Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 32 – Free materials is free materials.

The Spider-tailed Horned Viper turning away from Artem and striking Blair caught everyone off guard.

As the Viper’s mouth closed in on Blair, she brought her left hand as close to the head of the great axe as she could and swung up. The edge of the blade slammed against the chin of the creature making it close its mouth and change the trajectory of the head to face up.

“Shit!” Mercer cursed as he stopped playing his song.

“It’s ok,” Liam called out. “Once when the cooldown is done, play it again on Blair!”

The Viper tried to strike again at Blair. Its mouth clamped down into the ground with nothing to swallow.

Blair had jumped out of the way above the Viper’s head and swung her great axe down as hard as she could. The force of her weapon collided with the top of the creature’s head and bounced against the rocky terrain.

“Attackers in!” Liam ordered as Avery and Roman rushed on both sides and started attacking with their weapons.

Liam pointed one of his daggers and started chanting, “O Gravity, powerful and dangerous. Become heavier and stronger. Bring the Force down upon my enemy slowing and hindering its movements. Gravitational Force Increase!”

A purplish color started to cover the Snake. After a moment it stopped and faded away.

A notification screen appeared.


“Gravitational Force Increase has failed.”


“Damn it,” Liam swore.

He watched as Avery swung her rapier as fast as she could against the scales and Roman punched it with his gauntlets.

Blair blocked a strike from the snake’s mouth as Artem tried letting out another War Cry and failed once more.

A sudden movement caught Liam’s attention. When he saw what it was, he sprinted forward and shouted, “Artem incoming six o’clock!”

Artem turned his head to see the spider shaped tail skittering towards him at full speed. He brought his shield up and blocked it right before the mouth on it could bite him.

Liam appeared on the left side of Artem and plunged both of his daggers into the side of the spider body.

As he brought his daggers out, one of the spiked legs lifted and cut Liam on his arm. He felt a stinging sensation as a bit of blood trickled out of the cut. A notification appeared as he took a step back.

“You have been inflicted with Viper Venom. 5 HP per 15 seconds will drop until it has been cleansed.”

A chime sound echoed in Liam’s mind as he mentally closed the message and called out, “The Spider tail can inflict venom! So, watch out!”

“Need me to detox it?” Artem called out before blocking a strike from the spiked spider legs.

“I’m good for right now,” Liam responded as he winced from the pain. “Focus on trying to block the tail for now.”

Artem grunted his replied as he parried another strike.

“My sword isn’t doing much against these scales,” Avery complained.

“Avery and Roman! If your attacks aren’t doing much then switch to the tail,” Liam yelled. “The spider body is less armored than the main body!”

“Got it!” Roman shouted as he sprinted around the main body to get to the tail.

Avery spun around, planted her foot then rushed over with her sword ready to attack.

An arrow flew towards the main body and bounced off the scales as a violet orb collided.

“Arrows have no affect either,” Mercer informed.

“Arcane spells work!” Ariyana yelled.

“Alright,” Liam said. “Mercer switch over to Arcane spells for now.”

“Sure thing,” Mercer replied as he put his bow away and pulled out his flute.

Liam took in the scene before him. Blair used the weight of her weapon to pull herself out of harm’s way or counter attacking the Viper’s attacks.

Artem used his shield to stop the spider-like tail from clawing Avery and Roman.

Both Avery and Roman struck the tail with their weapons any chance they got.

Ariyana chanted Arcane Swarm while Mercer cast his Arcane shot.

The arcane attacks collided against the spiked scales and caused bouts of dust. The attacks Avery and Roman landed pierced and slammed against the sleeker shell of the spider tail but didn’t look like it was slowing it down.

Blair’s attacks created loud sounds as if she was hitting solid stones but were effective enough to make the head move back.

Liam assessed the Viper.


“Spider Tailed Horned Viper. 210/300 HP. 50/50 MP.”


“This doesn’t look good,” Liam muttered to himself as he ran through different strategies. A sharp pain suddenly pulsed. He winced as he looked at his arm.

A couple of black lines slowly crept up his arm. With each inch it moved up a pulse of pain made its presence known.

Liam clenched his teeth as he looked back at the monster again. He quickly glanced at his HP.


“Liam - 106/138 HP.”


“We need to do something about that tail. Once when we take care of that I can get rid of this pain,” Liam thought as he pulled his goggles over his eyes. “I need something.”

He stared at the monster’s head.



“Liam- 101/138 HP.”


He stared at the creature’s back.



“Liam – 96/138 HP.”


Liam winced again as the pain grew sharper. His eyes squinted as he tried to focus even harder on the snake. He stared at the tail this time, but still didn’t see anything they could do to cause that extra damage.


“Liam – 91/138 HP.”


“I could use some help here guys!” Blair called out as she swung her great axe around and collided one of the bladed edges against the side of the Viper’s head.

