Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

92 Wakanda Aftermath

My mother is in the hospital and my cat was run over and killed yesterday. I may need a few days to cope with things, so if no chapter appears tomorrow, you'll know why.
A bit of a longer one at 3,465 words.

I was given an abbreviated tour of the palace, the grounds, the mine through an observation window, and then I was taken to Shuri's lab. Instead of showing me around, I was stripped off once more and ordered to perform to the best of my ability. I performed admirably with Shuri, then with my two guards, as if they still needed confirmation that I wasn't going to fail in my duty to the princess.

An hour later, we were showered and Shuri showed me the basic fabric their warriors wore that was weaved together with strands of vibranium. I was shown how they processed the valuable metal into pliable string and then I was informed it was an extra element that didn't exist on the periodic table.

It reminded me about the unnamed element that Tony Stark's father had invented and didn't have the technology to create back when Tony was a kid. I also knew where he kept the plans for it. I took out my cell phone and there was no signal.

“That won't work anywhere in Wakanda.” Shuri said and handed me hers.

“Thanks.” I said and popped hers open and connected mine to it with a communication cord and piggybacked onto her signal.

“What are you doing?” Shuri asked.

“Sending a few texts.” I said and finished typing. I stood there and waited for the responses and I wasn't disappointed.

Aunt May was both upset I would be away for another day and happy that I had met someone. Maria Hill was also upset and I would have to make it up to her for blowing off work, even if I had done a good job. Jarvis was a great friend and sent me a three dimensional scan of Pepper's office. He really loved his quite roomy backup servers and the extra processing power had him almost giddy.

“You have a three dimensional display table, don't you?” I asked.

Shuri nodded before she led me over to a large white table. She turned it on and gave me an expectant look.

“Let's have some fun creating another element, shall we?” I asked with a grin.

Shuri looked surprised until I sent the scan through her cell phone and into the table's interface. “An office? How is that an element?”

“I could make a joke about it being an element of surprise.” I said and she huffed and rolled her eyes. “I just need to remove the superfluous things.” I commented and then used the table to delete the walls, desk, carpeting, artwork, and the ceiling.

What was left was the very large display model of what Howard Stark envisioned as the City of the Future. Only, it wasn't real. It was a cleverly designed blueprint. Shuri stared at the thing as I started replacing the buildings with atomic structure components and the roads became electron pathways and bonds between molecules.

When I was done, Shuri shook and leaned against the table as wetness dripped onto the floor from between her legs.

“B-Ben... Ben... by Bast's grace...” Shuri whispered. “Free... clean energy...”

“You better tell me you have a particle accelerator where we can smash some atoms together, or I'm going to be disappointed.” I said to her. “We need to make Shurinium as soon as possible.”

Shuri stared into my eyes and the look said I wasn't getting away from her for a while. “Hold him down!”

“Yes, Princess!” My two guards said enthusiastically and we quickly became another big pile of sex on the floor again. It was starting to become a bit of a habit for us and Penis Parker didn't mind at all.


Six hours later, Ramonda, the Queen of Wakanda, was surprised when her daughter ran into her office and practically tackled her. Shuri was dripping wet from a fresh shower and started talking so quickly that it took the queen several minutes to calm her down enough to get a sensible sentence from her.

She and her consort had created a vibranium encased power source that was both stable and produced more energy than one of their room-sized vibranium generators. It was also self-sustaining and completely clean with no radiation or detectable emissions.

Ramonda was shocked. How was that possible? Their own research had only progressed so far into that field and had stagnated, because there was only so far that electronics could be miniaturized before they became too weak to work properly or broke down and were too expensive to tear apart to fix.

After ten minutes of scientific babbling that the queen only understood half of, Shuri exclaimed that she needed to get back to the lab to help Ben build a new Black Panther suit for her brother. She kissed her mother's cheek and then ran out of her office as she babbled about having a new element named after her.

Ramonda sat there, her new dress damp from her daughter's wet body hugging her, and she stared at the door where her amused guard tried to not comment about what had just happened.

“Call my attendants, please. I am in need of yet another wardrobe change.” Ramonda said. “You are dismissed from your duties after that.”

“Yes, My Queen.” The guard said and saluted before she ran off just as fast as Shuri had.


You wouldn't believe how difficult it was to receive an enthusiastic blowjob and still work on delicate electronic components. I did my best to work through both the blowjob and the electronics of the new BPSuit. Both were of equal importance, according to Shuri.

“Are you sure the updated capacitors can handle the new reactor?” Shuri asked and handed me a soldering gun and a handful of said capacitors.

“You designed them and added vibranium cores. What do you think?” I asked.

“I think Jubadi isn't working hard enough if you can still talk properly.” Shuri said with a smirk.

I felt my balls be gripped by a hand and used as a handle as Jubadi sped up her movements.

“You're... not helping me... get this done... faster.” I grunted and went back to work.

“That's better.” Shuri said and reached over to get another vibranium armor plate from the fabricator.

We had redesigned the suit slightly to use even smaller pieces, since the metal was so much lighter and stronger than any other metal on the planet. Putting everything together was progressing quickly, despite having my girlfriend order my guards to ensure that I was fully and rigorously tested. Their ideas of appropriate tests were skewed at best and completely lewd at worst.

I stopped working and reached under the desk to grip Jubadi's ears and shoved myself down her throat hard. I let my load go and Jubadi moaned happily as she drank it all down. I let her ears go and Shuri handed me a cloth to wipe my hands off. We both ignored the enthusiastic slobbering sounds as Jubadi cleaned up after herself.

