror.

"That's what she said," Kellogs whispers and snickers.

But I soothe the pretty not-Zora, "Or we could have the Horns search for the portal since they can dive in there without issue, it seems. The teleportation also doesn't take them somewhere dangerous, so I guess it's fine to let them do that."

"It could take a long time to scour through the entirety of it," Yunia points out.

And we go silent as all eyes gradually turn towards Chesa again (it's really hard to come up with nicknames for her), but I still have one last card up my sleeve.

"I have an idea, but I'll need time to research it," I eagerly declare.

"I have no ideas, so take as long as you need," Kellogs casually hums back.

Then Ciel gives some advice to the silent Mr. T, "[Light Magic] is very disruptive to other magic, so maybe you could find a way to help Chesa."

"S-sure, I can try," he hums back, sounding mildly happy that he can help.


My idea relates to what happened to me back in the Legado dungeon. Arreira said that he "whittled down my body and soul until only my Thread of Fate was left," creating Shade, a specter with an obsessive attraction to the dungeon's core and the ability to sense its direction no matter how far away it was. There are many explanations for why Shad had this ability, so now is the perfect time to check which is the correct one.

I go back to our room, sit down on the bed, grab my lap loli and a nice cup-o'-coffee along with some chocolate cookies, then once again dive into the wonderful world of knowledge that is Arreira's notes.

"The key is the Beds of Preservation," Lina wisely points out, and I pat her head in agreement.

What the Beds do is "freeze" your HP by grabbing onto what the elves assume is one's Thread of Fate, allowing time for the many [Regeneration]-like spells to take effect. What Arreira did was put us in those beds and give us fake bodies, like the ones the spirit Chimeras had (allowing him to safely "kill" Ciel), and then he did a rather sick experiment on me. He "shaved off" "everything else" I had, whatever that means, except for what the Bed had taken a hold of, which I kind of remember involved a rather gruesome "death" (though my memories of it are fuzzy), but, like Ciel, I was never at any risk of dying unless the Beds malfunctioned.

The Beds he used also had a God-Ruler level of craftsmanship, so it isn't something that just about anybody could recreate. And there's also the fact that it cost around one hundred thousand points of mana to regenerate my whole body again.


To put that in perspective, the highest MP pool I've ever seen was from grandpa Lookwir, the king of the gnomes at level 268, but even he still only had fifty-one thousand MP.

Alissa puts a hand on the page and forces me to look at her as she sternly interjects, "Yeah, we're not 'shaving off' your ego and soul, even if we had the mana."

And Yunia gives a reasonable argument in support, "It'd also be unnecessary, as we only need to focus on the area of your soul that the Beds affect, and somehow have you 'access' it."

So I have no choice but to agree, "Yeah, that makes sense. We can just use [Sense Soul] to find it, and then use my talent in 'soul shaping' to… pull it out?"

We don't really know what to do with the Thread, but we'll get there when we get there…

"You can already see our 'HP,' and isn't that our 'Thread of Fate'?" Hana curiously inquires.

But Ciel shakes her head negatively and gives one of her iconic scholarly explanations, "Not necessarily, no. 'Health' is how 'aligned' your body is with your soul, a connection that becomes degraded when either of them receives damage."

And I shrug. "I learned how to see someone's HP after we mapped the physical body to the soul 'organs,' so I guess Ciel is right; HP is a representation of the Thread's 'strength' but not the Thread itself."

"I should be able to find the Thread with [Weaverism] if you allow me to 'enter' you," Yunia dares utter such words with a straight face.

I hold back a snicker. "Normally, it's the inverse, but sure, as long as you don't try to stick anything in my ass."

And she dryly corrects, "I meant that I'll use Life to enter your soul and search for where the Bed connects to it."

"You knew what you were saying," Roxanne exposes the snobbish Queen and gives her a pointed look.

But she doesn't deem the demon worthy of a proper reply. "Shush."

And Alissa continues before they can start their sadomasochistic banter, "We just need to bring back a Bed. I remember us putting them all in the Treasury."

