Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 131 – A choice must be made

Chatter and conversations mixed in the air as people ran around the portal area.

Tension filled the air as people from the Training Hall, and Magic Tower ran between each other. Some had paperwork in their hands looking them over as others talked amongst themselves.

Guesses and ideas were thrown around, trying to make some sense of what was inside the black dungeon.

“How’s it looking so far?” Adva asked as she stared at Phorge who kept his eyes on the screen in front of him.

“So far everyone is still alive,” Phorge responded, focused and stern.

“Is the boss still alive?” Nalia questioned as she approached the two.

“Yes,” Phorge grunted. “Can’t tell how its going besides that the Boss symbol is still there. No information on what boss they are fighting against either.”

“That’s weird,” Nalia stated with a frown.

Phorge nodded. “All the years I’ve monitored dungeons, not once have I come across an issue like this. It’s like…” Phorge let out a sigh. “It’s like everything in there is eluding all sight and senses we should be able to have.”

Adva stared at the man. She knew Phorge to be a strict and stern man. He also held a powerful and prideful presence. However, he looked to be completely different right now. She had never seen him like this. Worried, concerned, and…regretful.

Adva placed a hand on the tall man’s back. It reached his lower back due to their height difference, but she paid it no mind.

He dared a peek at her and gave her a soft smile before looking back at the screen.

“All we can do is hope they make it through,” Adva stated with as much belief as she could muster.

Galin and Fia stared at the portal side by side. Fia stood with her arms crossed as Galin kept his face forward on the portal.

They stood in silence never taking their eyes off, waiting for any sign of good news.

“So, you both became his mentor in Blacksmithing, and Alchemy huh?” a calm and collected voice asked.

Fia and Galin turned their heads to see Nabal approaching them.

“Aye,” Fia replied, wary of the man. “What is tha boy to ya though?”

“He’s Liam’s Dagger Instructor,” Galin responded carefully.

Fia’s eyes widened at what Galin said. Almost letting out a choke, she asked as she looked at Galin, “Did I hear that right?” Fia turned her gaze back on Nabal and asked, “But Narad said ya’d never take an apprentice that wasn’t yer blood.”

Nabal stared at her and gave a slight grimace as he responded, “Narad needs to keep his mouth shut around his apprentices when he talks about others.” He then let out a sigh before adding, “I didn’t plan on taking any apprentices, but Liam…surprised me.”

Fia let out a snort as she commented, “He really is an interesting lad, that one.” Her expression then turned solemn before asking, “What’cha ya think his chances of survival are?”

 Nabal let out a long breath of air before replying, “I really can’t say.” He then looked at the portal as he added, “I want to believe his chances aren’t zero, but we really don’t know what’s…”

Before he could finish, Phorge yelled out, “They did it!”

Everyone turned to face him with a confused expression.

“They did it!” Phorge repeated with a fist in the air.

“What?” Nalia questioned as she stared at him.

“The symbol for the boss monster disappeared!” Phorge clarified.

Fia and Galin felt their shoulders relax. They didn’t realize how tense their bodies were until this happened.

However, before they could relax anymore then they did, Phorge yelled out, “What?! How?”

“What happened?” Adva asked, concern laced in her voice.

“Someone suddenly died,” Phorge responded as he stared at the screen.

“Who?!” Fia and Galin shouted, a sinking feeling starting to grow in their stomachs.

“Someone for the group of tw…,” Phorge went to say.

“What’s happening to the portal!?” Someone suddenly shouted.

Everyone stared at the black portal that swirled in front of them. The black color grew darker and a cold and wicked aura started to leak out from it.

Adva, Nalia, and Phorge felt the aura wash over them and involuntarily felt their bodies shiver while the back of their hairs stood up.

Adva’s eyes widened as she asked with a gasp, “What…What is this? I have never felt something so…so twisted and demented before.”

“I don’t know,” Phorge said as he gripped his fists so hard he thought he was going to draw blood. “I don’t know, but I don’t like it.”

He was about to take a step towards the portal, but before he could set his foot down, a powerful wave of power shot out and knocked everyone away from the portal.

The other portals flickered in and out, almost like they were going to snuff out, as the powerful wave washed over them.

