Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 137 – The Mess of Partial Gains


“*Laughs uncontrollably* - Eri.”


It’s not funny. Liam grumbled as he crumpled the paper and tossed it into his inventory. Why do I have to make that decision? I mean they saw an opportunity to leave without dealing with any of the troubles this will bring, but still. Why me?


“Probably because of your cautious nature. – Eri.”


What cautious nature? Liam questioned. He then slowly gestured to his hurt body as he added, Not sure if you noticed but there was no cautious nature in my decision that led me to this.


“What I meant was you don’t trust people easily and your nature to pick and choose what to say and to who. To be honest it’s probably a good idea they left it to you. From what I saw that Jude fellow is too rash and would make things more troublesome. That Inyis girl is too inexperience to know what she should say and what not to say. And that Aranis fellow wouldn’t know what to do. So that leaves you. Someone who will think before speaking and will not leak what shouldn’t. – Eri.”


Sounds like an excuse to me. Liam complained. Deciding to go back to some of the questions he had from earlier, Liam asked, You said my teammates received a Blessing from you. When did that happen and why? They didn’t lose themselves did they?


“Yes and no, they did not fully lose themselves to my Chaotic nature. They did feel it a bit, but not at the level you did. The amount that washed over them took hold for a few seconds, but they were able to overcome it. – Eri.”


Amount that washed over them? Not the same level as me? What do you mean? Liam asked.


“I won’t get into the different types of blessing for now. I will tell you that since you became my Champion and survived, no one else will have to go through that again so long as you stay alive. The level of Blessing they received wasn’t my lowest, but since you hold the highest that means they do not have the highest. – Eri.”


Liam’s brows furrowed as he grew confused. Again, what do you mean?


 A Deity can only have one Champion at a time. Since you are my Champion that means no one else can be as long as you stay alive. What I meant by they didn’t have the lowest or highest is exactly how it sounds. A Deity has different levels of Blessings. Again, I won’t get into it right now because it will take up a lot of time to explain it all. For now, all you need to know is why they accepted my Blessing. – Eri.”


Liam didn’t say anything as he waited for her to speak again.


“They accepted my blessing because of you. I talked to them during the fight after you lost control and explained the situation. The warring natures running through you amped the power of the Chaotic nature you received. The Nature of Order that boy Jude had wouldn’t have been able to stabilize your mind like he was able to with the other two because of that. I felt the only way to get through to you was from those who had a similar nature as you.”


“Because they accepted my Blessing they had my Chaos Nature washing over them and they used that to try and form a connection to your mind to try and pull you back long enough to get you to deactivate your Class Fusion ability….Do you remember any of that? – Eri.”


Liam tried to recall everything. He felt his face scrunch a bit as he said, I don’t remember a lot. After I blacked out everything was just gone. It almost felt like I just didn’t…exist. Then all of a sudden I came back. Not fully though…I do remember something…covering me, but not holding me in place. It was like I was floating in something. It felt dark, cold, desolate of anything. Almost like any and all life was erased. But at the same time, I felt the gazes of something or somethings staring at me…I also remember voices.


“Voices? What kind of voices? – Eri.”


There were many voices. First came the screams. Hateful screams. They assaulted me…Yelling at me, mocking me that I was a weak pathetic being…that I wasn’t… Liam’s brows furrowed as the word he was looking for suddenly disappeared as whispers grew loud enough to distract him for a brief moment.

He mentally shook his head, remembering that the Whispers from Beyond Debuff was still in effect, and continued, Next came the cries. They wailed that I was responsible for their deaths and the deaths of many more to come if I allowed people to continue to...

Again, the next few words suddenly escaped his thought process as the whispers grew in volume for a brief moment, distracting him once more. He was confused but brushed it off as he pushed forward.  

Soon after that the whispers came. Liam’s body suddenly shuddered. They were the scariest out of the voices.


“*Tilts head with a concerned look* Why were they the scariest? – Eri.”


They were sweet and soft. They embraced me and made me feel comforted. They told me that it was okay. That is was okay to rest…That I didn’t have to worry about anything anymore… that they would take care of things. Liam recounted. A sudden realization came to Liam as he talked about this part. But that wasn’t why they were scary…


“What do you mean? What was it that made them scary? – Eri.”


What made them the scariest out of all the voices was because they felt famil… Liam suddenly winced as a sharp pain suddenly jolted across his mind.


“Are you okay? – Eri.”