Then their eyes fall on me. A quick visit home would be nice, though there's the problem that I'd likely start an orgy with my women the moment I see them. We're not constrained for time, so it's hard to hold myself back when there's no reasonable reason not to.

So it falls on the wives to come up with a reasonable reason, and Alissa's protective tendencies help her quickly find one, "The airship is still inside the void. Who knows if the dungeon might attempt to destroy it if we leave it there for too long?"

"Yeah, that's enough. I won't take long," I immediately agree. Nobody's going to touch my flying baby/lover/wife again.


"Hello," I casually greet the guards as I arrive at the [Eternal Gate] Hub room of our castle. The refreshing smell of wood, moss, grass, and the occasional whiff of a flower's perfume feels so nostalgic that it almost brings a tear to my eye.

Then both Osaria and Poosh come running into the room, and it takes a colossal amount of self-control to not breed them here and now. An effort I have to double as they bury my horned head in their bountiful bosoms. What's better than a pair of cow tits? Four.

"What a pleasant surprise, Your Highness," Poosh greets, sounding just a bit emotional.

"We just received a report of your battle in the fortress," Osaria continues, sounding just a bit concerned.

"I'm here-…" I begin, but my voice comes out too muffled, so I stand on my tip-claws so that I can speak properly and continue, "I'm here for some quick business, but if either of you tease me any more, I won't be able to stop myself from Ravaging you."

Poosh's bespectacled kind eyes light up in happiness, while Osaria's are filled with lust and temptation, but my fluffy sheep milf gets a hold of herself first and states, "I'll warn the maids." Then she runs off, and I feel her gait is a bit stiffer, which I believe is because my tone and words turned her on.

Osaria releases me a second later just as I get a shiver of excitement, but I guess I'll have to walk to the Treasury with a massive boner because my chocolate milf has been trained too well and won't tease me further. That's good, but a part of me also weeps that she has become so obedient.

"Come with me; we're walking to the Treasury," I order and grab one of her luscious, round, exposed ass cheeks.

"Oh, my…" she hums sensuously, then moans as I sneak a (padded) claw into her warming pussy.

This much, I can handle.


By the time we reach the Treasury, I'm already claw-fucking her, creating loud moist sounds as she begins to leak lewd fluids onto the floor. Also, my boner is so hard that I'm leaking precum into my underwear, but that's acceptable, as all my clothes are stain-resistant because they absolutely need to be.

As we enter the heavily guarded room, we have to squint a bit because the shine of all the wealth here is a bit uncomfortable. It's really a waste to keep it all locked away since not even we come here regularly, so we might as well make a museum and make some money off these things.

We continue down along the grass carpet until we reach the section for the artifacts and Artifacts we recovered from Legado. They're noticeably less shiny than the rest, as Arreira didn't bring much wealth with him to his tomb, so it's mostly tools, curiosities, works of art, weapons, and armor.

The Bed of Preservation is a nondescript wooden tub, but the important part is the interior, where all the enchantments are. Yunia gives me some instructions to check if all the pieces are there, and I use my tentacles to do it because Osaria's legs are trembling too much for her to walk on her own right now.

So, the "controls" require you to stick your hand into a hole and use [Weaverism], which I don't know how to do, so I guess I have to call Almaria to properly check things for me. I could use my Dick and soul, but that'd actually offend Yunia a bit, so Almaria, it is.

As we slowly walk back, I decide to play with Osaria's weak spots, and she loses the ability to remain standing as she starts to leak heavily, so I switch my claw for my Cock just to get a taste of her. I was already hard, so I sync my orgasm with hers, and our legs tremble as we groan loudly in bliss. Unfortunately, there's nobody to clean her up, so she does it herself while we wait for her to recover some strength in her hips.

After that, we bring along Almaria, who shoots a few suspicious glances towards Osaria as my chocolate milf has a blissful expression stuck on her face.

But the golden-haired High Officer is too professional to let this get in the way, so she quickly does her job, then turns around and adjusts her half-circle glasses on her little nose as she reports, "This one is working as it should, and it's even been filled with a staggering amount of mana, so it most definitely will work, though I'm not sure of the exact amount of mana it has left."