Phorge rolled to his side and pushed to his feet. He stared at the portal and noticed new colors had grown over the Black colored portal. Around the edges was a dark golden hue while sparks of red, indigo, and icy blue bounced around the middle.

“What kind of portal is that?!” Adva questioned as she stared at it with a mix of confusion and shock.

“I don’t know,” Phorge said, almost in a whisper. “I’ve never seen that one before.”

As Phorge kept his eyes on the portal, he missed something that happened on the screen that showed not only a person’s life sign disappearing, but a notification that showed what was approaching. However, the notification didn’t wait for the man to see it as it disappeared, not only from the screen, but from his knowledge of anything appearing.




Liam stared at the massive hammer that was dug into the ground right behind the raised platform. The stoned floor was completely destroyed. A small portion of Gary’s legs remained whole sticking out from the edge of the head of the hammer.

It happened so fast that Liam was confused if it had really happened in the first place. His stupor was shaken free when the twisted monstrosities started making growling, gurgling, and screeches, that sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

Liam turned his attention to them to see they weren’t staring at any of them anymore, but instead their focus was turned towards the back of the room where the exit portal was. Liam glanced in that direction to see a second portal was next to the exit. This new portal, albeit, was much larger than the other. It almost touched the roof and was much wider, almost like it was accommodating for something.

The colors of this new portal were black with a dark golden hue while sparks of red, indigo, and icy blue bounced around the middle.

Liam! You need to listen to me! Eri suddenly shouted in Liam’s mind. The tone in her voice snapped his attention to her. It was full of fear and worry.

What’s wrong Eri? Liam questioned.

You and everyone in there is in immense danger! Eri started.

What do you mean? Liam asked. He knew the situation was different than when they had to face the Lich, but he wasn’t entirely sure what exactly was going on.

The creatures that came out of that portal earlier caught the attention of something much more powerful than anything you have ever faced. Eri continued.

It seems that, that’s all we ever face. Something much more dangerous or powerful… Liam started to say until Eri quickly interrupted.

The danger that is coming is entirely different than what you have faced through the dungeon floors. You always had some chance for survival. This time now, however, you only have one chance to survive and even that is still abysmal.

Liam grew even more confused as he listened to Eri. He knew the situation going on was bad. He didn’t know how exactly bad it was, but as Eri kept talking he felt his blood run cold and a sinking feeling growing in the pit of his stomach.

That feeling grew even more as a massive figure walked out of the portal.

Liam’s eyes widened at the sight of it.

Its entire body was pitch black and smoky, barely letting anyone see what the creature really looked like. However, it wasn’t able to hide the fact it had a two-horned helmet that covered down from the top of its head to the top of its cheeks with red glowing eyes. A long flowing beard ran down to its bare chest. Pauldrons ran down from its neck, shoulders, and mid biceps. It had some sort of pants that hung over its boots.

The pressure it exuded washed over everyone. It wasn’t just powerful; it was also oppressive. It almost felt like it demanded everyone to knee and obey it.

Liam watched as it scanned the area. It ignored many of the people in the room as it continued to look around. He noticed it lingered on the twisted creatures, but continued.

He then felt his body tense and freeze as the massive creature’s gaze stopped on not only him, but Aranis, Inyis, and Jude. A scowl was visible on its face as it looked at these four.

Shit, that’s not good! It has you locked in its sight. Eri swore.

The twisted creatures closest to it bristled as they stared at it. Three of the one eyed wolf creatures instinctually charged at it.

One jumped up at its chest while the other two ran for its legs.

The massive figure brought its right hand back and then swatted the wolf-like creature that had jumped. The force of the slap caused it to swiftly slam down into the ground.

Black ooze escaped from its mouth as it landed. No movement was made after it fell.

The two wolf-like creatures that went for its legs were able to clamp their mouths on their targets, but the massive creature didn’t react in any sort of pain. Instead, it reached down for the one attached to its left leg, gripped it, and yanked it right off without even a flinch.

It then brought its right leg back before whipping it forward, flinging the wolf-like creature off. At the same time, it threw the other creature that it was holding, sending both to the other side of the room.

Both creatures slammed hard against the wall, causing the wall to ripple and crumple inwards where impact was made.

  Like a starting signal going off as soon as the creature hit the wall, the rest of the twisted monstrosities charged at it with reckless abandon.

