Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 46 – Fight like your life depends on it.

Everyone stared at Nabal and was confused by what he said.

“What do you mean by that?” Octavius questioned.

Nabal gave him an even look as he started to explain, “I have only worked with him for a short time yesterday, but I noticed the way he approaches things are different. Not only that, but when he’s faced with something that is impossible, he doesn’t see it as such. Rather he sees it as a challenge that can be faced head on. He kind of reminds me of an old teammate of mine.”

Alicia nodded as she understood what he meant. “I can attest to that. He did that when he was told changing the flavors of potions wasn’t cost efficient.”

Nabal’s eyes widened. “He was the one who made those potions?”

Alicia nodded. “It’s not just that though. When he wants to learn something, he jumps straight into it. Sometimes I think he’s trying to piece things together that no one else sees.”

Ariyana, Avery, Blair, and Mercer looked at each other and nodded.

“We’ve been seeing a bit of that as well,” Mercer stated. “He takes that same approach to sub-stats as well.”

“And abilities too,” Roman added.

Nabal nodded. “Since you guys are a team right now, watch how he approaches things. Try to understand his mind set and see how you can incorporate what he does into what you all can do.”

“Hey, guys,” Artem interrupted. “I don’t know if he is doing this on purpose, but I think something is up with Liam.”

“What do you mean?” Blair asked as they turned their attention back on Liam.

As they watched him, they noticed something was up with his movements.

“Is it me or does it feel like he’s…anxious?” Olivia asked slowly saying that last word.

They watched as Liam threw six daggers, one at a time, at Jude in a hurried fashion.

Jude successfully dodged and deflected each one.

“You’re right,” Nabal muttered. “That’s not like him. I wonder what’s going on…”

Liam felt his heart start to race as panic slowly filled him. His mind ran a mile a minute as doubt started to cloud his judgement.

What the hell is going on? Liam thought. All of my strategies aren’t working. Why? Why, why, why, why? One of them should have worked!

Liam stared at Jude who was now frowning at him.

I came into this knowing I could lose, but this is ridiculous. The gap between is huge! Liam panicked internally. Do I really suck this bad?! Is there no hope?

Jude’s eyes narrowed as he stared deeply at Liam. “What the hell!?” Jude roared as a scowl formed while his head turned to the crowd, searching for someone.

Liam was taken aback by Jude’s outrage. He then noticed Jude’s gaze landed at a certain spot. He looked to see who he was looking at and saw a tall slim fellow with hazel eyes and combed oily black hair wearing a Mage Tower uniform. The man was staring at Liam muttering something.

Liam’s eyes widened as he instinctually knew who he was. It was Steve.

What the fuck!? Liam swore mentally.

Jude’s body straightened as he sheathed his two swords. “I’m stopping this fight here.”

Liam, confused on what was going on, asked, “What do you mean?”

Jude’s scowl was still on his face as he said, “Someone placed debuffs on you. I can’t fight you this way. This is not how I do things.”

“What?” Liam questioned. He looked at his hands and noticed they were shaking a bit.

I’m afflicted with debuffs? Liam thought. But I never got a notification saying I was hit with anything.

Liam activated his Mana Sight and looked at his hands. His eyes widened as he saw grey colors speckled around his hands, arms, and legs.

What the hell is that? Is that the color of certain debuffs? Liam thought as he stared at them hard.

Ideas and theories started to swirl in his mind as he stared at the colors. He took a deep breath in and slowly released it as he repeated the familiar phrase in his mind, Calm the Storm.

A layer of mana pulsed within in and slowly pushed out to cover his body. He slowly opened his eyes and watched as the grey colors floated off of his skin like he was expunging some sort of filth off of him.

Chime sounds echoed within his mind as his thoughts started to calm down. His racing heart, now as calm as a tranquil pond.

He looked at Jude who was now staring at him curiously.

“I don’t know what happened, but you wanted to have this duel and I intend to finish it,” Liam stated. “What say you? Shall we call this a reset point?”

