
Chapter 180: Dizzying – Part 3

"Wow," Samkelo mumbles as he stares at Lina, sounding like he just saw her for the first time in his life. Though that's an underwhelming reaction, considering her insane cuteness.

"Yunia's over there," she dryly states and points. She feels disgusted when she looks at him, but it's now doubled due to his eyes falling on her.

"No, I mean, I think I saw through you, as if you were flat for a second," he corrects himself absentmindedly.

But she glares at him so intensely he takes a step back in fear.

"No, I mean, I saw you flicker in four-dee, as if you were a piece of paper turning around," he hurriedly tries again.

"Hmm…" Her glare softens as she starts to catch onto his meaning.

Then I catch onto his meaning and coo happily, "Ooh~… so we were right, we are like a two-dee person in a three-dee world. Like Paper Mario."

"She looked paper-thin, yah," the boy gnome agrees with a nod.

"Which is why we fall so easily without the enchantment," Lina thoughtfully adds, forgetting all about him.

"Are we seriously going to have to walk while using this?" Lily complains as she raises her enchanted necklace. "It's so awkward!"

"It's a prototype, Lily," I dryly point out, and she jerks her head to look at me, and then I sense her glare from under her helmet.

"One of the things the enchanters are trying to improve is how to make it feel more natural to use the enchantment," Lina follows up, and I sense the glare abate.

"Thank God," the little piece of roasted cinnamon cutely blasphemes.

"'Gods,'" Ciel flatly corrects and leaves it at that.

But Lily is up for some sass. "How do you know I'm not talking about the Overseer?"

So Ciel adds in the same tone, "The Overseer does nothing and merely watches us. There's no point in thanking Them for anything."

"They still created the Gods that created us," Lily makes a slightly intelligent remark.

But I think it's better to not let her trigger my wife, so I calmly interject, "Lily… don't try to banter with the priestess Queen."

Our men aren't here to overhear this dangerous conversation, but even Ciel has a limit.

"Alright, sorry…" Lily backs off. It'd be a bit too much, even for her, to offend a religious person like that.

"How can y'all argue so much when I'm still struggling to even remain standing," Thant suddenly whines.

And Hana proudly brags, "This much is nothing. Wolfy has Ravaged our minds ten times harder than what this helmet is doing to us."

"Are you feeling dizzy, Chesa," I huskily inquire.

"A bit," the slender mer girl quietly answers.

And I sense Lily glare at me again, but then she suddenly realizes something and turns to Hana. "Wait, are you meme-ing about being mindfucked, or do you mean that for real?" she curiously asks against her better judgment.

I grab Hana's "blanket" inside my mind, look for the spot where her pussy is likely to be, then poke it real hard.

"Ahn~…!" she moans loudly and sultrily as she reflexively grabs her own pussy, but then she controls herself and smirks. "See? It's real. He can do whatever he wants with us since we're connected through our souls."

"I can also link our pleasure, so everyone orgasms together," I smugly add.

And that breaks Lily's resolve. "Ugh…! Okay, I regret asking!"

"Sure, you do," Alissa grumbles with a subtly bitter tone.

The little bundle of roasted cinnamon "fun" instantly notices the hint of banter, but before she can start an argument, I promptly move the conversation forward, "So, what's the verdict on this place's architecture?"

"Beautiful and disgusting," Urmeie immediately begins, which surprises us that she's the first one to speak. "A fetishistic obsession with suffering and these dumb crosses. The overall composition and use of color are amazing, but the smaller decorations are in very poor taste."

"I find the decorations more puzzling than disgusting," I curiously remark.

But Urmeie snorts. "You glorify sacrifice for a worthy cause, not just… pain. It feels like I'm looking inside a Wicked's mind."

And Caterina's turn to interject, "That's a good analogy. Few Wicked believe themselves to be truly evil. Plenty have some sort of delusion of grandeur."

A light bulb appears over Ciel's head, figuratively, and she eagerly agrees, "You're right! These monsters have been making me very uncomfortable, but I couldn't identify why. This place just feels wrong, as if it's trying to convince us that it's beautiful while glorifying such… foul imagery."

And her fervent dislike taints everyone's opinions through [Bind], so the rest of the wives just nod in agreement.

But nobody has anything to add, so I turn to Lily and question, "What about you?"

Lily shrugs and answers like an orc, "I don't have such deep insights. To me, it's just too bright and annoying to look at."