What is that thing Eri? Liam asked as he felt his heartbeat start to race.

That thing is a shadow of its real self. Eri started to say.

A shadow of its real self?! You mean that’s not even the real body?! Liam suddenly blurted.

Yes. Eri replied. I wouldn’t underestimate it though. It may just be a shadow, but it still carries a small portion of the main body’s power.

Only a small fucking portion?! If that is only a small portion then I don’t ever want to see its main body. Liam panicked.

Liam focus! Eri chastised. Once it finishes off those creatures it will go after you as well as those other three.

Liam’s eyes widened as he heard her say that. Why us? What did we do it for it to want to kill us?

I will explain why after you get out of here alive. Eri said, trying to keep her composure.

Out of here alive? How are we going to do that? I don’t know if you saw any of that, but those creatures are way more powerful than us and even they can’t hold a candle to it! Liam yelled back, the panic that had started to grow now almost filling him entirely.

There is still a chance you can survive. Eri responded.

There is? How? What? Liam asked, feeling some hope within him start to bloom.

There is, but it’s a gamble. I…I’m not sure if it will be enough though. Eri said with some hesitation towards the end. There’s also going to be a huge backlash if you do survive. One that will cause a big enough side effect that it could leave you weakened for some time…Do you wish to take that chance?

Liam hesitated as he watched the battle between the horde of twisted and deranged creatures fighting violently against the massive monster. Even with numbers on their side they were still losing badly and quickly.

He then saw his teammates swiftly making their way over to him as the members of the other groups ran to their respected leaders.

Seeing his teammates running to him made him think about all they had gone through before getting here. All the nights spent making strategies to make sure they had some sort of survival when tackling the Forbidden Path floors. All the blood, sweat, and tears they shared training and fighting together. The plans they made back on the fifth floor. He didn’t want those dreams to die here.

He wanted to survive this. He wanted to make sure they survived this.

“Liam!” Ariyana shouted as she and the others approached him.

“What the hell is going on here?” Artem questioned as he stared at the battle still raging on.

“I’m sure you have plan right?” Roman asked as he looked at Liam.

“What’s the plan?” Blair inquired.

Liam ignored them as he summoned up the resolve that wasn’t there before, he replied with slight sarcasm, If it’s a chance to survive then I don’t think I have any choice now do I? What do I need to do?

Feeling his conviction, Eri responded with the same resolve as he had shown, We’ve put this off for a while now, but you need to make the choice.

What choice? Didn’t I make the choice to survive? Liam questioned with some confusion.

Not that choice. Although it is one needed to make the choice, but no. That wasn’t the choice I was talking about. Eri stated.

Then what choice are you talking about? Liam inquired starting to feel a bit frustrated.

The choice to become my Champion. Eri clarified. That is your only hope for survival right now.

Liam felt his body tense. With all the chaos going on these past few days, he had completely forgotten about Eri wanting him to be her champion. It was something he wasn’t fully sure if he wanted to do.

At first it was because he didn’t know anything about her. He still didn’t know much about her. Just random snippets and knowledge she had shared. However, he did know some things and that was she gave him advice when she didn’t need to, she helped him out here and there, and she seemed lonely when they first met.

She was very adamant and sure of herself that he would accept, especially during the last floor. Maybe she wanted someone to talk to. If that was the case she didn’t need to make him her champion…so why him?

Before I decide can you tell me why? Liam asked.

Do you really have time for that? Eri quipped.

“Liam!” Avery shouted, making him look to the fighting that was going on.

Eri was right. The giant of a man had just finished killing off the last of the twisted creatures. Their bodies were either smashed, torn apart, or laid lifelessly throughout the room.

Liam didn’t notice much of the fight during his conversation with Eri. So much so that he didn’t even see that the creature was close to the half destroyed raised platform in the middle of the room, closing in on his hammer.

  I need to know. Liam urgently stated as he watched the giant reach and grip the handle of the hammer.

Even if I told you. You wouldn’t understand right now. Eri replied. I will tell you one day, but today is not that day.

Conflicted, Liam wasn’t sure what to do. He needed to know why, but at the same time if he wasted any more time it could spell their doom.

Before he could think any more on it, Liam felt two new pressures suddenly fill the room.

