
Chapter 179: Augmented Reality – Part 2

Intermission – Yunia


The water bubbles constantly, massaging my bare skin and cooling it as the sun bathes my perfect and bare body. The stream ensures that the water flows continuously and doesn't heat up, but its flow also varies, putting me in a cycle of warming up from the sun and then cooling off as the water surrounds me almost completely.

The sound of flowing water almost drowns out the chirps of the birds and the rustling of the wind, but then everything becomes muffled as the flow changes and submerges my ears. In this Paradise, not one sense of mine is being neglected.

Actually, there is one.

I cast [Entangling Vines] on myself, then let my will do as it pleases with my body, and the slippery plants promptly slither all over my pale skin. They wrap around my soft parts, my calves, my thighs, my buttocks, my supple breasts, my arms, and my throat, and then they gently squeeze.

Now immobilized, my legs are slowly spread apart as an itching starts to grow on my nipples, so I open my eyes and see that the vines are gently playing with my pink nubs as the plants tighten their grip. I'm so skilled and talented at pleasing myself that I even draw out delightful moans, pleasing my ears with my dignified lewd voice.

Then I feel something touch my pussy lips, making me shudder with excitement. The touch quickly grows into a pleasant rubbing, then a tightness that wraps around the tip of my flower, and it squeezes it so good that I can't help but writhe in bliss.

And the pleasure grows and grows slowly but surely. There's no hurry to get there because I have all the time in the world.

But then it starts to feel like it'll never get there.

My lips are ready, and my legs are spread, so penetrate me already!

I suddenly become excited as the vines do spread my pussy lips apart, but then… nothing.

"Fuck me!" I order my vines, but they refuse to obey. "FUCK ME!" I demand as I writhe, but they only tie me up more firmly while not satisfying any of my erogenous zones.

Oh, the stimulation is there, but not enough to make me orgasm, so the pleasure turns into frustration. A lot of frustration.

And frustration quickly turns into rage.

"OBEY ME, YOU FUCKING CUNT OF A SPELL!" I roar, but the only reaction I get is the vines around my throat tightening.

And nothing else. They don't even react to me trying to interrupt the spell. The vines have not only become fully conscious and independent, but they've also become evil.

So I try to use all my strength to tear them apart, but it's already too late. The position I'm in is too compromised, and I can't muster the leverage to win against them.

Then I hear footsteps, many light and hurried footsteps.

I turn to the side and see a flurry of dark fur, and then the smell of wild mutts fills my nostrils. Wolves, dark, salivating wolves. I can't even scream as the vines around my throat squeeze it too hard for me to speak.

But then my eyes shift down, and I start to despair. I see their huge, pink, thick cocks twitching and dripping with arousal. They've smelled my lewd fluids, and now they want to breed this bitch in heat.

Soon, my desire to be penetrated is fulfilled, but not in the way I wanted. Still, I orgasm on their cocks. I orgasm again and again as the whole pack has their way with me, one by one.

I gag on their filthy seed, making very undignified noises as I also moan in both ecstasy and pain. The vines ensure that my pleasure is kept high so that I cum from their animalistic breeding no matter how hard I try to resist.

They even use their thick knots to please me rather than to ensure conception as they push the thick balloon in and out repeatedly. I don't know how my pussy isn't getting torn apart, but each time that a knot passes through, it induces another orgasm.

Now the question is whether or not a humanoid can give birth to an animal. This should remove all doubts because there's no way I could be more bred than I currently am.


Intermission end.


I approach Lina, my filthy Cock still dripping, then kindly ask, "So, have you learned anything?"

"What…?" she mumbles absentmindedly as she comes out of her trance.

"Have you learned anything, or were you too wet to pay attention to Alissa's spells?" I ask again with a teasing smirk.

She frowns in annoyance, but when she looks down, she realizes that her seat now has a big wet spot, so she struggles to come up with a response. But then she proves to be a devious little vixen.

"I'm… I'm too horny, Wolfy… please…" she shyly begs, then raises her head and attacks me with her cutest loli little sister look. "Please fuck me, onii-chan. I need your big fat Cock inside me, and then I want you to cover my face with your milkies."

I inhale deeply. Very, very deeply. She knows what I like, so it takes me a colossal amount of effort to hold back.

But now the dragon is awake again, and I can't hold myself back anymore. "You want my Cock? You want it more than you want to finish the lenses?"

"Y-yes, onii-chan," she whispers with a little nod.

"Say it again," I huskily order.

And she obediently utters depravity, "Please, fuck me, onii-chan."

Then I let out the most satisfying exhale in memory.

She promptly assumes a cute seiza pose on her seat, so I just push my filthy Cock forward, and she opens her little mouth wide, but she still struggles to swallow it whole.

Then I start the second Ravaging of the evening. This one is especially delicious for me because there's nothing more pure and depraved than loli sister roleplay.

Of course, the rest of the girls are forced to only watch as the sexual denial play is still ongoing for them.


Today is the 8th, Ros, day of Space, and we're expecting the mages to make a lot of progress with the 4D room.