And I hum as I nod, "We're not going to be using much mana, so as long as it can connect to my Thread of Fate, it'll be fine."

But her curious green eyes sparkle with curiosity as she curiously remarks, "I'm curious as to why you'd need such a function."

I like how she has such passion for her work, so I eagerly explain our plan to her, "So, my Thread of Fate may be influencing me towards exploring dungeons, or maybe my divine Gift makes me attracted to dungeon cores, which have a 'divine' touch to them. But either way, we need to tap into this attraction to find a portal that will take us deeper into a dungeon that's threatening Kini Kaina, the Sky Lander capital."

"That is fascinating," she hums as the sparkle in her eyes doubles in intensity.

So it'd be impolite not to offer, "Do you want to come with us? Your expertise in [Weaverism] could help."

And she lowers her head respectfully. "If you'll allow me. I'm willing to walk back to save on costs as I know that the Imperial Network is expensive to use."

But I kindly reject that idea, "That's unnecessary. I'd rather have you back here as soon as possible since you're responsible for watching over our Eia farms."

Knowing our enemies, they'd likely try to sabotage our lifeblood if they knew she was stuck taking a long trip back home.

And she smiles gently. "As you wish, Your Highness."


As we walk back to the Hub, an unfortunate encounter makes me stop in my tracks.

"Wolfy! You're back!" Klein happily exclaims as she skips over to me.

The fact that she isn't coming from our bedroom triggers something in me, and the dragon breaks out of its chains. There are countless obvious reasons that could explain it, but the dragon latches onto that fact, and then it latches onto her.

"I really don't want to spend too long here, so I'll make it quick," I whisper seductively as I give her the most intense and hungry stare that I can, my boundless lust pushing my [Sexual Charm] and high "Charisma" to their limits. The human and the real me are both surprised by how deeply jealous the dragon is right now.

If Nono were also here, I'd go crazy.

But just thinking of her is enough to do just that.

"Y-yes, I missed you too, heh…" she meekly jokes, and I just love this playfully innocent part of her.

"Undress for me," I command, and she unhesitatingly obeys.

Klein is a cute dark-skinned beauty with an athletic body, a very firm pair of breasts, and short, brown hair in a bob, a delightful mix of girl and woman. She has a nice little ass and a strong pair of legs, but I love her back more as it's toned in a delicious way from her job as an archer. And her cute, round monkey ears and long, furry tail are the cute little cherries on this breedable cake.

And I promptly run my hands all over this delicious morsel, making her release trembling moans of fear and excitement. She hasn't forgotten who she belongs to, but it never hurts to reinforce it.

"Oh! Uh… I'll meet you at the hub, Your Highness," Almaria suddenly states with a blush as she comes out of her stupor caused by sudden arousal.

And I grunt like a dragon in acknowledgment.


And I grunt like a dragon with every thrust as I repeatedly slam my thick meat rod into the little monkey girl. Her face is against the carpet floor, almost drooling as I pin down the back of her neck with one clawed hand and hold her waist up with the other, keeping her in the most submissive pose she could ever be in.

I have no mercy and attack all of her weak spots and holes, and not even the wives can fully resist that, so my little Klein becomes almost as limp as a fuck doll. The savagery of my pounding and molesting tentacles makes me look like a monster Ravaging an innocent maiden, but I take pride in this achievement.

Suddenly, I catch the scent of another woman's lewd fluids, so I immediately turn my head toward the source, and I find that there's a meek sheep frozen before me, bespectacled eyes open wide in awe. The sight of us was so shocking that even she became aroused.

And since I'm almost done with this one, I might as well quickly finish this other slut here, too.

Lina was right; I'm a menace.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord FrostyCube.

Lord Glaistig Uaine.

Lord School work.

Lord Beater.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord Peter Kraushuber

Lord David England.

Lord Cidant.

Lord Marwin33.

Lord time Campbell.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble warmoger55.

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