Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 33 – Lucky Soul

Coughing fits echoed all around them as the venomous gas started to disperse.

“What is it,” Blair coughed, “with bosses…and nasty…gases.”

“I blame…Roman,” Liam teased as he waved a hand around.

“Why me?” Roman asked as he frowned at Liam.

“Because,” Ariyana started as she began to settle her coughing fit while turning to Roman. She then finished with a smile that felt more evil than sincere, “You always say things when you should keep your damn mouth shut.”

“Fair enough,” Roman said as he righted himself.

 Liam held back the laugh that was trying to escape fearing that another coughing fit would start back up. He shook his head as a few chime noises echoed before notifications appeared.


“Congratulations! You have received Ailment Resistance – Venom. Ailment Resistance has reached level 1! Progression to level 2: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Body main stat Constitution sub-stat Ailment Resistance has reached level 1! Progression to level 2: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Ailment Resistance has reached level 2! Progression to level 3: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Body main stat Constitution sub-stat Ailment Resistance has reached level 2! Progression to level 3: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Ailment Resistance has reached level 3! Progression to level 4: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Body main stat Constitution sub-stat Ailment Resistance has reached level 3! Progression to level 4: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Ailment Resistance has reached level 4! Progression to level 5: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Body main stat Constitution sub-stat Ailment Resistance has reached level 4! Progression to level 5: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Ailment Resistance has reached level 5! Progression to level 6: 31%!”

“Congratulations! Body main stat Constitution sub-stat Ailment Resistance has reached level 5! Progression to level 6: 31%.”

“Congratulations! Body Stat Constitution sub-stat Resilience has reached level 10! Plus 5% to physical pain tolerance. Progression to level 11: 0%.”

“Congratulations! Body Stat Constitution sub-stat Vitality has reached level 6! Progression to level 7: 24%.”

“Congratulations! Body Stat Dexterity sub-stat Agility has reached level 12! Progression to level 13: 4%.”

“Congratulations! Body Stat Dexterity sub-stat Fine Motor has reached level 12! Progression to level 12: 11%.”

“Congratulations! Body Stat Dexterity sub-stat Reflex has reached level 12! Progression to level 13: 9%.”

“Congratulations! Body Stat Dexterity sub-stat Agility has reached level 13! Progression to level 14: 7%.”

“Congratulations! Body Stat Endurance sub-stat Stamina Endurance has reached level 11! Progression to level 12: 34%.”

“Congratulations! Body Stat Endurance sub-stat Body Endurance has reached level 11! Progression to level 12: 23%.”

“Congratulations! Mind Stat Fortitude sub-stat Cognition Perseverance has reached level 10! Plus 5% to mental pain tolerance. You can now focus a little better through the pain clouding your mind. Progression to level 11: 0%.”

“Congratulations! Mind Stat Intelligence sub-stat Perception has reached level 16! Progression to level 17: 45%.”

“Congratulations! Mind Stat Wisdom sub-stat Magic Practicality has reached level 11! Progression to level 12: 5%.”

“Congratulations! Mind Stat Wisdom sub-stat Physical Practicality has reached level 10! You can now wield your chosen weapon easier. Weapon arts are now available to learn. +2.5% to successful hits to any weapon skills level 10 or higher. Progression to level 11: 5%.”

“Congratulations! Spirit Stat Luck sub-stat Lucky Break has reached level 10! +5% to unfavorable situations being turned around. Progression to level 11: 0%.”

“Congratulations! Spirit Stat Recovery sub-stat HP Recovery has reached level 9! Progression to level 10: 1%.”

“Congratulations! Spirit Stat Will sub-stat Will Power has reached level 12! Progression to level 13: 0%.”

“Congratulations! Production Craft Focus Point Light and Burn ability has reached level 4. Progression to level 5: 0%.”

“Congratulations! Field of the Elements Focus Point Gravity has reached level 2. Progression to level 3: 25%.”

“Congratulations! Gravity ability Gravitational Force Increase has reached level 2. Progression to level 3: 25%.”

“Congratulations! Your Non-Combat Ability Perception of the Control Tower has reached level 2! Progression to level 3: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Your Non-Combat Ability Perception of the Control Tower has reached level 3! Progression to level 4: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Your Non-Combat Ability Perception of the Control Tower has reached level 4! Progression to level 5: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Your Non-Combat Ability Perception of the Control Tower has reached level 5! Progression to level 6: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Your Non-Combat Ability Perception of the Control Tower has reached level 6! Progression to level 7: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Your Non-Combat ability Perception of the Control Tower has reached level 7! Progression to level 2: 1%!”