They might not be able to match our cheats, but there are an unknown number of Sky Lander mages working on it, and if they can't compare to post-multiple-orgasm-and-Ravages-exhaustion-me, then I'll be sorely disappointed. Wait… maybe the extreme sex is an advantage since it's really refreshing for the mind? I guess the cheats are compounding with each other now.

And I wake up to loli-Aoi choking on my Cock because you can never have enough loli.


My [Space Magic] increased by 1 (now 7+24), which is basically me learning through osmosis from Lina as she enchants things.

Alissa's [Illusion Magic] increased by 2 (now 25), and her Illusion spells all got a bit of a boost due to the extreme experiments she did on Yunia. This is really great because Illusion is an underpowered school, so any boost in effectiveness is welcome.

Lina gained a point in "Intelligence" (now 17) and increased her [General Enchanting] by 3 (now 18). The 4D lenses, the polarizing enchantment, and the conjuring of polarized glass are completely new creations in this world, so this much is expected. It's also fortunate that she remembered to suppress [Conjuring Magic] because she really doesn't need any points in that.

Yunia's [Nature Magic] increased by 1 (now 2+13). That's a bit of a weird level-up since the only thing she did was use [Entangling Vines] on herself, but maybe it's because the illusion made her use the spell in a new and also very delicate way?


Even though we healed her, Yunia is still feeling a bit sore and exhausted from the breeding, so we'll pamper her all day until she's back to normal.

As for breakfast, we have a simple, freshly ground and brewed coffee along with a fluffy chocolate cake, but then I suddenly get a craving for tiramisu. It's actually such a sudden and strong craving that I feel like I've become a pregnant woman.

"I wish I had time to cook for you," Alissa wistfully remarks and squeezes my clawed hand.

And I reward her with a smile as I casually reply, "Yeah, that'd be nice, but we rarely have the time for it. Maybe I could have the Sky Landers do it for me, but I don't want to give them the recipe, so I can wait until we're back home."

I also don't really remember how a tiramisu is made. I read about it once in an isekai manga, but I wasn't really interested in the details as it was an ecchi manga and I just wanted to see the harem girls being molested, so I skimmed over that part.

"Are we just going to ignore the pregnant comment?" Roxanne questions out loud in disbelief.

"Yes," Yunia tersely replies and sips her coffee.

"What?" Caterina can't help but blurt out.

"Telepathy things," I wryly explain.

Roxanne's fetish is getting impregnated, so she really doesn't want to let it go, but even she can't come up with banter for every single topic.

"I'll be ready next time," she drops a final declaration in my soul space.


We start our mana circulation routine, and at the same time, Lina and I continue working on improving the lenses.

I'm actually starting to miss Urmeie. I have no idea where she's gone, so I'll just ask a Companion to find out for me. She's like Hana, a boisterous person, and really nice on the eyes thanks to her love for tight clothing. Even though I don't usually participate in casual chatter unless we're talking about something important, I still like having the big bear sister around because I just like to listen to everyone being cheerful.

But it's time to return to research, so I put her out of my mind.

The 3D mirror that Lina analyzed provided some insights, but it also isn't the solution. Its enchantment is an area-of-effect spell that throws invisible light at anything that enters that area, then uses that light to construct a hologram. It doesn't work for the 4D helmet because we're just passively sensing the light that touches it, whereas the 3D mirror is active sensing constrained to a very small area.

Buuut… the part where it reconstructs the hologram is actually useful, so Lina copies it. This solves the hologram problem of how to represent a 3D image, but not the specifics of projecting a 4D wave of light into a 3D image.

I don't really know anything that could help make it more compliant with physics, so I think we should just move on to the next step: splitting the 3D image into 2D slices.

Thinking of the 2D person in a 3D world once again, you need to split the 3D image into 2D slices in a sensible way so that the 2D person can understand what they're seeing. If the 2D person is "vertical," but you feed them horizontal slices, their mind might not be able to actually process the images.

The obvious solution is to use the angle that the light comes in at to tell which slice each photon belongs to. But the clearer the picture, the more efficient the enchantment is, so we ponder further and arrive at the description that the angle is the difference between the direction the 2D person is facing and the direction the photon comes into their eye but projected to the plane created by the universal "extra" axis and the 2D person's local "forward" axis.

By "universal," I mean the True Axis, while the "local" is based on our own orientation (our "left" is always our left shoulder regardless of whether we're lying down, on our side, or upside-down).

This only works if the 2D person is "vertical," like Paper Mario, so this would create vertical slices that would still remain aligned with the 2D person's orientation, even if they started spinning around. But how does that translate to 4D?

If the 2D person is horizontal, then their "extra axis" is up… but then there's an incompatibility with gravity! A horizontal person's "up and down" would be our "left and right" or "forward and back," so it'd be as if the world turned sideways for us, and that didn't happen when we entered the 4D room.

In fact! The pillars Aoi inspected in the room changed when she moved sideways, not up and down! So the fourth dimension extends sideways! Which means that the plane we must project the angle onto is created with either our "local" "forward" or our "local" "left."

But then we waste a frustrating amount of time because neither seem to be the correct axis, so they produce only messy blurs. As if our minds weren't already twisting into knots, now the knots are multiplying exponentially!

