Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 47 – Battle Aftermath

Liam laid on the ground, panting heavily. The red color flashing over his body ceasing and filled his Health Pool back to full.

Thoughts swirled in his mind, canceling out all the cheers and chatter from the crowd.

Out of all the things running through his mind, one particular thought dominated loudly. I lost. Liam thought. I knew it could happen, but now that I did…would my team even want me on anymore?

Doubt, anxiety, and self-recrimination began to poison his mind.

Chime sounds began echoing in his mind, but he ignored them as Jude stepped by his side and stared down at him.

“I don’t count this as a victory,” Jude scowled.

Liam stared at him, returning his scowl with one of his own. “Why not?” Liam questioned; frustration laced in the words.

“Because I don’t like foul play,” Jude stated. “Someone decided to interfere with our duel and because of that I was given the upper hand most of the fight.”

Liam scoffed as he retorted, “You’re saying you didn’t tell your boy to debuff me?”

“My boy?” Jude asked, confused by what Liam said. “What the hell are you talking about? I didn’t tell anyone to place debuffs on you.”

“Don’t try and act all coy about it. I saw the guy. Steve,” Liam spat. “You had him do it didn’t you? Just admit it.”

Jude’s scowl grew ferocious as he leaned down, grabbed Liam by the collar and lifted him close to his face. With a menacing whisper, Jude stated, “I’ll tell you this right now. That crazy ass guy is not someone I want as an acquaintance. I would never use such a lowly trash fodder of a man to do something like rig a fight. I have my own principles when it comes to fighting. You hear me?!”

Liam stared into Jude’s eyes to try and find the lies in anything he just said.

After a moment of searching, he found nothing. There was no hint of any lies, no hidden meaning. He truly meant every word.

“If that’s true,” Liam started as he placed a foot down to balance himself and stand up right. He pushed Jude’s hand off his collar and finished, “Then why did he do that?”

“Fuck if I know,” Jude growled. “The guy is like a stalker. Always following me around asking personal questions. Probably has a loose screw or something.”

Thoughts started to swirl in his head. Jude is like me and my team. Those axes confirmed it. Liam tried processing. If what Jude says is true, then Jude isn’t working with him, but maybe he’s trying to get Jude to…maybe his interference was his way of saying he can help him? Liam shook his head.

At this point anything he thought of would only be considered a conspiracy. He didn’t have all the information and no matter how much he thought about it, nothing was clicking. The only thing that did connect the three of them was the Forbidden Path.

Liam knew who he needed to speak to about this.

Jude stared at Liam who was lost in his own world. He then looked at Liam’s armor and stated, “If I were you, I’d get an armor upgrade.”

“Huh?” Liam asked as he came out of his own head.

“You’re armor is still at a noob level. Try hitting the first floor a few times,” Jude said.

Liam stared at his armor and then back at him, “Why do I need to go to the first floor?”

Jude gave him a look that screamed he was calling Liam a moron. “You can get better armor pieces that suit your build. Not only that its faster because there’s only one boss.”

“Oh…um, thanks,” Liam said, unsure how to act.

Is he trying to be friendly? Liam thought to himself.

Jude’s scowl was quickly replaced with a wicked grin as he stated, “Don’t thank me. I’m only telling you this because next time we fight I want you to not lose due to having weak armor, but by the fact that I am stronger.”

Liam’s eyes narrowed. Even though he felt it was kind of cliché he still went ahead and said, “Next time I’ll come out on top.”

Jude turned and waved a hand as he responded with a slight smirk, “Whatever you have to tell yourself.”

Liam turned and walked towards the exit closest to him. He knew this wasn’t the time to feel down. He needed to get stronger. He needed more strategies and new abilities to up his arsenal.

Even though he had lost, he started to feel confident that what he was doing was a good step in the right direction, however…he needs to hone in what he learned, work on, and hammer out the issues that had happened during the fight.

As he walked, he remembered that he had some notifications he needed to check out. He was shocked at what he saw.


“Congratulations! Body Attribute Constitution Sub-stat Resilience has reached level 13! Progression to level 14: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Body Attribute Constitution Sub-stat Resilience has reached level 14! Progression to level 15: 1%!”

