Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 40 – Bone Smelting

Every time Liam tried getting into a Zen-like trance he had to mutter his mantra a few times. However, this was the first time he got it on the first try. Not only that, but instead of some vision showing him how to do something he felt his body and the mana coating him do it.

The agitated mana that was rippling from his irritation smoothed out and became calm. Once when it became still, two small violet ethereal lines, the size of a pencil, slowly snaked out to the object from both of his hands.

The silverish color, that outlined the bone, started to bend out on both ends as the violet lines got closer. At first the silver color tried to bend back into place, but the pull from the violet lines kept drawing it back to the line.

Liam noticed the lines trying to connect with the silver color but was rebuffed with each attempt. This didn’t bring back his irritation as he began to understand why it wasn’t working and what he had to do.

The ends of the lines pulled back a bit. He then reshaped the penciled sized lines of arcane mana into the size of needles. When they finished reforming, he tried again. This time the needle sized arcane mana was able to pierce the silver color.

Understanding what the silver color was, filled Liam as he watched this. The color was a protective bubble. A bubble that was meant to stay over the object to be able to keep the mana from being injected into it. If that bubble popped, then the object wouldn’t be able to keep any mana around or in it. He also understood that he needed to make the Arcane mana lines smaller because the object was smaller. The smaller the object the smaller the bubble was.

He watched as his ethereal arcane mana start to fill the bubble. He decided to channel the mana into it slowly so the protective bubble wouldn’t pop. As he did this he felt his mana coating over the object. He felt like he was getting an understanding on something he didn’t think was possible.

However, he stopped that thought process for now. He needed to focus on his task that was before him. He could always come back to this theory he was starting to form another day.

Once when the object was filled enough with his mana he stopped and pulled the needle-like lines back out and slowly opened his eyes.

He stared at the bone that was now glowing with his mana. A smile formed as he now understood that he could properly channel his mana. Well, properly compared to his first attempt.

Chimes echoed in his mind as his Zen-like trance dissipated.


“Congratulations! Mana Sight has reached level 2! Progression to level 3: 32%!”

“Congratulations! Mana Channeling has reached level 3! Progression to level 4: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Mana Channeling has reached level 4! Progression to level 5: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Mind Attribute Intelligence Sub-stat Knowledge has reached level 16! Progression to level 17: 1%!”

“Congratulations! Mind Attribute Wisdom Sub-stat Magic Practicality has reached level 14! Progression to level 15: 5%!”

“Congratulations! Spirit Attribute Will Sub-stat Zen has reached level 15! Progression to level 15: 15%!”

“Congratulations! Mind Attribute Wisdom Sub-stat Magic Practicality has reached level 14! Progression to level 15: 5%!”

“Congratulations! Knowledge Theory – Calming the Storm has reached level 16! Progression to level 17: 1%!”

“Congratulations! Knowledge Theory – Mana Control has reached level 11! Progression to level 12: 15%!”


Liam stared at the notifications with amazement. He wasn’t expecting this to happen. From the sounds of it, someone else wasn’t expecting the outcome either, but for something else.

“How in Latamyr’s name were ya able ta get it in one go?” Fia questioned with disbelief.

“Hm?” Liam said as he gave a curious look. He then shrugged his shoulders and said, “I had an idea and just went with it.”

“Oh? What idea was that?” Fia inquired, curious to hear his answer.

“I calmed my mind and tried getting into a trance through my Zen. It’s been hard to get into lately so I wasn’t sure if it would work,” Liam started to explain. “Once when I did, I just followed my gut with it and got it done.”

Fia stared at him with incomprehension written on her face. She then closed her eyes, pinched the bridge of her nose, and started with a sigh, “Liam.”

“Yes Fia?” Liam responded.

“What level is yer Zen? And do ya have the Knowledge Theory, Calming the Storm?” Fia asked still pinching the bridge of her nose with her eyes closed.

“My Zen sub-stat is at fifteen. I do have that Knowledge Theory. It’s at level sixteen,” Liam stated nonchalantly.

Fia let out another sigh. “I don’t know how ya got them both up so high already, but do ya know how Zen works?”

“It helps calm your mind and gets you into a trance like state. Once in it, it will help you see clearly?” Liam said, questioning his understanding of the sub-stat after looking at Fia.

“That’s such a textbook answer,” Fia said as she shook her head. “Listen here boy. Zen is a sub-stat that the best crafters focus on besides the obvious ones and Perception.”

