Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 41 – Can I trust you?

Liam fell down on his butt before sprawling out on the floor. He didn’t realize it till now, but his body was hurting. To him it felt like he went to the gym and started lifting weights beyond his capabilities.

He peered at the ceiling and then noticed something blinking at the corner of his eye.

It was his stamina bar. His stamina had almost bottomed out, leaving it at two points left.

“Doesn’t surprise me that ya worn yerself out with all that wasteful movements,” Fia stated as she grabbed a stamina potion out from a bag by her side. A teasing grin formed on her face as she asked, “Can ya sit up or do I have ta spoon feed ya like a child?”

“Ha, ha, ha. Very funny,” Liam sarcastically stated as he watched his stamina reach ten out of one hundred and fifty.

He flexed his arms a bit to test his muscles.

It still felt sore, but it was manageable to move. As he moved them both to bring himself to a sitting position, he felt his entire body ache.

He reached out for the potion and stared at it hesitantly.

Ah yes, my old nemesis. Horrible tasting potions. We meet again. Liam thought as he uncorked the vial and drank it.

He grimaced as the horrible taste made him gag. He really needed to make a better tasting Stamina Potion.

The aching and soreness in his body slowly disappeared as his stamina shot up to thirty five.

As he stood back up, he questioned, “What do you mean wasteful movements? Wasn’t that the right way to do that?”

“It was…an interesting way ta approach it,” Fia shrugged. “With practice, ya will learn the correct way to do it.”

“What’s the correct way to do it?” Liam asked, curious where he went wrong.

“There were a few parts ya could improve. One part was where ya mana got ta the bowl. Yer supposed to condense it down inta the bowl. Pushin it through the sludge,” Fia informed. “Although, tipping the bowl over ta allow it to enter through the holes was an interestin way. It worked, so great job on that.”

She looked like she was staring at a notification or screen as her eyes looked distant. With a frown she looked back at Liam and announced, “Unfortunately, there’s not much time ta learn the bone craft today. We’ll pick up again tomorrow.”

Liam looked at his internal clock. It read 7:45 am.

“Out of curiosity,” Fia started with interest. “What made ya want to ask bout Bone Crafting?”

Liam looked at her. He wasn’t sure if he should say the exact reason why. He remember Galin’s reaction and warning about not showing certain items. However, he felt like he could trust Fia. Sure, she was strict, but she also looked out for him and helped him when she didn’t need to.

He nodded after internally agreeing to the gamble and said, “I came across some bones that I thought would be good to use to make throwing daggers. I figured they would be good to coat with poisons.”

Fia nodded, agreeing with his assessment. “Bones are more durable than regular ore when it comes to holding poisons. They don’t corrode like an iron weapon would. What bones made you think about it?”

“Hold on,” Liam said as he walked over to the open doors.

As he closed them, Fia gave him a look mixed of worry and curiosity. “Why do ya need to close the doors? Is it something ya don’t want others ta see?”

“Yes,” Liam said with a bit of seriousness. “Galin had told me not to show anyone this, but I trust you.”

Liam’s serious tone took Fia back a bit. Her body tensed at what he said. Her eyes narrowed as she asked, “What do ya mean?”

Liam approached the table and asked, “Can I trust you?”

Fia stared at him. “It depends on with what. If ya killed a person from this place and want to use their bones I will refuse.”

Liam shook his head. Hearing her say that though confirmed that murder can happen here. He replied, “It’s nothing like that.”

“As long as it’s not that then ya can trust me,” Fia stated as she watched Liam carefully.

Keeping a calm yet serious look on his face, Liam reached into his inventory and pulled out a Black Widow Matriarch clawed leg.

Confusion filled Fia’s eyes as she assessed the smooth pitch black leg set down before her. After reading the name and the description her eyes widened. Without prompting, she turned and rushed to the door.

Liam’s heart dropped as he watched his mentor make her way to the door. He then was taken aback as she locked the doors from the inside. Confused by her actions, he was about to say something until she walked swiftly back to the table.

