Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 11 – Seed of the Arcana

Liam gulped and slowly nodded before walking up to the orb.

With everything that happened during his starting class reveal, Liam was unsure if he was going to have an affinity or if it would make him look like an idiot. He steeled himself for the worse and held back any hope so he wouldn’t disappoint himself.

He took a deep breath before placing the orb in his palm and closing his eyes. As he stood there a warm, yet cold feeling washed over his skin. It then felt like it absorbed inside and started swirling around his solar plex.

As Liam opened his eyes, a light eerie green color emanated from his body. Dark red and black began to faintly mix with it before entering the orb.

As the orb began to glow from the colors entering it, anticipation grew as Liam waited for the results. The light eerie color began to take the form of a hammer that lifted itself above the orb.

The same color slowly started to hum on the skin of everyone. As other forms started to take shape the dark red and raven black colors started to rise out causing the small hairs on the back of everyone’s necks to stand up.

The scene before Liam reminded him about that vision he had on his first night while practicing his Zen. A smile slowly crept on his face as the hope he held back started to fill him as he continued to watch.

Without warning, the hammer violently stuck down smashing the orb into pieces. A primal deep roar echoed out from the broken orb causing the feeling that was building up inside him to suddenly popped and dispersed as the color abruptly dimmed and faded.

A feeling of dread washed over Liam as he stared mouth wide open. He looked at Elara then back at the broken pieces of the orb. “What happened?”

Staring with disbelief as well, Elara responded, “I’m…I’m not sure. I’ve never seen this happen before.”

“Does this mean I have no affinities with any type of magic?” Liam asked as fear began to creep within him.

“No,” Elara started. “Magic did respond to your examination; however, I have never seen those colors before. My best guess, and again this is a guess, is that some of the magic you have the greatest affinities with is in a more advanced Field of Study. I have never seen nor heard of magical forms smashing Magical Examination orbs. This exam is meant for only basic magics for starting mages and non-mages to help them start their path to growing and evolving their classes.”

“So do you have any suggestions on where I should start?” Liam asked as his body began to slump.

“It felt like something was blocking all the signs that could help give me a better idea for what is your best starting path,” Elara started as she began to think. A thought suddenly formed in her mind causing her to tense. She quickly relaxed her body trying not to give anything away.

Mercer caught the subtle changes and eyed her suspiciously.

“My suggestion is…,” Elara started. “Look into Field of the Craft and then look at focus points in other Fields of Studies that seem interesting to you. Don’t dabble into too many though because it can hinder your growth if you do. Start off with at least two or three so you can see if there’s any that resonate with you.”

Liam nodded as he listened. “Thank you. I’ll take your advice into consideration.”

Elara smiled as she said, “No worries. It’s what I’m here for. Although not many take what I say seriously. As long as you think it over during your growth period then I’ll be contempt with that.”

She then looked at the others and continued, “Now that you each know where to start there is another bit of information, I must tell you before you start diving into those fields.”

Everyone gave her their attention.

“This next bit of information is given to all who are entering the magical fields. To be able to wield any type of magic you must have Magical Knowledge Theory in and some practical use of the Seed of the Arcana.”

“Seed of the Arcana?” Ariyana questioned. ‘What’s that?”

“Seed of the Arcana is the correct name for what we call Arcane Magic. What that is will take some time to explain. Would you like a proper explanation or the short version?” Elara asked as she waited for their reply.

Everyone looked at each other before nodding.

“You’ve been great help in guiding and offer advice so as long as we’re not taking too much of your time, we’ll listen to everything you are willing, and able, to tell us,” Mercer said with a grateful smile.