Liam stared at her and waited patiently to continue.

“It is true that Zen can put ya in a trance-like state and can help clear yer mind. However, that’s what it does during the lower levels,” Fia started explaining. “Once when you get it high enough ya’ll be able to get inta a complete trance. During that trance ya block out any and all noise to focus on the task ya set yerself to do.”

Liam’s eyes widened as he realized what she was doing. He quickly took out a notebook and started writing what she was saying.

“Following yer gut when ya entered yer trance-like state is a good sign yer getting close to goin inta a full trance with it. It also means another part of ya is starting to surface,” Fia informed with a smile. “During the lower levels it’s meant ta help guide ya on what yer focused on. However, once ya get to a certain level ya will come to learn what it’s really honing. Can ya guess what that is? Yer on the right track callin it following yer gut.”

Liam stopped writing and started thinking. He hadn’t given it much thought. He thought he had a great understanding of the sub-stat since it was his one of his favorites, next to Perception. If it had a different purpose, then he really wanted to know what that was.

 What is it really honing? If my mind is blocking out all of the noise to help me focus on my task, then is it to help my Perception sub-stat? Liam thought. He then shook his head. No. If that was the case then there wouldn’t be a need to separate them.

Fia smiled as she watched her apprentice think hard. She could have given him the answer, but she liked making him work hard for it. Her motto has always been ‘Your success comes from your own hands’. She has lived by that motto and has always wanted to pass that off to someone.

The time she had spent teaching Liam made her appreciate his hard work and focus. She knew when he asked questions he was genuinely trying to learn and did not find shortcuts. She was impressed with his growth and wanted him to continue to grow in the first craft he chose.

What could it be? Liam continued to think. What was it she said? Calling it following my gut was on the right track? Well, what’s another phrase for that? Liam’s eyes widened as an idea appeared. Maybe it’s not a phrase but a single word.

Fia smiled as she knew he figure out the answer. “Tell me,” She started. “What is Zen really helping you train when you get into a trance-like state?”

Liam looked at her. He was hesitant to say it, but he felt it was right. With a small bit of confidence he answered, “My instincts.”

“Correct,” Fia answered. “Now let me broaden that a bit more. You know how there are the core stats. Body, Mind, and Spirit. Each have their main stats that are broken down into sub-stats. Well, each main stat have a core focus behind their sub-stats.”

Liam stared at her. Amazement and confusion etched on his face.

“I’m not supposed to tell ya a lot bout these things because ya will learn them when ya get out of here,” Fia mentioned. “But I like ya as my student, so I’ll be nice and give ya one since ya figured a small bit of it out.” Fia gave him a wink. “The Will stat’s main focus is on Instinct.”

Liam thought about what she said. It made a lot of sense. Zen, back in his world, was a way one would free their mind from anger, fear, or ego. It also helps to take away discursive thoughts and allows the person to let their instincts to take over.

Willpower is a type of instinct as well. However, this type of instinct is a more biological one that helps the person protect themselves from themselves.

“If that is the case then you can say Zen is like an offensive Instinct allowing us to perform our actions while Willpower is a defensive instinct?” Liam questioned while muttering to himself.

“That’s one way ta think bout it, but there’s more to it,” Fia started as she nodded her head. “What ya need to focus on getting ta the last floor so ya can leave this area and learn more.”

Liam could understand what she meant. Hearing this now was nothing more than a distraction. If you focused too much on it, it would take away from the true goal of this tutorial.

Liam froze as a thought began to formulate in his mind. After listening to Fia a few things started nagging at him. One of those things that was that last line of thought. What is the goal of this tutorial?

“Hey Fia?” Liam started. “What is the true goal of this Tutorial?”

Fia gave him a puzzling look. “Didn’t they tell ya at the beginning?”

Liam thought about what was said. “They said it was to help accumulate better knowledge and gain the skills and abilities needed to survive. However, you don’t need a Tutorial Area for that.”

Fia stared at him. Curious about what he was thinking about.

“From what I’ve heard there are Training halls and Mage towers outside of this area. We could easily learn there than here,” Liam continued. “I’m also sure there are easy dungeons for beginners out there too.”

Fia nodded, confirming what he said was accurate.

“If that’s the case then this Tutorial isn’t truly needed for that. We can learn all this just as easily out there as in here,” Liam proclaimed. “If that’s the case then there has to be a different reason a different goal for this tutorial.”