Liam searched the entire room for the sources. They came from two corners of the room. From where he stood, the corner of the back right of the room, close to the portals, one of the pressures was directly to his left at the back left of the room while the other to his right around the right front of the room close to the doors.

Liam’s eyes widened as he saw what the sources of the pressures came from. Or to be exact, who they came from. It was Aranis and Inyis.

Looks like those two made their decision. Eri stated.

What do you me… Liam started to say until he heard them speak.

“Gemini Zodiac Ability - Class Fusion…Embodiment of Nature!” Inyis shouted.

“Gemini Zodiac Ability - Class Fusion…Defiler of Fel!” Aranis yelled.

Liam’s eyes widened as he felt the pressure suddenly suck back in to them before they started glowing brightly.

Inyis’ skin started to radiate a forest green and earthen brown from head to toe. Her two branch-like antlers started to grow a myriad of different types of colored flowers while the vines that wrapped around her bare arms and legs started to thicken. Her legs were completely covered and pushed her up, making her taller than she was before. The vines around her arms covered them from her shoulders to hands. As they covered her hands, branch-like fingers grew out.

 This new form of hers took Liam by surprise, however that wasn’t the only thing that changed. In the middle of her flower covered antlers, vines started to twist and connect, taking an oval shape form that made Liam unsure if what he saw was right. It was an eye made from vines with a big green flower in the middle of it as the iris.

All around Inyis, grass started to appear and spread out. Within the field that was starting to replace the stone tiles, flowers and several trees started to sprout and bloom all around her and her team. Her teammates stared at their new surroundings with confusion, awe, and slight fear.

At the same time as Inyis, Aranis too started to have changes start to happen. Like Inyis, Aranis started to glow a mixture of colors. His colors, however, were a bit more sinister. They were a sickly dark green and a poisonous purple. Aranis’ entire eyeballs changed from white to a dark purple as sickly green liquid slowly started to drip from them. Around Aranis’ body, a light purplish-green fog started to form into several small clouds that hovered around his head, shoulders, and hands.

A dark reddish-green and purple liquid dripped from these clouds and darkened the ground, almost like an invisible fire had scorched it. As the ground around him started to change color and spread out several feet Aranis’ teammates took several steps away from him after getting spooked from the sudden changes that had happened. A couple of them covered their noses and mouths as they ran back as far as they could.

The aura that rolled off the two suddenly spiked out and clashed. As it filled the entire room, Liam could feel the pressure they emanated. Each clash that they made created a wave of pressure that began to suffocate everyone in the room.

The Giant stood there turning his attention back and forth between the two people, unsure who to strike at first.

Aranis and Inyis, however, stood in place glaring at each other, ignoring the giant and everyone else in the room. It was almost like they had eyes only for the other and not in a good way. The snarls that were on their faces made everyone believe they were mortal enemies.

Liam grew more worried with each second until a new pressure filled the room. This one came catty-corner from him on the exact opposite side of him. He couldn’t see the changes happening, but he did hear Jude yell out, “Gemini Zodiac Ability - Class fusion…Arbiter of Order!”

As soon as he shouted this, the clash between the two pressures were pushed down and balanced out. This gave everyone in the room a chance to breath and regain their composure.

And the third one has accepted. Eri suddenly stated.

What do you mean? Liam asked. He had an inkling of what was going on, but he wanted to know for sure.

Ever since Eri had mentioned some people were the same as him, he had some ideas, but since he didn’t have all the facts he didn’t want to assume. It was what Eri said next that made him understand there was more going on than he had thought.

Each of them decided to accept the proposal of being Champions to other Deities. Because of that, they were able to use their Gemini ability and fuse their classes together to give them that boost they need to be able to fight that creature.

Liam gulped. He then asked with some shakiness in his voice, They accepted the side effects too?

Their side effects will be completely different from what yours will be. Yours will be a bit…harsher due to the nature you will have to shoulder. Eri explained.

“What?!” Liam suddenly blurted.

“What? What happened?” Artem quickly asked as the group turned to face Liam.

Liam waved them off as he internally asked Eri, What do you mean by that?

We don’t have enough time to go over everything. Eri swiftly dodged. I’ll tell you what you need to know to make a decision.

Fine. Liam stated with a frown.

