
Chapter 178: Four-EyeD – Part 2

Now feeling refreshed, I join the wives in the hot water while the rest of the maids care for their passed-out comrade, and they actually look a bit afraid of me for what I've done. I'll never not enjoy pounding a woman until she loses consciousness from the excessive bliss, so I have no regrets.

"It seems like Chesa is proving to be a 'lazy' type," Yunia remarks and glances at us as she applies conditioner to Roxanne's hair, her tone just like that of a gossiping crone.

"I feel like she has a lot in common with Roxanne, for some reason," I absentmindedly remark and moan softly. Aoi wants her daily meal of cum, so my Cock isn't allowed to rest.

And Roxanne yells at me without turning her head because that'd annoy her partner, "Oi! That little bitch is far too dainty in comparison to me. We may both be bitches, but I'm a crazy bitch, while she's an uncaring bitch."

Ciel does a Ciel and acts like the family therapist, "You both have problems that affect your behavior, which is why Wolfy thinks you're similar."

I hum with a cheeky grin, "Samkelo is also quite bitchy." But then I frown in confusion. "But why do you guys use 'bitch'? Isn't that just 'female dog'?"

"Have you seen wild dogs mating? They're noisy and annoying," Hana amusedly retorts. Lina's playing with her balloon tits, so she's in a good mood even though she's trying to hold back the horny.

"The males are the ones… hngh… who make the most noise, in my experience," I softly reply and pat Aoi's head underwater.

And Hana snorts. "That's also part of being a bitch; you make the men around you go crazy."

"Oh, yeah, I've done that," the pale bitch proudly remarks. But then she remembers a bad memory. "Though sometimes, you don't even have to do anything for them to go crazy…"

Hana pulls our troubled wife into a tight hug to comfort her, squishing Lina in between huge and small tits, though she doesn't mind. I also extend two tentacles to massage Roxanne's spiral horns, and she pouts as she feels like she's being treated like a child, but it feels good, so she just closes her eyes and enjoys it while patting her loli.

Yunia resumes conditioning Roxanne's hair, then casually continues, "'Bitch' kind of fits Samkelo, yes."

"Definitely fits Lily," Lina adds through [Bind], her tone sounding quite mean.

The Queen snorts in agreement and continues, "Surprisingly, the cat's stopped being a bitch."

Aoi releases my Cock and surfaces just so that she can share, "I'm starting to like him."

"Really?" I curiously question and caress her scaly back.

"He seems lost, like I was," she wistfully remarks and gives me a warm glance, enhanced by her alien-looking eyes with black sclera, then wraps her (padded) tail around my Cock.

I smile and remark as she begins stroking me, "He's similar to Chesa, yes. That's-… hngh… that's part of being a teenager."

"He's my age, and I'm nowhere near as 'lost' as him," Alissa promptly interjects and pouts annoyedly.

There's still some time until I'll cum, so I manage to get a whole paragraph out without interruption, "You were raised to be independent while he was raised in a more comfortable and coddled environment, though he's seen more shit than me since he was supposedly a conscript."

"'Seeing more shit' is still of incredibly minor value compared to your wisdom," Alissa states, her tone full of affection and pride. She wants to worship me, but since my Cock is busy, she grabs my scaled hand and gives it a kiss, then presses it against her chest, so I squeeze her juicy tit and make her moan.

"He's cute, though," Roxanne utters such blasphemy that we all turn to her in disbelief.

"Watch it. I'll 'train' you like I did with Hana and Osaria," I warn the daring succubus, who's flying a bit too close to the sun.

And she gives me a gorgeously cheeky grin as she wiggles her eyebrows and twitches her horns daringly. "Didn't you say you were 'morbidly curious' about the kinds of guys I fucked before we met? I know you want to hear this."

Now that I think about it again, being jealous is less cool than being cool and letting them be daring, so I decide to just stick to The Rules. "Hmm… fine, say what you want. I'll reserve the 'training' for 'unsanctioned flirting.'"

And she promptly utters even more blasphemy that hurts Alissa's innocent furry ears, "I'd love to let him do me in exchange for his virginity. They're always gentle and eager to please, so with just a bit of encouragement, he'd lick my clit for as long as it'd take to get me to orgasm."

