Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 136 – Consequences, Changes, and Expectations

“What the hell?!” Liam suddenly exclaimed as the notification took him off guard.

The door to his room suddenly opened as Adva looked inside with a concerned look. She quickly asked, “Are you alright? What’s wrong?”

“I…I’m fine. I just moved the wrong way and it hurt,” Liam lied as he looked at her.

Adva eyed him before saying, “Alright. Let me know if the pain becomes too unbearable. I’ll see what I can do to make it better.”

Liam raised a brow before saying, “Um…thank you.”

Adva nodded before closing the door.

Liam turned his attention back to the notification in front of him. He was confused as to what was going on. Last he could remember Eri couldn’t speak to him while he was out of the dungeon.

So why did he receive a notification with a message from Eri? Did something change when he accepted to be her Champion? There was only one way to find out.

Liam focused his thoughts on Eri and asked, Eri? Can you hear me?

The notification in front of him added a new text below what it had earlier.


“Yes. I can hear you. – Eri.”


How is this possible? Is it because I became your champion? Liam asked.


“Yes. Becoming my Champion has made a few changes. One of them is I can communicate with you through notifications while outside of the dungeon. This is like a text channel. You can always come back and see what I say when you’re outside the dungeon. When you’re inside we can communicate the way we have before…maybe. – Eri.”


What do you mean maybe? Liam questioned.


“*Sigh* I won’t lie to you. This is new to me. My last few…champions…they couldn’t make it past the indoctrination of my nature within them… - Eri.”


Indoctrination of your nature within them…Liam internally muttered as he tried to think about what she meant.

A memory appeared in his mind of when he accepted the Level 1 Performance Gauge Reward. It was right after he accepted when things went crazy.

Are you talking about when… Liam started to ask.


“Yes. You received a few rewards when you accepted the Reward. One of them is a seed similar to, but not exactly like, mine. All Champions get one from the Deity they become a Champion for. As the seed gets planted, the nature of the Deity washes over and enters the body of the Champion. The Champion has to accept the nature, fight the strong urges that try to take control of them, and keep their minds intact. – Eri.”


Is the reason why it’s new for you because your previous champions couldn’t handle it? Liam asked.


“Yes. – Eri.”


Is your nature the reason why I almost ended up like them? Liam inquired as he tried thinking over the events right before he blacked out.


“Yes and no. My nature had a play in it, but it was also due to the culmination of the natures between your two classes, races, and bloodlines. – Eri.”


Liam’s brows furrowed as he read the new message. What do you mean? Also, bloodlines? I thought it was bloodline?

“I can not answer those questions right now. Telling you now will only hinder your progress. When the time is right I will tell you all that you need to know about it. All you need to know is…I now have a better idea as to why you are perfect for being my Champion. – Eri.”

Liam stared at the words with some skepticism. He didn’t like not having all the facts. It really bothered him. However, after getting to know Eri for the short amount of time he had, he knew when she wasn’t going to answer questions, she wouldn’t. It really irritated him when she did that.

Liam let out a sigh before asking, Fine. Will this happen every time I use my Zodiac Ability or was that a one-time thing?


“That is a bit complicated. At full strength, especially after accepting a Performance Gauge Level Up Reward, there will be a high chance for it to happen again. However, while you were asleep I made some modifications to the ability I gave you, Temporary Unseal. Take a look. – Eri.”

“Partial Temporary Unseal – Allows the user to temporarily unseal any seals that have been sealed on the person’s body for 10 minutes! Note – Only 10% of the power unsealed is usable.”    


“I have changed it to only allow ten percent of the seal placed on you that seals your second Class to be released so the overwhelming power it has doesn’t try to swallow you again. I have also placed a timer of ten minutes so in case you do end up like last time then it will forcefully close the seal and take you out of your Class Fusion. – Eri.”

Liam thought about what she said. He wasn’t sure how powerful his other class was since he didn’t get the chance to see anything after he had blacked out. But, the added protection would be helpful in case he couldn’t control himself and had no way to get out of that power’s hold. After thinking about it, a couple of questions surfaced.