Yeah. I’m fine. Liam responded as he felt the pain subside. He took a breath in, held it for a moment, and let it out slowly. He then continued, I remember slowly starting to fall asleep, but before I could I heard my teammates voices. I couldn’t tell it was them at first. Something…Someone reminded me…scolded me that…it said…

As Liam tried to recount what had happened his breathing started to pace quickly. He didn’t realize it as he kept trying to push to remember exactly what had happened when his friends called out to him.

 It was weird. The harder he tried to remember what happened before he woke up while in that state, the more the whispers grew in volume. The whispers were jumbled and didn’t make any sense. He tried to push through them, but the whispers fought back harder until they became a loud jumbled white noise.

The noise pierced his ears, causing him to move his hands to his head to cover his ears. He let out a few grunts as he tried to recompose himself.


“Liam?! Liam? Are you okay Liam? – Eri.”


Liam winced as he felt a wave of pain wash over his body. He let out a pained grunt as he felt the wave swim across his limbs and muscles. He didn’t know what to do. He wanted the pain to stop, but the more he tried to think the more the white noise grew in his ears and the pain rippled across him.


 “Liam! Calm down Liam! God damn it. – Eri.”


The pain and noise grew so much Liam wasn’t sure what was going to happen. Then as quickly as the pain and noise came, it disappeared.

Liam let out pained filled gasps, trying to get in as much as air as he could. He didn’t know what happened, but he did feel something right as the pain and noise disappeared. It was a familiar touch, but he wasn’t sure why it was familiar.


“Liam!? Are you alright? – Eri.”


Yeah. Liam stated.


“What happened? – Eri.”


I’m not sure. Whispers just grew louder as I was talking to you. I think my Whispers from Beyond Debuff had some sort of flare up or something. I’m not sure how it works. Liam said, guessing what had happened.

Eri didn’t say anything for a few moments. After a minute had passed a new notification appeared.


“Let’s finish our talk here for now. You need to rest, and I fear I might have pushed you too hard with everything that has happened to you. Why don’t you get some rest for now and we can talk more later. – Eri.”


Sounds good. Liam said as he let out a yawn.  I’m going to look over my notifications before I fall back asleep. I know a bunch appeared after we defeated the Lich so I’m sure I’m pretty far behind on everything.


“Ah…About your notifications…- Eri.”


Liam raised a brow as he stared at the text log waiting for her next response.


“Any notifications related to your Sub-stat level ups will be suspended until your Stat Shatter Debuff disappears. – Eri.”


Liam stared at what she said like it was in a foreign language to him. What do you mean by that?


“Since your stats are sealed and decreased to the amount due to the level you have reached of the Debuff; any and all Sub-stat levels up are put on hold and suspended until the Debuff has disappeared. Since that is the current situation, your notifications on any Sub-stat Levels up will not be shown until it disappears, and the real level of your Sub-stats have been regained. – Eri.”


Liam stared at the text with his mouth open.


“That also goes for your Mental Resilience and Ailment Resistance. It is not limited to your Magical abilities or Physical skills, or any new things you received though. – Eri.”


Liam shook his head. He then muttered mentally to Eri, That’s bullshit.


“Eh. That’s how it goes. – Eri.”


Not feeling like arguing about something he can’t change, Liam decided to just see what he was able to.


“Congratulations! You have received Level 1 Gifts of Chaos as a Champion of Chaos!”

“Congratulations! You have received the following abilities with your Blessing, Champion of Chaos: Foolish Bravery, Chaotic Transmission, and Primeval Veil!”


This wasn’t new to him since Eri had told him about this earlier when he checked out his Faith and Blessings Section. The next thing he received surprised him though.


“Congratulations! You have received Seed of Discord!”


Hey Eri? What is this Seed of Discord? Liam questioned.


“When followers receive a Blessing from a Deity there is a small chance they will receive a Seed that is similar to, but not exactly like, the seed their Matron or Patron Deity has. The chances for a follower to receive it is very slim. However, a Champion automatically receives it from the get go when they receive their Level 1 Gifts. – Eri.”


So, it’s like the Seed of the Arcana but one tailored to your seed? Liam questioned. He was surprised by this. He didn’t expect to receive something so good.  


“Yes. However, it grows differently than your Seed of Arcana. The Seed of Discord will not have so many different styled Fields. It’ll only have Fields suited for the seed you received. You will get to choose one field at a time. Also, you will only be able to choose one Focus Point in each Field. Once when you get a Field to a certain level then a new Field will be available to pick from. - Eri.”


That’s…interesting. I wonder why it’s like that. What level do I have to each field before I can pick another? Liam inquired.


“*Slyly grins* You’ll have to find out for yourself. – Eri.”


Liam frowned. You’re no fun.

A new notification popped up.


“Would you like to open the Seed of Discord and accept a Field to finalize the planting? Yes No?”