“Congratulations! Personal level has reached level 4. You have received 4 points to allocate in each Main Stat Category. Total available points to use 12 in Body, Mind, and Spirit.”


“Damn,” Liam muttered under his breath with wide eyes as he looked at the notifications.

As he stared at the Ailment Resistance level ups, he remembered what Phorge said at the beginning. He then thought about how much the venom hurt letting it run through his veins while trying to fight.

Damn straight its painful to level up! I never want to go through that again. He thought. Even though he thought this he knew deep down that he was going to have to go through the pain again. It was a necessary evil to grow stronger.

He brought his eyes to his Magic Practicality level up.

 “Did using my crafting magic in that way have a play in it?” He whispered as he scrunched his brows.

He shook his head as he thought, I’m going to need to experiment more. Now that I know I can use it like that I’m going to have to get more oil and come up with better ways to execute it.

His thoughts then turned to his Physical Practicality. What the hell are Weapon arts? I’ll have to ask that later. The five percent to successful hits will come into play with my daggers so that’s a welcomed surprise.

He stared at his Perception of the Control Tower level up notifications and wondered how it leveled up so fast. After thinking it over he surmised, I guess keeping it activated the entire time must have played a role in it.

As he closed his windows, he nodded with a content smile. He was happy with his sub-stat growth. Now if only he could find out as to why his personal levels were slow to growing, progression to that level, and why he couldn’t see any experience gains from killing monster then he’d feel more at ease.

“Nothing I can do but push forward till I figure it out,” he whispered as he saw Artem approach and start chanting.

“Impurities coursing through the body have no place here. Expel, expunge, disperse all foreign substances to make the body healthy once more. Detox!” Artem finished.

Liam felt something in his stomach start to rise into his lungs then up his throat. The sensation burned as a purple gas rolled out his mouth causing him to cough harshly.

After the last bit of noxious cloud filtered out, Artem said with a nod, “Drink some water. It’ll help take away that nasty after taste.”

“Thanks,” Liam croaked as he pulled a bottle out and started drinking it. A hand suddenly slapped his back causing him to cough up some of the water going down his throat.

“That was crazy! What possessed you to try a stunt like that?” Roman questioned as he brought his hand back. A bit of the blood that was on his hand smeared on Liam’s back.

“I have to admit,” Blair started as she approached them, “that gamble of yours paid off.”

“That really was a gamble,” Liam nodded. “I knew you’d hit the right spot. However, I wasn’t sure if you’d cut it all the way with one strike.”

“That Gravitational Force Increase spell did the trick,” Blair said. “If you didn’t time it properly, I don’t think I would have pulled it off.”

“I got lucky.” Liam grinned as he stared at her.

“I’d say,” Avery agreed while she walked up to them with Mercer and Ariyana.

Liam turned to Mercer and asked, “Did you loot it?”

“You bet I did,” Mercer smiled happily. “This is the equipment we got.”

Mercer pulled out the first item for everyone to see. It was a bow. The top and bottom limb were a tannish color with small, jagged spikes that stopped right at the curved limb tips. Two spiders sat in the back of the top and bottom limb where the string ran through their mouths.

The top part of the riser had the top jaw of a Viper head with two fangs. The bottom part was the lower jaw with two more fangs. The inside of the bottom jaw was hollowed out enough to protect the user’s hand grip. The inside of the top part had a section that looked like a medium sized vial could attach.

Liam assessed the weapon.


“Horned Viper Bow. Item Rarity – Rare. Item Quality – Average. Description – A bow made from parts from a Spider Tailed Horned Viper. Attaching a vial of poison or venom allows a couple of drops to coat an arrow when notched back.”


“That’s a sweet weapon,” Roman complemented.

“Congratulations Mercer,” Blair stated with a grin.

“Are you guys sure?” Mercer questioned.

“Yes. You’re the only one out of us all who can use bows,” Avery answered. “So, it’s only right that you get it.”

“I agree,” Liam started. “I have a request though.”

Mercer looked at him. “What is your request?”

“Can you give me your old bow?” Liam asked. He then looked at the others. “Same with you guys. When you get new weapons can I get your old ones?”

“Sure, but why do you need them?” Mercer inquired with a quizzical look. “I thought you only used daggers.”

“I do, but if I plan on trying to make better weapons later on it’ll be best if I get a better feel for them by training in the weapon skills,” Liam answered.

He saw the confused look on their faces.

Liam then explained, “Fia had told me that by training in weapon skills I can get a better understanding on how they work, how heavy or light they need to be, etcetera. By doing this I can make better quality items.”

