
Chapter 180: Dizzying – Part 2

We retreat to our quarters and start to relax, but we feel like doing some more training because we interrupted ourselves earlier today. We aren't exactly horny, so we're a bit motivated to make up for the lost time. Hana wants to entertain Caterina, though, so it turns into a bragging session about her use of [Godly Language] and her ability to resist its feedback.

I'm a bit too tired to continue training my humanoidization, so I cuddle with Roxanne because her usual breast-pillows are unavailable. She's still teaching Aoi some [Water Magic], and it feels nice to hug her while she uses magic because the "taste" of the mana that she leaks feels like her lips caressing my skin. I've never noticed this before, so it must be because of [Mana Body].

As for my training, I don't know what to do. There are a bunch of things, but which should I work on? I guess the baby golems? I was having some success with inducing amnesia, but it was a bit spotty and inconsistent.

My last notes are about the "scrambling" effect I can cause to the golem's memories resulting in the creation of fake memories, but doing this manually for every memory seems like insanity. Though, looking at what we did with the helmet enchantment, maybe I can just brute-force it with sheer mana? But creating golems is already spicy in the amount of mana, so this isn't as good of a solution as it was for the helmet.

And the whole purpose of this is to create an army of cheap, disposable golems, so brute force goes against that. Although… I could try to create a model golem, then study it and recreate it more cheaply, assuming their brain doesn't become something impossible to recreate because the excess mana broke the laws of reality a bit too hard.

Could I even accidentally start a mana storm?

"With the amount of mana you have? I find that highly unlikely…" Roxanne remarks and glances at me, but then she frowns worriedly. "Though, if you concentrate it all inside the head of a little plush doll… there's some risk," she hesitantly admits, and Gify suddenly jerks her head towards me, the prospect of a crazy experiment waking her up from Ciel's petting.

"Sounds like the perfect type of experiment for someone like me!" I jokingly exclaim. But someone doesn't find it funny.

"Gods, Wolfy. Please don't do something dangerous," Alissa begs, giving me pleading fox cub eyes as her ears go flat.

And it hurts so, so much.

I release my slender model and gracefully approach my cute fox, then give her a hug. "I think she's overestimating the amount of mana I have. We'll know if a mana storm is coming," I soothe as I pat her.

"Hmph… fine…" she quickly gives in, then leans her head forward so that I can pat her better.

I immediately drown in her addictive fluffiness, but I'm too eager to research, so I only spend thirty minutes patting her, and then I quickly return to my cuddling partner and begin moving my skill points around to enhance my mana. But then I realize the effort that it'll take to put all of my mana in a golem is considerably high, and I start to lose a bit of motivation.

Fingering all of the wives took a lot of energy. It's actually harder than Ravaging someone because cumming gives me energy and refreshes me. I did get a blowjob, but it still wasn't enough.

"I can suck you while we talk," Aoi innocently suggests, starting to feel a bit peckish.

"We can do that," Roxanne sultrily corrects and turns around, then immediately frees my boner from its clothy cage.

"Did someone say sucking?" Hukarere happily asks out loud as she enters the room. She seems a bit buzzed, which makes her even bolder than she already is.

So it's triple blowjob time.


Oh, yeah, this is much better.

But then I instantly encounter a roadblock. [Golemancy's] [Infuse] doesn't allow you to "insert" more mana. It simply makes changes to the golem's soul according to my imagination and slowly drains mana, but it also doesn't do anything that I can't visualize with precision, so there's no obvious way for me to do this.

Because nothing is ever easy.

"If it were, someone else would've thought of it already," Roxanne wisely states as she watches Aoi's scaly head slowly bob up and down.

Maybe I just need to imagine harder? Though, I once tried to let my intuition guide the changes, but that didn't go anywhere.

Then Roxanne's thin black eyebrows gently knit together, making the gorgeously silly woman look gorgeously serious, for once. "I can't think of a spell that doesn't allow you to infuse more mana into it through [Mana Control]," she hums curiously and starts to caress Aoi's head.

And I gently whisper back, "I know, right? This is… hngh…" -I cum down Aoi's throat- "odd."

