Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 48 – To the Fourth Floor we go

Alicia stared at Liam. “Professor Galin? Why do you need to see him? Also, why do you think he’ll be easier to approach if we’re both there?”

“Sorry. If you’re there,” Liam corrected. “I’m not sure, but it seems like he’s more comfortable around you when talking about the past.”

Alicia gave Liam a skeptical look as she argued, “I don’t think that’s the case. He talks to you about as much as me.”

“I’m not talking about how much he talks,” Liam corrected her. “I’m talking about what he talks about.”

“That’s ab…,” Alicia started to argue once more, but then remembered Galin talking to her after Liam had left.

Liam raised a brow as he took her silence as him being right. “I’m not saying I do not trust him,” Liam reassured her. “He’s not only been helpful, but he has given me warnings when he didn’t need to. I just feel like he’ll open up more with you around.”

Alicia thought about it. She realized she couldn’t argue it anymore. After giving it, some thought she suggested, “Alright. I’ll go with you, but you need to take on the fourth floor first.”

Liam gave her a confused look before asking, “Why? Wouldn’t it be better if we went after this?”

Alicia shook her head. “As much as I would like to, I don’t know if it would be a good idea to,” Alicia started. She then added before Liam could say anything, “If there’s a chance there’s any information you’re not allowed to know before taking on that floor, then we want to prevent it.”

“Um, excuse me,” Mercer started as he stepped forward. “Could you elaborate more on that please? I’m not sure I understand nor do the others.”

Octavius looked at him and started to explain. “You’ve been informed that something happens after you finish the fourth floor, right?”

Mercer and the others nodded.

“Well, what hasn’t been fully explained is that a second layer of magic releases off of you that allows you to receive more information than what you were able to receive before,” Octavius continued. “If you don’t then any information you’re not allowed to know only looks like a jumbled mess.”

“Also, if someone talks about the information that is prevented by that magic then all you’ll hear is silence,” Olivia added.

“That sounds like bullshit,” Roman stated.

“It’s true,” Liam stated. “It happened to me when Alicia and Galin were talking about something I still have no clue about.” He then looked at Roman and smiled as he agreed, “But you’re right. It is bullshit.”

“Here I’ll show you I’m not lying,” Alicia said as she started talking.

Liam’s group stared at her as her lips mouthed but no sound came out.

Octavius and Olivia started talking too, but only a handful of words were heard while the others weren’t.

“What the hell?!” Ariyana said, shocked.

“So, is that the big secret for the fourth floor?” Mercer questioned.

“One of them,” Octavius replied. “For the others, you’ll have to find out yourself.”

Liam looked at his group, with determination. “With that being said…Are we ready to take it on tomorrow?”

The others turned their attention to him. At first, they looked unsure. However, after a second of uncertainty had passed, their mouths formed a grin full of confidence.

As one they said, “Hell yeah!”

Liam nodded. “Alright then, since we’re here, shall we work on some of our magic?”

“Sounds good to me,” Mercer said. “I picked up a couple new ones I need to practice.”

Alicia, Octavius, and Olivia looked at each other before Octavius asked, “Do you mind if we join you? I’m curious on what I can learn from you guys.”

“I have no objections,” Ariyana quickly stated before looking at Olivia. “I have some questions about the Field of Illusions I wanted to ask you.”

Olivia smiled, “I too have some questions I have for you.”

“You have some explaining to do about using Crafting magic in fights,” Alicia stated as she looked at Liam.

Liam gave a wide grin as he said, “I knew you’d find it interesting.”

“Damn straight,” Alicia laughed.

“Alright, then let’s get started,” Mercer said as they separated into groups.




Liam stretched his arms out before stretching his legs as he gazed upon the groups of people walking to and from the different colored portals.

Since he arrived before the others, he decided to loosen up a bit so he would be ready to go on in and face whatever was waiting for them.

I wonder what we will face this time. Liam thought as he bounced lightly on the tip of his feet. So far, all the monsters we have faced have been beast and undead. If that is the case, then will it continue on this floor?

“Good morning Mr. Liam,” a sweet elderly voice greeted.

Liam slowly turned to his left to see Adva stand there staring at him. She wasn’t super close, but looked like she was keeping her distance.

Liam felt bad about how he had been treating her. If you took out all the craziness going on, she reminded him of his late grandmother. A short, caring, sweet lady, but if you were acting like an idiot, she had no issues making you look like one.

