Scumbag Transformation Plan

Chapter 154

Chapter 152 Sixteenth world

After the bird reconnaissance team brought the intelligence, Yao Liang sent them out to closely monitor the situation of the other beast army, and saw that this bird army made a stand-up and salute action, which should be taught by the group. Because it is nodding satisfied.

After sending away this team of highly efficient scouts, Yao Liang was not in the mood to observe the mysterious plants. He notified his deputy to come to the meeting, and then sent people to find the clover. Five people, a panda and a bush of roses gathered in Yao. In Liang’s room, the law enforcement team was guarding the door, not allowing anyone to enter.

The gathering of the herd and the possible coming of the beasts were already in their expectations, so when the four-leaf clover and the five-leaf clover heard the beasts heading towards the location of the Xifeng base, they were only slightly sad and more fortunate. Without much delay, he forcefully led everyone to Beiqing, otherwise, they would definitely not survive the siege attack of the beast tide.

Five Leaf Clover even rejoiced that he had contacted the teenager without waiting too much, and under his suggestion, he chose a rather risky but quick way to return to Xifeng, and at the same time persuaded others to move away without stopping. If there is a step in the middle a few days later, and there is a delay on the road, they are very likely to be discovered by the herd on the way, and there will never be a future.

But this does not allow them to relax completely. Although the Xifeng base is an empty shell, it can be seen from the fact that the beasts are accurately moving towards the base position. Their route is planned, not a coincidence but a very purposeful one. Strongly preparing to attack, plus the fact that the center of the herd is commanding a single person, they couldn’t relax even more when they heard the news.

Similarly, when this news was first heard, it really made them feel ridiculous.

The beasts of different races, including natural enemies, gather to form a huge army, and the general and command of this army is a human being. No one can do this. No matter how powerful an animal trainer is, he can have at most one partner. Animals are jealous. It is not that there are no greedy people, but that they will not end well in the end.

If this trainer’s partner happens to be the leader of a race, such as the wolf king of a wolf pack, then it is indeed possible for him to command the wolf pack through a wolf. Even so, if the trainer encounters other wolves, the other party will not be polite to him, but will still attack him as a prey.

Even the use of force and the possible existence of the blood of the beasts to suppress the animals of different species and let them obey their orders obediently, like Yao Tuan with a little brother to patrol the mountains, it is impossible to do this.

How did that man do it? What kind of powerful ability can be like a Beastmaster? Or maybe he is not the commander of the herd, but a captive, and the beasts use him to confirm the location of these bases. This idea was proposed, but the five-leaf clover that was proposed again rejected it. After all, no prisoner would use words like relaxation and comfort in the description of the situation.

The speed of the beasts running at full strength must be far greater than the speed of human walking. When these beasts find that there is no human activity in Xifeng Base, they will definitely shift their targets. By then, Beiqing, which is not far away, may become the next one, the most It may be a month soon.

Migration was the first proposal to be abandoned, and time was too late. Not to mention the pain of leaving their homes, the total number of people in the base is large, and they can’t find other bases that can fully accommodate these people; while building fortifications, wild beasts can take advantage of their numbers and size to break in. The first humans are hiding in steel bars. None of the concrete houses were able to survive the beast tide, not to mention that although there are stones today, most of the defensive projects and buildings are still wood.

This crisis must be resolved before the arrival of the animal tide. The five people looked at each other, and they all got this information from each other’s eyes.

In fact, there is another way to escape the animal tide. Several people know it, but no one has said it. That is to abandon the vast majority of people and lead people with status and strength to leave Beiqing.

This squad of men and horses can completely sit on the beasts like Yao Liang’s squad when they arrived in Xifeng, and rush to safety at the fastest speed. In this way, these people have a great probability of surviving, avoiding this beast tide, but the people who are left will undoubtedly die.

Although now, everyone seems to die.

“Can’t hide it.” Yao Liang’s voice is very soft, like smoke blown by the wind, scattered in the air, but his tone is firm. He has made a decision and will not change it because of anyone. “People in the base have The right to choose, they should choose their own future, those who want to leave, help them to leave, and those who stay, think of ways to get through this crisis together.”

The young man doesn’t want to help so many people make decisions. It’s not just that these lives are too heavy. If the base is destroyed in the end, all grievances will be imposed on him, and all deaths are due to him, so he Unwilling to bear this weight.