 With a harsh and fierce tone of voice she questioned, “Where in Latamyr’s name did ya get this?”

Liam was about to reply, but was cut off as Fia added, “And don’t try lying ta me boy.”

Liam felt rage emanating from Fia. He also noticed a hint of worry and concern lightly mixed in it.

“I got it from a monster I fought and killed on the third floor of my dungeon run,” Liam answered truthfully.

“Who else knows this?” Fia inquired, keeping the same tone of voice while not taking her eyes off of him.

“My team, Galin, and Alicia,” Liam answered.

“Can ya trust them?” Fia asked. “Galin, I know ya can, but what of the others?”

Liam nodded. “I can.”

“Good,” Fia replied. “What did Galin say ta ya?”

“Not to show anyone,” Liam started to say.

“Then why did ya bloody show me?” Fia asked, narrowing her eyes.

“Beside the fact that I trust you,” Liam started again. “I want to turn them into throwing daggers I can use during my fights in the last few floors.”

Liam studied Fia’s body language. From what he was seeing, he knew she had an idea what was going on. He decided to ask the question that was bugging him.

“You know something don’t you? Please, tell me why I have to be secretive about these items,” Liam pleaded.

Fia hesitated. She asked, “Did Galin tell you anything?”

“No. He just asked if I had gotten certain material, but besides that he wouldn’t tell me,” Liam answered.

“A certain material?” Fia repeated. She then shook her head before muttering, “No, its best I don’t know. Now I understand why yer so fixated on wantin ta know what the real purpose of the Tutorial.”

Liam nodded.

“I honestly don’t know what it is, but I have had some questions bout the type of dungeon paths yer experiencing now,” Fia started as she ran a hand through her hair. She let out a breath of air, frustrated by all this.

“What do you mean type of dungeon path?” Liam asked.

“There are normal paths in dungeons. Normal paths are just like they sound. Nothing strange bout them. Regular monsters for the type of dungeon,” Fia explained. “Then there are irregular paths. Different monsters appear, but the path is the same as the normal path.”

Liam nodded as he understood what she was saying.

“Tell me,” Fia started. “Have ya compared your path to others who are tackling the same dungeon?”

Liam nodded.

“Are they the same?” Fia inquired.

“Comparing to the ones who were willing to answer, no,” Liam answered.

“I was afraid ya would say that,” Fia said with frustrated sigh. “The last type of path in a dungeon is not a well-known one. They rarely appear. We call them the forbidden path.”

“Forbidden path?” Liam repeated with some confusion. “Why are they called that?”

“They veer off the normal path and lead you somewhere else,” Fia began to explain. “Not only that, but the monsters are those who would never appear in that level or environment. They are also extremely powerful.”

Liam thought about the monsters he and his team had already come across. What she was saying checked out.

“Okay, but why are they called Forbidden Paths?” Liam tried again.

“We call them Forbidden Paths, because the difficulty against the monsters is so high that it feels that the dungeons themselves are trying to steer the team away. To what, no one knows. The only thing that awaits a team walked down a Forbidden Path is death,” Fia answered as she stared at Liam. Worry started to replace her frustration.

Liam’s eyes widened.

“Does that mean we can die? But I thought that the Tutorial Dungeons prevent us from dying?” Liam questioned.

“I’m not sure if ya can while in the Tutorial Dungeon. I have never heard of a case happening here before,” Fia replied.

Liam thought about all that Fia had said. He had mixed emotions. He was happy he finally got some sort of information about why the monsters were the way they were. However, at the same time he was concerned about the possibility he and his team could die.

As he let his thoughts run over the information, he came across a question. He looked at Fia and asked, “How do you know about Forbidden Paths if they are not well known?”

Fia tensed at the question. A look of sadness washed over her eyes as she looked down. She then looked back at Liam and said with a soft voice, “My sister. Her team found one while taking on a Black Dungeon. Only two of her teammates got out alive.”

