RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Wild party

Pov 3 person

Seeing Lappland's introduction Coco and Yang they gave a round of applause to her performance  . Seeing that her introduction was liked Lappland bowed with her hand on her chest.

"Are you done Lappdumb ? "

Asks Blake holding her hand on  her face covering her embarrassment at the scene her friend/girlfriend made?. 

"Yes yes "

Says Lappland with a smile walking up to the steel door under the sign and banging her fist on it .

"I can hear you just use the bell! "

Says a male voice from behind the door in which a horizontal window opens up showing a pair of green snake eyes.

"Oh fuck Is it youLappland? "

Says a male voice followed by the sound of locks being opened. The door slowly opens showing a young man with green scales around his eyes and a cowboy hat on his head. 

" Go inside" 

Says the man with a silly grin on his face. Lappland going inside high-fived along with the snake bouncer and behind lappland, the rest of the group went inside. 

" Miss Belladonna" 

Says the guy with a smile greeting Blake.

" It's been a year since we've seen each other Lappland". 

" Word on Remnant is that you are dead". 

" Blake has not visited either " 

Says the snake faunus. But when Yang and Coco enter the guy seems surprised. Behind Coco is her team. 

" Lappland we like each other but". 

The man says looking at the " Human" part of the group. 

" They are with me no problem right?" 

Lappland says looking at the snake. 

" OK but everyone shows ID you know how it works". 

Says the guy with a sigh. Hearing that there is an age check Yang seems confused but shows no fear as if she is already prepared for it. 

" Fuck you it's my ID card" 

Lappland says with amusement while showing Faunus the middle finger. 

"Don't act like this is a legitimate nightclub. "

" And even if it was when Blake was fifteen you still let her in." 

Lappland says walking on past the snake in the hat. 

" Good to see you're alive" 

Says the guy as the rest of the group follow Lappland. Apparently Coco and Yang want to ask something but the question comes out faster from Daichi. 

"Are you a celebrity or something? "

Hearing this Lappland doesn't turn around and enters the old mining lift. 

" No I just come here often so people know me". 

Lappland says as she close the lattice gate and presses a button to make the lift go down. The lower the lift descended, the more you could hear the music and everything around you became darker. Finally, the lift stopped and the view in front of the group became clear. There were thousands of cells in a huge prison block and the block itself was five storeys high. Between the third and fourth floors was a suspended fight cage with two wooden gangways leading inside. 

In the prison block every wall had graffiti from fluorescent paint, which was the only source of illumination apart from the flashing lamps. Above the cage and on several walls were dust monitors showing various flashing lights. But what caught the eye were the hundreds of faunus dancing to the music on the ground floor. The skimpy clothes on the bodies painted with luminescent paint and the fully displayed animal features of tails, horns, Feathers and  scales rubbed against each other. People who weren't dancing sat in cells like in VIP boxes and drank alcohol. Despite the crowd of people on the ground floor every floor was full of people partying at its best .

What caught the eye, however, were the dancers with their animal masks indicating their faunus of species. The dancers wore nothing but a pair of thongs and stickers on their chests. Their bodies were painted with paint in various patterns. But it was not only female dancers who were there: the male dancers were in a similar situation with masks on their faces and tight boxer shorts. 

The waitresses and waiters were set off only by the shoes on their feet. One of the waitresses, a tiger faunus with a cat's tail, approached the group of newcomers and put her hand on the chest of Daichi who was too shocked by the level of the party that he had forgotten his surroundings. However, he was not the only one shocked. The whole human part of the group had never seen this type of party. 

Velvet, as one of the three faunus in the group, covered her eyes and pretended not to exist. Coco's mouth was wide open and her glasses fell off her nose. Yang, unlike Coco, had a wide smile looking at the 'party '. Poor Fox unfortunately couldn't watch the sight of the almost naked hot animal girls because he was blind but his male friend Daichi almost died of delight. 

"Well built "

Says the waitress licking her lips under her mask. 

"Before you take our macho is there a free cell? " 

Asks Lappland getting the waitress' attention. 

"Yes on the fifth floor but it costs money ".

Says the waitress when Yang, Coco and Daich without thinking pull out their wallets pulling out all the Lien they have inside . Blake also pulls out some Lien similarly to Lappland and Velvet. Fox's wallet is pulled out by Daichi. 

" I'll give it back to you later man ".

Says Daichi patting the shoulder of Fox who massages his owne temples. 

"This will last for 24 hours are you sure? "

Asks the waitress not surprised by the sudden willingness to stay. 

" Count in it " I drink as much as I want ". "

Says Lappland to the waitress who gives back a feline purr with a wild smile. 

" As you wish now follow me" 

Says the waitress looking over the body of everyone in the group. Her eyes stopped on Lappland when she watched her wolfish figure. Satisfied with her observation, the waitress began to lead the group to their cell. 

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