"But Wolfy can do that in under a minute," Aoi confusedly states and tilts her large, sleek head to the side.

Which makes Roxanne chuckle. "Pretty much, yeah, so there's no reason to even look at other men anymore."

Hana's feeling a bit rebellious, so she decides to join her with a bold confession, "I think he's pretty fuckable. I like how he really seems to be a good person, similar to what Wolfy was like at the beginning. Though, I think the cat's beliefs would be a lot harder to 'corrupt' than Wolfy's were."

"I wouldn't touch him. Too much of a simple commoner for me," Yunia states with a sneer.

"I feel he's lacking in maturity, and I bet his dick is small," Alissa harshly adds and forces me to pinch her nipple, making her moan.

Lina frees her face from the tit pillows so that she can confess, "I want him as a pet." And we all give her a weird look for the surprising statement. "I mean, he's fluffy, but that's it, so he's only useful as a pet."

Somehow, it feels like her opinion of him is worse than Alissa's.

And Ciel isn't very interested in this topic, so she absentmindedly remarks with a bored tone, "Well, I kind of agree, and I also agree with Alissa, except for the dick part." In fact, the angel is so uninterested that she seems rather lonely, so I order Jarn to fondle her for me, which only mildly annoys her.

"I want nothing from him, but maybe just a friend?" Aoi questions out loud as she searches for her feelings.

"Gih," Gify also opines. It's funny how uninterested she is in the Earthlings.

And Aoi's tail makes me cum, so she briefly dives to eat her meal.

Since she has released me, I question the wives to make sure they're all happy, "Alright, we have time, so who wants a Ravaging?"

Roxanne, Lina, and Aoi raise their hands (and claws), so I guess it's time for a triple-sister treat. I remember that I need to continue stretching Lina's asshole so that she can fit my full-thickness Cock, so I keep a finger inside her for that while I do the other wives. And then I enjoy her exquisitely tight asshole myself for a bit until it becomes too uncomfortable for her.

Kaatohe finally comes back when we're about to leave, and I happily wash her in place of the maids just because I want to touch her bronze body.


Intermission – Lily


I once again have us all eat a meal together, but then what I said to evil-Toto a few days ago comes back to my mind. Samkelo is the weird uncle, the teens are my kids, and evil-Toto is the distant ex-husband. We're like a weird family, and it's giving me mixed feelings because I don't think I'm old enough to be a mother.

Then I remind myself that I do still have a real husband back on my Earth, but I can't fantasize about that too much because I won't abandon my "children" and my "brother." I definitely wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did that, so I shouldn't even think about it.

"So, little Wolfy left us behind to fuck his wives," Samkelo remarks and uses his magic to serve food to himself. None of us have gotten used to having the maids do that for us, so it's an acceptable use of his magic.

"Do you seriously want to watch them fuck?" I question the perverted fuck with a disgusted frown.

He gives me a sickeningly perverted grin and slowly nods. "Yeah… but that's not my point. He just abandoned us in the fortress, which I find weird because he's been trying so hard to get close to us." Then he leans back in his chair and shrugs.

And U Thant remarks as he waits for his turn, "I heard one of their guards say that they did something that gave them a headache and made a Chimera mage puke."

"Still, could've invited us for dinner," the gnome mumbles with a full mouth.

I sigh as I serve myself a spoonful of green kind-of-curry. "You've really gotta stop simping for the elf. It's fine that they leave us alone sometimes, and it also gives us the opportunity to explore the room at our own pace." Then I give him a stern stare, but I get distracted when I notice that there's also naan, and the chef seems to have got it right this time, so I eagerly sit down and begin to eat.

He swallows and waves his little baby hand dismissively. "Meh, the Sky Landers seem to be doing fine."

I want to start eating, but he really needs this chastising, "We shouldn't let them do everything, so you really need to stop being lazy and help more."

And he exaggeratedly rolls his eyes like a child. "Oh, come on. It looks like Wolfy is far from running out of ideas, so we can rest just a little longer."

