Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 10 – Magical Examinations

Liam and his group walked up a set of stairs to a view that took their breath away.

A brick tower stood tall. The color subtly changed every minute as it darkened and lit back up like a slow strobe light. Floating platforms holding trees and shrubbery circled around.

Bulky individuals made of stone and mud walked around carrying heavy objects. Translucent beings that looked like a small swirling gale of wind and ones made of clear blue liquid used their respected elements to move multiple smaller boxes around.

“Are those golems?” Avery softly asked with a look of excitement and awe.

“I’m not sure. I don’t know what a golem is, but if that is what it is then that’s so cool!” Roman stated as he too was amazed by the constructs roaming.

“This place looks so beautiful,” Ariyana stated as she gave a wide grin.

“Come on,” Mercer said trying to keep them from getting too distracted. He continued to walk forward as the others looked at him.

“How are you so unfazed by this?” Ariyana asked.

“I’m not as unfazed as you think. The magic coating the area creating this awe-inspiring distraction is amazing,” Mercer said with as much of a professional manner as he could.

“The golems aren’t new…well the one’s I’m used too are metal, so these ones are new, but that’s not the point,” Mercer shook his head. “We need to focus on the task we came here to do.” He gave them a mischievous grin as he finished, “As the old saying from my world goes…Daylight is burning and there’s work that needs to be done.”

“Whoever came up with that saying was a corporate slave driver in your world, weren’t they?” Liam questioned as the rest followed behind.

As they walked up to the tower entrance Liam heard people talking excitedly about the magic they were able to learn as they made their way pass them. People wearing uniformed robes of different color gave advice to overly excited people who looked to be ignoring half of what was being said to them. Some of these professional-looking magic wielders held a staff or had a wand strapped to their leg or thigh.

“I’m starting to get excited about this,” Ariyana gleamed as she held that excited smile she had from earlier.

“It’s fine to get excited,” Mercer started as he kept a calm and collected manner. “But remember that behind the awe-inspiring wonders there is an underlying danger being masked.”

Ariyana stuck her tongue at him as she teasingly said, “I know.”

“Welcome,” a friendly voice greeted as they walked up to the counter.

It was a female wearing a small light blue magic over her uniform. Her slightly short pointed violet hat matched her deep purple eyes. To Liam, she looked young, like she was in her late teens, but her demeanor told him she was a little older than that.

“Hello,” Mercer greeted back. “Three of us are here to take the magic examination to unlock our Mage class and the others are here to see what magic affinities they have.”

The lady gave a warm smile as she said, “Thank you for letting me know exactly what you’re here for. Many people tend to dilly dally before getting to what they need to get done.”

Mercer smiled back as he replied, “You’re absolutely welcome. We know that things are a bit hectic due to recent events. Also, that you are busy trying to handle all the chaos happening. So, you do not need to rush. When you are ready for us to begin, we will start then.”

The lady gave an appreciative look as she looked down at a piece of paper. As she looked back up, she stated, “It has been a bit chaotic as of late and we appreciate those who are kind enough to not rush. I have taken a look at the schedule, and it looks like some of our rowdier guests are currently busy with something else.” She gave him a quick wink as she smiled and finished, “We can begin now if you’d like.”

“We appreciate that,” Mercer smiled.

“My name is Elara. Follow me and I’ll lead you to the room where we conduct the examination,” The lady instructed as she walked to the left. A door suddenly appeared next to the desk and opened. “Right this way please.”

The group stared at Mercer.

“I vote we leave anything that has do with people to Mercer,” Roman whispered.

The others nodded in agreement as they walked through the open door.

Liam looked around the room as they entered it. It was tall, spacious, and empty. The walls and flooring looked to be made from the same stone-like material. The pitch-black color gave him the feeling of a containment room.

The more he looked at it the more he felt trapped. Like he wouldn’t be able to escape no matter how hard he tried. The feeling didn’t help when the door suddenly closed behind them.

“Do not worry,” Elara started. “That sense of suffocation that’s making you feel trapped is due to the concealment materials and magic used in this room.”

Everyone looked at her as she stopped in the middle of the room, turned to them, and continued to explain, “We fully believe in the practice of privacy. This room is so no one can know what the results are from your examination. Even we staff members are under a privacy pact spell to not reveal anything that happens in these rooms.”

“That’s good to know, but it still doesn’t shake the feeling,” Ariyana shivered as she rubbed her hands up and down her arms.

“You’ll get used to the feeling sooner or later.” Elara smiled as she waved a hand making a table appear in front of her with an orb resting on a cushion. “Shall we begin? Who’s going first?”

Mercer and Roman looked at each other then at Ariyana.

“Ladies first,” Mercer suggested.

“If you guys are afraid, just say so,” Ariyana winked as she walked up to the table. “What do I do?”

“Pick up the orb palm up and close your eyes,” Elara instructed. “It’ll take a moment for the magic to sort out what your affinities are. Once it happens, you’ll get to see a truly marvelous sight.”

