Scumbag Transformation Plan

Chapter 155

Chapter 153 Sixteenth world

No one agrees with the young man’s proposal. Even if they can’t find a better way, they are unwilling to send him to death. Maybe some people agree, but they don’t dare to behave in that atmosphere.

Innocent people always want to find a way that has the best of both worlds, or that no one has to sacrifice. Unfortunately, there is one and only one way before their eyes, or a dead end that seems to have been cut off in the middle.

Yao Liang is full of confidence in this proposal. He is not a sacrificial person. He made such a decision only because he is the only person here who can be assassinated and come back alive.

Others don’t have the strength to walk in front of the human beast king, negotiate or kill each other; there are no props for resurrection, only he can do it.

“Don’t worry, I will come back alive.” The boy said to other people like this. Unfortunately, other people took this sentence as a thoughtful comfort. Even Mu Chu, who knew his origins, didn’t think he could do it.

They completely ignored Yao Liang and started discussing countermeasures, and in any case did not agree with the plan to suppress the head. Yao Liang was moved and helpless, so he could only talk to Yao Tuan about this at night, and reaped the complaint that “you are no different from dying.”

But in the end, Yao Liang’s statement was still a little feasible, but everyone did not agree with him to go alone.

Yao Liang originally wanted to say that everyone at the base was in a state of preparation, either nervously building fortifications, or rushing to make traps as a reason to refuse. He could go by himself. If there were too many people, he would make a mistake. It was his own anomaly that would be troublesome to come back to life and be seen.

But everyone still ignored his protest, and based on the principle of willingness, they chose the strongest person to be the vanguard of this battle, and tried to use a team of people to solve the beast king and avoid the beast tide. If it weren’t for Yao Liang’s strength to be the strongest in the Beiqing base, he might still be excluded from this task because of his age, even if he kept clarifying that he was already an adult before the end.

Yao Tuan raised his paw sympathetically and patted him on the back. When everyone is a good person, such a scene is indeed prone to appear.

In this battle plan, the method chosen is airdrop, which is the fastest and only possible way to reach the vicinity of the Beastmaster. It is impossible to break through from the periphery. Only the air has a path. In the intelligence, the beasts are mostly beasts, and the air forces are scarce, which is a weak link that can be used.

Before the start of the real plan, Beiqing held a practice banquet in accordance with the custom handed down more than anywhere. Although the food was as plentiful as the last time welcoming the members of Xifeng Base, the atmosphere was completely different, and Yao Liang was so solemn that Yao Liang did not dare to speak. Speaking, I am afraid that opening my mouth is such a suitable but unlucky word that “the wind is cold and the water is cold, and the strong man will never return”.

People have moved out the fine wine collected by the person in charge of Beiqingyuan. Grapes, wheat and rice are the few plants that are not lethal. Wine and rice wine are also very popular varieties among human beings.

The crimson liquor was poured into a pottery bowl, and everyone was given a glass, and Yao Liang was no exception. After drinking this bowl of wine, it’s time to set off. Everyone drank happily the wine that he hadn’t drunk and couldn’t bear to swallow, while Yao Liang sipped it, whispering and commenting on the wine he had drunk. Which wine can be ranked.

The satiated expendable teammates returned to their rooms to rest and prepare for the next day’s battle. Yao Liang also returned to his room in front of the others, making a gesture of rest. When no sound was heard at the door, only the slight movement of the snoring from the other end of the poorly soundproofed wall, he tiptoed up from the bed.

The base at night still has law enforcement teams working diligently to watch the night, and because of the beast tide, they are more cautious, their eyes staring like copper bells, and they don’t miss any subtle movements.

But Yao Liang was different. He had time to formulate all the defensive routes, and he was stuck in the process of shifting shifts. Although it was difficult to find a blind spot, it was not impossible to do it.

The boy grabbed his sword, and Yao Tuan, who was sleeping with his eyes closed, also opened his eyes: “I knew you would leave early.”

Its eyes were full of condemnation, and it was full of anger about whether it was going to take me away by myself. Yao Liang coughed: “Why, you are the most important part of the plan.”

He took out a panda doll from the storage ring, which he put in to tease Yao Tuan before. It was never taken out. It came in handy now; then he took out another quilt and rolled it into a cylinder. Put it on the bed and cover it with your own quilt. It looks like someone is sleeping.

Such a simple camouflage is definitely not effective during the day, but with the best auxiliary helper of Night, even if someone is in doubt, they will not walk up close. They should be able to gain a few hours from the distance. If they If you don’t ask yourself to eat breakfast, you might be lucky to wait until you leave.

One person and one animal did not open the door, but turned out the window at the right time. The panda is not a petite body and very flexible. Walking in the shadow between the lights and the lights, a team of guards passed in front of it, but nothing. not found. Yao Liang is even more experienced. He is like a ghost, walking in the blind spot of the guard’s line of sight, and gradually approaching the exit.