Jude’s scowl disappeared as the maniacal expression he had earlier resurfaced. “I knew I liked you. Fine, however…”

Jude placed his two short swords into his inventory and pulled out two Tomahawk looking axes. They had a Wolf’s head design with a single blade with sharp looking spikes where the ears pointed out in the back. The handles were as long as Jude’s forearms.

Liam assessed the weapons. His eyes widened at what he saw.

“Smoke Hound Rage Twin Axe set. Item Rarity: Rare. Item Quality: Average.  +10% to Power Sub-stat, +5% to Agility Sub-stat.  Trait – While in Berserk mode, + 2% added to power sub-stat with each successful strike. If user misses once the stacked Power Sub-stat resets.”

A fucking rare weapon?! Liam thought. If he’s got a rare weapon, then that means…

“I’m going to use the weapons I’m a lot more comfortable with. No more experimenting or hiding,” Jude finished. “I suggest you get serious and use what you’re a lot more comfortable with too. Give me all that you’ve got!”

Liam nodded as he pulled his goggles out. This is going to be tough. I need something that will help me stem the tide or at least even things out. Liam thought as he placed the goggles over his eyes. As he looked forward something caught his attention behind Jude. He then thought as he started formulating a plan, That might work.

Jude gave him a curious expression as he watched Liam open and close his hands. “What do you think you’re doing? I said use what you’re comfortable with. If you think you can beat me barehanded, then you’re a lot gustier than I gave you credit for.”

“Don’t worry about what I’m doing,” Liam stated as he took an offensive stance with his hands in front of him. His expression looked stranded as he flexed his hands open and closed.

“What does he think he’s doing?” Artem questioned.

“I wonder if he knows how stupid he looks?” Roman stated out loud.

Ariyana slapped the back of his head.

“Ow! What was that for?” Roman protested.

“Shut up!” Ariyana stated.

“Serious though,” Blair started. “What is he doing?”

Alicia stared at him. “He can’t be trying to…” She mumbled. She then saw something move. “That mother fucker!”

“What!” Mercer asked, surprised by Alicia’s outburst.

“Just watch,” Alicia said with a mix of excitement and frustration. “If he pulls this off, I swear I’m going to scream and then pour poison down his throat the next time we practice crafting poisons.”

Confused, the others turned their attention back on the fight.

Jude took a couple of steps to his right as Liam matched it with a couple of steps to his left.

Confused about what Liam was trying to do, Jude decided to strike first.

Jude rushed in and brought both axes to his right side. When he got into striking distance he swung as hard as he could.

Liam crouched and jumped forward as low as he could, so he wouldn’t get hit by the attack. He rolled to his feet and swiftly spun around and flexed his hands open and close again.

Jude spun around and took a step forward. As he did this, he noticed a smile suddenly form on Liam’s face. Before he could rush in to strike at Liam, a stinging sensation was suddenly felt on both sides of his ribs.

What the hell? Jude Thought.

Confused, he looked down to see a thin lines on his sides with a small amount of blood starting to trickle. He then looked at Liam and noticed two daggers were now in his hands.

Where did those come from? He thought as he tried to process what was going on.

He shook it off and decided to just attack. As he rushed forward once more, Liam threw both daggers at him.

Jude deflected them and tried to jump forward, bringing both axes over his head and brought them down as hard as he could.

Liam jumped to the side to dodge and flexed his hands again.

Jude felt another stinging sensation on his legs this time. He looked down to see two rips on his pants with a line of blood coming out of them. He looked back at Liam and noticed his daggers were back in his hands.

What the hell is going on here? Jude thought as frustration started to stir. He didn’t pull them out from their sheath. I would have seen that. Then where are they coming from?

Jude saw something in the corner of his eye and took a quick glance at it. The daggers Liam had been throwing around were scattered throughout the arena.