Ariyana did as she was told. As she stood there holding the orb a solid white glow began to lightly outline her figure. The white glow began to change colors rapidly, like a strobe light, until a mixture of deep pink and light green ran across the outline of her body brightly.

The colors then entered the orb until none of it was on her body. Once the orb filled it shot out and exploded into a deep pink flower before turning into a mist. As the mist floated down a sweet and intoxicating smell filled the room as a beautiful euphonious voice began to entrance everyone. There were no words to the song, but the harmony and sounds of the voice told a story that words couldn’t describe.

Before the mist touched the ground the mist swirled around into different clumps and took Ariyana’s form. The shimmering versions danced around everyone capitalizing their attention, drawing them into their rhythmic moves and causing them to dance with the shapes. Then as quick as they appeared the forms dispersed.

“Whoa,” Ariyana said with a smile so wide it could split her face. “That was amazing!”

“And powerful,” Elara said as she regained her bearings. “I’ve never felt Charm magic that strong before.”

“Charm magic?” Ariyana questioned.

“Yes,” Elara replied. “Your Mage starting class is Charmer. The Field of Study you should start your focus in, due to the affinity you have with it, is Field of the Charmed. A secondary focus should be Plant in the Field of the Elements.”

She paused for a long moment and looked to be thinking about something before saying, “Normally we don’t give too many pointers because we want new people to figure it out themselves, but since you all were polite, I’ll give you all some suggestions to help. I’d look into some Dancer style form techniques.”

“Field of the Charmed? Elements? Dancer style?” Ariyana asked still confused.

“I’ll explain the Fields of Studies later. Also yes, those forms dancing about were a clue as to how to best utilize your magic and battle style,” Elara answered.

“Ah ok,” Ariyana said sounding a bit confused, but slowly grasping something. “I guess that would make sense since I used to do a lot of dancing before coming here.”

“Ok, who’s next?” Elara asked.

“I’ll go,” Mercer replied as he took Ariyana’s place.

He did what she did and waited. Just like with Ariyana, a light began to outline him making him look like a kaleidoscope. A mixture of white, dark blue, and icy blue raced around him before entering the orb.

Once the orb was filled it shot into the air and exploded into several musical notes. The sound of a well articulate orchestra filled the room. As the music notes floated down the tempo began to slow and grow silent. Before touching the ground, they transformed into different instruments bringing with them a loud crescendo bringing the music back to life with a fast tempo. A flute, a drum, a violin, a lute, and more danced around a wand that waved in a conductor like manor. Then as quickly as the wonderful music came it ended with the conductor’s stick going down.

Elara placed her hand over her heart as she gave an excited and shocked smile. “Another entrancing affinity. Looks like the Mage starter class Bard is very much suited for you.”

“Bard?” Mercer questioned as he gave a hopeful look.

“Yes, the Field of the Bard study deals with the magic of music. By mastering each instrument, you can unlock potential that many didn’t know about. Also, it looks like Ice and Water from the Field of the Elements can be a good secondary focus area,” Elara explained. “My suggestion for you is to look into these Fields of study and see how best to mix them together and later find a way you can learn how to have multiple instruments play at once.”

“There’s a way to do that?” Mercer asked.

“None that I know of, but from what I just saw with the way those instruments danced around the conductor’s wand I’d say there is.” Elara smiled, trying to school her emotions.

Mercer gave a happy smile as he slightly bowed his head. He then looked at Roman and said as he moved out of the way, “Your turn.”

Roman nodded as he approached the orb. Nervously he reached out for it and did as the others did. The light that outlined his body changed to a violet-yellow and brown color. The colors flowed into the orb then zigged-zagged up towards the ceiling and spiderwebbed out. Once when it filled the entire ceiling it crackled down with a loud boom causing everyone to duck or jump out of instinct.

Sparks and solid rocky masses took form in the shape of Roman facing each other. They stood in a fighting stance then, as if choreographed, they started fighting. After a few moments, powerful strikes zapped forward towards the solid mass forms. The solid mass forms each slammed a foot down causing the room to shake from the raw power. As the two powers collided, they cancelled each other out making the forms of the individuals disperse.

Elara, no longer able to keep her calm demeanor looked at him. “Not one, not two, but three powerful affinities. What is with this group?”

“Is that bad?” Roman asked.

“It’s not. It’s just…unprecedented,” the lady replied as she calmed down and retook her professional appearance. She then said, “It looks like your Mage starting class is Elementalist. Field of the Elements will be a great starting point for you. Congratulations.”

“Elementalist?” Roman questioned.

“Yes, an Elementalist is a Mage class specialized with the elements. It’s a common Mage class, but your two strongest affinities are unique. Your strongest affinity is Lightning with Earth coming close. I’d start with those two as focus points before venturing into other elements. I’d also look into close quarter combat techniques as well. The way those forms were battling it looks like you might be able to incorporate the elements into a close combat style fighting.”