Fia scrunched her brows together as she pondered on what Liam was saying. He made a compelling argument. One that not anyone she knew, has ever voiced, or pointed out.

“Who made this area?” Liam questioned.

“Ta my knowledge, the gods,” Fia replied subconsciously.

“The gods?” Liam inquired skeptically. “Gods really exist here?”

Fia nodded.

With everything going on he had forgotten that it was mentioned that Gods existed, and they could bless you.

 “So, if that’s the case then maybe the gods have a different purpose for this tutorial,” Liam muttered to himself. Liam shook his head. Once again, I’m left with more questions than answers. I’ll need to get more knowledge on Deities. For now, this is good enough.

“Regardless of all that we need ta focus on the task at hand before others start arriving,” Fia stated, deciding to change the topic. “If I don’t start teaching ya about Bone Smelting now, ya will have ta wait till tomorrow ta learn.”

“Oh crap. You’re right. The others would be pissed if they found out I’m ahead of them,” Liam said as he panicked a bit looking at his internal clock.

Fia smirked. “Ya damn right. Those blockheads are real competitive when it comes ta their craft. It would turn their cheeks red if they knew ya were actually taking a step further than them.”

“Ok so what do I need to do?” Liam asked with eagerness back in his eyes.

Fia gave him a genuine smile as she recognized the fervor ignite in Liam. It was one of the reasons as to why she decided to be his mentor on the first day he arrived.

“First, go grab the tools for smelting,” Fia instructed as she went over to the iron ore pile.

She shuffled through it and grabbed several small broken pieces. After she gathered enough, she met Liam back at the smelting furnace he was always at. Fia watched as he lit the furnace up and got it to the right temperature.

“Well done,” Fia complimented. “Now, what yer gonna do is smelt these pieces like you would do if ya were smelting he normal way.”

“Ok,” Liam replied as he went through the process.

Once when he was finished, he poured the liquid that rested in the top bowl down into the pit. After the last drop fell out, he rested the tool on the anvil and looked back at Fia.

“Ok, now this is where things are gonna get tricky,” Fia started. “Yer going to place the bone inta the bottom bowl with the melted ore. Ya have to do this while it’s still hot or it won’t work.”

Liam stared at her for more explanations of what to do.

“Ok,” Fia started to instruct. “When you bring this over the flame yer going to have to manage a few things.”

Fia lifted a finger she continued, “First, yer going to need to channel mana down the rod. By doing this ya’ll blend the mana with the melted ore. Yer going to need to maintain a stable amount. Don’t feed too much or it’ll explode both the melted ore and the bone. Feed too much and the smelting process will snuff out the mana ya channeled inta it.”

She lifted a second finger. “Watch the process with yer Mana Sight ta keep an eye on it.”

She raised a third. “Once when ya have properly blended the mana with the melted ore, yer gonna have make it push through that protective barrier that’s over the bone so the material can fuse together.”

Fia placed a fourth finger up. “Watch that the top bowl doesn’t get too full. If it backs up it can clog the holes and ruin the entire process. Ya will know when the process is done when the mana coated melted ore has completely engulfed the bone and not a single drop is out.”

Liam nodded as he memorized all of the instructions. “Ok,” Liam stated as he slid the top bowl open. The melted ore glowed a bright red.

Liam looked at the bowl skeptically. He wasn’t sure if it was big enough for the bone to fit. However, the bowl was just big enough for the bone to fit. Both ends of the bone touched the metal part of the bowl.

As he closed the bowl and placed it back over the flames, he activated his Mana Sight. There were three colors he saw. The violet purple that coated the bone, the silverish color that Liam called the barrier over the bone, and a black sludge-like color that slowly floated from the silverish barrier making it smaller.

Liam took a deep breath and felt his mana start to coat his hands. Once when the violet ethereal color fully coated his hands, he slowly guided it down the rod and over the bowl.

Liam took his time slowly pushing the mana down the rod. He felt like if he tried to rush it or push the mana harder, then it would ruin the whole process.

He watched as his mana reached the bowl and started to coat the outside. He needed it to seep into the bottom bowl where the contents were. The more he stared at it though, the less that happened. He contemplated on what he could do, but the more time he wasted the more mana got filtered out of the bone and filled up the top bowl.