However, it was because of the fact that all this craziness was going on he wouldn’t be too trusting with her. Not yet, at least.

With a sigh, Liam said, “Hello, Adva. Staying busy I assume?”

Adva nodded. “Many have been entering the fourth floor and as instructed we, as advisors, must give important information before they enter.” She gave him a thoughtful look before asking, “Are you and your team going to take on the fourth floor?”

Liam nodded. “Yes, we are.”

“I am glad to hear that.,” Adva stated. She opened her mouth but closed it. It looked like she wanted to say something but was unsure how.

Giving her a lifeline, Liam stated, “I have always found people who are forthcoming, honest, and sometimes blunt to be better than those who try to sugarcoat things.”

Confused at first, Adva gave him a puzzling expression. After a moment, she relaxed and stated, “I know our last few encounters have been challenging. Our wordings could have been better when we said what we said, but I want you to know that we are not your enemies.”

Liam’s eyes narrowed. “Do you really speak for Nalia and Phorge?”

“Phorge is someone who appreciates challenges and those who strive to push themselves,” Adva started. “The god he follows, Cratus, is one who gives his blessings to those who seek out that kind of path. He might seem harsh and hard on people, but he does it to help motivate them. No malice or hidden agendas.”

Liam listened to what she was saying and waited for more.

“Nalia is…,” Adva’s face grimaced. “She’s a challenge to accept even amongst her peers. The goddess she follows, Isis, seeks out wisdom, magic, and knowledge. Just like her Goddess, she too tries to seek out and learn what she doesn’t know.” Adva shook her head. “You’d think one who seeks out wisdom would have better common sense. Sometimes I believe the common sense sub-stat was made for people like her specifically.”

Liam couldn’t help but smirk at the old lady’s well placed joke. “I couldn’t agree more with you.”

Adva smiled genuinely as she saw Liam start to relax a bit.

“I keep forgetting that there are gods in this world,” Liam stated. “How many are there? And how do you get a blessing from a god or goddess? Is there a specific area you go to, to get it?”

“There are so many gods out there no one can remember the accurate amount. And as for how you get a blessing from a god…,” Adva started to explain. “You don’t.”

Confused, Liam asked, “What do you mean?”

“You don’t go seeking a blessing from a deity,” Adva started to explain. “They seek you out and give it to you.”

“Ok, you lost me. So, the gods and goddesses just pick a person and give their blessing to them?”

“No. Gods and Goddesses give their blessings to those who are most compatible with their beliefs and way of doing things,” Adva corrected. “If what you do aligns with a god’s or goddess’ belief and creates a strong connection then your presence will be known to them. If you have potential to help further their goals, they will deem you worthy of their blessing.”

“Ah, ok. So, in a sense, it’s a process of altruistic egoism,” Liam said.

Adva tilted her head as she thought about it. “In a sense, yes. You are correct.”

Liam let out a sigh. “I hate egotistical people.”

“This world is full of them,” Adva agreed. “However, not all are like that.”

Liam eyed her. He then asked, “Who do you follow?”

“My Goddess is Aura,” Adva said. “Aura is like a gentle breeze that brings calmness to others but is also like the ebb and flow of the water. Flexible, can still pull those who dare challenge her under a current they didn’t see themselves in till it’s too late.”

“Sounds like an interesting Goddess,” Liam smiled.

“She is,” Adva smiled.

Liam eyed her. She really didn’t look like she had any ill intention towards him. He knew he was being paranoid, and it could be all for naught in the end. However, his experiences from his last years on Earth really dug deep inside him. For now, he would be cautious, but he would start giving her the trust she has deserved so far.

“I must apologize to you,” Liam started.

Adva raised a brow in confusion as she asked, “What for?”

“For my attitude towards you and Phorge,” Liam replied. “The world I came from was a mess. The way you two have been, would make anyone from my world think you have a hidden agenda to either kill us or use us for some game.”

Adva’s confused face grew sorrowful as she was going to ask a question, but stopped as a voice called out.

“Damn the world must be ending if you beat us here,” Roman called out, teasingly.

Liam and Adva turned to see the rest of Liam’s group slowly approach them.

As the group say Adva, they slightly tensed.

“Is everything alright, Liam?” Mercer questioned as he left his gaze on Adva.

