Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 132 – Let Chaos Reign

Mercer didn’t know how or what exactly happened, but it happened right after Liam asked them that strange question and when it did, it did quickly.

He and the others watched as Liam walked out in front of them. After getting a few feet ahead, he shouted something about accepting some proposal. Shortly after that a cold and dark pressure suddenly washed out from behind him.

No. It wasn’t per say behind, but rather from right underneath him.

Before he could think more about it they heard Liam shout out, “Gemini Zodiac Ability – Class Fusion…”

Hearing those words made everyone in their group fix their full attention to him.

They heard the same words come from Aranis, Inyis, and even Jude. What came after when they said those words were some very crazy changes. Even though they all had different class fusions they knew it wasn’t some simple Zodiac ability like theirs.

However, they knew Liam was reserved when it came to anything about his Zodiac. They weren’t entirely sure, but they had believed he couldn’t use its ability due to something blocking him. Did he find a way to clear that up?

There were too many secrets being revealed here in this dungeon floor. Not just from him but from the other three leaders. However, now wasn’t the time for them to ponder that. The next few words were what they were waiting to hear. They would reveal what kind of fusion his class or classes would make.

“Harbinger of Chaos!” Liam finally shouted.

Mercer’s, Avery’s, Blair’s, and Roman’s eyes widened at the words while Artem and Ariyana grew confused.

They watched as his appearance started to change. A mixture of raven black, ghastly green, red, and grey colors started to outline him. His shadow began to quiver, almost like it was alive as it expanded outwards and covered most of the ground around him. Parts of it also started to run up his legs covering them entirely, almost like they were trying to hold him tightly. Shortly after that, a pitch black shadowy tail had formed as two shadowy cat ears sprouted on his head.

They had seen him when he had that weird cloak earlier and were confused how that happened, however, seeing this made them believe this was his true appearance. The ears and tail from before looked like some clothing aesthetics while these parts looked like they really belonged to him and not some gimmick.

From the angle Mercer was looking, he noticed something else. The inside of his goggles were glowing with a mixture of vibrant colors he wasn’t fully able to make out.

What the hell is going on Liam? Mercer thought to himself as he watched his friend transform. He then noticed Liam had titled his head, almost like he was surprised about something. He then shrugged and looked like he accepted something only he could see.

That was when the air around them suddenly and unexpectedly changed. Although none of them could see what was going on, they felt the air grew…chaotic in a way. Almost like there were invisible things trying to forcibly change everything around it with no true direction.

Liam’s body suddenly slacked while his head drooped, but he never fell. Mercer and Avery threw a hand out and were about to ask if he was alright, but before they could say anything, Liam’s body started to shake. He then threw his head back with his right hand on his forehead as he let out a terrifyingly maniacal laughter.

Each of their team members stared at him, unsure what was happening. They just watched as he just stood there and laughed.

An uneasy feeling grew within all of them. They weren’t afraid for themselves, but rather for their friend who looked like he had lost his mind.

Before they could do or say anything, Liam stopped laughing and looked forward. He still held a wild smile. Not the kind that looked like it was happy to see a friend. Rather, it looked like one who was entirely insane.

Without warning, Liam suddenly leaned forward. Mercer and Artem thought he was about to fall on his face as his upper body continued to fall. Once when it got to a certain angle, he shot forward. He ran with such speed that everyone couldn’t help but stare with disbelief. They had never seen anyone move that fast before.

“Is he…,” Ariyana suddenly started to say. Everyone was brought out of their stupor as they turned to look at her. She had a frightened and concerned look on her face as she finished, “Is he going to be alright?”

Everyone stared at her, unsure what to say. They didn’t know the answer to that question because they too were wondering that.

“I don’t know what’s going on,” Mercer suddenly stated. “But I think he did something he believed would protect us without consulting with us first again.”

Avery let out a sigh. “Something stupid again.”

Blair and Roman slowly nodded in agreement as they all turned to watch what was about to unfold.