So I stare more intensely to shut him up with my eyes as I firmly state, "We really shouldn't owe him anything."

"Why?" Thant questions innocently.

Damn, even the cat is getting cozy with the horny lizard.

I sigh and give everyone a look as I caution them, "Let me remind you all that he threatened us just because we wouldn't use an honorific. He's completely naturalized, so he isn't any different from the other Rupegians, which means we have to be on guard, or else he'll bind us with a vow just for our powers."

"Damn, you really don't see him in a good light," the annoying gnome quietly hums.

Evil-Toto is evil. Not that evil, but it's a fitting adjective if we compare him to my Toto.


Intermission end.


For dinner, Hana invites Caterina, who's lately become a bit shy around us.

We're eager to talk to her, but we can't simply skip the polite routine for starting conversations during meals. We first all have a taste of our food, then take a sip of Eia extract to cleanse our tongues. After that, we're free to begin talking as it'll distract us and make us eat slower, which allows the food to be savored for longer.

"What did you think about the extra-dimensional room?" I promptly question her.

She has her golden hair tied in a ponytail, which is quite the neat and clean look on her and fits her perfectly. "It's certainly… intriguing, but I find it too nauseating and unpleasant," she politely answers and continues eating with a grace comparable to Yunia's.

"I forced myself so hard to see everything that I actually managed to see it," Hana brags and playfully raises her eyebrows repeatedly.

Caterina stares at the boisterous woman as she chews, then narrows her eyes and suddenly becomes interested. "You… Alright, what did you see?"

And the braggart replies in an exaggeratedly wistful tone, "I honestly can't explain it, but it's incredible. Lina's going to enchant some glasses so that you'll also be able to see it soon."

"If it deals with the nausea, then I'll be happy," the golden milf states with a gentle shrug.

"It's likely going to cause headaches and exhaustion," I temper her expectations.

And now she shrugs with a smile. "Better than nausea."

Then Hana continues her attempt to wow and woo her lover, "The real dragon scales will be the area outside that room. We got a glimpse of it, and it's mind-melting."

But the pious woman has a different outlook. "I'm not that adventurous. I'd be happy if you conquered this dungeon without any surprises."

So Ciel tries to soothe her, "I don't think you'll find any heretics in there, so you can relax and enjoy the adventure a bit more."

"That goes against the philosophy I've followed for my entire life," Caterina firmly replies.

Now, that catches our scholarly angel's interest. "And that is?"

And the Punisher also seems eager to speak about this topic. "To always be ready the moment I leave my home."

"What if your home is whenever you're with us?" Hana attempts to be cheeky.

Which makes Caterina chuckle softly. "That's cute, but home is where I take my armor off."

And Hana looks up and down at the strong warrior in her casual elven not-bikini. "So you feel at home here?"

Caterina's stern expression softens a bit as she gently nods. "Yes, you could say that."

So Hana goes for the throat, "Then spend the night with us."

The older woman silently stares at her scaly red puppy for several long seconds, possibly reeling internally at the surprise attack. But then she attempts to deflect a bit, "It'd be an easier choice to make if it didn't seem like I was entering a den of hungry dragons."

"We don't want to give you the wrong impression," I promptly reply and give her a very kind smile, though my eyes spell nothing but lustful hunger.

I bet my [Sexual Charm] can affect even a (quite possibly not a complete) lesbian like her, but she's very adept at suppressing her emotions, and she isn't using [Mask] like Yunia does, so I can't break it with my stare. Still, if I consistently manage to get her aroused, maybe one day, she'll start to enjoy it. Rupegians don't believe sexuality is inflexible, so I just need to get her wet enough that I can bend her into being straight again.

This also gives me the idea of having the girls seduce Hukarere until she goes gay. I don't know how effective that'd be, considering my white wolf already witnesses steamy gay sex all day, every day. Though she has shown some slight lesbian tendencies once in a while.

Then Caterina suddenly sighs and seemingly gives in, "It's hard for me to drop my guard, but I'm willing to trust you on this one." And she pours herself a good amount of Eia extract.

Then she lets herself get drunk.