“I thank you for that,” Elara nodded before starting back up. “Seed of the Arcana is a specialized magic called Arcane Magic. In the world of Paracosm we have magic categorized in many different groups as well as points in the groups. Focus points, Fields of Studies, Branches, roots, combined, and advanced are some of the terms we use. An example to give of a Field of study is the Field of The Elements. This field has the focus points Fire, Earth, Water, Lightning, Plant, Ice, Air, and Gravity. Each focus point is a specialized magic in that Field of Study. Each field of study has many different focus points so you can either broaden your knowledge of that field or focus on certain points in it so you can branch out into more advanced magic. Does this make sense so far?”

Everyone slowly nodded as they digested the information being fed to them.

Liam felt this was a lot to take in. However, the explanation helped break it down. There were different types of magic. Each types had a Field of Study. To best understand that field of study you chose either one or more focus points to get better at it. It was an interesting way to do it.

“That makes sense why you kept saying field of study earlier when we were being examined,” Avery said.

“But what does the Seed of the Arcana have to do with any of this? You didn’t say anything about focusing on it when we were being examined,” Blaire inquired.

“Ah yes,” Elara started up again. “So, all fields of magical studies have a beginning. Also known as the seed. That seed is the Seed of the Arcana.” Elara waited a moment before continuing, “Think of it as the starting point. Just like a plant you must plant a seed. Once when the seed has absorbed enough nutrients it’ll begin to grow roots. Once when the roots are set it’ll sprout out and begin to form a base and then branch out.”

Mercer nodded as he listened. “So, you’re saying that the Field of the Arcana is the seed and the fields of study are the roots?”

Elara smiled happily. “Yes, in order for you to learn any magic you must plant the seed, also known as the Seed of Arcana. Once when you have enough Magical Knowledge and practical use in this field of study then you’ll be able to open up a field or two of a different style of magic and can start the paths you wish to take.”

“Oh wow,” Ariyana stated with awe.

“That’s a lot to take in,” Artem said as he ran a hand through his hair.

“There are no shortcuts when creating a better you. Only hard work awaits those who are serious enough to grow,” Elara expressed.

“Thank you for that,” Liam said. Filled with curiosity he asked, “Can you tell us about the other terminologies you mentioned?”

Elara slowly shook her head. “Unfortunately, I am not authorized to explain past that. Since this is a tutorial space you can only learn the basics. Once when you leave here you can learn more at Magical Academies for higher Magical Knowledge Theories.”

“Ah ok,” Liam responded, feeling a bit dejected but still satisfied with the amount given.

“I can, however, offer you this bit of advice,” Elara started.

Everyone looked at her again.

“Study as much as you can and continue to study the Seed of the Arcana even after you’ve started your other fields. The higher your aptitude is in it the better the affects will be transferred to your other studies.”

Everyone looked at her with appreciation.

“That’s the kind of advice we really need,” Mercer stated. “Thank you.”

“Agreed,” everyone else said with a nod.

“You’re welcome,” Elara said with a bow. “If that is all…once when we exit this room, I can point you where to go in the build so you can take your first step down the magical path.”

“I believe that is all for now,” Liam said.

“Can we come back to you if we have any more questions?” Ariyana asked.

“You are more than welcome to seek me or any of the other staff members here for answers,” Elara responded.

“Sweet,” Roman replied.

“Let’s do this.” Blair grinned. “I’m eager to start this.”

Elara giggled a bit as she led them to the exit.

Elara stopped at the closed door. Before opening it, she instructed, “If you are all ready to plant the Seed of the Arcana then when you exit this space, please go down the hall to your right. The fourth door on your left is the room you will go to get a copy of the book called Exordium Arcanum that you can keep. You can use any of the open tables to read and study the book. When you receive an Arcane ability and want to practice the ability just let one of us know and we will get you set up.”

“Thank you. We appreciate your help,” Ariyana said with a warm smile.

“It is my pleasure to have been of help,” Elara said. “Before I forget. After you’re done here I’d suggest going to the library and checking a book called Beginner’s Magic Volume one.”

“I have that one,” Blair suddenly said.

Liam looked at her and then remembered, “That’s the one you were reading yesterday, right?”

