
Chapter 178: Four-EyeD – Part 3

Oh, yes. Caterina is a good kisser; we all immediately agree on that. She's not as good as Osaria, but there's definitely a lot of experience guiding her tongue, and we also recognize a deep thirst for love in her movements, which warms our hearts. She needs this kiss like Hukarere needs to drink my cum; it's a base, pure need that's present in all our hearts.

I even possess Hana for a moment, just so that I can personally have a taste of it and even fondle Caterina's surprisingly firm tits. The milf immediately responds by sinking her hands into Hana's jelly-like balloons, and then she raises her thin eyebrows in surprise at their delicious elasticity.

We all take turns having a personal taste of Caterina, and this stealthy little depravity makes Yunia cum so hard that she squirts all over Kaatohe's face, who's surprised that her clit-licking skills have suddenly become so effective.

"We're sharing… our senses," Yunia explains as she catches her breath to not inflate the overinflated ego of my bronze cat.

Who replies enviously before licking her fingers, "Sounds amazing."

"It is, so let me take you there for a moment," the Queen whispers seductively, and now she's the one who eagerly eats pussy.

Kissing Caterina and fondling her strong body while I caress Hukarere's white fur and witness the lesbian spectacle feels so good that I groan in bliss as I cum down my wolf's throat. This much lewdness not only wipes away all the exhaustion from today's 4D fuckery, but it also renews my focus and gives me the motivation to eagerly get going on another day of work.

I work hard so that I can fuck hard so that I can work harder and fuck even harder. Being a proud dragon is just one big self-reinforcing cycle of awesomeness.

But we can't let ourselves get carried away because Caterina is gradually losing more and more of her awareness as the magical alcohol/weed enters her blood. And so Hana eventually breaks the kiss when Caterina stops consciously responding.

The milfy elven warrior just collapses in her lap, looking absolutely defenseless. Her dousnadeia has come undone, allowing her firm tits to come out on full display, and Hana rubs Caterina's wet pussy lips through the thin cloth, but the mature beauty has now closed her eyes and only mildly writhes and moans from the stimulation.

No Rupegian would fault Hana for doing as she pleases with Caterina's body, and Hana's pussy and tongue are aching for it, but her heart tells her no.

Caterina is afraid of closeness, and to molest her while she's unconscious would be a betrayal of her wishes. At least until she explicitly gives permission to do so.

"I think she deliberately got drunk," Ciel explains through [Bind] to the disappointed redhead.

"To test me?" Hana replies, uncertain.

But not everything we do is logical, so our resident therapist carefully chooses her words. "I wouldn't say she did this with a clear reason in mind."

And we all turn silent as we stare at the passed-out beauty, trying to unravel this mystery.

"We drink for courage," Hana remarks with a shrug, not really feeling like spending too much brain power on this.

"And also before doing something potentially stupid," I wryly add. Getting drunk and entering a nest of sexual predators is definitely a stupid idea.

"She's a difficult woman," Alissa concernedly states. She's so puzzled by Caterina's behavior that she's actually developing an appreciation for Hana's straightforwardness.

And I can't miss the opportunity to make a playful joke, "Even mommies need comfort."

Which is all the inspiration that Hana needs. "Oh, yeah; that's exactly what I'm going to do."

Once the lesbian spectacle is over and the bed is cleaned, Hana carries her beloved to it and then cuddles with her for the rest of the evening.


Today is the 7th, Fis, day of Nature, and we instantly know it because there's a beautiful symphony being chirped by nature spirits outside our room.

I'm woken up by my lovely fox deepthroating my Cock as she stares into my eyes with her pair of jewels. My balls are gently fondled by her soft fingers, stimulating them to release my Seed down her throat, but she pulls her head back so that she can actually taste it with her tongue.

Caterina wakes up looking all disheveled, which I find amusing, but it seems like she's still half-asleep as she just stares at Alissa sucking me off. Then Hana gives her a kiss, and she jumps in surprise, finally awake, but then she grabs her head in pain, and we assume she has a mild hangover.