“We’re trying our best here!” Ariyana shouted as she drank a mana potion.

“We need something here Liam!” Avery yelled as she swung her blade three times up and down.

“I’m thinking!” Liam shouted as he felt the pulse reach his elbow.


“Liam – 86/138 HP.”


“No not that way!” Artem cried out as Roman jumped backwards to dodge a spiked leg from the spider tail.

Not paying attention to his surroundings Roman had jumped back right into the body of the Viper, hitting a couple of the jagged scales and stopping him dodging a strike from the claw-like leg of the spider tail.

Roman let out a pained yell making the Viper bring its head up to look at him.

Without waiting the Spider-tailed Horned Viper swiftly lurched down as fast as it could with its mouth wide open.

Before it could eat Roman, Blair swung her great axe up as hard as she could against the chin of the creature making the head fly up and backwards.

“There it is!” Liam thought as a faint glow appeared in three different spots.

The creature’s eyes, the inside of the mouth, and the section where the tail and the main body connected.

Fighting the painful pulse that brought another five points of health down, Liam formulated a plan.

I have an idea that might work, but the chances are low. It’s a gamble, but… Liam thought as he finalized the plan forming. He then shouted, “Blair! Gravity Option four!”

“Are you sure about that?” She questioned.

“Yes!” Liam replied as he gripped his right arm.

She let out a loud annoyed grunt before asking, “What’s my target?”

“The section where the tail and main body meet,” Liam replied.

“Are you serious!” Blair shouted as she parried another strike. “I can’t get a perfect hit from here.”

“I know,” Liam began. “Artem when I say switch, lift your shield up and give Blair a boost. Then use your war cry to get the Viper’s attention.”

“It didn’t work last time though,” Artem protested.

“Then try again and make it work!” Liam argued. “Ram some spikes into it! I don’t care how you do it! Get its damn attention!”

“Fine!” Artem replied with frustration laced thick in his voice.

“Roman!” Liam started up again. “Once when its tail is gone use Static grasp!”

“Huh!? But…,” Roman began.

“Not on its scales but on its open wound!” Liam shouted as he fought the pain once more. “Ok!?”

“Fine! Got it!” Roman yelled back.

“On my mark,” Liam instructed as he watched for an opening. He then mumbled to himself as he gauged the scene before him, “You only get one shot at this. Don’t screw this up Liam.”

As soon as Blair knocked back the Viper’s head, Liam shouted, “Switch!”

Blair pivoted herself to face Artem who had brought his shield up. As Blair jumped onto the shield, Liam started chanting, “O Gravity, powerful and dangerous.”

Artem squatted down a bit and then pushed up as hard as he could, giving Blair an extra push as she launched herself up.

“Become heavier and stronger,” Liam continued as he kept his eyes on Blair.

He’s god damn crazy putting this much pressure on me. Blair thought as she searched for the spot Liam spoke of while flying up in the direction of the tail. After locking on it she brought her weapon up over her head. With a scowl she thought, I swear if I screw this up I’m going to kick his ass for this ludicrous plan of his!

Artem turned and let out a loud roar directed at the Viper as it looked at Blair.

The Viper ignored him again and started to recoil to strike.

Artem let out a yell of annoyance as he brought his shield up and used his Bash skill while forming spikes across his Kite Shield. He rammed into the belly of the monster with so much force it caused the Viper to finally look his way.

  “Bring the Force down upon my enemy slowing and hindering its movements. Gravitational Force Increase!” Liam finished as he unleashed the Gravity ability on Blair.

Blair felt the gravity around begin to increase as she swung her Great Axe down, allowing the increased weight to pull them both down fast and hard.

The blade connected with the spot she kept her eyes on.

She felt some resistance for a brief moment before the weapon sliced through, cutting the spider-like tail cleanly off. Blood started spraying as the Viper let out a pained hiss.

Using all her muscles she moved the weapon out of the way as Roman’s electrified hand reached for the open wound, but missed as the numbed section flailed up.

“Run up!” Blair shouted as she turned her back to him and lowered her head.

Roman jumped up on her back and pushed off trying to reach out once more for his target. He watched as the sparks started to die out. However, the open wound swung back and touched his open palm. Sparks started to rush into the spray of blood causing the snake to stop moving.

Roman fell down wiping away from blood that sprayed against his face and arm. “Now wha….” He started until he saw Liam run up the snake.

“Five seconds,” Liam thought as he rushed up the back of the creature.


He made it halfway.


He put his daggers away and pulled out a bubble bottom flask with a tannish liquid inside as he continued for the head. A harsh pain caused him to feel his legs lock for a split second.

“Not now!” Liam thought as he pushed through the pain and continued.


As soon as he judged he was close enough he threw the item in his hand and watched it crash against the nose of the monster. The liquid coated the eyes and the opened mouth.