“Congratulations! Body Attribute Dexterity Sub-stat Agility has reached level 15! Progression to level 16: 42%!”

“Congratulations! Body Attribute Dexterity Sub-stat Fine Motor has reached level 14! Progression to level 15: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Body Attribute Dexterity Sub-stat Fine Motor has reached level 15! Progression to level 16: 2%!”

“Congratulations! Body Attribute Dexterity Sub-stat Reflex has reached level 16! Progression to level 17: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Body Attribute Dexterity Sub-stat Speed has reached level 15! Progression to level 16: 7%!”

“Congratulations! Body Attribute Endurance Sub-stat Body Endurance has reached level 13! Progression to level 14: 12%!”

“Congratulations! Body Attribute Endurance Sub-stat Stamina Endurance has reached level 14! Progression to level 15: 92%!”

“Congratulations! Body Attribute Strength Sub-stat Body Strength has reached level 10! Progression to level 11: 0%! Heavier armor and heavier weapons are now available to be learned. See Weapon and Armor skills for more information. -5% decrease to stamina spent when wearing heavier armor or using heavier weapons.”

“Congratulations! Body Attribute Strength Sub-stat Power has reached level 12! Progression to level 13: 34%!”

“Congratulations! Mind Attribute Wisdom Sub-stat Physical Practicality has reached level 15! Progression to level 16: 9%!”

“Congratulations! Mind Attribute Wisdom Sub-stat Common Sense has reached level 9! Progression to level 10: 5%!”

“Congratulations! Spirit Attribute Luck Sub-stat Lucky Break has reached level 14! Progression to level 15: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Spirit Attribute Recovery Sub-stat HP Recovery has reached level 11! Progression to level 12: 40%!”

“Congratulations! Spirit Attribute Recovery Sub-stat Stamina Recovery has reached level 14! Progression to level 15: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Spirit Attribute Will Sub-stat Zen has reached level 16! Progression to level 17: 15%!”

“Congratulations! Mental Resistance – Confusion has reached level 7! Progression to level 8: 25%!”

“Congratulations! Mental Resistance – Doubt has reached level 6! Progression to level 7: 50%!”

“Congratulations! Mental Resistance – Intimidation has reached level 10! Progression to level 11: 10%! +5% extra against any form of Intimidation.”

“Congratulations! You have received the ability Mana Control! Mana Control has reached level 2! Progression to level 3: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Mana Control has reached level 3! Progression to level 4: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Mana Control has reached level 4! Progression to level 5: 25%!”

“Congratulations! You have received the ability Mana Manipulation! Mana Manipulation has reached level 2! Progression to level 3: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Mana Manipulation has reached level 3! Progression to level 4: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Mana Manipulation has reached level 4! Progression to level 5: 25%!”

“Mana Control – Through practice of Mana Channeling and Mana Sight, a person can begin to learn to control their mana properly. The higher the level, the higher the skill to control mana will be.

“Mana Manipulation – Objects touched by or filled with mana can be manipulated into moving, or bend to the user’s control. Only small objects can be affected during the lower levels of the ability.”


“As great as it is to see my sub-stats grow, I still feel bitter about the whole thing. Not even my Lucky Break rising makes me feel lucky,” Liam muttered.

So, it wasn’t Mana Control that helped me pull my daggers back? It was Mana Manipulation? Liam thought. A sudden realization hit him as he read the last sentence of the description. Those axes weren’t that small, but they weren’t too heavy. Does that mean he’s already got it past level ten?

Liam shuddered as he closed the notification messages while walking out of the arena and into a hallway.

As Liam turned into it, he came to a sudden stop. In front of him were not only his own team members, but Alicia, Octavius and Olivia were there as well.

“What was that about?” Ariyana, Roman, and Olivia questioned without restraint.

“Huh?” Liam asked, taking a step back.

“What the hell happened there?” Avery asked as she eyed Liam.

“Are you talking about how I lost?” Liam inquired, fearing his team was about to give him some bad news.

“No!” Everyone except Alicia, Blair, Mercer, and Octavius said in unison.

“Hold on everyone,” Alicia called out. “You’re confusing the poor bastard.”