“Oh,” they all responded.

“That makes sense,” Mercer said as he nodded. “Yeah, I can give you my old bow. Oh, there was another item that dropped that you might be interested in.”

Liam raised a brow as Mercer handed him a weird looking item that had straps connected with metal rings.

Liam assessed the item.


“Throwing Dagger Scabbard. Item Rarity – Uncommon. Item Quality – Poor. Description – A scabbard mean to be worn over your shoulders for throwing daggers. Holds 6 throwing daggers. Empty slots will automatically fill with throwing daggers only if you have spare ones in your inventory.”


“Holy crap!” Liam shouted while he stared at it with disbelief. “How though? I thought Floor Boss Monsters drop only one equipment loot?”

Liam placed his arms through the arm loops and set the equipment in place.

The dagger holders suddenly filled with six of the Talon daggers that where in his inventory. The six daggers hung sideways against his rib cage. The blades were completely covered by the leathery scabbards. This kept his sides safe from being stabbed by his own weapons.

He twisted his body and jumped to see how it felt. After testing his flexibility with his new equipment, he stopped, satisfied with it.

Mercer shrugged. “I don’t know.”

Before Liam could say anything, a chime echoed in his mind as if answering their question.


“Congratulations! Spirit Stat Luck sub-stat Lucky Soul has reached level 10! +5% to more loot drop chances on monsters or finding random treasure and materials.”


Liam grinned as he closed the message. He then unconsciously said out loud, “Well that explains it.”

Everyone eyed him questionably.

“What explains it?” Ariyana voiced the question everyone had.

“Huh? Oh, sorry,” Liam shook his head. “My Lucky Soul sub-stat just hit level ten. The perks gives a five percent to more loot drop chances. It also applies to finding random treasure and materials.”

“That’s amazing!” Ariyana shouted as an excitable smile grew on her face.

“Right?” Liam smiled back. “Anyways was there anything else? Any craf…”

“You and crafting materials,” Artem snorted.

Liam frowned at him before giving a sheepish smile. “My bad.”

“Not at all,” Mercer laughed as he pulled out some items. “Yes, three medium sized vials of Viper venom.”


“Spider Tailed Horned Viper Venom. Item Rarity – Rare. Item Quality – Poor. Description – Venom of a Spider Tailed Horned Viper. Extremely dangerous to ingest. Can be used to make improved poisons and antidotes. Can be used to coat on weapons after properly being deluded. Can be used for other things in Alchemy.”


“Score!” Liam shouted. “Thank you, I’m going to see what I can harvest out of that thing and then let’s head out of here.”

“Got it,” Mercer nodded as Liam walked away.

Liam approached the Spider Tailed Horned Viper and reached a hand out. He then chanted one word, “Harvest.”


“You have received 4 Viper Fangs.”

“Viper Fangs. Crafting materials. Item Rarity – Uncommon. Item Quality – Poor. Description – Sharp fangs from a Viper creature. Sharp enough that it can pierce almost anything. Can be crafting into a weapon or any useful craftable creation.”

“You have received 1 Viper Venom Gland.”

“Spider Tailed Horned Viper Venom Gland. Crafting material. Item Rarity – Rare. Item Quality – Poor. Description – The Venom gland of a Spider Tailed Horned Viper. Contains potent venom that can be extracted and be made into a venomous coat for weapons or be diluted and used for certain Alchemic recipes. Due to it being poorly harvested, the gland holds only 50% of the venom it had before it was carved out.” 


“That sucks that it only has fifty percent left. I really need to harvest more and get it leveled up, so I don’t have to worry about that,” Liam frowned. A couple chimes rang as more notifications appeared.


“Congratulations! Class Skill and Gathering Craft ability Harvest has reached level 12. Progression to level 13: 0%.”

“Congratulations! Class Skill and Production Craft ability Item Understandance has reached level 6. Progression to level 7: 0%.”


Liam shrugged as he muttered, “Well played.”

A rumble suddenly caught everyone’s attention.

They all turned to the solid stone slab and watched as it slid down to reveal two swirling portals. One stood in front of an open door while the other sat a bit off to the side.

“Looks like our ride is here,” Liam called out.

“Good, I could use a bath,” Roman stated as he started for it.

“I’d say. I can smell you from here,” Ariyana teased as she waved her hand in front of her nose.

“Ha, ha, ha,” Roman replied as they started walking through the portal.