  Why ten percent and ten minutes? Are they both similar because of a certain reason? Liam questioned.


“There is a reason for them both being at a numeric value of ten, but not for any significant reason other than any higher than that and you won’t be able to handle it. Ten percent of the power is the amount your body will be able to handle without receiving the amount of backlash you received at full power. The other part of having a ten minute timer is just for precautionary measures. – Eri.”


Liam slowly nodded, agreeing with what she said. It did make sense to have measures set in place and if he could only handle ten percent of the power right for ten minutes now then he wouldn’t complain.

After thinking about it and rereading the message a couple of new questions popped in his mind.

Would the amount I can harness raise if I grow in power? Also, what were the backlashes I received? Was it the high level in Stellar Afflictions From Within? Liam inquired.


“No. You received a high level in both Stellar Afflictions From Within and Whispers From Beyond due to your recklessness of using both Shadow and Lunar Magic both when you were in control and out of control of your mind. You should take a look at your other Debuff. – Eri.”


Liam’s brows knitted together before he looked at the other icons next to his stat bars. He skipped over the two he knew he had, Stellar Afflictions From Within and Whispers From Beyond, and focused on the last one.


“Stat Shatter Level - 2. Debuff Type – Stats. 50% of all stat levels are partially sealed. Time for Stat Shatter to reach level 1: 3 Days 12 hours 5 minutes 15 seconds. Time for Stat Shatter to completely disappear: 6 Days 12 hours 5 minutes 15 seconds.”  

“Stat Shatter – A Debuff given when a person’s or creature’s stats are forcibly pushed to compensate and match the stat levels of another power. Depending on the amount the stats are pushed will determine the level the Debuff is given once when the stats go back to normal. Level 1 – if stats are pushed between 5 to 30 levels higher then a 25% partial seal will be placed on the target. Level 2 – if stats are pushed between 31 to 50 levels higher then a 50% partial seal will be placed on the target. Level 3 – if stats are pushed between 51 to 70 levels higher then a 75% partial seal will be placed on the target.”


Shit. Liam said while dragging the word out. That’s one nasty Debuff. Thank God it only has three levels to it.


“It doesn’t. – Eri.”


Liam blinked at her response before his brows furrowed. What do you mean it doesn’t? It only shows three levels.


“That’s because you reached only three levels. Your stats levels barely entered the third level, so the timer was only a day longer since you were asleep. But you did enter the level three range of the Debuff. – Eri.”


Liam’s eyes widened at what she had said. You’re kidding right?


“No. – Eri.”


But that means… Liam started to say until Eri cut him off.


“Yes. – Eri.”


That gave him a better idea of how powerful he was during the fight while using his Class Fusion. At that realization another made itself known. His stats grew that much, and he was still barely able to fight back that monster.

He and the others were only able to harm it and that was only a shadow of its real power. Just what were they fighting?

Eri…what was that shadowy giant? Liam asked, not sure if he was ready to know.


“I won’t tell you anything about him now because he is not your focus as of this moment. – Eri.”


Liam grew confused at what he read.

He then thought to himself instead of projecting his thoughts to Eri, Not my focus as of this moment? What does she mean by that? I have a focus? He then turned his thoughts to his mental resident and asked, If that is the case then what is my focus?


“*Smiles* To level up and spread my nature around the world. – Eri.”


Your nature? Liam asked still not sure.

“Yes. You should have figured it out from the title you received when you became my Champion as well as from the name of the class you made with your Class Fusion. If you need a reminder then pull up your Character Sheet page and look at your Faith and Blessing Section. – Eri.”

Liam did as she said and was shocked at what he saw.

                                                                             Character Sheet

                                                                          General Information

Character Name:


Health Pool

130/130 (653/653 Sealed)



Cait Sith/Sealed

Mana Pool

123/123 (617/617 Sealed)




Stamina Bar

139/139 (698/698 Sealed)




Spirit Pool




Spirit Weaver





Secondary Class

Shadow of the Devourer (Sealed)


3 (7 Sealed)








Faith and Blessings



Matron Deity

Eris - Goddess of Chaos



Deity Description:




Deity Blessings:

Champion Of Chaos




What the fuck?! Why are my HP, MP, Stam bar and Level lower than what it is supposed to be? Why do they say sealed? And why hasn’t my Spirit Points regenerated? Liam started to panic.