A loud thud echoed in the room as the giant swung his hammer down on Jude, spraying dust everywhere. Before the dust could settle and the creature could lift his hammer back up, Jude jumped on top of it and leaped towards the giant’s face with both of his tomahawk-like axes, that were covered in flames, over his head.

Jude’s body had undergone some changes as well after using his Class Fusion Gemini ability. His body glowed with a mixture of dark blue and fiery orange. He grew a few more inches while his muscles toned out. However, the major changes he didn’t expect to receive were the dark blue and black wings that sprouted on his back revealing the racial features that were suppressed.

He wasn’t sure why his Angelic race was hidden like his other race, but he knew if he walked around with these wings it would give him the type of attention he didn’t want. If the wings weren’t enough his eyes could have created a stir as well. A symbol of dark blue scales replaced his normal looking irises and pupils, but didn’t hinder his sight.

Not only did Jude’s eyes change but Inyis’ and Aranis’ did as well. Replacing both of Inyis’ normal emerald green eyes were emerald green trees. Aranis’ irises had changed into a sickly green and poisonous purple hazard-like symbol.

The giant went to move his hammer so it could defend from the attack, but before it could move, thick vines wrapped around his arms and prevented him from moving them. Instead, the giant snarled, brought his head back and threw it forward right into Jude before he could slash his face.

Jude took the hit head on and was flown backwards, slamming into the ground.

Jude let out a cough after hitting the ground but wasted no time getting back to his feet. As soon as he did, the giant flexed his arm muscles and yanked them up, ripping the vines off. He swiftly turned around and swung his massive hammer at Inyis, but instead collided with a tall sturdy oak-like tree.

The brief pause the tree provided while taking all the damage of the hammer was enough for Inyis to get out of range from the strike. However, the force of the swing was strong enough to send a powerful gust of wind in her direction.

Inyis planted the vines that covered her legs into the ground to root herself down and not send her flying away. The grass and plants that surrounded her, however, were ripped from the ground and flew behind her. Not long after the wind had died down, the grass and plants regrew, surrounding her in a meadow like scenery. She scowled at the giant man through her strange looking eyes.

At the same time this happened, Aranis rushed in and swiftly slashed his katana several times across the back of the giant’s left calf. Each strike created a small wound. Steam started to hiss as black liquid escaped and rolled down his leg.

Aranis reached a hand out and was about to move the corruption he injected into the giant’s leg further into what he felt was the creature’s blood stream, but had to jump back as a massive hand swung back to try and grab him.

Aranis scowled as he watched the open wounds close back up. His connection to the poison was snuffed out, letting Aranis know the amount he injected wasn’t enough to keep it flowing.

Aranis turned his head to see Jude, who had jumped back into the air towards the giant, bring his left hand back and threw his tomahawk-like axe while getting ready to strike with his other.

The giant shadow man ignored the thrown weapon and allowed it to sink into its cheek while he was swung his hammer horizontally. Right before the hammer rammed into Jude, he flapped his wings to pivot himself into a barrel roll, barely dodging the attack.

The gust of wind that came with the swing caught in his wings, causing him to fly backwards with the draft. As soon as his feet touched the ground he slide backwards until he stopped. Jude pulled his tomahawk axe out from the giant’s cheek and back to his hand.

“I don’t know why you keep leaping when you have wings. Why don’t you just fly?” Aranis commented.

Jude grew a scowl on his face as he growled, “If I could I would. If you didn’t realize by now these wings are new to me and I don’t have a proper handle on them yet.”

“My bad, that was a dumb thing to say,” Aranis replied as he kept his eyes on the giant. “I’m just irritated. We have this boost in power and its still not enough. We’re barely keeping it in place. If only we had one more.”

“Don’t worry, he just hasn’t accepted yet,” Jude stated.

Aranis raised a brow as he looked at Jude. “Do you think Liam is like us? If he is I would have thought he would have accepted by now.”

“He’s the overly cautious type from what I’ve seen. He’s probably overthinking it, but he’ll accept. What he’ll bring to the table, I don’t have a clue, but I think it’ll stem the tide in our favor,” Jude said with certainty.