If you accept, you will gain an ability to temporarily unseal the seal that’s been placed on your other race and class. This will allow you to use your Zodiac ability Class Fusion just like them. However…

However? Liam repeated as the sinking feeling returned.

Due to how powerful your second class is, it will temporarily raise your stats to even everything out and give you a fighting chance against this being. Eri started.

That’s not too ba… Liam began to say until Eri cut him off.

 At the same time, due to my nature and the nature of your other race, you will be not only fighting that being, but yourself as well. If you don’t remain in control and completely lose yourself to the power you gain you will be engulfed by your other race. You will go insane and won’t be able to return to your former self and will need to be killed. Eri finished.

Liam felt his whole body go stiff after hearing everything. What Eri had told him was no small thing. This chance to be able to protect his group and fight this being had a price that couldn’t be accepted half-heartedly.

This was the type of decision that needed the type of resolve where one had to accept there was a chance he could not only die, but also harm those who he wanted to protect.

He glanced at each of his teammates.

They were staring at the fight that had started while Liam was talking with Eri.

The power and pressure that exploded with each collision of strikes sent ripples of shockwaves out. His teammates looked to be not only shielding their faces, but also leaning forward so they wouldn’t fall backwards.

The three fighting the giant were able to do some damage, but it didn’t look like they were doing enough. If they expended everything and it wasn’t enough to at least make the being retreat then they would all die, regardless if he accepted or not. He didn’t like this. Not one bit.

He needed to make a decision. Did he refuse and pray those three would be enough or did he accept and take the chance of losing against himself. After looking at each of his teammates, he grew a small soft smile.

Mercer noticed the soft smile that appeared on Liam’s face. He was about to ask what was going on, but Liam beat him to it.

“Hey guys,” Liam started as they turned to look at him. “Do you all trust me?”

Confused by the question, they slowly responded, “Yes, completely.”

That’s all he need to know.

“I’m about to do something really stupid. I can’t tell you what it is now, but if I survive…I’ll answer all your questions,” Liam said before walking out closer to the battle in front of them.

Avery, Blair, and Roman stared at him. They knew something was up, but they weren’t entirely sure. They just watched.

Ariyana and Artem protested for him to get back and not get any closer, but their words fell on deaf ears.

It was Mercer who grew concerned. Liam would never tell them he was about to do something stupid, he just did it. However, what really got him scared was the one word no one caught. If he survived, not when they survived.

After Liam got far enough away from them he shouted out into the air, “I accept your proposal!”

A slew of notifications suddenly appeared in front of Liam.


“Congratulations! You have received the blessing- Champion of Chaos!”

“Congratulations! You have received the ability – Temporary Unseal! Temporary Unseal – Allows the user to temporarily unseal any seals that have been sealed on the person’s body!”


Liam closed the notifications, not wanting to delay any longer, and readied himself for what he planned to do next.

Without hesitation, he activated Temporary Unseal.

A wave of dark cold power suddenly erupted from his shadow. The amount of power that pushed out threatened to suffocate him as it gripped around his limbs and heart.

Liam! Activate your Gemini ability now! Eri commanded.

Gritting his teeth while his body tensed even worse than it had earlier, Liam growled out the words, “Gemini Zodiac Ability - Class Fusion…”

A few new notifications appeared, clarifying why the others paused before saying anything.


“Zodiac -Gemini Ability activated. Fusing Main Class – Spirit Weaver and Secondary Class – Shadow of the Devourer.”

“Alert! Title – Champion of Chaos has been detected. Will be mixed into Class fusion!”

“Alert! Bloodline has been detected! However, due to not being awakened it will not be mixed into the Class Fusion!”

“Calculating…Calculating…Class Fusion complete. Class fusion taking form now…”


Even though the words of the new class didn’t appear he knew what it was. He felt the changes start to happen as he said the words that formed in his mind, “Harbinger of Chaos!”  

After Liam felt the changes finish taking form he blinked. He knew he was told there was a chance he could lose his mind, but he was relieved it didn’t happen.

Before anything else could be said or done though a new notification appeared.


“Congratulations! You have reached Level 1 of the Performance Gauge. Would you like to receive the Level 1 Gifts of Chaos? Yes No?”


Liam shrugged and mentally accepted. However, as soon as he did, his entire world went black.

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