
Chapter 179(?): Augmented Reality – Part 3

"You came back as suddenly as you left, and you didn't even say anything to us," I state to Urmeie with a cordial but still slightly disapproving tone.

"Did I hurt your feelings? Would you like a goodbye kiss next time?" she flatly asks as she stares intensely, not one bit remorseful.

And I give her a wry smile as I poke the bear a bit harder, "Come on, now, Princess Urmeie. Announcing your departure is just common courtesy, you know?"

But this only mildly irritates her for a second. "Your speech pattern is very odd, you know? But also, you should already know that I care very little for Imperial Dignity," she dismissively replies as she waves her furry hand.

Now I'm the one getting irritated, so I poke her in the nose so that she can't ignore me, "I didn't say anything about the Dignity, I'm just saying it was rude of you. You know, as a friend."

"Awn… you're so cute," she hums mockingly. But then she sighs and finally accepts, Fine, I'm sorry, Wolfy, my little friend."

All's good, but I still have a correction to make, "You really should never use 'little' to ever describe me, that's offensive to my Royal Dignity."

She grumbles in annoyance and rolls her eyes. "I'm not going to repeat myself."

So I turn up the "erotic" dial to throw her off a bit, "At least be honest. My Cock has been in your mouth. You tasted how big it was."

She stops as her eyes open wide in surprise, then she narrows them again and gives a toothy smirk as she comes up with the perfect comeback, "I had bigger."

Well, now that's offensive to my Holy Draconic Cock, so I go for the nuclear option and let my [Sexual Charm] loose on her, "I'm going to shove it inside your mouth again to refresh your memory."

But she actually loves this sort of thing, so her tone lowers into a chilling and arousing growl, "Then I'll finger your asshole and make you cum through your prostate."

"Keep that up and I'll bind you then make you mine," I calmly reply, unfazed and in control.

"You can try," she challenges me and cross her arms, pressing her massive furry tits together to the point they almost escape her low cleavage.

Godsdamn, this woman makes me horny.

And we stare at each other as the sexual tension rises to unbearable levels.

Lily is taking her sweet time, tho. They might soon be witnesses to the Taming of the Bear.

My Cock starts to strain against my tight, elastic, elven pants. It's almost fully straight, and I make no effort into hiding it, so Urmeie also unashamedly stares at it and licks her lips, obviously reminiscing about the taste of my Holy Seed.

Then we hear a knock, but we don't even twitch. I guess the Earthlings will get an eyeful of Boner.

"Come in," I calmly order.

But I hear the muffled footsteps of elven armor, so I glance at the newcomer and see a Companion walk in. The girl then notices my Boner and grins, making my Cock twitch, and she chokes a chuckle.

"Your Highness, there's a message for you," she announces without taking her eyes off my Cock.

I extend my hand, but she's too distracted, so I clear my throat and request, "The message, please."

She finally resists the entrancing spell of My Largeness and stiffly answers in embarrassment, "Yes, I'm sorry."

I receive the letter and calmly open it up, but its contents make me wildly excited.

"Call him in!" I promptly order, and the girl bows then leaves. But Urmeie raises a questioning but non-existent eyebrow at me, so I turn to her with a handsome grin. "Hope you don't mind a brief distraction."

"What is it?" she questions impatiently.

I wanted to make this a surprise, but I think she's actually the kind that'd hate it, so I 'fess up, "My personal merchant, Rande, is here, and he has brought a feast of chocolate with him."

"Huh…" she quietly hums and goes silent, deep in thought, then she suddenly swallows heavily. "I'm suddenly feeling hungry."

I smirk. "And so am I."


Well, the Earthlings are still taking their sweet time answering the summons, so I call the wives, and we all receive Rande in the meeting room.

The double doors suddenly open, revealing a tall mass of lightly tanned muscles with a patch of silver hair on top, but then our eyes are attracted to his dimpled smile.

"DAD!" Rande shouts excitedly as he runs into the room, muscular arms open wide.

I freeze and blink blankly in confusion as he quickly approaches me, then he suddenly wraps his arms around my body and gives me a tight hug as he lifts me off the floor.

"DAAAD! I MISSED YOU!" he shouts again ecstatically and laughs out loud as he spins me around.

"Son! You're killing your father!" Alissa shouts back and jokingly slaps his arm.

I'm put back on the floor and then allowed to breathe again as he releases me, but I'm still taken by such surprise I don't even know how to respond to all that.

So he simply continues and lands a heavy hand on my shoulder as he asks, "How's my mother's pussy treating ya? Tight as always?"

Now I'm suddenly filled with inspiration for banter. "It ain't the tightness that makes her irresistible, but the jiggle of her curves whenever I pound into her," I slowly answer as a lewd grin appears on both of our faces.