Liam started to chant, until he felt the body arch down and then back up, launching Liam into the air.

“Liam!” Mercer and Ariyana shouted.

Liam cartwheeled in the air. He righted himself to face the Spider Tailed Horned Viper. The snake recoiled its head back and struck for him with its mouth open once more.

Liam smiled as he stated, “Thank you for your cooperation for this experiment.” He then chanted as he brought an open palm out, “Come forth heat of flames and burn the pyre I set before you. Become the tool that will help in my endeavor. Light and Burn!”

A flame appeared on his hand. He then brought it back and threw it as fast as he could at the snake’s head. As the flame touched the liquid that was still on its nose, a raging fire lit up and spread across to its eyes and into its mouth.

The Spider Tailed Horned Viper reeled back, hissing loudly and violently swinging its sliced tail.

Liam grinned as he fell closer to the ground. He went to turn his body so he could roll when he landed to negate some of the damage, but when he tried his body spasmed a bit making him let out a pained grunt.


“Liam – 36/138."


Crap! Why didn’t you drink a fucking potion Liam! Liam chastised himself as he opened an eye to see the ground coming in hot. He let out a slight chuckle as he mumbled, “Mistakes were made.” He braced for impact, as he accepted his mistake.

However, right before he could crash land, Artem caught him while running.

The weight from Liam falling so high caused them to roll, but Artem didn’t let go as he got back to his feet from that roll and ran with Liam in his arms away from the creature.

When they were far enough away Artem sat him down and started chanting, “Impurities coursing through the body have no place here. Expel, expunge, disperse all foreign substances to make the body healthy once more. Detox!”

Liam felt a cold sensation wash from his shoulder, down his arm, and out the wound he had. As the liquid started to pool out, Liam grabbed an empty vial with his other hand and gathered some of the venom as it started to fall to the floor.

Artem shook his head as he asked, “You almost died and the first thing you do is collect materials?”

Liam grinned boyishly as he replied, “Free materials is free materials.” He then corked it and put it away.

“How are you feeling?” Artem asked as he extended a hand out.

Liam grasped it and was raised to his feet. He glanced at his HP.


“Liam – 11/138 HP.”


Liam let out a low whistle as he thought, Cutting it close there. He then answered Artem, “I’ll be fine as I heal up.”

“I’ll take care of that,” Mercer said as he approached them. He put his flute up to his lips and started playing a light melody.

Liam could feel the song touch him and bring his back up as a light green glow pulse out from Mercer and covered Liam.

This was his Health Pulse Song from his Mana Channeling Focus Point. The song refilled five HP per second of the target. It drained three MP per second while he played the song.

After Liam’s HP reached halfway, he stated, “That’s good enough.”

Mercer stopped the song, then pulled out a mana potion and drank it.

Liam looked at the Viper, who was violent thrashing around trying to put the fire out.

“Artem, use your Healing Aura on the others,” Liam instructed as he kept his eyes on the snake. He assessed it again.


“Spider Tailed Horned Viper. 65/300 HP. 50/50 MP.”


“It’s almost dead. Let’s finish this,” Liam stated as he pulled his daggers back out.

Artem and Mercer nodded in agreement as Artem ran back out to the front liners who were watching the creature.

“Avery! Use Fire ball and try to keep that flame going,” Liam called out. “Everyone else, use any Arcane spell you have and try to take it down.

“Got it!” they responded.

Artem got close enough to the others, reached both of arms out in front of him, and started chanting, “O’ Heart beating inside me, I beseech you to pulse loud and true. Release the healing sensation hidden within your pressure. Wash over those I wish to protect and refresh their spirits again. Refreshing Aura!”

Refreshing Aura was an Aura Focus Point ability. It released an aura that healed five health points per second for ten seconds replenishing a total of fifty HP. The caster cannot move or else it would stop the ability.

Avery pointed her rapier at the snake and chanted, “Oh, flame of burning power. I beseech you to come forth. Burning bright and hot shoot true towards my enemy. Fireball!”

A ball of fire the size of a baseball formed at the tip of her sword. After the chant was done it shot forward and reignited the dying flames as it crashed against the snake’s head.

Blair and Mercer chanted their Arcane Shot spells as Ariyana and Roman pelted the body of the creature with their Arcane Swarm spell.

Liam watched as the health of the Spider Tailed Horned Viper plummet with each hit.

The Floor Boss suddenly stopped thrashing uncontrollably as a purple gas started to roll out of its mouth. As a final ditch effort, it released the built-up gas pushing it out as it moved its head side to side.

The purple gas washed over everyone as its body slumped and the head dropped to the ground.

A couple of notifications appeared.


“Congratulations! You have defeated Spider Tailed Horned Viper!”

“You have been afflicted with Noxious Gas! You take 5 damage every 3 seconds till this has been lifted.”


“Not again,” Liam groaned.

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