He is willing to bear the weight of all the lives of Bei Qing on himself, even if he knows that even if the base is destroyed, it is not his responsibility. Tell everyone just because he believes that everyone should be able to choose their own future, everyone has the right to know the truth, to stay or leave, you need to choose by yourself.

The other four people couldn’t think of a way to solve the animal tide, but they agreed to tell the other people in the base about the animal tide. If someone chooses to leave, it is a good thing to escape and survive.

The five people walked out of the room anxiously. The law enforcement team at the door could not hear their discussion, and watched their expressions curiously. Before the meeting, it was obvious that the boss was the only one who seemed to have encountered a problem of the ages, with a solemn expression that made people think that the base would be destroyed in the next second; after the memory was over, everyone had this expression, which was always the most affinity. Mu Chu and the five-leaf clover that looked like an unreliable unreliable uncle, both were the same heavy.

This couldn’t help but make the law enforcement team also raise their hearts. The intuition was that something important happened to the fate of the entire base, or there was a bad news, otherwise these people would not bring out their emotions on their faces.

They didn’t have time to ask their guesses, and after inquiring about the content of the meeting, they understood the reason. The law enforcement team received a new task and notified everyone that the animal tide was coming, and the time might be a month later.

Many people in the law enforcement team turned pale. Everyone in this era has more or less heard of the power of the beast tide, even if they don’t know whether this has happened, they have never seen it. Different beasts gather in groups, but since childhood, everyone will hear the tide of beasts from various channels. This is the deepest fear of mankind since the end of the day.

The threat posed by animals is real. Even with the partners of animal trainers, the oppression caused by body shape is difficult to disappear. Even some animal trainers will be afraid of their partners in the early stage. Of course, This does not hinder their future friendship.

Everyone has felt the threat of animals, and the associative ability of their brains is enough for them to imagine the horror of the animal tide. The beasts on the ground are like billowing water, the earth is trembling, and the yellow sand is flying. As they advance, all objects in front of them will be torn apart. There is nothing to stop them. Just think about it and you will feel overwhelmed. despair.

Nowadays, scenes that will wake people up in nightmares are told that they may appear. No one doubted it, because it was Yao Liang who said the news. Many people turned pale when they heard the word beast tide, and even had weak legs. Then they reacted to the previous sentence “notify everyone”.

When the law enforcement team had all left, Yao Liangcai sighed insignificantly. At first, he saw the reaction of the other four people. He didn’t feel that much. Now he sees the law enforcement team with rich experience in fighting and has been serving as the military position in the base. Hearing the reaction of the “Animal Tide”, the fear of other ordinary people can be imagined.

But now there is not much time to express emotion, they have too much to do. It’s easy to tell the story of the beast tide, just send people to spread it around the base. But there are many problems that follow, such as people’s panic, various negative reactions that may arise under fear, riots and even riots, which need to be dealt with by law enforcement teams.

There is also a matter of the beast tide going to the Beiqing base first, and then to the Xifeng base. If you understand in too much detail, the people of Beiqing Base may have a misunderstanding that this catastrophe was brought about by Xifeng Base; and if you don’t say anything, the people of Xifeng Base may feel that their migration is a one-off. Wrong, if they did not come to Beiqing, they would not face the desperate situation they are now.

The two members of the base have not yet been completely tuned in, they can be divided into camps again, and then there will be a gap, which is also what he doesn’t want to see.

The next period of time will probably be busy. But the most important thing is the animal tide. There is no solution now, but it is impossible to catch it with one’s hands. I just hope that we can find a ray of life by brainstorming.

The following day, Beiqing was in chaos. The shocked people were discussing about the animal tide. They eagerly wanted to catch the law enforcement team and anyone else asking about the truth about the animal tide. They only wanted to hear. The denial answer, treating the animal tide as a bad joke, and then being able to carry on the life now. Unfortunately, no matter how many inquiries, only one answer will be obtained, which is true.

Fear, pain, hesitation, panic, and struggle, Yao Liang sat on his bed and opened the window. He could feel that Beiqing under the night sky was full of such emotions. The day before, he could still feel peace and warmth. There is tranquility.

“How many people do you think will stay?” Yao Tuan was lying on the soft cushion, his black eyes were also full of worries. It was certain that it was absolutely impossible to withstand the torrent of thousands of wild beasts. Only considering whether it is possible for him to save his contractor in this battle, more he can do nothing.