"Oh, yeah, that's the real good part of her," he hums with a matching tone, but then he suddenly becomes wistful. "I kind of miss that, man. My two wives got no jiggle, and I miss having something to grab on to."

"She's also very soft, and I loved to be hugged by her while sleeping," Oura, his first wife, affably remarks. She's a slender golden-elf bookworm that always has bags under her eyes.

Rande nods along and adds, "And she always takes the opportunity to let her hand wander, which was nice."

"Yes, I can attest to that," Roxanne chimes in and raises her hand. She's a frequent target of Osaria's endless lust, so she knows that very well.

"Her hugs are the best…" Nito quietly chimes in. He's Rande's second "wife." Simply put, the short silver-elf boy is a trap of top quality. He's currently wearing a female elven not-bikini, and his long hair is styled in pigtails, so he can pass as a loli if he hides the… considerable bulge in his not-bikini bottoms.

Roxanne doesn't even say anything and I already sense her teasing me through our connection. I just can't lie to myself and say that Nito is ugly. He's cute as fuck, but he's still a man, and I ain't gay.

Now's not a good time to start being lewd, so I move things forward before the lust clouds our minds, "You're all making me horny talking about her like this, so let's move on, please. I want to know why you're all in the Sky Lands."

Now Rande becomes more serious, but he still explains himself while showing his iconic dimpled smile, "Well, the Chimeras are quite receptive to the High Elves, and since I have your name backing me up, I came here to look for something valuable to trade. But when we arrived, I remembered that Mom said that you were here, so I decided to pay a visit."

"You're always welcome among us, even if you didn't bring chocolate as an offering," Ciel kindly states while grinning from ear to ear.

"The sugar and fat she eats go all to her tits," Roxanne grumbles through [Bind], but Ciel is too happy to care.

And Rande's smile widens to match hers. "Oh, but I didn't just bring some random chocolate as offerings, I brought alcoholic chocolate."

"Ooooh…!" we all coo excitedly.

"I even have Eia-filled chocolate!" he gleefully shouts as he spreads his arms wide again.

Alright, he outdid himself. "You're the fucking man, Rande," I hum and slap his stone-hard back, making my scales clink.

And he gives me finger guns, though I have no idea where he go the inspiration for that gesture. "I'm the fucker man!" Then he starts making stabbing motions with his fingers.

I guess they're daggers?

I move on from his silliness and demand, "Enough dick-sucking, show me the goods!"

He turns to Oura, and she starts pulling it all out.


"Ooh… what's this?" a disgusting, boyish voice curses my ears with its unpleasantness.

"Huh?" I mumble absentmindedly as I turn to its source, and I see Samkelo's grin as he waddles into the room, flanked by the other Earthlings.

"Chocolate?" Chesa cutely asks as her head-tail perks up.

"Chocolate," Ciel happily replies with a nod and grabs another little sweet from the table.

"You started a party without us?!" Lily exclaims with a frown of disbelief.

"Cuz ya'll took your sweet time comin' 'ere!" I dismissively reply, and I feel like my words are starting to slur.

"What's with the slang today?" Urmeie confusedly grunts to Alissa.

"Wolfy is getting drunk, so…" she vaguely answers with a shrug.

Then Aoi innocently points out, "We didn't eat everything. There's still a lot for you." And the Earthlings quiet down, feeling too awkward to argue with her.

"Do I smell chocolate liqueur?" Thant asks as he loudly sniffs the air.

"You heard that right!" I gleefully exclaim.

"'Smelled,' not 'heard,' but ok," he flatly replies and walks to the table.

I don't really care much for alcohol, except Eia extract, though that one isn't really alcohol… well, whatever. What I mean is, when it's alcoholic chocolate, my choco-loving sweet tooth starts acting up.

"Didn't you call us to talk about Tycho?" Lily questions the Princess with a frown.

But Urmeie seems very indifferent and simply shrugs. "Well… now I'm starting to get drunk, and we'd need to clear the room for that, so perhaps another time."

"Well, she did say it was only something small and disappointing, so it's nothing that can't wait," I more cheerfully add.

"Precisely," she hums and goes for another sweet.

Lily seems bewildered at our attitude, so she reverts to being sassy, "I guess we're getting drunk today, then?"

"Sure. Eat as much as you like!" I happily reply, the alcohol making me unusually sociable.

And then we introduce Rande to the Earthlings. He gives them all a Dimpled Smile, but Lily, Chesa, and Thant seem a bit creeped out by his flamboyant bi-sexuality.

His eyes also narrow dangerously when it's Chesa's turn, so I think pull him to the side because I think that he deserves a small warning, "Look, the dwarf is open, though she'll kick your balls if you push it too hard, but the mer girl is mine, unless you two actually fall in love, then I won't get in your way."