Did he throw them at me in that haphazard fashion to confuse me so he could do this? Jude thought as he looked back at Liam. Jude shook his head. No. His expression says he just learned this. Jude gave a smile.  He learned something new during our fight. This guy sure has some guts. Alright, I see that you’re giving it your all. I should respond in kind.

Jude jumped backwards away from Liam and pointed one of his axes at him while chanting. “Liquid condensed, Freeze and take form.”

Liam had never heard this chant, but knew it had to be an elemental field of study ability.

“Combine from water and be reborn. Sharp as a sword, but hard as steel. Fly forth and pierce my enemy.” Jude continued.

Liam threw two daggers at Jude. The two weapons sliced the side of his arms as they went passed him.

Water started to swirl in front of Jude’s axe and the water started to press into each other and started to freeze. The form it took grew in length until bother sides pointed out.

“Icicle Lance!” Jude finished.

The icicle suddenly shot forward at Liam.

Liam threw two daggers at it as it dashed towards him but deflected the projectiles and continued forward.

When he came to terms with the fact he couldn’t shatter it, Liam jumped out of the way to his left and dodged the magic attack.

The icicle pierced into the ground and froze the area around it.

That’s not good. I should not let that touch me at all. Liam thought as he looked back at Jude, who wasn’t worried he missed.

Instead of getting upset, Jude just chanted the same spell again.

Liam dodged once more and was confused as Jude chanted once more.

What’s his aim? Liam thought. He can’t be doing this without a plan.

As Liam tried to figure it out, he noticed something he didn’t before after evading another Icicle Lance.

The areas he had shot the magic attack at had frozen not only the ground, but even his throwing daggers were being frozen in place.

“So that’s what is going on,” Liam muttered as he went over ideas in his mind. Ok, time to throw him off.

Liam threw one dagger and another item at Jude before he started chanting again.

Jude stopped chanting and swung one axe to deflect the dagger. He then struck the other item but was confused as his axe shattered glass.

A tannish liquid splattered against his arms and chest and started to slowly roll down his legs.

Jude gave him a mixed look of confusion and irritation.

“What the hell was that?” Jude demanded.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Liam stated before pointing a dagger towards him. He then chanted, “O Gravity, powerful and dangerous. Become heavier and stronger. Bring the Force down upon my enemy slowing and hindering its movements. Gravitational Force Increase!”

Jude’s body suddenly felt heavy as pressure around him pushed down.

“If you think this will slow me down you have anoth…,” Jude started to say, but stopped as he heard Liam start to chant again.

“Come forth heat of flames and burn the pyre I set before you. Become the tool that will help in my endeavor. Light and Burn!” Liam chanted.

Once when he finished chanting, a flame appeared in the palm of his hand.

Jude was confused by the spell Liam had chanted. To his knowledge, Light and Burn was a Crafting spell, not an offensive one. So why had he chanted it?

As Liam rushed towards Jude, Jude’s eyes widened as he remembered the liquid that had splashed over him.

That clever son of a bitch. Jude smiled. He went to move his legs to dodge the flame Liam was delivering, but realized he couldn’t move them.

“What the hell,” Jude muttered before feeling his legs start to spasm, locking him in place. It’s not the Gravity magic so what is it?

He looked back at Liam and noticed he was closing in fast. He went to bring his arms up to block it, but then realized he couldn’t bring his arms up either. They too started to spasm, causing his hands to release the axes he held on to.

Realization hit Jude.  That mother fucker coated his daggers with a paralyzing poison. He gave Liam a respectable smirk as Liam was in striking distance.

Liam flung the flame in his palm and watched as it connected with the oil that was still on Jude’s pants and chest. As the flame came in contact, Jude’s body lit up with flames.

The crowd roared at the spectacle going on in front of them.

“Holy crap did he really just use a Crafting spell in combat?!” A person shouted.

“I didn’t know you could do that!” Another yelled.

So that’s what he meant. Alicia thought, nodding in approval of the use of the spell.

Liam breathed heavily as he stared at Jude’s burning body.