But she quickly casts [Purify Body], then recollects herself and returns to being the same stern and stoic milf as always. Her hair is still disheveled, though, so Roxanne offers to brush it for her, and after a moment of awkward hesitation, she accepts with a nod.


My [Soul Manipulation] increased by 1 (now 11), Hana's "Willpower" increased by 1 (now 23), and everyone gained a point in "Perception." But the "Stats" up is just the cherry on the cake of this wonderful morning.


The chirping acapella is a magically soothing tune, and my connection with Gify enhances its effect upon me even further. But it's the cuteness of the five plush bird dolls swaying in sync as they sing that does it for the girls, and even Kaatohe and Caterina seem entranced by them.

So we all happily take our seats on the balcony to listen closely to them as we eat our breakfast. The first song is very chipper, but then they decrease the cheerful notes and opt for a more soothing song that blends more comfortably into the background of our thoughts.

But while the music makes us all happy, it also gives even more motivation to Lina, making her so eager to start working her lenses that she asks me to pull out her enchanting tools so that she can work while she eats.

"I'm going to prepare some lenses so that Alcander will only need to briefly help me with the extra-dimensional part," she explains herself.

She enjoys interacting with other people even less than I do, so this also contributes to her eagerness to prepare things, as it'll reduce the time she has to spend with him. But she also believes that she might have a prototype ready for testing before this evening, and that makes us all pretty excited.

But even with such a positive atmosphere, our breakfast is fairly quiet as the biggest source of loud chatter, Hana, is silently basking in the feeling of sweet victory from having Caterina fall asleep in her arms. The kiss was nice, but it was the actual act of sleeping that had the greatest emotional significance.

The milfy elf prefers to observe her right to remain silent as speaking would only open herself up to banter. It's the right choice, though, as both Roxanne and Yunia are dying to get an opportunity to dunk on the proud Captain of the Punishers.

"How are your men faring in Kini Kaina, Dame Caterina? Aren't they too bored?" Ciel suddenly speaks with a suspiciously delighted tone.

The stern Punisher gracefully puts down her tea cup and gently replies, "We're never bored. We're always chasing rumors in search of heretics and the Wicked, so our work never ends."

This actually interests us a bit, and Ciel inquires further, "So the other Punishers work independently of you?"

Caterina nods. "They do. I only supervise their work and organize them when necessary. The Punishers in Kini Kaina are few, so they're happy to have help in combing through the town."

And the serious talk ruins the mood for banter. Ciel may not be adept at banter, but she is quite good at ruining the evil plans of a certain pair of mean girls, and so this is one of the rare moments when our angel delights herself in being "mean."


We take control of Lina's body and perform the mana circulation training for her, leaving her mind free to focus on forging the… helmet. It seems like a pair of glasses would be too small for the whole enchantment, so a helmet it is.

It's quite impressive how fast she's coming up with it, but she has three very eager verbal wikipedias that she can telepathically access, so that's pretty much a cheat. But even then, it takes quite a brilliant mind to be able to understand technology and physics from a world that's a handful of technological revolutions more advanced than yours.

"You hear that? You're my cute little genius," I dote on her, and though she stays silent to maintain her concentration, her ears start to burn.


We have our lunch in the imperial style as we've invited Alcander so that we can discuss things with him. The main dish is pyre-roasted hog (Behemoth meat only gets soft when roasted during Fo, day of Fire), with an assortment of veggie soups, broths, and sauces to accompany it, which are also eaten with pita bread. Since it's still daytime, people in military-related jobs don't drink much alcohol, so there's only beer because it's the lightest of drinks.

Dragonkin and dwarves have different customs about alcohol, but it's a courtesy to not tempt your guests.

And after we savor our food for a little bit, we have Alcander explain his accomplishment in the 4D room, which he's very eager to do.