But he simply smiles cheekily and pushes back, "You stole my mother, it'd be fair if you let me steal the mer from you."

"You need a curvy Goddess, not another slender woman," I annoyedly point out.

He nods and calmly retorts, "That makes sense, but my dick doesn't care about making sense."

I can't believe how defiant he's being, so I cautiously caution the reckless fool, "My dude, you're threading a dangerous line here."

My tone gets to him, and he sobers up a bit (though not physically). "Serious talk. If I did her, what would you do to me?"

I actually don't know. It'd be weird if I had detailed plans about what to do if I were NTR'd, and I'm not one to just say "I'm gonna kill ya," you know?

"I don’t know, but you'd definitely hurt my feelings," I honestly confess.

"What's with you and feelings today?" Urmeie suddenly grunts from behind us.

"Ack!" I shout in surprise and jump away. "What's with you and eavesdropping?!" I grumble as I quickly recompose myself

And she snorts. "You aren't being very quiet."

I glance at the Earthlings, fearful they might've overheard us, but they're too busy fattening up on chocolate, so they don't even look our way.

"Whatever," I whisper as I dismissively shake my head, but then I get mischievously curious and turn to Urmeie. "Well, what do you think I should do if he steals a woman I'm after?"

But the Princess shrugs. "Fuck her together? Two dicks are better than one."

I stop myself from face-clawing and sigh. "Bad person to ask. You don't seem the type to ever want to marry."

She nods and happily hums, "You assume correctly. If I was ever forced to marry, I'd actually choose Sa'Haa, unless I wasn't allowed to fuck anyone besides my spouse."

And Rande cordially replies, sounding quite empathetic, "Hey, that's the same for me. The condition for adding Oura and Nito was that they let me freely have sex."

Now I get curious about him. "Do you let your women… and men fuck around like you do?"

He smirks and questions back with a husky tone (that makes me disgusted), "Why are you asking? I do exchanges, but I know you aren't up for it."

Oh, man, being able to fuck Oura would be awesome, but no pussy is worth that price.

I shrug and evasively answer, "Well, I'm just curious. I don't do exchanges unless it's women only."

"Oura is too much of a silver bug for that while Nito is too shy," he casually explains.

I almost quack a "What?", but Lina explains that a "silver bug" is a pest that destroys books.

Anyway, since we're talking about Rande's spouses, Oura, Alissa, and Lina are catching up as the three are book enthusiasts and had become friends during our time escorting Rande's caravan. Nito, on the other hand, is being hit on by Samkelo, who doesn't seem to have noticed the bulge, though it's now hidden by a little waist cloth, perhaps intentionally.

You know what? I feel like fucking with Samkelo, and I know of a way to put this newly-acquired knowledge about Rande to good use.

"No 'exchange,' but I'm going to take you at face value," I boldly announce, then I leave them and make my way to the trap and the gnome.

Urmeie snorts and quietly remarks, "Another unusual expression. Earthling speech is so amusing."

"Earthling…?" Rande repeats curiously.

"Uh…" the dumb bear makes a dumb sound.

Anyway, Samkelo is straight-up bragging to Nito while attempting to smirk seductively, "So, while everyone was locked up in a shield wall, trying to poke each other with sticks, I was flinging spell after spell towards them. It was so easy to just throw a big rock at their heads, and sometimes I could even hear their necks snap as they got a handful of conjured mineral."

"'Mineral'? What's that?" Nito curiously asks, legitimately interested in the conversation.

"A fancy word for 'rock,'" I barge in with big Cock energy.

"No, a mineral is more like a rough crystal," Kelloggs annoyedly corrects.

But I'm still sober enough to smugly banter back, "Then why didn't you say that you threw crystals at their heads?"

And he tries to sidestep my stab, "I didn't know you become cheeky when you get drunk."

"You're more drunk than me going by the color of your baby face," I face him straight-on.

But then Nito interjects with a playful remark and a very cute smile, "I'm more drunk than both of you."

And I immediately turn on the [Sexual Charm]. "I guess Nito is the kind that gets cheery when drunk. Very different from your usual shyness," I soothingly remark.

He pouts and cutely sways his shoulder like an overly sweet little girl. "Please don't tease me, I just want to hear more stories of adventure!"

"Well, about that…" I pick two sweets from the table and put them on the flat side of my claw, then grab his little chin and open it up as I slowly feed him. His cute little lips leave a mark on my mirror-like claw, but I don't have the courage to lick it. "You might want to eat a lot, for I can talk the whole day," I huskily state and eat the other piece.

Then I glance at the gnome, whose baby face is starting to become all wrinkled, just like an old man's, as the NTR is slowly being engraved into his filthy heart. And I smirk.

"How about I tell you about our latest battle where we wiped out a whole swarm with just cannons?" I gently continue.