“I don’t know.” The young man wiped the long sword with a cloth, the sword’s edge reflected his face, his brows were frowned, and he looked bitter. “The fire of Nirvana can only resurrect one person.”

The sleepiness on Tuanzi’s face suddenly disappeared. It turned over and almost fell off, but it didn’t care, but stared into Yao Liang’s eyes: “Are you kidding?” The panda wanted to find clues from the contractor’s expression, so helpless. I didn’t see it, I could only see the seriousness in his eyes, “You understand, you can’t save everyone.”

If there is a system mall, they may still have a glimmer of hope. Even so, they may not be able to ensure that everyone in Beiqing survives. War will always be cruel, even though both parties are not human beings, and it has become a crushing war between humans and animals, the situation will not change in any way.

“I know.” The young man’s action of wiping the long sword was still calm and slow. He was not infected by Tuanzi’s impatience. He lowered his eyes and stroked Jianfeng again, “I just thought of something.”

Perhaps it was because this time it was his own body, so the past emotions still entangled him. Whether he is stronger, he will not lose his relatives, and whether he does not go out there will be no such tragedy. So even if he knew that the Beiqing Base was not a manor, and the people in the base were very familiar with it, he would still wonder whether after experiencing so many worlds, I would be able to protect everyone after I became stronger.

The cloud covered the only light source, and the room was dark. Only the sword still had a bit of cold light, but it could not illuminate Yao Liang’s expression. Tuanzi sighed and said nothing. Its contractor knows what he is doing and has walked through so many worlds with him, so there is still such a tacit understanding.

The chaotic state in the Beiqing base did not last for long. People in this era are far beyond the modern average level, and that is their psychological endurance. In the precarious and life-death environment, no matter how bad things happen, they can quickly calm down and find a way out. Everyone is working hard to live.

No matter where you go, you can hear the discussion about leaving or staying. Many people decide to leave. Most of the leaders are animal trainers. They believe that Yao Liang’s strength is good in Beiqing, but they are about to Facing the beast wave, once the beast wave starts, there is no chance of winning unless it is interrupted before it starts.

People want to live without any mistakes, they just choose the path they want to choose, Yao Liang will not be angry with such a choice. On the contrary, he was still very pleased that he left the mountains without worrying about firewood, and the people who left Beiqing to go elsewhere were still alive for one day, and the concept of the Beiqing base after his transformation would still be retained.

More unexpectedly, many of the people who chose to stay were ordinary people, and some were the current law enforcement teams. Among them are not only children and the elderly, but also pregnant women who are about to give birth. Without exception, they chose to coexist and die with the base.

Yao Liang had heard of their reasons, and he had heard people who wanted to leave asked those who stayed why they refused his invitation. Another person bit the grass stalk that was folded from the ground and replied: “Because there is only here, I live like a person.”

Ordinary people are always the hardest. It didn’t take long for their lives to change before they ushered in disaster. They can leave and go to other bases, but at that time, there will be no second Yao Liang. Do you want to live a long life and abandon your dignity, or stand upright and die? Many people choose the latter.

When he heard this reason, the boy was silent for a long time, and began to ask other people more frequently if they had the ability to survive the crises of the animal tide.

The bird scouts also landed in the open space in front of him. In order to be able to deliver news as quickly as possible and monitor the herd in real time, it was a team with two birds who came back to report, and the other birds were still investigating.

They brought the latest news, and the herd had gone to Xifeng base.

The beasts broke into the fortress, not only entered through the open gate, but also smashed a big hole in the wall. I don’t know which animal did such a thing, but the scene shows that Beiqing is not safe. , They may also need to strengthen the fortifications.

The beasts rushed into the air. They searched all over Xifeng’s territory but they didn’t find anyone. The beasts gathered around the person. After checking the situation of the base, the other party said something strange to the beasts. What? Then the huge force moved the target, they destroyed what was left in the base, and then turned around and left.

The previous speculation was confirmed that the actions of the herd were indeed directed by the person surrounded by the center. Although he did not know what the other party wanted to do, it seemed that he did not have half empathy for his compatriots, nor They will feel that they are both humans and need to help each other, but use the base as their own hunting ground.