Then it's Hukarere's turn, and she's an extremely experienced Cocksucker, so I'm briefly distracted as she gives me a burst of pleasure. It's actually funny that my white wolf is more aggressive with blowjobs than my little blue dragon, who likes to slowly pump me with her long and slippery tongue.

Anyway, maybe I can brute-force it through will? Force the spell to take my mana, then force the mana to bend reality to my will? Doesn't sound like that great of an idea, to be honest…

But I have no other ideas. So I just cast [Infuse], which takes me into a VR-like world, and the only thing in it is a mind-bending "structure" that represents the soul of the golem. Then I start wishing really hard to sculpt this according to my imagination. I want a golem without any memory of my life, but I'd like to preserve skills and general knowledge. That's the best result we could get, though, so I'm expecting things to be very different in reality.

And, as an example, we start by getting… Hold up, lemme cum in Hukarere's mouth. We start by getting no result at all. The "structures" remain unchanged, even though I'm putting so much "effort" into them that I think I'm about to fart in reality.

"Please don't fart," Roxanne pleads through [Bind] as she begins sucking my Cock.

And that makes me grin. I just love how playful she always is.

With renewed motivation, I put even more "effort" into the spell. But there's still not even a hint of a change, so maybe I'm lacking in imagination? How would an amnesiac's mind even look? Or perhaps a baby's? It's certainly easier to find the latter than the former for me to study.

I stop using [Infuse], then slowly turn to Aoi, who's calmly watching Roxanne suck me as she attempts to mimic the [Water Spirit] spell. She's too focused to pay attention to my inner thoughts, so she innocently turns her scaly head to me as she notices my stare.

"Hm?" she attempts to quietly hum, but all she does is make Hukarere's white fur stand on end.

"Let me take a look at your brain," I playfully state with a creepy grin.

"Okay," she obediently hums, then lowers her head so that it's easier for her to stay still.

"Good girl," I huskily praise her. Then I activate [Sense Soul] and dive in.

And I immediately have a moment of realization and start to feel a bit empathetic regarding Samkelo's hesitation about using his supervision. I have no fucking idea what I'm looking at.

So I turn to Roxanne, who has a much older brain, but her soul is too different from Aoi's for me to be able to make a proper comparison. Then I get the wonderful idea of using monster summons! I can de-age them, so I can summon an adult and a baby goblin with two snaps of my fingers.

But first, I cum down Roxanne's throat. She likes to deepthroat me, so I use her horns as handles to shove it as deep as I can and unleash a refreshing amount of ropes inside her. Then I pull out, and she shows me her tongue so that I can confirm that she swallowed it all.

Then I summon the goblins.

"Oh, Gods! It's actually cute!" Roxanne exclaims, her voice so high-pitched it's like a harpy's.

And since there are only women here, the baby goblin is suddenly surrounded by squeaking females, their ovaries going into super-overdrive as there's an Alpha male within fucking distance of their wombs.

"Girls, please, at least let me work. I'll summon another, so don't block my line of sight to it," I calmly plead, and Caterina starts snickering, for some reason.

"Aren't you an old man? Where's your love for children?" Hukarere questions, as even she's been bewitched by the little green shit.

But I pompously correct her, "First, I'm not old, and second, I'll love my child, not one that's both a goblin and a summon."

"It looks cute. Aren't you a Plom for 'cute'?" Ciel cutely asks with a cute pout.

"I'm a Plom for women," I reply with a suggestive smirk. But then I glance at the little green thing, and I have to do a double take, and then I frown. "Wait… the damn thing's actually cute."

It's a fucking baby Yoda!

And this makes Alissa grimace. "For some reason, I suddenly find this baby much less cute…" she whispers and closes her eyes in pain.

"Well, it is a monster. It isn't healthy for a warrior to… kill something they find cute," Kaatohe shares a nugget of wisdom because she can't hear the memes.

"Hm, yes, yes, that's something important," Alissa agrees as she stiffly nods, not wanting to reveal the real reason for her previous remark.

