RWBY – The madness of Lappland

True Nature

Yang pov

Looking at her clothes, I see that both of them stop hugging each other.

" Shouldn't you be at work?"

Beauty asks.

" Tukson had nothing for me to do so he gave me the day off ".

" I was going to call you but I decided to buy a few things for myself first".

"But I see you've already found some company."

Says Blake looking at our whole group. 

'Looking at their interactions I'm not sure they seem very close in fact I didn't even ask if she was already taken '.

The feeling that all my confidence is breaking is not nice so I just calm down and try to get back to my optimal state.

When I think my expression remained the same and my confident smile adorned my face the whole time.

"Yes it is Yang I told you about her ".

Lappland says. Hearing that I am being introduced with a smile I knuckle my hands on my hips and smile at Blake. 

" Coco I met her this morning " 

Lappland says. Coco looking at Blake lowers her glasses and winks at her . 

" The quiet three who don't speak are Velvet, Fox and Daichi"

Lappland says as she looks at Blake. The introduced three awkwardly wave in Blake's direction. 

" They don't seem too keen to be here ". 

Blake says with a wry smile. 


Daichi is about to say something but before he can do so he looks towards Coco who looks towards him. 

" This is Blake my best friend we have known each other since we were kids." 

Lappland says embracing Blake's arm . 

" Childhood friend I know something about that right Velvet" 

Coco says as she wraps her arm around waist of nervous Velvet. 

"Do you want to come to the party with us? "

"You've been uptight lately you should loosen up." 

"Tomorrow is the weekend so I guess you don't have work right?" 

Asks Lappland looking at a thoughtful Blake who was looking at me . I look at the beauty who is watching her friend's face. Apparently seeing that Blake is looking at me she looks at me and even though her expression is the same she seems very angry. 

' I have done something wrong.' 

I am not stupid even though her face has remained the same I can feel the hostility boiling out of her. Feeling it makes me sad ?

' Why is she angry with me' 

Seeing the situation Blake stops looking at me and grabs Lappland's hand. 

' Well let's go'. 

Blake says as she and Lappland move towards the Bullhead landing pad. 

I'm not quite sure what I should think after this situation so I set off after them. And as before the tour was quiet not counting the moments when the beauty simply pronounced Blake's name only to say ' Nothing' after asking what she want .

' This girl is really weird '

' No matter how I look at it they are a couple and on top of that the beauty is very jealous ' 

I sigh thinking. 

' But I wouldn't be me if I gave up now maybe I just don't understand the whole situation' 

I'm thinking as we sit in Bullhead as we head for the outskirts of Vale. The flight was quick so after less than five minutes we were there. Getting out of the Bullhead we continued walking until we reached the edge of town. 

"Is it far yet? "

Coco asks when Lappland's smile widens. 

"Yes it's in that forest"

Says Lappland pointing to the Forest which is the boundary between the Vale agrigcultuar district and the emerald Forest. Hearing this a guy named Fox reinforces his suspicious and distrustful behaviour but surprisingly Velvet and Blake know what's going on. 

" Do you want to take them there? " 

Asks Blake looking at Lappland. 

" It is not a friendly place for non-Faunus". 

Velvet speaks up for the first time. 

"Don't be so nervous they are with us nothing will happen ".

" And it is the only place where you can experience a party on a level " 

Lappland says and the topic of this conversation itself is interesting to me. 

' A nightclub in the middle of the Forest? ' 

"Good and now follow me "

Lappland says, leading the way. Blake looks at her as if she wants to say something but in the end she sighs and shaking her head follows Lappland. 

" We shouldn't go there ". 

I am about to follow Lappland but I am stopped by Velvet's voice. 

"This is a place for faunus only besides it's not just a nightclub it's also a cage fighting zone " 

Velvet says. 

"How do you know so much about it? "

Asks a surprised Daichi looking at Velvet. 

" I used to be there but I don't want to talk about it ". 

Says an embarrassed Velvet. 

"I don't know about you but to me it sounds like fun ".

Coco says and I can only agree with her. 

"Do you still want to go there? "

" We are in the middle of nowhere and we are pushing into a place that is only for fauns ". 

" Coco it is really dangerous " 

Fox says and Daich nods in confirmation. 

" Are you going or not!!!" 

Our attention is caught by the shout of a beauty who waves to us from already large distance. I, wasting no more time, walk towards Lappland and Coco walks at my side. 

"We can't leave her like this" 

Daichi says. 

" Yes after all she is the Team Leader ".

Fox says 

' Even if it is dangerous inside it will add more fun.' 

I think while smiling and clenching my fists. 

Pov 3rd person 

The CVFY team, Yang, Blake and Lappland come out of the forest and the ruins of a lonely old building appear before their eyes. 

" What is this place?" 

Daichi asks. 

"I have no idea I have never been here.... "

Says a surprised Coco. Not only  she is surprised but Yang looks surprised too. 

" During the revolution it was an illegal prison to hold Faunus." 

Lappland says as she enters the ruins. 

"But after the war they closed the place and hid it so people wouldn't know about it. "

Lappland continues, entering the staircase going down to the basement. 

" But the Faunus found this place renovated and in honour of the Faunus who died here they opened a club whose purpose was to make fun of the people who took part in the harming of the Faunus in this facility "

Concludes Blake with an anxious tone of voice. When everyone had descended to the lowest floor. 

" And so a club was formed whose name was to symbolise how people see Faunus "

Says Lappland with a smile, turning to face the group with her arms spread out and behind her was a sign painted in red fluorescent paint.

[True Nature ] 



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