Hana happily leads the very tipsy Punisher back to our bedroom. Even though she's considerably inebriated, her steps are still steady and strong; it's just that her whole body sways, leading her to occasionally miss the ground. A perfect opportunity for Hana to wrap a strong arm around the shoulders of the elven milf.

And we disperse after dinner as we choose our own ways to relax. Yunia and Kaatohe have "unfinished businesses," so they become the spectacle for the evening; Alissa helps out the lesbian performance with pretty [Mesmerizing Butterflies] and some soothing elven incense; Roxanne clings to human-Aoi as they've developed a rather sisterly bond after the sister roleplaying during our bath; Hukarere is now off-duty, so I help her sate her thirst; Lina is eager to start enchanting the lenses, so she begins forging some small test sheets of reinforced glass with [Manipulate Metal]; and Ciel caresses her lap-loli as she plays dress-up with the two doll golems and Gify.

I'm actually missing Urmeie a bit, but the big bear sister has seemed awfully bored lately, so I believe she isn't even in the guest mansion. I'll ask about her another day, but I bet she's with the other Sky Lander Princes and Princesses, which we believe are considerably afraid of us.

Hana brings Caterina to a sofa, and then the younger woman comforts the older one in a rather non-lewd way. Roxanne is feeling very affectionate today, so she receives Hana's senses just so that she can cuddle with two women at the same time.

"I feel weird being touched," Caterina mumbles with a slur and leans on Hana's shoulder.

Who definitely wouldn't miss this chance to flirt, "You'll get used to it the more you let me play with you."

But the milf makes a pained smile. "Yeah, but do you know why I feel weird?"

So Hana gets serious. "You implied it very heavily one time."

And a bit of the pain washes away, making her look so much prettier. "Well, I guess it's good that you're paying attention."

"I have help," Hana hums warmly and glances at us.

"Right, your 'telepathy.' That also makes it weird," Caterina mumbles wryly and closes her eyes.

So Hana gently pulls Caterina's head so that she rests it upon Hana's strong shoulder. "I didn't expect you to use the word 'weird.'"

"I didn't expect you to use the word 'implied,'" the tired woman replies with a wide smile.

And Hana is only mildly offended. "Come on, my 'Intelligence' is twelve. I can sound smart, if I try."

Her already flushed skin reddens in embarrassment. "Sorry. Dragonkin are known to have lower than average mental 'Stats.'"

"Except for 'Willpower.'"

And she nods. "Yeah, you trade that for 'Intelligence' and 'Wisdom.'"

Then the boisterous woman brags a bit. "But with Wolfy's telepathy, I've absorbed some of his stats like a slime."

"Yeah, you're smart, but maybe a little too smart," the stern woman gently states and pats her lover's partially-scaled hand.

But Hana frowns. "Not smart enough to understand what you mean."

Caterina opens her eyes and turns her head to stare at Hana, her expression now solemn. "You know that Punishers are deceitful?"

"Not really…" Hana answers honestly. She doesn't really care about the "unsavory" details of the Punisher's work.

But it sounds like Caterina is quite ashamed of them as her tone turns sorrowful. "We use deceit to get close to the heretics. We shroud our hearts and become someone else, but then we forget who we really are."

"Sounds shitty," the blunt dragon woman eloquently remarks.

So Caterina replies in kind, "I'm a shitty and cold person."

"Ooh…! That's why she's always been so distant!" Hana internally shouts in realization. So she puts on her most handsome face and smoothly confesses to reassure her lover, "But I still love you."

Now that's a surprise attack, and Caterina can't hide that she's reeling back, both literally and figuratively. "I-… I also…" she begins to mumble.

But then Hana puts a finger over Caterina's lips to silence her. "You don't have to reply. It might come out naturally, one day, so I'll wait," the smooth Lady-killer smoothly soothes.

And the lonely widow has no more words, so she pulls Hana close and kisses her deeply.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord FrostyCube.

Lord Glaistig Uaine.

Lord School work.

Lord Beater.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord Peter Kraushuber

Lord David England.

Lord Cidant.

Lord Marwin33.

Lord time Campbell.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble warmoger55.

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