"Too creepy," Chesa quietly hums, sounding like she's feeling unwell.

"Too overwhelming," Thant follows up, also sounding sick, and I notice Kaatohe silently nodding.

"I agree with the…" Samkelo begins and turns to Caterina, but he seems to have forgotten her name and who she is under the helmet. "I agree with her, the… stern older… Dame. This place feels evil."

Calling a warrior a "Lady" would've been offensive, so he dodged that one at the last second.

"She's Caterina, Captain of the Punishers, and the one that fucked your ass with the pommel of her sword during training," Hana sternly declares as she gives him a fearsome glare.

"Riiight… sorry about that," he embarrassedly admits and tries to awkwardly scratch his head, but his helmet's in the way.

"Hmph…" Caterina snorts like a snobbish elf and looks away, but we all get the feeling that she's smiling at Hana.

Then Kaatohe suddenly hugs my body from behind, but it isn't because she's horny. "I'm feeling dizzy, Wolfy…" she whispers in my ear, sounding like she's suffering. It seems like she's more sensitive than even the Earthlings due to her being a spirit.

And I immediately declare, "Alright, I'm going back with her. You all can stay for a bit more if you want."

"I'd rather not," Caterina replies, and nobody seems to actually enjoy being here.

So we all cross through my [Gate] and return.


Now it's time for training! Yay…!

Fighting alongside the Earthlings and Urmeie is quite difficult since we don't have telepathy, so we need to regularly do this to keep our muscle memory fresh.

Lina doesn't participate in the training because she has to continue improving the helmet enchantment, which she's secretly happy about. She has no problem training with us and our men, but she's still far from feeling comfortable in the presence of Urmeie and the Four.

Anyway, the point of today's training is to improve our coordination, so we call upon the Companions. Eager, obedient, and familiar, they're the best choice to start this afternoon's session. Though I'm always uncomfortable with hitting my women, at least they're eye candy for me.

But then Alcander appears in the training yard with a number of regular Lordsguard. "Your Highnesses, would you like a greater challenge? I've brought our elite with me, and they're all eager to serve," he happily announces.

This steps on the pride of the Companions. It's true that they aren't chosen because of their skill, but they make up for it with fervent loyalty, though that won't stop a certain kind of people from looking down on them. Still, they're obedient enough to not let it show, and they'll get over it when it's time for their "reward."

So I accept, "Very well, let's do this. Keep in mind that it's hard for us to 'hold back.'"

And so we start, and I quickly notice the difference. With the Companions, it's like sparring with someone that's both your mother and your daughter. There's true love that prevents either side from going too hard, and then we're also quite gentle when it's time to point out any failings to avoid hurting anyone's feelings.

With the regular Lordsguard, it's like a brash son that wants to show off, but they also respect you so much that they immediately cower the moment you show a bit of disapproval. Wait… that's like a puppy, but these are (mostly) grown men (and a few women), so it feels a bit… weird, to say the least.

And you can also feel how badly they want to be the one that knocks Lily down, but She-Hulk is fucking unstoppable.

"HAHAHAHAH! ORAAA! COME ON! DON'T BE SHY! LET MY HAMMER GREET YOUR FACE!" she shouts maniacally as she swings her hammer wildly, making space so that our front line can get a breather. "WE'LL TALK THROUGH THE SOUNDS OF MY WEAPON HITTING YOUR HELMET!"

Yes, that's the Lily that I knew back on Earth. She has a bad habit of getting too caught up in a game, but at least she's self-conscious enough to never go past being borderline toxic. Or rather, she doesn't act toxic anymore. You could even say she's "reformed."

"Why couldn't she be gay? She sounds like she'd be so much fun," Roxanne wistfully remarks through [Bind].

I guess boisterous women are her type?

"You bet!" she happily exclaims.

And then the obvious happens.

"HAAAH!" Hana roars as she uses [Shield Bash] and sends her opponent flying. "HAHA! YOU SHOULD EAT A BIT MORE! YOU'RE LIGHT AS A PLOM!" she [Taunts] the men, and it's super effective.

But all this excitement triggers someone else.

"GRAAAH!" Urmeie growls as she pummels her opponent until he surrenders. "NEXT!"

And the next (un)fortunate soul eagerly lines up to have a bout with an Imperial Warrior Princess.

Here we go…

Now there's a competition about who can be the loudest, and all our ears suffer for it.