"The direction you choose for your [Warp Space] is significant. Like His Highness Wolf said, you can move in three distinct directions: up-and-down, left-and-right, and forward-and-back. If you perfectly align your spell with one of these directions, it becomes easier to manipulate the space, so I simply aligned my spell with this new dimension and suppressed it entirely." And he can't hold back his proud smirk.

"Wait, so there's a universal axis?" I question curiously.

He knits his eyebrows in confusion and repeats, "'Universal'?"

It seems that word doesn't exist in this world.

So I attempt to quickly clarify what I mean, "Like, there's an actual north for everyone?"

And he nods. "That's what the True Compass measures, yes."

"We have one in our treasury," Yunia chimes in.

"Never heard of it," I hum back and flash a smile.

The girls could explain it to me telepathically, but Alcander seems eager to do it, so we just let him speak, "The magnetic compass that's in popular use is extremely cheap in comparison, so after its invention, the True Compass quickly became just an overly expensive magical tool for Space mages wanting to improve their [Warp Space]."

"It could help me with the creation of the lenses," Lina states, feeling curious about it.

And Alcander happily agrees, "Very well. The Sky Landers likely have a True Compass considering their wealth, but if they don't, I should be able to help you enchant one."

I flag over a Companion standing guard and have her inquire about it for us. I've also become curious, and there's no reason to delay things.


The Compass arrives a little bit after our meal, just as we begin to feel lethargic from digesting our food, but that just makes things better. Comfortably inspecting such an exotic magical item as we rest feels like peak comfy to me.

The item in question is a crystal ball stuck on a wooden base, and floating inside the ball, there's… the familiar three arrows that are the standard representation of the 3D axis in digital programs. They're even colored in the usual red, green, and blue.

If you move the crystal ball around, the axis stays still, always pointing in the same direction. I even compare them to the compass that I used during my adventuring days, and it seems like my north points just a milimetri to the right of the True North.

This True Compass is actually a magical tool, so it needs to be fed mana for it to work, which means it also leaks mana during use, and that's exactly what we need to sense to start unveiling how it works. So Lina puts it on her lap while I put her on my lap, then we both focus on the extremely faint trace amounts of mana that leaks from it.

And the "flavor" we get from the mana is basically indescribable, because of course a high-level magical item would be. Everything that's magically advanced is positively cryptic, enigmatic, mystifying, esoteric, obtuse, vague, perplexing, puzzling, and unfathomable. Nothing is ever easy with magic.

So I put fifty points in [Sense Magic] (now 50+6) because I'm a fucking cheater!

That's twenty points more than the maximum I can handle without straining my soul, so I start to feel like my body has turned into stone and my head wants to blow up. But I only need to endure this for a couple of seconds before another leaked particle of mana from the Compass hits me. Then the girls help me remove the extra points, and now I'm free to focus on what I sensed. Gify even helps me remember the sensation as if it were crystal clear.

The mana "tastes" like pushing your hand through dozens of dusty wires just so that you can touch three warm rays of light. And that's just about the best way I can explain it.

"It's workable," Lina hums with a shrug and gets off my lap.

"Really?" I blurt out in surprise.

She goes for her enchanting tools on the table and promptly begins adjusting the arm joints that hold the "magical laser" gem carving tools. "Enchanting is simply flooding gems with mana that has been infused with your feelings. Being so vague will create a very inefficient enchantment, but as long as it works, we can leave refinement for later."

Right, the enchanting "code" is just a way to standardize things through mental conditioning, so enchanting itself isn't really as complex as engineering. It's also possible to basically enchant anything you can imagine on anything you want; it would just cost ridiculous amounts of mana to activate it.

"What would happen if we took the True Compass into that room?" Aoi curiously suggests.

We all turn to the Compass, then to Alcander.

"It's a delicate item, so there's a chance that it'll break," he very cautiously answers.

"Better ask the Sky Landers for permission, then," I casually hum with a shrug.


The Compass doesn't break in the 4D room, and it doesn't even react when we cross through the [Gate], but it does twitch when Alcander uses his [Warp Space] to start suppressing the fourth dimension. And then the arrows become still again when he's done.