Oh well, I’ll take a look and see… Liam started to say as he went to accept.


“NO! Don’t accept anything nor open it yet! – Eri.”

Alarmed and confused, Liam quickly stopped what he was doing and asked, Why? What’s wrong?


“The Primeval Veil won’t be able to shield you from the amount of power that will swirl around you when you open and accept a Field from the Seed of Discord. Wait till you leave here to do it. Outside you can play it off as someone strong you know was growing. Many won’t know any better. – Eri.”


Liam frowned before complying. That’s stupid. But if it’ll create a ruckus then I’ll wait.


“For now, just look over the rest of your notifications and get some rest. – Eri.”


Yes mom. Liam teased.


“You’re lucky I’m not your mother or else I’d whoop your ass for that sass. *Sticks tongue out* - Eri.”


Liam let out a chuckle as he closed the notification for now and pulled up the rest.


“Congratulations! Main Class ability - Spirit Weave has reached level 2! Progression to level 3: 100%!”

                                                                  ~ Elapses~

“Congratulations! Main Class ability - Spirit Weave has reached level 5! Progression to level 6: 10%!”

“Congratulations! The fondness of the spirits in your Shadow Lunar Daggers has increased! New ability has been unlocked! Note - Ability will be revealed next time you use Spirit Weave with this weapon set.”

“Congratulations! Main Class ability – Soul Harvest has leveled up!”

“Warning! Due to Tutorial Restrictions, you cannot level this ability any higher. Any and all experience gain while still in the Tutorial Area will accumulate after leaving the Tutorial Area!”

“Congratulations! Weapon Skills -Dagger has reached level 18! Progression to level 19: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Weapon Skills -Dagger has reached level 19! Progression to level 20: 90%!”

“Congratulations! Shadow Mana Manipulation has reached level 11! Progression to level 12: 100%!”

                                                                   ~ Elapses~

“Congratulations! Shadow Mana Manipulation has reached level 15! Progression to level 16: 1%!”                                                                   

“Congratulations! You have learned how to manipulate the Mana Type - Lunar Mana. Lunar Mana Manipulation has reached level 1! Progression to level 2: 100%!”

                                                                      ~ Elapses~

“Congratulations! Lunar Mana Manipulation has reached level 9! Progression to level 10: 9%!”

“Congratulations! Field of the Shadows has reached level 16! Progression to level 17: 100%!”

                                                                   ~ Elapses~

“Congratulations! Field of the Shadows has reached level 18! Progression to level 19: 17%!”

“Congratulations! Shadow Hand has reached level 16! Progression to level 17: 100%!”

                                                                   ~ Elapses~

“Congratulations! Shadow Hand has reached level 18! Progression to level 19: 17%!”

“Congratulations! Grasp of the Shadows has reached level 12! Progression to level 13: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Grasp of the Shadows has reached level 13! Progression to level 14: 1%!”

“Congratulations! Shadow Step has reached level 7! Progression to level 8: 100%!”

                                                                   ~ Elapses~

“Congratulations! Shadow Step has reached level 9! Progression to level 10: 1%!”

“Congratulations! You have received the Field of the Lunar – Focus Point – Utility (Lunar) ability – Lunar Hand!”

“Congratulations! Lunar Hand has reached level 2! Progression to level 3: 100%!”

                                                                      ~ Elapses~

“Congratulations! Lunar Hand has reached level 10! Progression to level 11: 0%! You can now create two Lunar hands.”

“Congratulations! Field of the Elements has reached level 17! Progression to level 18: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Field of the Elements has reached level 18! Progression to level 19: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Focus Point – Gravity has reached level 17! Progression to level 18: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Focus Point – Gravity has reached level 18! Progression to level 19: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Gravitational Force Increase has reached level 17! Progression to level 18: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Gravitational Force Increase has reached level 18! Progression to level 19: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Gravity Force Well has reached level 13! Progression to level 14: 100%!”

                                                                      ~ Elapses~

“Congratulations! Gravity Force Well has reached level 15! Progression to level 16: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Non-Combat Ability Perception of the Control Tower has reached level 15! Progression to level 16: 100%!”

                                                                      ~ Elapses~

“Congratulations! Non-Combat Ability Perception of the Control Tower has reached level 17! Progression to level 18: 30%!”

“Congratulations! Non-Combat Ability Mana Sight has reached level 19! Progression to level 20: 17%!”

“Congratulations! Non-Combat Ability Mana Manipulation has reached level 17! Progression to level 18: 100%!”