After they walked through the exit portal skeletons slowly flooded the room. They made their way towards the dead creature. Like ants, they surrounded the monster, lifted it up and carried it through the opening of the spider hole they had come out of. Their bones rattling echoed as a sinister laugh danced in the air.




A chime sounded in Liam’s head as he stepped out of the portal. Dizziness and a wave of nausea washed over him. He stumbled as he took a few steps away from the portal. He started to dry heave while fighting the urge to vomit.

After a few moments passed, the disgusting sensation went away. He looked back at his team and watched as a couple weren’t as lucky as him and the rest. He then turned his head to see groups of people staring at them while whispering.

“Why are they staring at us?” Avery asked as she walked up next to Liam.

He turned to his group and then to other groups coming out of their assigned dungeons. After comparing his group to others, he noticed a difference.

While other groups came out unscathed and with little tears or small dents in their armor; his group sported bruises and cuts over their bodies that weren’t completely healed from the potions.

Potions healed all wounds and replenished your HP, but only higher leveled potions took away all the wounds. Weak health potions could only close the wounds. Their armor was dented and ripped in some places. Roman still had blood from the Spider Tailed Horned Viper splotched around him.

Liam muttered softly, “I don’t like where this could lead.”

Before Avery could ask what, he meant, a grandmotherly voiced asked, “My heavens what happened to you lot?”

Liam slowly turned to see Adva walking up to them with a look of concern. “Why do you look like you just came out of a massive battle?”

Confused Mercer looked at her and asked, “Isn’t this normal for dungeon runs?”

“Dungeon runs in the ones outside of the Tutorial Area yes, but not here,” Phorge stated as he appeared next to Adva.

“These dungeons are designed to be tough, but not to the point where it makes you look like you fought an army or something,” Adva added as she took in each one. “If your group’s synergy is not where it should be then I would suggest splitting and find a new group that can compli…”

“Our synergy is fine. We’re able to handle ourselves,” Roman pointedly stated.

Everyone was taken aback by Roman’s sudden attitude.

“I meant no disrespect. I was just simply,” Adva started to say.

“We have heard your advice and will take it with the consideration it was given in… However,” Liam said was an even tone. “What we decide to do and with whom, is our business.”

Adva stared at him for a while. She then shook her head and said, “I am sorry. I did not mean to sound like I was undermining you and your group’s choice of companions.”

“That is fine,” Liam began as he started to walk away. “If you’ll excuse us, we would like to clean up.”

“I may have spoken out of turn, “Adva said as he walked by her making him stop and glance over, “Albeit, I want to still stand on what I have said. If you need advice about anything, please do not be afraid to ask us.”

“If and when I need it,” Liam replied. “I just might. Until then, I find my own pace better.”

The others followed behind Liam as he walked away.

“Something is going on,” Phorge said softly.

“Is there a way we can figure out what they have encountered?” Adva questioned as she kept her eyes on the group. “I have a feeling they found a path they were never meant to.”

“I can ask one of the others if they have a way to, but I feel like it will take some time before we get results,” Phorge answered.

“Do it,” Adva stated. “It is normal for a single group to find a path they are not supposed to, but if this group did then that makes four groups in this area alone. That is not a good sign.”

Phorge nodded in agreement. “Do you think it might have to do with…”

“Do not say it,” Adva cut Phorge off. “If it is true, then things might get out of hand sooner or later. Then we’ll need to keep an eye on the groups more than the others. It’s just…” Adva started to trail off as a sad look fell upon her face.

“It’s just what?” Phorge questioned.

Adva looked him in the eyes and replied, “It’s just that I pray it is not true and there’s just some mistake. However, if it is true and it is happening right now then the one who it will revolve around will only find death and blood trailing behind them.”




After walking away from Adva and Phorge, Mercer questioned, “So, bath and then dinner?”

Liam nodded. “Sounds like a plan. However, I’m going to see if my fellow Alchemist classmate is at the Bubbling Potion. I want to ask her some questions about poisons and venoms.”

Mercer and Avery glanced at him.

“I want to argue that it can wait, but I see that glint in your eyes,” Mercer sighed. “Don’t take too long.”

“I won’t,” Liam replied with a grin as he pulled his goggles up onto his forehead.

“No seriously,” Avery started with a frown. “You need to take a bath as soon as possible. Don’t dilly dally with experimentations. There is always tomorrow for that.”

Liam rolled his eyes as he retorted with a teasing tone, “Yes mom.”

Avery swatted his arm as she glared at him.

“Ow,” Liam said as he rubbed his arm. “I get it. I get it. I won’t waste time doing experiments. I promise.”

“Good,” Avery nodded hiding the smirk that was forming.

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