It seems that our training got derailed by Baby Yoda, so I just summon more of them, along with corgis and other puppies. It's time to drown in cuteness!

And I also observe their brains and then try to find the differences between the young and the old, but I have no idea what the fuck I'm looking at, so I gain a bit more empathy for Samkelo once again.


Today is the 9th, Nev, day of Spirit, and this should be a very energetic day for the spirit Chimeras.

I'm woken up by Hana because she's horny because she saw Caterina naked but we didn't fuck because everything got derailed by the baby/puppy party. So she turns around after swallowing, and I shove it into her wet cunt for a rough quickie so that today can start with a bang.


But today is also a day of celebration because I finally learned [Humanoidization] with two points… and also [Hand Technique] with one point. Also also, [Humanoidization] is marked as "innate," which means it's almost assuredly going to be inherited by my children, or at least easily learned by them with just a little bit of effort.

So, now that that's done, I can impregnate however many women I want!

"Hooray!" Roxanne happily cheers while the rest of the girls clap. She and Alissa are the two happiest about it, of course, because they have a fetish about me impregnating women, and I'd love to give them what they want.

As for the other skill-ups. Alissa increased her [Illusion Magic] by 1 (now 26); Roxanne didn't increase any skills since she spent her time teaching; Hana increased her [Godly Language] by 1 (now 3); Ciel increased learned [Wind Aspect] with 1 point, which gives her a very subtle control over the wind; Lina suppressed leveling up [General Enchanting] to not mess up her fighting potential; Aoi didn't get any "Status" up; and Yunia got not skill ups because [Weaverism] is a bitch to level.


"So, are you going to make a Chosen Descendant, now?" Kaatohe curiously asks, sounding legitimately happy for the other wives.

"It's too early for us. The more skills we have, the more our child inherits, so we should wait a little longer," Alissa bitterly and prudently answers.

"But I'll accept a vial of his semen for safe-keeping," Yunia gracefully states, yet her thoughts are full of perverted fantasies about milking me dry of my cum.

And the cum-addict promptly chimes in, "Can I get some, too? For… when I'm thirsty…?"

"My Cock is currently free," I huskily state to my loyal white wolf, and she immediately goes under the table.

"I think her addiction to your semen is unhealthy," Kaatohe snobbishly states, narrowing her cat eyes in displeasure.

"I think you're just jealous!" Hukarere's muffled exclamation comes from below.

"I'll give you some, too," I state to my lovely concubine with a handsome smirk.

"I don't… want it…" she hesitatingly replies and tries to look away, but my "Charisma" and [Sexual Charm] are too strong for her to escape my claws.

"It's bad to deny your wishes, dear sister," Ciel angelically states, shining like the bastion of purity she is.

"It's especially bad because we have a fetish about forcing you into admitting them," Yunia follows up, overflowing with dark, perverted desires.

"Go under the table," I order, my tone so final that she doesn't even try to argue.

She clenches her jaw so strongly that it trembles, but then she breathes in and joins Hukarere.

"Good girl," I huskily whisper to my pretty bronze cat.


Right, it's morning. Time for orb-boosted mana circulation training, but today's a bit boring. It's hard to find an excuse to skip it, but there's a mind-bending dungeon that I can teleport to at any moment I want, so I'm constantly feeling tempted to explore it.

Oh, Gods. Am I becoming like Urmeie?

A little bit more patience is warranted.

But there's no news from home; Osaria is behaving; Roxanne's mother isn't abusing Taveez, Roxanne's little sister; and I'm back to making random alterations to the golem's brains. So I don't have anything super interesting going on right now.

I wonder how Nono and Petra are doing with Summoning. I could ask Osaria to send the bird to them so that they can share the report, but seeing Nono without being able to breed my juicy white rabbit would be torture.

What else can I do to distract my mind that isn't sex?

"You could read a book," Alissa smugly suggests.

I've usually found Rupegian literature a bit… lacking when compared to the endless deluge of trashy novels that provided constant dopamine hits, but maybe I can give them a second go since I'm already on a constant dopamine high because of endless sex.

Oh, wait, it's lunchtime already.