“Two of her teammates?” Liam repeated.

“They were a guy named Steve and her lover…Galin,” Fia responded.

Liam’s eyes widened. He knew that Galin knew her sister, but to find out that he was her lover! No wonder Galin held Fia with much respect.

As much as it was a surprise finding out the information about Galin, he felt a cold sweat run down his spine on hearing Steve’s name.

Fia noticed Liam’s reaction and questioned, “What’s wrong?”

“That guy Steve,” Liam started. “Tall, slim fellow with hazel eyes and combed oily black hair? Works at the Mage Tower?”

Fia furrowed her brows. “Yeah, that’s the one. Have ya met him?”

Liam shook his head. “No, but one of my teammates ran into him. Apparently, he’s been asking questions about me.”

Fia frowned. “I don’t know much bout the guy, but he’s stepping over the line if he’s going around asking questions. You should avoid him for the time being.”

Liam nodded. “I plan to.”

Fia looked back at the material that laid before her. She then nodded after deliberating something over and then pointed at the legs. “Alright, leave this with me. I’ll craft these inta throwing daggers for ya.”

Liam’s eyes widened. “Are you sure?”

Fia nodded. With finality in her voice she stated, “As yer mentor it is my job ta make sure ya learn what ya can and grow. How can ya do that with the possibility of death looming over ya?”

“So, you think there is a chance?” Liam asked.

“Don’t be stupid. There is always a chance boy,” Fia scolded. “Yer my student and I want ya to come back in one piece no matter what. So, I’ll make sure ya can go in with the best ya can get for now. Do ya have anymore?”

“Yes,” Liam answered with a small smile at the side of his lips. He then pulled out the rest of the Black Widow Matriarch legs he had on him.

“Good,” Fia stated as she looked at the pile. “It’ll take a couple of days to get them done. I don’t want any of the regulars seeing what I’m doin so that’s why it’ll take some time.”

“That’s fine. My team and I weren’t planning to take on the fourth floor for a couple of days anyways,” Liam informed.

“The fourth floor ya say?” Fia repeated.

“Yeah, I heard something interesting happens there,” Liam said.

“Something does,” Fia smirked. “Something magical does, but that just means I’ll need ta make sure these get done before ya go there even more now.”

“Thank you,” Liam said with an appreciative nod.

“If ya truly want ta thank me then survive,” Fia said with a stern look that quickly softened. “Keep comin back so ya can learn more.”

Liam smiled as he replied, “You got it.”

Loud sounds of pounding suddenly echoed throughout the smithy. This made Liam and Fia jump and turn towards the locked door.

“Fia!” a gruff voice called out. “You in there?”

“Yeah! Be there in a moment!” Fia responded. She then said to Liam as she placed the materials in front of her into her inventory, “Put that Iron Bone Ingot away. I’ll teach ya how ta craft that tomorrow. For now, go take a bath and enjoy yer day. Ya deserve it after the work ya put in today.”

“You got it,” Liam said as he placed the material in his bag.




Liam walked down a street full of people. After he left the smithy, he made his way over to a Tailoring shop to see if there was someone who could mentor him in the craft. Unfortunately, the only Tailoring mentor in this Tutorial refused to teach him.

The sassy, interestingly dressed, male informed him he had too many he was already teaching.

Liam knew it was a bullshit excuse. It was probably because he smelled like the smithy.

The man tried to hide the disgust in his eyes, but Liam saw it.

Luckily the man had a knowledge theory book on the craft and sold him it, along with some starting equipment and supplies. For now, he’d tackle this craft on his own.

After he left the Tailoring store called Stitch by Stitch, he was contemplating on what he should do next. He had that fight coming up and needed to prepare. However, he wasn’t sure what he could do.

Should I work on my magic? Liam thought. I could probably get the Lightning Focus Point. It has some merit that I can utilize. He shook his head.

As much as it would be helpful, he knew it wasn’t enough.