Lina also observes his spell closely as mimicking a part of it is basically the centerpiece of the enchantment. And now that I'm not focusing on the magic, I also notice that the increase in "Perception" has improved her [Mana Sense] a modest amount.

And with a little bit of cheating, it only takes her five minutes to get a good grasp of the spell.

"Alright, I'll start assembling the lenses," she confidently states and crosses back through the [Gate].

Oh, boy.


The first part of the enchantment is a "light gathering" function that's similar to the "camera" we found in the pseudo-orc mage's hood. Then the light is filtered and split into four types, one for each dimension, then split again into multiple "instances" that represent the "depth" of the dimensions. Don't ask me how it works physically; it's magic, so the light stops being a fully physical particle the moment it's gathered by the enchantment.

Lina's explanation is that turning light into an abstract concept allows her to manipulate it at will, literally. And to make the 4th dimension understandable to our 3D brains, she uses the "instances" to create multiple layers of 3D images, then feeds them all at the same time into our brains.

Sounds complicated, but thirty extra points in [General Enchanting] along with twenty-six more (the rest of her free points) in [Space Magic] helps so much that even Lina is surprised at how easy it is.

"Are you sure this won't give me an aneurysm?" I worriedly question as I inspect the helmet.

You can't use your real eyes, or else it'll mess with the enchantment, so Lina's covered the helmet with a dark cloth. The four lenses have been fixed in a cross pattern, and coupled with the cloth, it now looks like a black sci-fi visor, which is really cool.

"We're testing it on a summon," Alissa declares and takes the helmet out of my hands because she fears I'll recklessly put it on, which offends me just a tiny little bit.

"Are you sure this won't give the summon an aneurysm?" I rephrase.

"No," Lina whispers with a shrug. This is basically the most hastily-enchanted item she's ever produced, so all bets are off.

I chuckle and agree, "Okay, a summon it is."

And we return to the 4D room. Most of the room is covered by a [Warp Space] maintained by the current Sky Lander mage on duty, who is sitting pretty and quiet by the wall, but he's left a corner untouched so that we and others can test stuff. There's only a pair of old mages inspecting the 4D area, so we don't even need to interrupt them, as the enchantment should be able to see the 4D walls from a distance.

Then I summon the pseudo-orc mage because he seems to be the most resilient of all monster summons while also having a brain developed enough to not melt at the concept of 4D. Alissa happily gives him the helmet, which he promptly puts on, but it's a bit uncomfortable since his head is considerably larger than the average humanoid's.

"Alright, turn it on," I eagerly order, and we all hold our breaths.

But we eventually remember to breathe because it isn't easy to activate an enchantment that isn't near your hand when you aren't used to it. Even though the summon knows how to activate the hood enchantment, this one is in a different position, so it takes a while.

Then, suddenly, headache.

Followed by 4D vision and a heavy drain on its mana.

But it sees, and just sharing the summon's vision is enough to strain my brain, but at least it doesn't cause nausea, and I can actually understand what he's seeing.

"It works!" I excitedly shout, and Ciel happily hugs our loli into her cow tits while the rest of the girls clap, though Roxanne does it a little too excitedly just to embarrass Lina further. "You did it, my cute little genius, you did it…" Then I lean down and kiss the top of her head.

But she tries to deflect as she doesn't know what to do with so much happiness, "I… I still need to improve the enchantment to make it more efficient… a lot more efficient."

So I insist, "Still, consider yourself an inventor capable of an amazing achievement in just a single afternoon."

"The extra points in enchanting helped…" she goes for the "Ciel excuse."

"Still," I emphatically insist.

But in a way, she's right. Now comes the second hardest part, iterative upgrades. We need an enchantment so efficient that even our soldiers can use it for extended periods of time, and that means a massive improvement.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord FrostyCube.

Lord Glaistig Uaine.

Lord School work.

Lord Beater.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord Peter Kraushuber

Lord David England.

Lord Cidant.

Lord Marwin33.

Lord time Campbell.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble warmoger55.

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