Blair nodded. “Yeah. I’ve almost finished it. If you’re interested, I can hand it over to you so you can start on it?”

Liam shook his head. “Thanks, but I’m going to study up on a couple of crafting ones first before diving into it since the library only offers you to take so many at a time.”

“I’ll take it next then,” Roman said.

Blair nodded. “Alright then when I’m done, I’ll hand it over to you.”

“Thanks,” Roman said.

“Looks like you’ve got a head start already. Once when you’re done with it, I’d look for the next volume,” Elara instructed.

“How many are there?” Avery asked.

“There are three volumes for Beginner’s Magic Theory. Once when you are finished with that third one, you’ll have to look for the next scale up, but there are no such books here.”

“Alright sounds good,” Blair stated.

Elara turned and opened the door. “Now then. Welcome to the Magical side of Paracosm. I hope your journey into self-growth is filled with awe and wonder.”

As they walked out the room Liam looked back and saw Mercer standing next to Elara. “You coming Mercer?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there soon. I just have a couple more questions,” Mercer said.

“Don’t take too long or we’ll get too far ahead of you,” Roman grinned as he waved a hand without looking back.

Mercer shook his head with bemusement. He then looked at Liam and Avery who were still there.

“Want us to wait for you?” Avery asked.

“No, it’s fine I’ll be there shorty,” Mercer assured them.

“Okay.” Liam responded as he and Avery followed the others.

Liam and Avery entered the room that the others had turned into and was surprised by how spacious it was. The room reminded him of a college classroom. The wall lined to his left from the door running forward was a chalk board with words, numbers, and pictures on it.

To his right were stairs that lined up perfectly with platforms raised with desks in a row on each level. There were a few people scattered about reading or talking with others. In front of the chalkboard was a desk with stacks of dark violet mixed with specs of white books. A sign floated around the books reading, “Please take one”.

Avery and Liam walked over and picked up a book. The cover read Exordium Arcanum: Intro into the Arcana. The book was a bit thicker than the Calm the Storm book he had grabbed from the library.

“Hm, doesn’t look like a light read,” Liam muttered as he stared at the book.

Avery let out a quick chuckle before stopping herself.

“What?” Liam asked with a raised brow.

“I believe that all Intro books aren’t going to be light reads. After all, they hold theories we have no knowledge of nor have ever needed to comprehend,” Avery smiled as she looked for the others.

Liam let out a sigh. “I know that. It’s just…a lot. I feel like there’s so much to learn. It’s a bit overwhelming.”

Avery waved at the others who were sitting at the top in the back. As they started up the stairs she said, “You’re right. Everything we’ve learned so far has basically turned all we knew before coming here upside down. It’s a lot to take in. Luckily, we have time to process it all as we learn more.”

“Yeah,” Liam agreed as they arrived at the others and sat down. “Well, let’s get started, shall we?”

Liam opened the book and started reading. “All things have a beginning. Birth begins life, curiosity begins education, commitment begins dedication, mistakes begin growth process, Arcane begins the magical development. So, what is Arcana exactly? Like all things in life, Magic starts with the Arcana. The Arcana is a non-element, non-attributive style of magic.”

“Its form is not set nor committed to a specific form or style. Many believe that the Arcana is one of the freest forms of magic. Many also believe that the Arcana is all magic, but also none of them at the same time. To truly understand this, you must take the first step and begin to understand what the Arcana truly is. Are you ready to plant the seed?”

A notification suddenly appeared in front of Liam.

“Are you ready to plant the Seed of the Arcana? Yes No?”

Shocked, Liam read it with disbelief. After a moment of hesitation, he clicked yes.

A warm sensation washed over Liam’s body before it started to absorb inside of him entering his blood stream. Liam felt the sensation run through his blood towards his heart. Once when the force fully entered his heart a violent thump pounded against his chest.

Liam gritted his teeth causing him to grip the spot where his heart was as it thumped harder and harder with each beat. After several beats a new feeling began to swim through his blood stream allowing his heart to return to normal.