"Cannons?" he quietly repeats, his long elven ears perking up in interest.

And my smirk widens. "Massive, enchanted, black, phallic weapons that spit out a load of metal at such high speed you can't see it fly."

"That sounds like something I know," he comments and giggles like a girl, making his pigtails sway.

Then I become more serious and grim. "But no plate armor or [Wind Shield] are enough to stop it. If it hits you, you're dead."

"Sounds brutal," he softly states. He's still a boy, so he's obviously interested in big, explosive weapons.

I nod and continue to describe it in detail, "It is, but we made it even more deadly by making it explode and shower everything around it with thousands of little pieces of metal. If even one reaches your brain, your heart, or any important vein in your body, you're dead in a few minutes without healing. That's why it's the perfect weapon to kill a storm's worth of Dragolites and other monsters."

His pretty eyes open wide as he becomes awed. "But is the explosion that big? What if they just disperse?"

"That's where our tactics come in," I huskily reply and grab two more pieces of chocolate.

I could've picked another battle, like the one versus the colossal human-faced plant aberrant, but I specifically chose one where Samkelo participated but didn't do anything special just to rub it in.

And of course, I gleefully eat as much of the alcoholic chocolate that can fit in my stomach as we talk, which is a lot since I have a whole extra stomach dedicated just to chocolate.


My mind clears a bit, and I find myself pounding a tight little ass. I can feel that it isn't Lina's, but it must be a virgin asshole, considering how deliciously tight it is. The girl does have some cute little round cheeks, though, so I grip them tightly with my claws, and she moans louder as I shove my Cock inside her asshole with renewed vigor.

Who's this girl, again? Feels like one of our court mages.

Her name balances on the tip of my tongue for a moment, but then I finally remember her, and also her deliciously lithe body.


There's something different about her, though. Maybe she used [Regeneration] to tighten herself up again? I know some Companions do that occasionally to make it feel fresh or whenever they want me to take their virginities again by regrowing their hymens.

I didn't notice that Mara came with us to the Sky Lands.

Traveling by airship isn't as expensive as using the [Eternal Gate] network, so she could just be late reinforcements. It fits them that they'd hide that until it was time for the orgy because it's quite a pleasant surprise.

Ah, her pale back is so cute and frail-looking. Court mages are rarely muscular, so it feels fresh to fuck them in comparison to the muscular and athletic Companions.

I lower my body and hug her from behind, and it feels so nice to be the big spoon of a little girl that I cum inside her tight asshole. I really can't stop fawning over how cute and small she is, so I let my claws wander along her soft skin as I unleash load upon load inside her until her asshole overflows.

But it's time to make her cum her brains out, so I kiss the back of her neck and let my spirit-touching tentacles bring her arousal to the limit. Then I try to play with her breasts, but she's flatter than even Lina, so I chuckle as I pinch her nipples and pull on them.

"Ahn~…!" she louts out a delicious moan. Then she seems to bite her lip sexily, and I feel her asshole twitch as she nears a massive orgasm.

Let's finish you.

I slither my tentacles down her navel, but then I hit something hard, which confuses me. I spread my tentacles around it and feel two big lumps attached to whatever I hit.

The fuck is this?

I fondle the lumps, making her moan and wince even louder. Then I let the tentacles slither down the first hard thing they touched. It's quite thick and long, very long.

The tentacles suddenly hit something wider but more slippery, and as they go down, the slippery part becomes thin again and suddenly ends. It's like it's a mushroom cap…


It's a fucking COCK!

"AHN!" Mara yowls, and her asshole squeezes my Cock so hard that I cum inside her again. Then I feel her cock quiver, and it starts unleashing rope after rope onto my tentacles as they've enveloped it in its entirety.

But her cumming doesn't stop. Rope after rope after rope makes her big balls shrink to half their size, and she still cums a bit more. Then it finally subsides, and she collapses onto the floor, crushing the balloon of cum gathered by my tentacles and spreading it everywhere.

I look down, and my sobering eyes see her red little asshole leaking copious amounts of my cum while her huge cock twitches in a pool of her own milk. But my eyes go up to her face, and I gasp out loud.

The silvery pigtails, the Adam's apple, the suspiciously blocky face. It's Nito, and he's still moaning due to phantom spasms of pain and pleasure from being Ravaged by me.

But I can't deny it… I can't deny that I fucking liked it.

I desperately look around and see everyone, the wives, the Companions, and even Rande, all masturbating to this sight.

Oh, fuck…

Then I blink.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord FrostyCube.

Lord Glaistig Uaine.

Lord School work.

Lord Beater.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord Peter Kraushuber

Lord David England.

Lord Cidant.

Lord Marwin33.

Lord time Campbell.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble warmoger55.

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