“I hope so, because if he doesn’t accept any time soon I think we’ll get overwhelm…,” Aranis began to say until they felt a new pressure fill the room.

Jude smiled wickedly as they all heard Liam shout, “Gemini Ability – Class Fusion…”

“See what did I tell you,” Jude said.

The next words they heard suddenly made a shiver run down their spine as Liam finished, “Harbinger of Chaos.”

Jude couldn’t find the words to explain what he felt next. It was like he felt a pull but at the same time he felt a push towards the direction Liam was at. Almost like the power that was coursing through him wanted to take on this new power that was emanating and submit it.

Jude felt his front leg lose control for a moment before he recomposed himself. He grew acquainted with his new Class a bit during the short time he was fighting. At first he almost lost control over himself as his new title of being the Champion of Order mixed with his Main Class, Second Class, Bloodline, and races.

Thanks to being an Arbiter of Order though, he was able to balance everything out and regain his mind. He had to use the same power to place order and balance on Aranis and Inyis who lost themselves to the power that coursed through them. However, now he felt an instability dance in the air threatening to undo the balance he was able to create.     

Liam…what the hell kind of power are you bringing to the table? Jude thought.

He couldn’t think more on it as he noticed the giant turn and face Inyis again. It took a step forward, brought his massive hammer overhead, and prepared to swing.

Inyis saw this and raised her hands into the air, roots and vines began to shoot out of the ground to create a barrier.

As this plant designed barrier started to form, she felt a cold chill run down her spine as a low crazed laugh echoed behind her. She swiftly turned her head to see Liam smiling wildly. She was about to ask him what he was doing, but then he suddenly said in a strange voice, “Unstabled Balance.”

As the words were spoken, Inyis suddenly felt the power that Jude had balanced out overwhelm her and grasp, not only her body, but her mind as well.

The vine and root like shield suddenly rippled. The roots and vines quickly thickened and shot out towards the giant. They wrapped around his entire body and arms, preventing him from swinging his weapon.

Liam then disappeared and reappeared on one of the vines before sprinting upwards towards the shadowy giant. He pulled out two vials in each hand and slide to a halt as he got within the range he was aiming for. Without any hesitation he threw one down at the giant’s stomach and the other right at his forehead.

Liam let out a maniacal laugh as he watched the vials soar. As soon as they shattered he jumped backwards off the vine. His tail gripped onto a stray vine and used it to spin around to land on it.

Liam then saw the show start to happen as black orbs formed right where the vials shattered and started pulling anything it could towards it. The giant was stuck in place as his body felt the effects of the gravitational pull from the orbs, while being wrapped with roots and vines.

Shortly after that, the orb around the giant’s forehead dropped down and hit a vine right by his beard where his chin was and ring of flames exploded outwards engulfing not just his entire face, but the vines wrapped around him as well.

At the same time the other orb flashed and sent a shockwave of lightning arcing all over his body, tensing his muscles, arms, and legs.

Liam didn’t wait for the lightning and flames to disperse before he jumped right back at the monster. As he jumped into the air he threw his arms out. The bandage wrappings he had for gloves shot out towards the horns on the giant’s helmet wrapping around them and pulled his body to the top of his head.

The giant tried to wave his arms around to put the flames that covered his beard out, but failed as the muscles in his arms tightened.

Once when Liam placed his feet down and secured his footing, he released his wrappings allowing them to return to his gloves. He then conjured a Shadow and Lunar Hand. He gave then both a gravity enhanced dagger as he pulled out both his Shadow and Lunar Blade daggers.

Then with a blink he reappeared in front of the giants face and slashed at his right cheek. Then disappeared and reappeared at the top of the man’s back and slashed again. He did this a few more times, slashing and hacking anywhere there was bare skin.

Jude and Aranis stared at the scene going on before them. Both were confused and surprised at what Liam was doing.

Jude was snapped out of his stupor as he noticed long bladed grass start to overflow from Inyis’ side. As he looked over, he felt Inyis’ power increasingly grow stronger by the second.