Liam raised a brow as he looked at her.

“We all have questions,” Mercer started with a calm tone. “Many stem from what happened during the fight when Jude freaked out to what he said to you at the end.”

“I have other concerns,” Alicia narrowed her eyes.

Liam took a moment to take it all in. Once when his thought got back in order he looked around to see if anyone besides them were around.

Picking up on his cautious behavior, Mercer suggested, “Let’s move to a more private location.”

Liam looked at him and nodded. “Yes…let’s do that.”




After the last of the group entered the familiar cold and suffocating walls of the Mage Tower training room, they secured the door shut.

The group then turned their gazes upon Liam who started to feel uncomfortable.

“Where should we start first?” Liam asked.

“I’ll go first,” Alicia started. She then raised her hand to stop any arguments as she added, “What I want to know is not as important to everyone else, but it’s still important to me. Not only that, but it’ll take the least amount of time.”

After hearing her logic, they each nodded as they let her proceed.

Without hesitation or holding back, Alicia bluntly stated in a form of a question, “That was Mana Control, wasn’t it?”

Liam kept eye contact with her. He remembered how she said she was jealous of how quickly he was progressing in certain areas.

Would she get mad after I tell her I got two new abilities instead of one? Only one way to find out. Liam thought as he released a sigh.

“Yes and no,” Liam started. “I did pick up Mana Control during the fight, but me being able to pull the daggers back like that was an ability called Mana Manipulation.”

“What?!” everyone shouted.

“Are you serious?!” Octavius asked with wide eyes.

 “You just happened to pick up not one, but two new Mana abilities?” Alicia inquired with narrowed eyes.

 “What the hell is Mana Control and Mana Manipulation?” Roman questioned.

“Mana Control is an ability all mages will have to learn eventually. It is an ability that helps the caster control mana easier and more efficient,” Olivia answered.

“And Mana Manipulation?” Ariyana asked.

“It’s an ability that allows someone to manipulate an object touched by or filled with mana,” Liam replied. “At the lower levels it starts with small objects. My daggers were just small enough I was able to move them.”

“But they shouldn’t have any mana in them though,” Artem stated.

“The poison,” Alicia muttered as she realized how he was able to move the daggers.

“Huh?” the others looked at her.

“We made some weak toxins last night and coated his daggers with them,” Alicia answered. “When you make poisons through the Poison Craft you have to blend them together with the help of your mana. Since the weak toxins had his mana in them the daggers essentially had it too.”

Liam nodded. “The ability works better if the mana you’re trying to manipulate is your own. At least for beginners.”

“But how did you know how to do it?” Octavius asked.

“I want to know that too,” Alicia stated as she eyed him.

“Well, it was…,” Liam started then grew a bit timid as he finished, “A gamble.”

Everyone stared at him confused.

“What do you mean…a gamble?” Alicia asked as her eyes began to narrow once more.

“Well…I wasn’t one hundred percent sure if I was going to be able to pull it off,” Liam started slowly while his voice pitched a bit. “After I placed my goggles on and focused with my Mana Sight on, I saw my mana covering the daggers and thought I’d try it out…”

Everyone stared at him with disbelief.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Ariyana, Artem, Avery, Blaire, Mercer, and Roman started laughing out loud.

Alicia, Olivia, and Octavius stared at them as if they had gone mad.

“What’s so funny?” Olivia asked, confused by their outburst.

“That sounds so like him,” Ariyana said as she wiped a tear away.

“Always experimenting even through battle,” Artem continued.

Mercer placed a hand on Octavius’ shoulder and said as Octavius turned to him, “Through the short battles we’ve had so far, Liam has always tried something new without any proof it could, should, or would work.”

“Isn’t that a bit reckless?” Olivia asked with a look of concern.

“It is,” Avery replied. “But he’s found ways to pull it off so far.”

Octavius shook his head. “I don’t think I could handle a person like that in my team.”

“Nor should you,” Olivia added as she looked at Liam.

Liam looked at Alicia and said, “To be honest it was thanks to you.”

Confused by Liam’s words, Alicia asked, “What do you mean?”

“When you were teaching me Poison Crafting and talked about Mana Control,” Liam started. “I thought about it long and hard how I could incorporate it into my arsenal.”