                                                                      ~ Elapses~

“Congratulations! Non-Combat Ability Mana Manipulation has reached level 19! Progression to level 20: 20%!”

“Congratulations! Non-Combat Ability Mana Channeling has reached level 19! Progression to level 20: 20%!”

“Congratulations! Non-Combat Ability Mana Control has reached level 17! Progression to level 18: 100%!”

                                                                      ~ Elapses~

“Congratulations! Non-Combat Ability Mana Control has reached level 19! Progression to level 20: 20%!”

“Congratulations! You have received Common Soul Orb of Askith Mummy Guard x 9!”

“Congratulations! You have received Common Soul Orb of Rotted Askith Zombie x 12!”

“Congratulations! You have received Common Soul Orb of Elite Askith Skeleton Soldier x 6!”

“Congratulations! You have received Common Soul Orb of Shredding Zombie x 4!”

“Congratulations! You have received Common Soul Orb of Askith Skeleton Warrior x 13!”

“Congratulations! You have received Common Soul Orb of Hubristic Arisen Lich! Item Type – Crafting Material (Spirit).”

“Congratulations! You have received Book: Fall of the Askith Nation! Item type – Book. Item Rarity – Historic. Description – A history book filled with the events that led to the downfall of the Forgotten Nation of the Askith Empire!”

“Congratulations! You have successfully pushed back the anomalies and threat that should have killed you. You have received Umbral Goggles of the Fallen One!”

“Umbral Goggles of the Fallen One. Item Type – Armor (Eye Protection). Item Rarity – Unique. Item Quality – Excellent. Armor + 40. + 25% to Perception when worn over the eyes. + 25% to making a higher quality crafting item when worn while crafting. + 25% to detecting unusual creatures or people hiding in the shadows. + 15% increase to Shadow abilities.”


Liam stared at the last three notifications. Most of the things he read were shocking, but these two items were amazing just as much as finding out that he didn’t need to kill anything to get the goggles. He thought in order to receive loot from creatures he needed to kill them, but receiving this item from just surviving and pushing it back. That was an amazing discovery.

Liam pulled up his inventory and looked for both items. He found the book and pulled it out to inspect it. It was a thick tannish covered book with a picture of a Spider Tailed Horned Viper resting on the front cover staring menacingly.

 He opened it to inspect the inside and flipped the pages. Each page held words and pictures. As he skimmed the pages he saw familiar pictures of monsters he and his team had fought from the fifth floor of the dungeon as well as pictures of what different citizens of the nation looked like.

Liam closed the book and placed it back into his inventory. It wasn’t a light read and he was feeling exhaustion starting to come back. He looked back into his inventory for the other reward he had gotten. Once when he pulled them out his eyes widened.

It was just two circular eye protections that connected together with a jet black material. There was no strap that ran from the edges of the eye protection to connect so they wouldn’t fall off. The eye protection were circular, just like his old goggles, except the lens were a raven black color. However, what shocked him was the shadowy smoke that lightly rolled off the item.

Liam slowly brought them closer to his face so he could inspect them. He noticed that the raven black lenses were actually the shadowy smoke, he saw earlier, engulfing them. The smoke was circling around from the center to the outside allowing the smoke to roll off to the outside area of the goggles. Besides that, there wasn’t anything else unusual about them.

“I wonder if you can even see through them,” Liam whispered to himself as he turned them around and rested the goggles over his eyes.

As soon as they touched his skin, the goggles suddenly stuck around his eyes. The shadowy smoke shout out and around the back of his head, connecting together.

Liam panicked at first and went to tear them off but stopped. He watched from the inside of the goggles as the swirling shadowy smoke rolled off the lens and to the side of his head. He was able to see clearly through them now.

He could feel the smoke touch his skin and it made him tense. He could feel the goosebumps start to form as the familiar cold dark feeling brushed against him.

The feeling reminded him of what he went through not too long ago. It scared him. It scared him, but it also comforted him. As powerful as that sensation that covered him when he was trapped within his own mind was, it was also soothing. It almost felt like it was…

Liam shook himself before the final thought finished. He then grabbed the edges of the goggles and pulled them off of his head. The shadowy smoke strap disappeared and receded back around the lens, swirling.

The feeling that he was getting from them disappeared as he stared back down at them.

Was it a figment of my imagination? Liam thought as he stared at them. He wasn’t getting that feeling he had when he was wearing them.

He stared at them for a while to see if it would come back. Nothing happened after a minute. He then sighed before placing them back into his inventory and stating, “I need to sleep. I feel like I’m losing my mind after everything that has happened.”

Liam slowly lowered himself to lay down. As he did he felt the sweet embrace of sleep start to take hold of him.

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