The Paralytical Toxin Alicia and I made should hold him in place long enough for the fire to burn his health away. Liam thought. If he somehow gets the poison to lose effect the Gravitational Force Increase should slow him down so I can get out of the way and whittle his health down. This should be the end. A smile grew on Liam’s face as hope started to fill him. I might actually win this!

Liam’s smile disappeared as a sinking feeling started to form in the pit of his stomach.

He noticed Jude grew a wicked smile. He then noticed through his Mana Sight; a reddish hue started to swirl within Jude.

“I will admit,” Jude started as he winced from the fire burning his skin. “You have exceeded what I was hoping for. You are worth defeating.”

Liam narrowed his eyes as he tried to think what Jude could do. There was nothing Liam could think of that Jude could use to turn things around.

He then froze as he heard Jude start to chant, “Blood boil and pulse throughout my body. Push through the pain while losing control. All senses, All emotions become one burning together through victory and passion. Berserking Will!”

Liam watched as Jude’s eyes grew bloodshot as his muscles bulged and swelled. He let out a powerful roar before reaching for the axes that fell to the ground.

You have got to be kidding me! Liam thought as Jude jumped forward, swinging both axes down upon him.

Liam jumped to his right and rolled back to his feet while pulling out his daggers from the sheath from his hips.

Jude was already upon him, making Liam pivot on his left foot and turn his body enough to watch one of the axes slice air in a vertical line.

Liam went to strike with one of his daggers, but then felt a foot kick him in his ribs. He flew back from the impact and rolled over back to his feet.

He spit out a small glob of blood and glared at Jude.

Jude bolted again at Liam, not giving him any time to think.

As the axes sliced horizontally, Liam bent his back to go into a hamstring back stand and kicked Jude’s jaw.

Jude, not caring what was going on, swung his right axe down in a vertical line, while his left axe was swung horizontally. However, Jude hit nothing but air as Liam disappeared.

Jude let out a grunt as two daggers struck his back.

Jude turned around, swinging both axes was as much force as he could, but once again missed as Liam jumped backwards.

I’ve got to hold on! Liam thought as he felt his lungs burn. The flames should take him out if I keep dodging.

Liam felt his legs start to cramp as his stamina bar was getting low. His arms felt heavy, and his body was aching.

Come on Liam! You got this! Liam thought as he got ready for the next strike.

As Jude ran back up to Liam, Liam went to take a step to his right, but then felt his leg slide. This single mishap caused Liam to drop to a knee.

“What the fuck!” Liam shouted as he looked down.

He saw his foot on one of the small frozen areas Jude made earlier from his Icicle Lance.

Shit! Liam internally swore before plunging his daggers into the icicle and pulled himself out of the way from a powerful axe strike that caused the ground to cave in a bit.

He put his feet against the frozen water creation and pushed himself away before it exploded to dust. Once when he was off of the frozen ground, he swiftly got to his feet and turned towards Jude.

Jude was already on him with another powerful attack coming down on him.

Liam crouched down low enough and pushed himself to Jude’s left.

Jude swung his right axe back and slammed the handle against Liam’s back.

Blood flew out of Liam’s mouth from the powerful attack. It felt like a small car slammed into him. The force of the attack made Liam crash into the dirt and roll away.

Every fiber in Liam’s body screamed as he struggled to stand back up. He stared at Jude with one eye open.

His one eye widened as he moved his body out of the way in time to dodge an axe hurdling by him. He then brought his left dagger up to parry the axe Jude was swinging down on him and stabbed the crazed man in the stomach.

Liam smiled. “This should be checkma…,” Liam started to say until he felt a powerful and sharp blade slam into his back.

The axe Jude had thrown had come back in the same fashion Liam pulled his thrown daggers.

He has Mana Control too?! Liam thought as he felt his body start to slump and fall to the ground as a glowing red color flashed over his body.

The flames that licked his skin slowly dispersed as Jude raised a fist in the air. A scowl grew on his face as someone announced, “The winner of this amazing duel is Jude!”

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