So, the training goes on, and none of our elite soldiers can knock down any of the howling harpies before it's time for a break. Maybe the men will have a better chance once they're tired, but that's going to take a while.

Then Alissa senses a number of familiar people approaching. It's Caterina and the Punishers.

"Your Highness Wolf, would you be so kind as to allow us to join your training," she rather cheerfully requests.

I'm obviously not allowed to deny her if I don't want Hana to yell at me, so I nod. "Sure."

And now "hard mode" is engaged. The Punishers are fast, decisive, and relentless. They don't fall for the [Taunt]s, they don't let themselves be thrown away, and they know they can't win in a straight fight, so they try to tire us out.

It's actually quite wonderful, as our ears are blessed by the silence. The harpies are saving their energy and remaining silent, but… unfortunately… the only way for us to win… is to go ham.

So I inhale deeply, then roar as the dragon breaks free from its chains, "PUUUUSH! OVERWHELM THEM! PRESS THEM AGAINST THE WALL!"

We still have the advantage of being cheaters with stupidly high skill levels, so if the enemy isn't trying to overwhelm us, then we'll chase and pummel them, one by one.

And the shrieking starts again…

Caterina looks behind herself and grits her teeth. They can't retreat endlessly as the yard is rather small, so she knows they're between a rock and a hammer to the face.

"LAST STAND!" she commands, and the mood of the fight immediately changes.

All Templars are known to be hard as balls to kill, and the Punishers are the prime example of it. Even though their defeat is certain, they make us pay dearly for it.

Then we take a moment to rest, now much, much more exhausted than before. The Companions don't care for the Punishers as the girls are our most enthusiastic but silent cheerleaders, but the regular Lordsguard now look at the rugged, pious men in a new light… just like a young boy looks up to their more experienced senpai.

But then another set of familiar presences appears on Alissa's radar. This time, they come flying.

"Your Highness!" Oritiki cheerfully greets, landing before us and kneeling. "May our Celestial Horns join this large exercise, too?"

I don't have the heart to deny them, so we spar with the Horns next.

They're like… Dads… all of them. Mature, proud, confident, and very friendly. Quite refreshing after biting on the hard rock that is the Punishers.

The Horns have to chibify their large wings to fight on the ground in formation, but they can still use them in a very similar way to how I use [Telekinesis]. They don't constantly hover and slide, but they make use of quick flaps of their cute little wings to dart in and out of range at will and even aid themselves in dodging. This is a sub-optimal use of their wings and fighting style, so they're between the elite Lordsguard and the Punishers in difficulty, but the friendly atmosphere makes it more bearable.

"ORAA! I'M GONNA BREAK YOUR GLAIVE!" Lily taunts (and maybe [Taunt]s?) as she teases the wall of Horns with her hammer.

"URAAA!" Hana roars as she throws herself into the wall of blades while using [Draconic Body] to resist all the blows.

"UOOO!" Urmeie growls as she locks weapons with a Horn and quickly overpowers them with pure strength.

Fucking throat goats, all of them. I mean, it even works with both meanings. My Lily was a champ at deepthroating, Urmeie is a beast at cock-sucking, and Hana is a "duh."

"Imagine how they suck dick…" Alissa overhears a Lordsguard quietly remark to his comrade.


It still ends in our victory, and then we have an extended break while the men start a bout between themselves.

"That was a wonderful session, Your Highness," a Companion happily praises as I sit down on the bench, and she starts to massage my shoulders.

"Your commanding shout during the bout against the Punishers was awe-inspiring," another follows up as she polishes my glorious claws and scales.

"I kind of wish it was us fighting against your Highnesses at that time," a third adds as she massages my thick tail.

"Might be the only time we'd ever know true fear," a fourth finishes as she serves me tea.

And they continue to verbally fellate our pride, making Lily fucking disgusted when she overhears it. But then I give my girls what they want in the next bout and personally pound them with my tentacles to satisfy their masochistic fetishes, making Lily even more disgusted because of the quiet, happy squeals the Companions let out.

But nobody manages to knock down the three harpies.


Bath time is fun time.

I want to run my hands all over either Caterina's muscular body or Urmeie's fluffy fur, but both are "untouchable" for me, so I satisfy my endless lust with the other girls.

"May we wash each other, Princess?" Aoi kindly suggests.

The bear in question frowns. "Wait, can you even-…" -Aoi becomes human-Aoi- "oh, yeah, you can. Well, sure."