The process took a lot of time, mainly waiting for other people to leave. They found the best time, jumped up when changing the guard, passed the last checkpoint, and melted into the dark night outside the base.

One law enforcement officer paused and looked at the direction they were leaving. The teammate next to him immediately became vigilant: “What’s the matter?”

“I seem to see something passing by?” He hesitated when he said, and he was not sure if it was an illusion. The other party knew: “It’s nothing, it’s just the wind. I used to be suspicious when I watched the night.”

So the man also relaxed and continued their patrol route, not knowing that he had missed the opportunity to discover the truth.

The giant eagle that had been instructed before stayed on the big tree outside the base. The two eagles lowered their heads docilely, rubbed Yao Liang’s hair with their huge beaks, and then allowed them to climb on their backs, spread their wings, and fly. Towards the sky, the wide wings almost covered the moon. Someone in the base looked up in the direction where Asuka was leaving without much thought.

Lying on the back of the eagle is a rare experience. The feathers of the giant eagle are very hard, with some roughness. Yao Liang reluctantly found a support point near its neck to avoid being thrown out in the high speed. Yao Tuan now becomes a humanoid. The appearance of a child is more convenient than that of a panda, which weighs almost two hundred catties, and it is easier for him to fly with a lighter body.

The cold wind whizzed through Yao Liang’s ears, the misty clouds were cool, reaching out as if they could take off the moon. At this time, I will discover why human beings are so eager to fly, and the young man has a smile on his face, enjoying the freedom of this moment.

As Yao Liang had expected, the people in the base did not notice their departure overnight. It was not until dawn, when all the people selected to take part in the suppression operation got up and had breakfast, Mu Chu frowned and knocked. Rang his door. According to her selfish intentions, she hoped that Yao Liang would just fall asleep like this and miss this action, but she couldn’t.

It’s just that there was no response from knocking on the door, which gave her an inexplicable hunch, and other people also found something wrong here. The male law enforcement team next to her signaled her to move away, and then kicked the door open. When they saw the black and white panda and the bulging figure on the bed, several people were still relieved, but when they approached a little closer, they suddenly discovered that it was a fake.

Mu Chu opened the quilt on the bed, the expression on her face changed, and everyone who followed was stunned by the accident. She turned around and rushed out when she happened to be puzzled why the number of birds sent to take the ride was two fewer. The only trainers.

You don’t need to be smart to guess what is going on. Leaving early is something that the other party can do. I used to see him listening to them quietly and helplessly. I thought there would be no problem. Who knows? Play the trick of Mingxiu plank road darkening Chen Cang.

The others didn’t wait any longer, and chased them as quickly as possible after they got on the transportation. Mu Chuyao looked at a line of black spots in the sky with an extremely ugly expression. The little girl hugged the blue and stayed beside her mother sensibly, praying for the safe return of her elder brother.

At this time, Yao Liang was approaching the herd at the fastest speed. They would not touch the ground except for necessary rest. If it weren’t for the great eagle that could not support the long flight, they didn’t even need to stop. There is some food, more than enough to support the destination.

In fact, it didn’t take long. On the third day, they found traces of the animal herd. Beiqing was indeed the next target of the animal tide.

Even if they fly in the sky and look down at the legion composed of many beasts, they can’t help but feel awe. Even if they are not in combat readiness at the moment, and there is no oppression caused by head-on confrontation, but that number is already scary enough.

The great eagle did not lower its height, although it still attracted attention, the eagle falcon’s eyes were keenly searching for the leader’s location. Among a huge animal, humans are too small and inconspicuous, but the other party is sitting on an elephant and can still be found by looking for it carefully.

The giant eagle that carried Yao Liang hovered and swooped down. A series of animals were startled wherever it passed. It flew up again, but the passengers on its back were nowhere to be seen.

At this moment, Yao Liang landed on the elephant’s back and stood face to face with the beast king. The opponent’s skin is dark, he is wearing an unknown beast fur, and his hair is fluffy and messy. Judging from his facial features and body shape, he is not very old, perhaps the same age as Yao Liang’s current body.

He did not behave like a human being. This young beast king lay on all fours and barked his teeth at Yao Liang like a beast. He let out a threatening growl from his throat. The beasts around him suddenly rioted, and the rest of the beasts were all vigilant. Stand up, tens of thousands of eyes are watching the middle.

“Do you know how to talk?” Yao Liang didn’t call out to kill him as soon as he came up. He still tried to negotiate, but the other party still looked at him vigilantly, “Can you understand me? Why did you organize these beasts? Did it?”

The boy tried his best to show his friendliness and tried to resolve the matter in a peaceful way. Unfortunately, the other party was obviously a child who grew up from a herd of wild animals. Apart from the human appearance, he had no sociality and had completely integrated into the wild animals.

It seemed that the negotiations were doomed to fail, Yao Liang looked at him firmly, then sighed and drew out the long sword.

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