“Calm down. That is only temporary because of the Stat Shatter Debuff. After that has passed everything will return back to normal. – Eri.”  


Liam slowly let out a sigh of relief. He then looked over at what Eri had told him. He had some inkling she was just like the Greek Goddess of Chaos from the myths from his world, but he wasn’t sure.

Liam shook his head mentally and corrected his thoughts on it. He didn’t have any inkling and wasn’t going to lie to himself. He didn’t pay attention to it and just moved on because at the time he wasn’t sure he was going to get involved with her as well as being distracted with everything else going on at the time.

However, now that he had some time to think more about it, as well as getting a look at the information on the Faith and Blessings Section, he had another couple of questions.  

So, your Blessing is called Champion of Chaos? Also, why is your Description sealed?


“The information on my description is sealed because you don’t need to worry about it right now. The Blessing is called Champion of Chaos yes, but you can think of it as a title. What you received from that Blessing is more important. The first thing you get from the Blessing is called Foolish Bravery. It is a basic one that any of my followers will receive when they get blessed by me. Foolish Bravery is a Passive ability that helps you face dangerous situations, that would normally make you run away from them, with a smile. At a low level it slightly helps you push back the fear of facing something that seems impossible or scary. The effect grows as the level grows.

“The second thing you received due to being my Champion is Chaotic Transmission. It is also a passive that helps spread my nature when you enact deeds I give you. It helps spread it around the area and to people. At a low level it’s subtle and doesn’t change much. Maybe some different views than normal or the occasional fight might start. It’s different depending on where you are. 

“The last one, Primeval Veil, is another passive that helps hide certain information from prying eyes. Like the fact you are my Champion as well as your Zodiac, classes, bloodline, etc. It already came to good use when those three were in the room. – Eri.”


Those three? Who? Also, is it common to receive three passive abilities when you get a Blessing? Liam asked.


I believe their names were Adva, Phorge, and Nalia. Each of them are Champions to their so called Gods. *Scoffs* - Eri.”


Liam’s face grew into a confused expression. What do you mean by it came to good use when they were in the room?


Champions can feel whenever another Champion is around. Since they are Champions they would have felt that you were one and questions would have been asked. Judging by their demeanors it seems that the other three did the same as me. Now you don’t have to worry about that Nalia woman using her Divine Eye on you…for now. – Eri.”


What do you mean for now? Liam asked.


“Primeval Veil will only last till you hit a certain high level or certain…events unfold. After that, the veil will fall and all will be revealed. You must be strong enough to hold your own against those who want you dead when the time comes. – Eri.”


Liam caught the words certain events unfold. There was something that wasn’t being said and he didn’t like it. Throughout their entire conversation he noticed she had either ignored, brushed, or shot down certain information.

The one thing that really stuck out so far was when she said his focus should be on leveling up and spreading her nature. Whatever the reason was she probably needed him to get stronger for some goal of hers.

Maybe once when I’m strong enough I’ll be able to get more information out of her. For now I should just do as she says while I try and find my family. Liam thought to himself.


“As for your question from earlier. No, it is not common for any follower to get more than one ability, especially right at the beginning. Unless you receive the Champion Blessing. Then it is common. Your teammates have received the Foolish Bravery when they accepted their Blessing from me, but soon they will receive another. – Eri.”


Liam was caught off guard when he read that last part. His team received a blessing from Eri? When? Why? He then remember something. Avery left him something under his blanket.

He pulled out what she had placed and saw it was a piece of paper. He opened it and saw there was a message.

It read: Aranis, Inyis, and Jude talked to us before we left the dungeon. They all agreed that they would not say anything about what had happened in the dungeon and left the decision on what should be relayed to the Overseers to you. They “claimed” you would have a sound judgement on what should be shared and what shouldn’t be. They also implied that they were leaving the Tutorial Area the moment they could so they will probably be gone before you recover.

“Those fucking assholes,” Liam swore under his breath.

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