"I'm washing you," Hana states to Caterina, who freezes as she reaches for the soap and eyes her concernedly.

"Ciel, you're washing me with your body today," I huskily command.

"Okay," she happily hums and starts soaping herself.

"Hmm…" Lina quietly hums as she hesitates and stares at us.

"You can squeeze between us," I kindly add, and she immediately brightens up.

Urmeie's furry puppies are a joy to the touch, so I have Aoi knead and then play with them a bit to satisfy my fetish about big, furry women. The Princess raises an eyebrow at the suspicious behavior, but Aoi's innocent delight is so exuberant she lets it pass.

Then Hana hugs Caterina from behind, and for the first time in my life, I wish Hana had a dick so that I could bury it between Caterina's strong cheeks.

"Are you really going to wash me?" the milfy woman questions her younger lover.

"Yes, but I didn't say anything about not being lewd," Hana breathes huskily into Caterina's ear.

So she just sighs and accepts being molested.

Hana has such a predatory mind that I don't even need to take over her body; she already does everything I'd do myself. And so, I have a wonderful time while both Ciel and Lina use their bodies to wash me, "accidentally" stroking my Cock as they slide up and down.

And oops, now I'm inside Lina's tight pussy. So I create another Cock and-… oops, now I'm inside Ciel, too.

"We have to wash inside, too," human-Aoi "innocently" remarks as she rubs Urmeie's moist pussy lips, and then she "innocently" slips a finger inside the fiery hot pussy.

And the Princess lets out a low, slow laugh, "Hahahah… you certainly are a Ryder…" Then her lips spread wide in a dangerous grin.

We also have a few Companions with us, who salivate over the last three wives and one concubine, so Alissa gives the green light for the pussy predators to pounce.

Hana shamelessly squeezes her lover's modest breasts and even dares to gently pinch their pink nipples a bit, making Caterina inhale sharply, but this dragon woman is as thirsty as I am, so she soon releases them and quickly moves down. Abs as hard as steel make me salivate over how they'd taste if I could lick them all over, but Hana doesn't stop there; her own abs are plenty for herself, so she goes for the promised land.

A completely shaven landing strip, and cute little lips hidden under a hood. I memorize every detail I can as Hana's long, strong fingers gently rub Caterina's pussy, but then Hana senses that they're warming up, and a bit of lewd sticky fluids starts to coat her fingers.

So she curls them and penetrates Caterina.

"Ah…" the milfy woman lets out a breathy moan.

And then Hana begins slowly fingering her lover.

But while those two have a slow and passionate time, Aoi finishes off Urmeie and receives a gush of female fluids on her face, stunning her for a moment.

"Now it's my turn to wash you," the Princess states with a predatory tone, and I force Aoi to shift back.

Urmeie hesitates, now thinking twice about it, but she's not threatened by the big blue dragon, so she promptly starts fisting Aoi.

"Ooh, ooh… oooh~…!" Aoi lets out trembling moans, almost feeling like she's being Ravaged by me.

Now, this is something so interesting that I almost forget about memorizing the feel of Caterina's pussy.

But then I cum, and I link my pleasure with Aoi's, so Aoi also cums so hard that she squirts lewd fluids all over the big bad bear's face.

"Nice," Urmeie grunts, surprised and also amused at the amount of squirt. Then she wipes her face with her hand and licks it clean. "And you taste just like any other woman, huh."

"That felt good, thank you," Aoi happily coos, then gives the Princess' furry face a warm lick, which makes her smirk.

"You're welcome."

It takes a little longer, but Hana gets her lover to cum. That pussy squeeze, the moans of a mature woman, the spasms, the way her hands grip Hana's thighs, the heavy breathing.

It's a memory that I'll never forget. Literally, because I have Gify to help me.


"That's enough," Caterina states, so Hana pulls out her fingers and licks them clean with the biggest grin.


Dinner is pasta again but with a white sauce this time, which has a nutty taste that eludes me. The Dragolite is breaded and fried, but it's seasoned with a delicate mix of King's Bouquet and Tonsel, which are basil and lemon, respectively. I think basil is a bit underused in Rupegian cuisine, so this is nice.

Then Lina and I make a brief visit to the dungeon to test her new helmet.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Prince S. R.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord Glaistig Uaine.

Lord School work.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord Peter Kraushuber

Lord David England.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

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