Liam mentally shook his head. “Yes,” Liam replied. He then explained, “Miss Adva here was just informing me that she has some instructions for us before we enter the fourth floor.”

“I wouldn’t say instructions, but more important information,” Adva corrected.

The others slightly relaxed their bodies as they went to stand by Liam.

“Oh?” Avery said. “What’s this important information about?”

“It’s about how the fourth floor is conducted,” Adva started.

Everyone’s attention was on Adva.

“The fourth floor is different from the others,” Adva continued. “It is more of a test. It’s meant to test your knowledge, skills, and abilities.”

“That shouldn’t be an issue then,” Roman smirked. “As a group we should do well.”

“You wont be taking on the challenges awaiting you as a group,” Adva corrected him.

“What?!” everyone stated.

“You will enter the floor as a group and exit as one, but you will separate and take on, what we call, a challenge floor,” Adva said. “Challenge floors are meant to test an individual’s potential by push their limits.”

“So, we will have to fight many monsters by ourselves?” Artem asked as he started to feel anxious.

“That will depend on the individual,” Adva informed. “Everyone has different challenges, much like how everyone has different potential. You may come across groups of monsters, you may have puzzle like features you will have to overcome. No one knows what you will have to face until you enter it.”

Mercer brought a hand up to his chin as he began to think. After a moment he asked, “You telling us this means you want us to be fully prepared. This is your way of saying we need to make sure we each have all the supplies we’ll need before separating?”

“That is correct,” Adva said. “If you think you are fully ready to take on the challenges that are waiting for you on that floor, then please proceed.” Adva looked at each person individually before adding, “However, if you do not feel that you are ready then do not.”

Everyone looked at each other. After a moment everyone stared at Artem.

Artem, shrinking under their gazes, knew why they stared at him.

With a shaky breath he stated, “I…I think I’m ready.”

Shocking everyone, including Artem, Roman asked, “Are you sure? I don’t mind waiting a bit longer and will help you shore up anything you feel that you’re lacking.”

Artem stared at him for a moment. He let out a breath he had sucked in and replied with a bit more confidence. “Yes. I feel like if I don’t do this now, I won’t ever be ready.”

Blair clapped her right hand on Artem’s left shoulder. “I’m glad you’re showing confidence. But I agree with Roman. You don’t need to force yourself if you feel like you’re not ready. We are here to help.”

Artem’s face steeled much like his resolve as he repeated, “Yes. Let’s do this.”

Blair nodded with approval. She then looked at Liam and said, “You heard him. Let’s do this.”

“Alright then,” Liam said as he walked towards the portal.

Before he placed a hand on the portal, Adva stated, “Also, when you finish your part of the trial and wait for the others to finish, do not freak out.”

“What do you mean?” Ariyana asked.

“That is all I am allowed to say,” Adva said. “Good luck.”

Liam nodded as he focused on the message in front of him and clicked on the fourth floor.

Adva watched as each member disappeared into the portal.

“Looks like I missed them,” a gruff voice said.

Adva turned her attention to Phorge who was approaching her. “You did,” Adva said with a smile. “But worry not. I had a nice chat with that Liam boy.”

“Oh?” Phorge said with curiosity growing. “Were you able to get any information on what they have faced so far?”

Adva shook her head. “No, our chat was nothing like that. I feel like if I broach that topic, he’ll raise up any walls he hasn’t yet and we’ll never hear from him ever again.”

“That bad, huh?” Phorge questioned.

Adva’s face grew sorrowful. “Apparently the world he came from was not good at all.”

“Did he tell you about his world?” Phorge asked with a brow raised.

“Not much, he stated a very brief amount, but that amount was enough for me to understand why he’s kept us at arm’s length,” Adva said. She let out a sigh before adding, “Nalia really screwed up. If she keeps up with that attitude of hers, she will end up with a blade in her back.”

“You think he’d do that?” Phorge asked with concern in his voice.

“If not him, then possible by someone from the other groups she has pissed off,” Adva stated.

“My money would be on that Jude guy,” Phorge half-jokingly commented.

“He is definitely one she has to be wary of,” Adva agreed. “I feel like the more she keeps at her antics the more aggressive he will become.”

“What about Liam?” Phorge asked.

“A move was made, but it ended in failure,” Adva smiled. “They are too cautious for her to keep at her usual games.”

“Have you figured out her aim though?” Phorge asked.

