Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc V Chapter 1



Arc V Chapter 1



18th Ignis Solar IX AAC 753


Noblesse oblige. Nobility famously obligates. Bound by duty, Friedrich manned the heavy wooden desk of the ducal secretariat with appropriate diligence. His rooms lacked, much to the surprise of the unaccustomed visitor, the noble opulence typical for this day and age in favour of a more functional interior. Whether this was the case due to monetary reasons, or infamous Schwarzean parsimony, or perhaps both, remained unclear. The end result was the same, though. He was provided with some sturdy furniture and a few woollen carpets to cover the naked walls and provide a modicum of insulation. A broad window overlooked the castle's wide courtyard. An old chimney guarded in the company of stacks of firewood, prepared to fend off the frigid winds of winter.


Yet the secretariat was his realm, his office, and he was ruling over it with an iron fist and iron discipline, which was highly necessary considering the neverending flood of paper and parchment he was forced to contend with on a daily basis. Being the duke's private secretary was a position that came with much responsibility. He was facing endless mountains of parchment, paper, and ink, ranging from royal decrees and other official documents, to private correspondence and invitations, to paltry letters of concerned farmers asking about their lost cattle and sheep. The life of a secretary might be a task of immense important to the continuous prosperity and stability of the realm, but it was an arduous one, incomparable in terms of boredom and personal suffering. Yet it was a sacrifice he was willing to endure. Already his father served the House von Schwarz in the same position, and his father's father, and his grandfather's father. They all had served the House von Schwarz as trusted advisers, confidants, and councillors. His very lineage, the House von Styria, embodied the concept of service ...


“Hmm ...” A heavy sigh escaped Friedrich. It was indeed an honour to serve the House von Schwarz, and yet it was also a burden at times that weighted heavily on his shoulders ... So much work to do ...


A series of knocks rattled the wooden door. They didn't escape his attention. Friedrich raised his voice, “Enter.”


It was Kasimir, his retainer and friend, and his de facto right hand and personal aid. His help was always much appreciated. Kasimir straightened his back and clicked his heels together, always conscious of rank and status, as usual. “My Lord ...”


Friedrich pinched his nose in mild frustration. Not again. “Kasmir, ... listen, how often have I already told you, there is no need for formalities among us. Certainly not among friends.”


“...” His words went unheard. Ice cold as usual, Kasimir ignored him, being way too serious for his own good.


Friedrich sighed. “Anyway, what is the matter, Kasimir? Has anything happened?”


“...” Kasimir nodded. “Yes, a certain person has requested a meeting with you, My Lord.”


“Oh, really?” Friedrich raised an eyebrow, his surprise apparent. “And who might it be? I can't remember to have scheduled any visitors. At least, for today.”


Kasimir folded his hands behind his back. “... It is Lord Viktor von Ehrbach. One of his aides has contacted me to arrange a meeting with you.”


Friedrich raised his eyebrow to newfound heights. “Viktor ... von Ehrbach ... That is a name I haven't heard of for a long, long time. I haven't heard of him since our days at the academy. Not that I mind. So what in the world is he of all people doing here? What does he even want from me?”


Kasimir shook his head. “Unfortunately, I am not privy to such information. His Lordship didn't specify any reasons for the meeting, he strongly insisted on the personal nature of his visit. He wishes to speak with you, and only with you. Personally. In private. For the sake of the good old times.”


“For the sake of the good old times ...” Friedrich clicked his tongue, a frown crossing his face. “That sounds indeed like him. I guess that he must be acting on behalf of his father. Just as usual. The only question is what they are up to this time ...”




“... ...”


“... ... ...”


Friedrich flapped his hand, his back seeking the comfort of his padded armchair. He would need it. Viktor von Ehrbach ... This was going to be a busy day ... “Tell him that he is welcome. I see no reason to deny him a simple meeting. He travelled all the long way here, so I better hope that he must have his reasons.”


“Understood, I will see to it, My Lord.” Kasimir offered a slight bow and left with the confident step of a man on a mission.


Check out my other novel and give it a try! =^.^=


Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc I Prologue

Death claims all of us in a timely fashion, but some are granted a second chance.

Armed with ambition, megalomania, and pride alone, an innocent girl reincarnates into the vast world of Naruto with the sole intention of writing history, her history. [Female OC] [AU elements]



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