Alicia raised a brow, still not sure what he was talking about.

“Well,” Liam continued. “Since I wasn’t sure how I would be able to use it, I thought about ways that seemed like it could be used. For example, trying to blend the two extracts together.”

Alicia thought about what he was saying. Following along with what he was saying, she said, “Are you talking about the part where you channel your mana into one of the extracts and then pull…”

Alicia’s eyes widened.

Liam smiled as he knew she was starting to understand what he was talking about.

“Was it really that easy to grasp?” Alicia questioned as she looked at him, mouth agape.

Liam shook his head as he bluntly stated, “Oh hell no it wasn’t. It requires so much focus and a steel will to not give up. If I had gotten distracted by anything while trying to focus on it, I would have failed.”

“Liam,” Blair started nonchalantly.

“Yes Blair?” Liam replied with the same level of tone.

“Did you learn how to use Mana Manipulation before the fight?” Blair asked.

“No. Why do you ask?” Liam answered.

“If you didn’t learn it before the fight and it requires you not to be distracted,” Blair started. “Then how were you able to dodge and move around while using Mana Manipulation to recall the daggers?”

Liam stared at her. He blinked once. Then a second time. After the third time he opened his mouth, but then closed it. He looked at the ground as his brows furrowed. After thinking it over he stated, “I honestly don’t know.”

Blair breathed in slowly as she closed her eyes. She let out a slow annoyed sigh and then opened her eyes and stated in a calm matter, “Sometimes I just can’t understand you.”

“Probably for the best,” Liam smiled widely.

“Is that all you had to ask him Alicia?” Mercer questioned as he looked at her.

Alicia looked at him being brought out of her own thoughts and said, “Huh? Oh, yeah that is all.”

“Ok,” Mercer started as he looked back at Liam. “What happened that caused Jude to get upset during the fight and what did he say to you after the duel was over?”

Liam’s smile disappeared and was replaced with a serious one. He then said with an even tone, “I’ll tell you everything that happened, but please don’t ask questions till after I’m done.”

Everyone nodded, agreeing with what he asked for.

Liam spent the next half an hour telling them about how he had been hit with a few debuffs and Jude’s reaction to it. He then told them about Jude’s colorful expressions of Steve and how he felt about him.

Alicia stared at Liam, keeping a straight faced expression.

After Liam Finished, Octavius asked, “How much do you think is true? What he said that is?”

“I believe him,” Liam stated. “His eyes didn’t lie about how he felt about Steve.”

“You didn’t ask him about if he was a Faction member or not?” Olivia questioned.

“What’s a Faction member?” Roman asked.

“I wasn’t really in the right head space to ask it,” Liam replied, ignoring Roman. “Besides, haven’t you guys asked him?”

“What the hel…,” Roman started up again, feeling irritated about being ignored, but stopped as Mercer placed a hand on his shoulder.

Roman turned to see Mercer shaking his head.

Mercer then whispered, “Not now.”

“But,” Roman quietly argued, but was stopped once more.

“He’ll tell us when he is ready to. This has to be an Earth thing,” Mercer whispered back.

Roman frowned before muttering, “Fine.”

Olivia averted her gaze as she answered Liam’s question, “We never had the chance to ask him.”

“So, if he isn’t tied to Steve then that makes Jude a dead end on any connection to him?” Ariyana asked.

“Not really,” Liam said. “I forgot to mention this because I was still trying to remember everything.”

Everyone turned to look at him.

“His axes were a Rare Rarity,” Liam stated.

Liam’s group’s eyes widened. Liam had noticed Alicia’s eyes had widened as well, but her two companions were confused.

“What does that have to do with anything?” Octavius questioned.

Liam looked at Alicia.

Alicia knew what his gaze was asking.

“I haven’t told them, but I think they should know,” Alicia replied to the silent question.

“I’ll let you explain it to them later. I found a new lead and wasn’t going to pursue it, but I think I’m going to need to approach him,” Liam nodded. “Alicia, could you join me? I think it would be easier for him to talk more about it if we both approach him.”

Confused, Alicia asked, “Who?”

“Galin,” Liam answered.

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