Roman grew a smile as he clenched a fist and jerked his hand back in a pleased gesture.

“Now that’s it for the Mage Title Examinations. Let’s begin the Affinity examinations for those who didn’t get a Mage focused starting class,” Elara started as she looked at the others. “Who will go first?”

“I will,” Avery announced as she stepped forward. “Do I do the same as what they did?”

“Yes,” Elara said. “However, please don’t think that your reveal will be like your three companions. Theirs was a magical release to help narrow down where to start with their class. Yours will still have a show just not on the same scale as theirs.”

Avery slightly frowned, but then nodded as she grabbed the orb palm up. As she closed her eyes a glow outlined her body. Colors began to flash until it settled on a bright reddish orange before entering the orb. As the last of the color entered it a sudden burst of flames appeared above the orb. The heat filled the room, warming everyone in it. The flame took the form of a sword before puffing into smoke.

“Congratulations,” Elara said with a smile. “It looks like fire magic will be a great starting focus point. Like your friend, you should look into the Field of the Elements.”

“Fire magic, huh?” Avery said.

“Yes. I take it you are a swordswoman?” Elara questioned.

Avery nodded.

“Then there is a chance you can take it into the path of a magic swordswoman with fire magic being the root of it. I wish you the best of luck if you choose to go down that path.” Elara gave Avery an encouraging nod.

“Thank you,” Avery smiled then turned and looked at the others. “Who’s next?”

“I’ll go,” Artem said with a nervous tone in his voice.

Blair gave him a look before saying, “Way to show some initiative.”

Artem ignored her as he walked up and began the process.

Colors vibrated around Artem’s body quickly until a turquoise shined brightly before entering the orb. When the orb was full the color pulsed out in a wave. It washed over everyone, giving them a calm healing feeling. The wave bounced back after hitting the wall and then took the form of a shield with a cross on it before dispersing.

“I don’t know what that was but that felt soooo good,” Ariyana grinned merrily as she wrapped her arms around herself and did a quick spin.

Artem gave a sheepish look as he looked at Elara.

“Congratulations. It looks like you have an affinity for healing magic. Field of the Healer should be a good start for you.”

“Healing magic? Me?” Artem asked with some disbelief.

“Yes, mixing that with a defender starting class can turn into something interesting, depending on how you want to go about things,” Elara started to explain. “My recommendation for you is to understand the different styles of Defenders. Once when you have a direction you want to go with then tie in the Healing magic you learn. Also do not worry if the path you originally take doesn’t turn out how you want it to. You can always change your style and walk another path. Field of the Healer is versatile.”

“Thank you,” Artem said with a warm smile.

“It is my pleasure,” Elara said returning his smile.

“Ok, my turn,” Blair rushed with a bit of excitement in her tone.

As she took Artem’s place and placed the orb in her palm, a smile grew on her face. The familiar glow started to brighten over her body as the rainbow of colors started to spin around her. After a few seconds the colors changed to a solid purple before being sucked into the orb.

After the orb filled, it started to float off of Blair’s palm. A purple mist swam out of the orb and circled around Blair causing her to float off of the ground.

Before anyone could say anything the purple mist swam into a circle around everyone and lightly lifted them off of the ground.

“What the,” Artem, Roman, and Avery said with a bit of shock.

Ariyana let out a giggle.

Liam’s eyes widened as he looked at everyone.

A black dot suddenly appeared above the orb. The purple mist then slowly made its way to that dot as if it was being sucked in. When the last bit of mist was eaten into the mysterious dot, two purple circles appeared around it and the outline of a shield formed over the symbol.

The shield then fell down into the orb causing everyone to forcefully be dropped down. A vibration pressuring them down for a moment before the feeling disappeared.

Ariyana let out a happy laugh as she said with the most joyous tone, “I love magic.”

“What was that?” Blair asked as she tried processing what happened.

“That was Gravity magic,” Elara answered as she fixed her furled clothes.

“Gravity Magic? As in Gravity, Gravity?” Blair asked still having the same disbelief written across her face.

“Unless if you know of a different kind of Gravity, yes that Gravity,” Elara said with a slight chuckle. “Gravity Magic is a wonder and mystery.”

“Why do you say that?” Blair questioned.

“It’s one of the few magics that’s not too sought after due to the poor performances at the beginning as well as one of the hardest to advance,” Elara began to explain. Many who tried their hands at it fully expressed their dislike of this focus point in the Field of the Elements because it is one of the few studies that require patience and full focus to make it grow. Albeit, those who have persevered in it have expressed that the magic has great capabilities. Although I have not heard of any Defenders having an affinity with it. If you choose to pursue it, then you will be the first to show a new and never before seen combination. I wish you the best of luck if you do choose to step down that path.”

A mix of excitement and uncertainty filled Blair as she nodded. She then turned to Liam and said, “Your turn.”

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