He noticed the top bowl was almost full. He decided to pour out the liquid and watched it drip. However, as the purged mana passed through the channeled mana Liam noticed something.

The channeled mana rolled over the purged mana and entered through one of the holes and touched the smelted ore. As he leveled the bowl again the amount of channeled mana thinned a bit, but was still merging with the ore. He tilted the bowl to the other side enough for another hole to open up and saw mana roll into it.

You tricky bastard. Liam thought with a smile. Sweat rolled down his face.

He did this two more times to get mana to enter the other two holes and did a victory dance internally. That victory dance slowly turned into a look of fear as the mana thinned out and one of the connections through the holes was lost.

Damn it Liam! Focus! Liam cursed himself as he repeated the process to get the mana to re-enter the hole once more.

After he got back to the same spot, he was he watched as the mana he was channeling started to blend with the smelted ore. The bowl was starting to fill with the color of his mana. Once when he got to this point, he stopped. He didn’t know what to do next.

What was it Fia said again? Liam thought as he went over the instructions once more. Channel the mana, blend it with the smelted ore, and… Liam’s brows furrowed. They lifted when he remembered. Push it through the barrier of the bone. But how do I do that?

He tried to remember how he got his mana through the barrier the first time. He had to make his mana form a needle like line. It could work if there was more room, however, this was going inside a bowl. How could he form a needle inside a filled bowl?

He dumped the contents filling up on the top bowl as he thought of his options. He slowly grew frustrated from not being sure what to do. His mana started to look like a row of spike like teeth trying to chew on a rubber ball.

“Calm yerself Liam,” Fia stated as she watched him. “If yer mana becomes unstable it will destroy the barrier and explode the contents inside.”

“I know,” Liam stated as he let out a breath of air, calming his mana.

Wait. Liam thought. That might work. Liam shook his head. No. That could cause the barrier to pop. But what if…

Trusting his gut feeling, Liam tipped the bowl over again. As he did this, a small bit of smelted ore slowly slithered into the holes giving a bit of room inside the bottom bowl. He then took this opportunity to form four needle like lines above the area of the bone where the holes were.

When they took form, he evened the bowl out and he froze as the needles moved a little faster than he anticipated. The four spikes pierced the barrier without any resistance. He embraced for the contents to explode, but nothing happened.

Instead of an explosion, Liam saw the mana coated liquid ore start to seep through the barrier.

With a smile, Liam let out the air he was holding in. The liquid slowly entered the barrier and started to sink towards the bone.

Liam watched as it continued to fill. Once when the last bit of mana filled, he turned to Fia and said with excitement, “I did it! I got it through that barrier!”

Fia beamed with pride as she smiled and said, “Atta boy! Now pull it out and place it into the ingot mold before you lose any more mana.”

Liam pulled out the rod and did as she said. He turned off his Mana Sight and watched the liquid fill the mold. When the last of the contents filled the mold, Liam lifted it with the rod and dipped it into the water.

Once when the steam fizzled out he pulled it out and placed it on the table.

As Liam placed the tool down, he felt the gloves and shirt he was wearing sticking to his body. He then noticed he was drenched in sweat.

What the hell? Liam thought, but then pushed it off to the side as he turned his attention on what he had made.

He assessed it.


“Iron Bone Ingot. Item Rarity – Common. Item Quality – Crude.”


It looked like a bone in the shape of an iron ingot with swirls of iron colors covering the white.

Liam grew an excited smile before a slew of chimes echoed in his mind.


“Congratulations! You have received the skill Bone Smelting! Bone Smelting has reached level 1! Progression to level 25%!”

“Congratulations! Endurance Sub-stat Crafter Endurance has reached level 8! Progression to level 9: 47%!”

“Congratulations! Strength Sub-stat Body Strength has reached level 10! Progression to level 11: 0%! +1.5% to Body Endurance. New Armor types and Weapon types are available to wield!”

“Congratulations! Wisdom Sub-stat Crafter Practicality has reached level 7! Progression to level 8: 21%!”

“Congratulations! Mana Sight has reached level 3! Progression to level 4: 78%!”

“Congratulations! Mana Channeling has reached level 5! Progression to level 6: 69%!”


Fia placed both of her hands on Liam’s shoulder’s and gripped them as she shook him a bit. “I knew ya could do it. Congratulations on takin the next step.”

Liam was as happy as she was, but then grew concerned as he felt his knees suddenly stop listening and collapsed under him.

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