Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc V Chapter 2



Arc V Chapter 2



18th Ignis Solar IX AAC 753


Afternoon arrived, as did his much esteemed guest. Viktor and his modest entourage entered his office, setting their feet in his inner sanctum and gracing him with their presence. Kasimir was guiding them.


As it turned out, Viktor was not alone. Hardly an uncommon occurrence for a noble of his rank and status. A man accompanied his lord and master, standing at his side. The man must have been one of Viktor's retainers. Judging by his face, the man was young, barely older than him.


Friedrich narrowed his eyes, his gaze probing his visitor. The man was wearing an embroidered dolman decorated with an ostentatious abundance of buttons. Much as it was customary further east. A pelisse, a thin fur jacket, was covering his upper body, hanging loosely over his shoulders. A cavalry sabre and an oriental scabbard swung around his hips complemented his appearance. The only thing that he was missing was a busby, otherwise he would have been the perfect epitome of a hussar. No doubt, the man was a warrior of the steppes, hailing from the east. Possibly even a noble scion based on his attire. The only question was whether he was Galizyean, Valahian, Ruthenian, or even, gods forbid, Novrhelian. The latter was unlikely.


His ruby eyes were cold, serious, calculating with glimmers of stray mana. So he was a magic user as well. Not that it surprised Friedrich. Viktor had always been a cunning man of great talent. Obviously, he would thus only recruit capable individuals of comparable ability.


Viktor, in the meanwhile, had not changed much despite the years. His black hair unchanged and his attire still as pompous as he remembered. A snow white cravat caressed his neck, accompanied by layers of linen and silk, an elaborate waistcoat, and thigh boots and their stockings. A golden lion on red ground, the coat of arms of the House von Ehrbach, adorned his robes. A friendly smile crossed his lips, belying his cunning nature for those less wise or knowledgeable. Vain he might be, taken by his own beauty, but his eloquence and charisma were infamous. Others might have fallen for Viktor's act, but not him. It took more to mislead him.


Viktor offered a courteous bow in a show of respect, lowering his head. “It has truly been an age since we last spoke. I hope that time has treated you well since, Lord Friedrich …, or should I rather say Count Friedrich. My condolences for your loss. I have heard of what happened to your father, Count Geralt.  Murdered by assassins ... What a cruel fate ... You and your younger siblings have my sympathies. Weeks have since passed, but the loss must still hurt. His death must weight heavily on you, Count Friedrich.”


“It does …” Friedrich closed his eyes, sunk deep in thought. Kasimir was flanking him, standing behind him. “Your words are appreciated, Lord Viktor, though I must confess that you are among the last people that I would have expected to see again these days …”


“Neither have I, Count Friedrich.” Viktor smiled politely, almost too politely. Honeyed words and noble flattery aided his cause. His words were silken and polished, as expected of the higher circles of nobility. “And yet here I am. I am forever grateful for your generous hospitality, Count Friedrich. It is truly an honour to meet you again after all these years.” His manners were impeccable. No wonder that the Ehrbach family found its way into the hearts of minds of so many.


“An honour indeed, Lord Viktor. I rarely entertain such esteemed visitors such as you.” Friedrich clicked his tongue, his back leaning back in his armchair. “Especially not on such short notice. It seems that you haven't lost your habit of appearing in an untimely manner. Judging by your request, it must be an urgent matter that forced you to seek me out. So what is it that brings you all the way here to me? I am curious.”


Viktor mustered a joyous smile, flatly ignoring all the sarcasm thrown at him. He was a resilient contemporary, he had to give him that. “No need to flatter me, Count Friedrich. However, I am afraid that I must disappoint you, Count Friedrich. You are mistaken, neither is the matter urgent, nor did I intend to pay you a visit … In fact, I have already arrived here two weeks ago ... My father has dispatched me to take care of some of his affairs on his behalf.”


“...” Friedrich folded his hands while planning his next move in their little battle of wits. “And yet you are here, standing now before me … In person, if I might add. I assume that you must want something from me. Because I strongly doubt you would grace me with your presence just for the sake of the good old times alone.”


Viktor returned a dry laugh. “Quick as ever. You haven't changed at all, Friedrich. No wonder that the Duke chose you as his private secretary, his trusted right hand.”


“...” Friedrich remained wholly unimpressed. Flattery would get him nowhere.


 “Ahem ...” Viktor cleared his throat. “Anyway, you are correct, we require your services. Unfortunately, fate forces our hand to seek your assistance, Count Friedrich. Thus, we, the House von Ehrbach, would like to ask you for a small favour.”


“A small ... favour?” Friedrich furrowed an eyebrow. So this was what they were up to. Viktor had now his full undivided attention. “And what exactly does this small favour entail?”


“Nothing much, we would merely like you to talk to the Duke on our behalf. You are one of his most trusted confidants, and you might be even be able to convince His Grace of the validity of our proposition.”


Friedrich sharpened his ears and gaze. “... ... ... Elaborate.”


A heavy sigh escaped Viktor, his head lowered and his eyelids heavy. “You see, it is a complicated matter, a hereditary matter, to be exact. You have probably already heard about my unfortunate marriage. It was twelve months ago, but it still feels like yesterday when fate mercilessly split Angelika and me apart. Angelika and her family died in a terrible fire. The blazing flames claimed their lives that fateful night, burning their manor down to the ground.” His hand reached for his chest, his heart. “My heart sheds tears every time I remember her face, her smile, the love of my now forever gone. Her death is truly a tragedy. No day passes I do not mourn her passing, Count Friedrich. Every day, every time, I honour her memory.”


Friedrich was masking his surprise, to the best of his abilities. He would have never expected such tender words to ever cross Viktor's lips. Quite the contrary, considering his character. “A tragedy indeed. You have my sympathies, Lord Viktor, yet I fail to see what your deceased wife and lost love have exactly to do with me? With all due respect to her memory and pardon my bluntness, this seems hardly like a matter that would deserve a visit.”


Viktor mustered a chuckle, folding his hands behind his back. “It does, doesn't it? Yet it is of prime importance, Count Friedrich. You see, Lady Angelika was the legitimate heiress of the noble Lilienthal estate ... Following her death and that of her younger sister and parents, her inheritance remains thus vacant in the absence of a direct legal successor and without suitable descendants and antecedents in agnatic cognatic succession. Months have passed, and yet an heir has yet to lay claim to the vast lands and possessions of the House von Lilienthal ...


It thus seems only proper that We, the House von Ehrbach, would like to exercise our right of succession. As her beloved husband, Angelika's right of succession falls with her death upon me. It would make me, albeit not suo iure, but iure uxoris, the rightful successor to the County of Mähren. We have already secured the support and consort of local nobles. Everything was prepared and everything seemed in order. Unfortunately, though, the Duke himself seems to disagree, even going as far as to intervene in person. He has decided to put their lands under ducal administration. His actions have effectively denied us any access. We seek to rectify this situation, with your help ... ... ...”



Lord Viktor von Ehrbach


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