“What the hell was that?” Liam quietly whispered as he steadily gulped.

“Are you alright man?” Mercer asked as he approached.

Liam looked at him. “Yeah.”

“What the hell just happened to me?” Artem asked. He too looked like he had something happened to him.

After Liam got a better look the others looked the same.

“That was the seed being planted inside us,” Blair stated.

Everyone looked at her.

“In the Beginner’s Magic book, it said that this would happen,” Blair started to explain. “Magic needed to get a grasp of our bodies, which has never had magic in it before, so it entered our blood streams. After entering our blood streams, it searched for a place to create a focal point for it to plant the seed. That focal point was our hearts. Once when our hearts were filled with magic the Seed of the Arcana was formed and planted. That seed was able to restart the cycle of magical circulation to allow our bodies to accumulate the feel of magic and allow us to use magic a bit easier.”

Everyone stared at her.

“What?” Blair asked.

“You really are ahead of us on this,” Roman stated.

Blair waved her left hand in a dismissive gesture. “It’s just a bit of information any of you could have gotten.”

Mercer shook his head as he said, “Either way that’s good to know. Now I know what to expect when I start. However, before we continue, we need to update our plans going forward.”

Everyone sat there in silence thinking.

“I want to challenge the next floor of the dungeon,” Roman stated breaking the silence.

“I do too,” Blair agreed.

“Did you guys get any abilities after getting your class?” Avery asked.

“No,” Roman replied.

Mercer and Ariyana shook their heads.

“If we want to attempt the dungeon then we’re going to need you guys to have some class abilities,” Liam said. “What about armor? Does anyone have any armor?”

“I got some generic beginner armor from that first floor,” Artem stated.

“Same here,” Blair said.

“I think that’s what everyone got as a reward,” Avery pointed out.

“Ok, so armor and weapons aren’t an issue for the moment,” Liam started as he wracked his brain. “We don’t really have a healer till Artem gets some magic…so we’ll need potions.” Liam blanched at the thought of the taste the potions gave.

“I can get some stock on it later,” Mercer suggested.

Liam nodded. “Ok so our only concern really is you guys getting some abilities.”

“How about,” Ariyana started as everyone looked at her. “We spend the rest of the day getting our Seed of the Arcana up till we can get an ability or two. We can also work on whatever else we want to and then try an attempt tomorrow afternoon?”

Everyone thought about it.

“I think it’s a good plan. We can at least take a peek at the floor. If we feel it’s not doable then we can always leave the floor and make a better plan for the next attempt?” Mercer suggested.

“What do you guys think?” Liam asked as he looked at the others.

“Sounds good to me,” Avery replied.

“Same here,” Roman and Blair answered in unison.

Ariyana and Artem nodded with their agreeance.

“Alright then let’s work on this and see what we can get done,” Liam said.

As everyone sat back down and looked back at the books a few system notifications appeared in front of Liam.


“Congratulations! You have received the Knowledge Theory - Exordium Arcanum.”

“Congratulations! Knowledge Theory - Exordium Arcanum has reached level 1!”

“Congratulations! Knowledge Theory - Exordium Arcanum has reached level 2!”

“Congratulations! Knowledge Theory - Exordium Arcanum has reached level 3!”

“Congratulations! You have planted The Seed of the Arcana!”

“Congratulations! 3rr0r Corrupted (Sealed) ability ??????? has reached level 3!”


Liam stared at the last notification. He then thought to himself, “What the…What ability did I raise and how?”

Liam was utterly shocked. He had no clue what he did to level it up or even how it got raised. He didn't even know he could raise an ability he couldn't see, let alone an ability from a sealed class.

He shook his head as he thought, “I really need to find a way to purge or whatever I have to do to get that fixed.”

Liam looked at the others before looking back at the book. He then thought to himself, “I’ll just focus on what’s before me now. When I see an opportunity, I’ll figure it out then.”

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