"Why not both?" Roxanne suggests, half-memeing and half-serious.

"Axes? That doesn't make sense," I immediately reply with a frown, and Alissa starts to massage my horns to help loosen the knots in my mind.

"Nothing you're doing here makes sense, but it still works anyway," the cheeky succubus casually jokes, her thin tail waving about mischievously.

"Touché," I hum with a shrug and lay down in Alissa's lap.


So we go with her idea because why not? We're stuck anyway… and we get a clear image again.

"I don't know what we're doing anymore…" I whisper in despair and facepalm, so Alissa intensifies her massage.

Lina then hesitantly confesses, "I don't know either. I'm just going along with the most… non-nonsensical ideas." And she lets her little shoulders drop as all the praise starts to weigh heavily on her because she's nothing but a cheater that just… accidentally invented something.

But this makes me laugh, lightening up the frustrating mood inside my heart, and I have Ciel intensify her head patting to comfort our gloomy loli.

"This is actually pretty normal, Lina. I think way more inventions were created by accident than by deliberate thought," I kindly comfort her.

But she becomes confused. "Hmm… then why are inventors so… 'celebrated' in your world?"

"Because they were still the only person in the whole world working on it," I answer as my thick tail starts to wave in amusement.

"What an odd world," she casually remarks and chuckles softly, making Ciel beam with the purest smile.

And I point to the godsdamn reality-bending helmet as I exclaim, "Yet Rupegia is straight-up 'cuh-ray-zee'!"

"Yes, but we don't celebrate 'accidents,'" she calmly replies.

You know what? They really don't. Even gambling is looked down upon by the God of Luck, so Rupegians are very anti-RNG.

But I won't admit defeat, so I deflect and cheerfully pressure her, "There's nothing wrong with celebrating accidents, especially when they're good, so you'd better be happy that we're progressing with the lenses, or I'll force you to be happy."

Then the golems give her a hand in a very amusing way (to me). "Don't threaten me with a good time…?" she hesitantly memes and tilts her head confusedly, merely repeating the words the golems have told her.

"I'm the only person in this world who could, you know?" I confidently reply, then suggestively waggle my eyebrows at her.

She stares at me blankly with her gloomy eyes for several long seconds, then suddenly gets the double entendre and pouts cutely. In fact, her little lips look so cute puckered up that I leave the comfort of Alissa's divine hands so that I may bless Lina's lips with a peck, which makes her freeze as she instinctively wants to ask for more but can't because she's being fake-mad at me for my silly joke.

But the other girls are getting jealous of how much attention I'm giving to her, so I steal her lips again and push my tongue in because the sexual denial roleplay is still ongoing. I have to prepare my Cock for this evening, though, as I'm sure they won't leave me alone until I've bred and Ravaged all of them.


Now that we've solved the splitting the 3D image into 2D images problem, the last one is how to gently "introduce" them into our minds at the same time. Unlike Hana's pussy, our minds aren't made to take multiple insertions simultaneously, so we need to make preparations, like lubing up our brains and gently stretching them to ensure they're ready for the full load.

I may be using lewd words as a joke, but the solution really isn't that much different from what I'm saying. The mind is very flexible and malleable, so the solution really is a healthy dose of foreplay.

"Wolfy's Cock, this is cool!" Hana exclaims as the helmet slowly "turns on." But then she lets out a moan, "Ahn~…! That felt good!"

Maybe we added too much lube during foreplay…?

"Don't you dare change it now," Roxanne sternly warns me.

"Imagine the Companions all activating the helmet at the same time," Alissa wistfully comments as her hands continue to work a small wonder on my horns.

"Imagine the Earthlings putting the helmet on," Yunia calmly states.

And this is how we came up with a helmet that can make you cum in your pants.


The morning flies by thanks to the research, and now that we've basically finished the theoretical part of the helmet, all that's left is for Lina to gradually streamline the enchantment until it's as efficient as possible and allows our men, with their meager MP pools, to use it for extended periods of time. So now I have a free afternoon, and I have to find something to occupy myself with.

Maybe I should finish my humanoidization already? It should at least help my conscience relax a bit more by reducing the number of things I still have to research. It's also a good choice because you never know when I'll have the opportunity to actually breed a woman, but even more importantly, my seed will be ready to be stored in the [Item Box] of the wives and concubines in (the very unlikely) case I (, the fucking protagonist of this story,) die before I'm able to properly breed them.

Then a Companion arrives with the news that Urmeie has returned from the capital, but we didn't even know she had left. And the big, hot, curvy bear sister wants to talk, so I'll receive her on my own since the girls have already started their own things.

Entering the room, she doesn't even wait to sit down before she begins talking, "I have some small but disappointing news about Tycho, so I'll call for the other Earthlings because I don't want to repeat myself."


Oh… she said "disappointing."

Well, at least we'll get some closure on that.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord FrostyCube.

Lord Glaistig Uaine.

Lord School work.

Lord Beater.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord Peter Kraushuber

Lord David England.

Lord Cidant.

Lord Marwin33.

Lord time Campbell.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble warmoger55.

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