I’ll get it later, but that’s not what I need. Liam continued to think as he brought a hand to his chin. Right now, the only thing I can use besides my magic is my daggers…

Liam stopped as an idea formed in his mind.

“I can try and learn a Weapon Art,” Liam muttered under his breath. A smile formed on his face as he felt it was a good idea.

He changed his direction as he made up his mind. “That’s what I’ll do. With a Weapon Art, I’ll be adding more fighting power to my list of skills.”




“Welcome to the Training Hall. How can I help you?” A familiar voice greeted as Liam approached the desk in the reception area.

“Hello,” Liam greeted back. “I do apologize, but I don’t think I ever got your name last time I was here.”

The lady gave him a smile as she looked back at him with her green eyes. Her long blond hair swayed a bit as she let out a giggle. “That is fine. My name is Menara. I do not hold it against you for not asking it last time we met; since it was your first day here.”

Liam thought back. The days have gone by quickly since he came to this world. Over two weeks has already passed.

“It is nice to formally meet you Menara. I am Liam,” Liam stated as he returned her smile. “I was wondering if you could help me. I want to learn Weapon Arts but wasn’t sure how to go about it.”

“I believe I can help you,” Menara started. “First, what weapon do you wish to learn Weapon Arts in?”

“Daggers,” Liam stated. He then added, not sure if it made a difference, “Duel Daggers.”

“Alright. One moment please,” Menara replied as she looked through a binder.

Liam watched her eyes flitter back and forth as she flipped through each page of the binder.

“Ah, here we go,” Menara started. “We do have someone available.” She grimaced for a brief moment before correcting herself.

Liam caught it and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“You caught that did you?” Menara stated as she let out a short laugh. “You must have good perception to be able to do that. The gentleman we have available is well trained in Duel Dagger Weapon Arts, but he’s…”

Liam stared at her waiting for her to finish.

Menara let out a sigh. “He’s a bit of an oddball. Apparently, he lost a bet and had to come here to help with training.”

“An oddball?” Liam repeated.

“Yeah. He’s eccentric when he’s motivated, but only if he finds something interesting. When he doesn’t…”

“When he doesn’t, he’s the most unmotivated person there is, right?” Liam finished for her.

“Yes,” Menara said with an apologetic look.

Liam shook his head. “And there’s no one else?”

“Unfortunately, no,” Menara answered. “The others we have…basically picked who they want to train and refuse to train anymore.”

Liam brought a hand to his chin. I don’t think I have any choice in this matter. Sure, he might be unmotivated, but that could mean he might try to rush it. If he does that it could hinder me, or it could help me get through this faster. It’s a gamble, but maybe…

As Liam let his hand drop, he stated with a smile, “I’ll take him.”

A bit surprised, Menara asked, “Are you sure?”

Liam nodded. “It’ll be a gamble if I can learn anything from him, but I’m willing to take the chance.”

Menara eyed Liam. After a moment passed, she said, “Ok. Go ahead and go to the sparring area and I’ll have him meet you there.”

“Thank you,” Liam said before turning around and making his way to the training grounds.

As he walked outside, he noticed the Training Hall wasn’t as full as it normally was.

I wonder if everyone decided to go to the Dungeon today. Liam thought as he found an open spot.

After he arrived to claim it, he started to stretch. He brought one arm across his chest as he put the other at a ninety degree angle and held it. He counted to ten then switched. After counting to ten once more he grabbed his right ankle up and did the same.

As he stretched his mind began to wander.

I wonder what she meant by losing a bet and having to come here. Liam thought. Is it so bad that people hate coming here?

Liam remembered his first encounter with Galin. He was grumbling about how annoying it was to come. Liam let out a small chuckle as the image of how excited Galin was when someone found an interest in learning Alchemy.

Maybe that’s how it will be with this guy? Liam shook his head. No, Menara said that there were others being taught the same thing. I wonder what it is then.

“So, you’re the one that wants to learn the Dagger Weapon Arts?” a dissatisfied voice said. “Let’s hurry up and get this over with then.”

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