“What the hell?!” Jude shouted before running over to her. As soon as he got over there he felt the balance he had placed over her was out of control. What the hell did this? Jude thought before placing a hand on Inyis’ forehead and yelled, “Balance Alignment!”  

Inyis felt her consciousness come back to her as she looked around confused. She spotted Jude and said while gasping for air, “Thank you.”

“What happened?” Jude asked as he stared at her.

“I’m not sure. One minute I’m trying to protect myself the next I heard…,” Inyis started to say until something clicked.

“You heard what?” Jude questioned.

“Liam. He was laughing like a madman and he said something. The next thing that I remember is being swallowed up,” Inyis said before turning towards the scene going on in front of her.

Liam was popping in and out all around the giant. Each place he appeared he slashed or pierced his daggers into the shadowy flesh of the giant.

Both she and Jude watched as black liquid oozed out of the many open wounds he had created.

“I think he’s…,” Inyis started to say as she heard the wicked laughter echo around the room as Liam continued his game of peek a boo.

Jude’s eyes narrowed as he watched, but before he could say anything the giant broke free from his paralyzed state and went to clap his hands over Liam. However, Liam just blinked out of the way and reappeared next to Aranis.

Aranis turned to look at him and was about to say something, but before he could utter a word, Liam said with a battle high grin, “Unstabled Balance.”

Aranis felt his blood pump violently throughout his body as the power he was keeping under control washed through his veins and took control of him.

He then let out a loud blood curdling roar before raising a hand out towards the giant and flexed his hand and looked to be gripping the air hard as he could without fully closing his hand.

 The giant went to grab the hammer he dropped to his side, but as soon as he gripped the handle, the black liquid that was oozing out from the open wounds Liam had made started to flow outwards into the air and hovered about the weapon. Once when a massive pool of it had formed, Aranis dropped it like a waterfall right onto the head of the hammer.

The liquid completely engulfed the head of the weapon and started sizzling and smoking.

The giant raised the hammer and watched as it started melting away into a gloop of shadowy metal and acid.

Jude didn’t wait this time to see Aranis was drowned in his own power. As Aranis was melting the weapon, Jude was rapidly approaching him. Before Aranis could do anything that would harm those around him, Jude placed a hand on his shoulder and yelled, “Balance Alignment!”

As Aranis felt his blood start to simmer down within him, Jude whirled on Liam who was staring at him with an unhinged grin.

“Liam! What the hell is going on with you!” Jude roared.

The only response Liam gave him was a mad laugh.

“You’re out of control. I’m going to balance you out now!” Jude screamed with annoyance and anger laced in his voice.

He went to reach for him, but Liam moved his head out of the way. Jude’s fingers did catch his goggles and as he pulled on them and Liam fought to get out of the way, the strap on the goggles broke, revealing the symbols that were vibrating completely out of control where his irises and pupils would be.

Replacing them in each eye ball was a circle with several arrows circling around. A mixture of ghastly green, raven black, different shades of red and grey pulsed vibrantly.

“What the hell?” Jude whispered, understanding now what was going on.




Liam! Liam! Liam! Eri shouted mentally as she stared at the bowl of water that showed her what was going on in the sixth floor where her newly placed champion was at. Fear and worry was growing inside her and gripping her heart as she watched the stunts he pulled against the giant.

Please no! Don’t lose to it! You have to overcome it! Eri pleaded as her emotions began to grow unstable. You have to. You just have t…

She stopped herself as she watched Jude take off the goggles that covered Liam’s eyes. Her heart sank as she watched the colors vibrating in his eyes pulse and swirl.

She knew what that meant. The way they pulsed and vibrated were signs of falling deeper into the madness happening in his mind. Once when someone got that far deep there was no way someone like the Champion of Order would be able to balance him out.

There was only one thing that had a chance, but she wasn’t sure if it would be enough. After all, he hadn’t been around anyone that was currently in the room for too long. However, if it was them.

Eri turned her gaze in the room towards the six that stared at Liam with looks of concern, worry, and fear.

I can’t hesitate. If there’s a chance then I will take it. Eri mentally said before she willed her thoughts out.

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