“No,” Adva said. “However, we might have other things to focus on first. How is it going on your end? Was your acquaintance able to figure it out?”

Phorge shook his head. “Not yet. It’s harder than we thought. Something is blocking their ability to peer. They are still trying though.”

“Let’s hope it’s not too late,” Adva stated as she looked back at the portal. “One unknown is manageable; several is just pure chaos.”




Liam heard the chime echo in his mind as he took in shaky breaths to prevent the sickness forming in his stomach.

He turned to look at the others as they had their eyes closed doing the same.

Before he could say anything, Avery opened her eyes and narrowed them while looking at him, sharply saying, “Not a single word.”

Liam gave her a faux look of hurt as he said, “I didn’t even say anything.”

“Don’t act like you weren’t going to say Upchuck Roulette didn’t strike this time,” Avery challenged.

Liam gave a slight chuckle as he muttered, “You’re no fun.”

“Oh wow. Look at this,” Ariyana said with awe in her voice.

Liam took a look around and was amazed by what he saw too.

The room they were in was the size of a school auditorium and gave an ancient Egyptian feel to it. The floor had giant tiles laid out while sections of the stone walls held pictures on them. Seven areas throughout the room had stoned archways with a slab of concrete blocking entry.

What is this place? Liam thought as he looked to his left and saw symbols he had never seen before.

“Anyone know what these symbols are?” Liam asked as he walked up to the wall.

“Nope,” Roman, and Artem replied.

Avery stared at them. After a moment passed she shook her head.

Mercer looked at what Liam was inspecting and took his notebook out. “I haven’t the foggiest. I’ll put them down in my notebook and see if I can find out when we get out.”

“I’m more curious to know who they are to be honest,” Ariyana stated as she pointed at something in the middle of the room.

Liam looked at what she was talking about.

In the middle of the room stood two statues of what looked to be young women standing back to back.

One of the women held what looked to be a dark blue scale that was evened out. The other woman held a short staff with different shades of red and grey arrows of different lengths shooting out from a black orb.

Liam walked up to the statues. He walked in front of the woman holding the scale and inspected her. She looked young, but he wasn’t sure due to the craftsmanship of the statue not being the best. Her face was set in a stern even look.

He then made his way to the other statue and studied it as well. The statue looked almost similar to the other except the hair length on this statue was to her mid back instead of to her legs. The only other difference was this woman’s face had what could be interpreted as a maniacal grin.

Whoever sculpted this statues looked to be in a rush or didn’t know how to make them. Liam thought as he examined the statue from head to toe.

Over here. A soft feminine voice whispered in Liam’s ear.

Liam turned around and saw a stone archway with two large cats sitting on both sides.

He slowly approached it.

As he got within arm’s length, the slab slowly rose.

The others turned to see what was going on.

“What did you do?” Avery asked.

“Nothing,” Liam replied.

“Then how did the door open?” Blair questioned.

“It just did when I approached it,” Liam answered as he turned to see Ariyana approach.

“Do we all go this way then?” Ariyana asked as she walked up next to Liam.

As she arrived at his side the slab swiftly dropped down, closing any entry.

“What the fuck!” Ariyana swore as she jumped back.

The door slowly opened again after Ariyana moved away.

“I think the door only opens to those who are meant to go into them,” Liam said as he hesitantly took a step forward.

The door remained open.

“Interesting,” Mercer commented as he walked around until a door slowly opened for him. He looked back and said, “It looks like that is true.”

“Before we split off, come get your guys’ portion of potions,” Liam called out as he started pulling HP, Mana, and Stamina potions.

“Did you make flavored Mana potions?” Ariyana asked with bright eyes.

“And Stamina too?” Roman questioned.

Avery and Blair heard this and ran as fast as they could for them.

Liam raised a brow at them. “There’s enough for everyone here so don’t stress that you’ll miss out on them. This isn’t a market place.”

“You have no clue how bad we were waiting for these. The health ones are great, but the MP and Stamina Potions we have been using have been bland,” Ariyana said as she quickly put her portion away like a woman who found a steal on a sale and didn’t want anyone to grab them.

Liam laughed before saying, “Alright everyone, find your door. We’ll all go in at the same time.”

Everyone else wandered around the room, looking for their entrance.

Once when they each found their respective doors they looked at each other and said in unison, “See you on the other side!”

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