Today, there's purple pasta! Yes, purple. It's the not-tomato, which has an obscene name and is native to the Sky Lands.

I can't say this pasta is special compared to Krysta's, as her meatballs are divine, but we also have roasted Dragolite for meat and a special dish of palm heart salad. The heart doesn't offer much in the way of taste, but its flavor is subtle and goes well with the acidic not-tomatoes, balancing out the heaviness of the rest of the meal.

Then it's time for training with the Earthlings.

"Can we take a look at the dungeon? The mages said they have some prototype enchantments to spare," Samkelo requests, raising his little hand in a very childish way, and Urmeie and the other three 'Lings seem like they're fairly tempted, even Chesa, the depressed mer girl.

But my face twitches.


But we must train!


"Go for a bit, and then we'll train," Ciel suggests like a tired mother coming to a compromise with her overly-energetic child.

"Sure," Samkelo answers, though she wasn't talking to him.


Lina distributes the helmets while we put on the necklaces with the movement enchantment, and then we cross through the [Gate].

The sadistically warped room is nice, but I'm more interested in the amazingly overly-decorated outside. So I have an earth-Lina open a hole in the wall, and then we all gaze upon the most complex work of art we've ever witnessed.

The extremely flamboyant 4D Gothic cathedral is a wonder to behold, especially now that we aren't plagued by a heavy headache and the extreme effort required to keep the Gestalt going. The cathedral is less edgy than the floating fortress, so I'm more receptive to the idea of calling it "art," but I'm against pretentiousness on principle, so this still ticks me in the wrong way.

I have a feeling this wasn't made just to be pretty and impressive. It's probably supposed to have some sort of "deeper meaning," and I'm very skeptical of that sort of artsy bullshit. But then the feeling starts to deepen the more I stare at it.

The hole is now big enough for us to cross through, so I activate the 4D-movement enchantment as I cast [Telekinesis] on myself to make me float, and then I start to slowly cross through the 4D hole, trying not to stumble on any of its weird, spikey bits. It takes me almost a minute, but I succeed, and then I approach the stair below me and inspect it closely.

Crosses. Pseudo-orcs nailed onto crosses. Crying pseudo-orcs praying to pseudo-orcs dead on the crosses. Lofty-looking pseudo-orcs above an empty cross, staring into the distance. The religious imagery here is heavy, and it's starting to unsettle me.

At least there aren't any skulls, so this isn't a death cult, but a cult of the cross isn't much better.

Wait, are they T-posing…?

I just went and fucking ruined it. I can't take it seriously anymore.

Their fixation on crosses is still a bit creepy, though. It's a torture device, plain and simple, so why are they putting it everywhere? I don't think the crosses relate to sacrifice like they do on Earth because there hasn't been a Jesus on Rupegia to die for our Sins, and even if there were, that'd be a bad thing to do as the Wicked sinners are all put to death.

Maybe it's a quirk of monster culture after developing in isolation for thousands of years? Still a creepy quirk.

One by one, the golems help those less skilled in [Space Magic] cross through the hole, and then they all land around me at the stairs.

"Watcha lookin' at?" Lily curiously asks, and it's actually quite the feat that she just spoke in Andraste with the perfect slang to make the system translate it back into English in this specific way.

I can't see her face because of the helmet, but I bet she's very proud of her cute phrasing. "The monsters are T-posing," I calmly answer.

"Oh fuck! They are!" Kellogs immediately shouts and starts to laugh.

Thant frowns at the stairs, and his cat tail starts to wave as he reflects deeply. "I can't unsee it now," he hums and snorts.

"Still creepy," Lily hums back, and Chesa nods repeatedly.

"Still creepy," I quietly repeat and look ahead, towards where the stairs lead.

And it ends at a wide golden platform that has a very large carving of a pseudo-orc with a spear going through its heart.

"Very creepy," Ciel whispers concernedly.

The mana drain of both enchantments is still high, so we can't stay here for very long. We'll just admire the creepiness for a little longer, and then we'll go back.



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Prince S. R.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord Glaistig Uaine.

Lord School work.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord Peter Kraushuber

Lord David England.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

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