They soon received news from another reconnaissance team. When these birds met the beasts for the first time, they did not return to Beiqing with the large group, but followed the direction where the beasts came to explore. The trajectory of the opponent. Some other horrible things have also been discovered: some bases have already encountered bad actors.

The huge herd will leave many traces. They followed the traces and saw a fortress that had been sacked. It was even more terrifying than a hurricane crossing. It did not leave any living mouths, and did not have a complete body. The blood penetrated into the soil and could not tell , The **** breath has not dissipated for a long time, and together with the shattered building ruins, it demonstrates how tragic things have happened here.

Yao Liang’s expression was frozen, and he thought that Xifeng was not the first prey, but when he guessed the town like this, he still felt nauseous. The uncomfortable things kept stuck in his throat, and the huge stone was pressed in his heart, almost. Urgently want to do something, want to prove something.

A tense atmosphere spread in the air, adding a few separate sadnesses. Everyone was busy. Xifeng started the machine and put some of the things that had been moved in again. Then Clover found some people. , Let them take this away for some distance.

If the beast wave swallowed the Beiqing base, then they at least left the fire; if the beast wave did not come, it would not be troublesome to move back.

The people who made the decision have all left. Those who stayed did not passively wait to die. Instead, they actively built fortifications, dug trenches outside the base, reinforced walls, made traps, and held the “Encyclopedia of Animals and Plants” to target Formulating methods for animal weaknesses.

The atmosphere in the base also gradually improved. At this time, someone really figured out a possible solution to the animal tide.

It is possible because the proponent is not sure whether the animal tide will disappear after it is done, but there is some truth in what he said. If these beasts are all commanded by a single person, and if there is a beast king leading this wave of beasts, then why not kill the leader?

The leader decides the way forward. Without this bond, the beasts belonging to different races can barely move forward. More likely, they will disband in place and start hunting. The animals at the upper and lower ends of the food chain are usually Under the circumstances, they will never get along friendly and stand on the same front.

More than one person thought of this method. The old saying of catching the thief first catching the king makes sense. Before that, the method they thought was negotiation, but after knowing the disappeared base, they decided to choose such a peaceful solution from the alternative. Deleted. After the discussion, everyone felt that killing the Beastmaster was just an idea.

After all, it is extremely difficult to kill the Beastmaster under the protection of the beasts. No trainer can break through so many lines of defense. Even if he is lucky enough to break through, I am afraid that he will not have the energy to kill. The dead beast king. Unless they can directly appear in front of the Beastmaster, but in that case, after killing the other party, those who go to assassinate will also be torn apart by the angry herd.

Everyone was arguing. Although this sounded like a way, it was difficult and almost impossible to realize it, so they clamored and gave up and began to consider other ways.

The young-looking person in charge has never joined the quarrel. He listened to this method with a thoughtful look.

At the crisis management conference where suggestions and denials were constantly being put forward, Yao Liang suddenly said: “I think it’s okay.”

“…What?” Everyone stopped talking and looked at him in confusion, not understanding what he was talking about. After all, the previous proposal to build a large mobile fortress and let everyone relocate was not reliable at all.

The boy glanced at them: “Go and kill the human Beastmaster. I think this method is okay.”

At this time, the topic has been turned for several rounds, and people tried to persuade the sudden and willful person in charge with the reasons that they had put forward before, but they were all blocked by the sentence “Do you have any other better way?” After discussing for so long, then It is the only feasible way.

Everyone looked at each other, Mu Chu noticed something, she looked at Yao Liang, “Who will go then?”

“Of course I went.”

The other party answered as she expected, and the tone was natural.

It was like drops of water dripping into a frying pan, and the scene exploded all at once. He rushed to persuade Yao Liang to dismiss his thoughts, and even invited him, but the boy didn’t listen at all. He just kept smiling and listened to everyone. If you look at it, you can see that he just left his ear in and out of his right ear, and he didn’t pay much attention to it.

“I’ve decided.” The boy jumped off his chair. “There is only one feasible way. Then try it. What if it succeeds?”

No one agrees, because the price of this success is his life, but Yao Liang himself agrees very much, with a big smile on his face: “That’s it. If the plan for the suppression of the head is perfected, it is up to me to proceed. Go and kill the Beastmaster.”

The author has something to say: Two in one, the previous mistakes are also corrected, I don’t know why I suddenly remembered the name orz

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