“What did you think of my idea of adding a prehensile tail?” I asked Shuri as Jubadi came out from under the desk, seemed to tag my other guard, and Hintula climbed under the desk to take her place.

“T'Challa would hate it.” Shuri said with a mischievous grin. “I'll work on the construction and you work on the programming.”

“Don't forget to add in the... retractable blade on the end.” I said as Hintula started her test.

Shuri reached over to grip my hair and pulled me into a kiss. “Make sure to give it a natural cat tail feel. If he gets angry, I want to see it flick around appropriately. His ears, too.”

I chuckled. “Understood, My Princess. It... will be done.”

Shuri gave me another kiss and bit my lip for a moment before she went to the holographic table and started playing around with a deploying mechanism for the back of the belt. She started giggling as she added in servos and gears to make the tail completely responsive.

I went back to work myself and Hintula decided I wasn't stimulated enough and one of her fingers made its way between my cheeks. I hissed appropriately for her and didn't complain, so she hummed happily and played with me from both outside and inside.

Honestly, what was with these women? It was as if once they had you, you were theirs to play with completely and for as long as they wanted to. I still wasn't allowed to disappoint them, so there was no gentle cunnilingus or slowly bringing them to orgasm with soft caresses and lovemaking.

The thing was, I was sure it was because they had always been treated so roughly during sex that doing it normally wouldn't get them off anymore. They needed the harsh stimulation or it wasn't enjoyable for them... and it had better be enjoyable or you were going to know about it. Immediately.

The lab door opened and the queen's personal guard walked in wearing her casual clothes and not her uniform.

Dammit! It's going to take forever to get this done. I thought as she dropped her body wrap to show me her firm breasts and damp panties before she crawled under the desk with Hintula. At least they enjoy working hard as much as I do.

I felt my balls be sucked into her warm and inviting mouth and I shivered for her. She made a pleased sound and one of her hands gripped my butt hard.

This is going to be a loooong night. I thought and went back to work while Penis Parker had another great time.


The next morning, Prince T'Challa couldn't believe it as he beheld the belt and wrist bracelets on the display model. He had known that his little sister was a veritable genius, just from all of the innovations she had introduced to their society since she was ten and was allowed access to the science labs.

What he hadn't realized was that there could be someone else that was just as clever as her. He would never have guessed that if both of them were allowed to be in the same room together to brainstorm, they would create things that would change the world, if they were ever allowed to tell anyone about it.

“Go ahead and put them on, Mfowethu (my brother).” Shuri prompted him.

“You seem quite smug, Usisi (sister).” T'Challa responded and put on the belt and then clipped on the two large bracelets on his wrists.

“Ben and I have created a cheap renewable energy source that will allow our country to produce triple the crop yield we already do.” Shuri said and T'Challa gave her a surprised look. “Our sting ships are already being upgraded by him and he is documenting the procedure.”

T'Challa saw her smug look disappear. “What is wrong?”

“Ben has to leave tonight and I won't be able to rely on him.” Shuri whispered.

“Have you given him one of your cell phones?” T'Challa asked.

“Yes, and he has already cross-linked it with several Stark satellites in orbit for me.” Shuri said, still sad. “We can talk whenever he has spare time.”

“He doesn't have a lot of spare time, does he?” T'Challa guessed.

“Not really, no.” Shuri said.

“What about the six hour time difference?” T'Challa asked as he adjusted the belt to fit.

“When it is 7:00 am in New York, it is 1:00 pm here.”

“Hmm. So, you are halfway through your day when he starts his.” T'Challa said and nodded. “If he goes to school for the normal hours, he will be done at 3:00 pm and it will be 9:00 pm here.”

“Our days will be too skewed to adjust them to fit our schedules.” Shuri said.

“Then make due with the time you have. Schedule talks when you are both not busy, say at meals. In fact, when he eats lunch at noon, you can be having supper.” T'Challa said. “You know sharing a meal is important for a good relationship.”

“Yes, that... I think... that could work.” Shuri's sad look changed to a smile. “It will work!”

T'Challa nodded. “I am glad to help you reach a common ground.” He said and looked down at the belt. “How is this thing supposed to deploy? Is there...”

There was a fluttering sound for three seconds and T'Challa caught his breath, because he was now completely covered from head to toe in vibranium armor.

How is this possible?” T'Challa's altered voice said through the face covering. “What happened to my voice?

“That was Ben's idea. Having your own people know who you are is fine. If you travel outside of Wakanda, then you need to conceal your identity.” Shuri said. “Don't forget, we still need to hunt down the bits of vibranium that Klaue managed to sell over the last few years.”

Black Panther nodded. “I have already sent word to the war dogs to sniff out what they can, now that Klaue has been eliminated and his information sources are no longer protected.

Shuri nodded back. “Before you try out the suit's capabilities, you need to read the primer for...”

I will figure it out.” Black Panther said as the repulsors on his hands and feet lit off in a testing sequence.

“This isn't like your old suit, Mfowethu. You need to read how to...”

I want to fly!” Black Panther said and all four repulsors lit at once at full power and he yelled as he shot up into the air. He flailed his arms and legs around and that threw off the rudimentary flight guide system, and he did a cartwheel, a backflip, then flew across the testing area and straight into the wall with a clang.

Black Panther bounced off of the wall and flipped over before he landed face down on the floor and then he spun around in a circle because the repulsors were still going full tilt. Shuri took pity on him and remotely shut the flight system down for him. Her brother's spin slowed down and he came to a stop with his smirking sister giving him the 'I told you' look.

Shuri was inordinately pleased, because Black Panther's ears were now flat against his head and his tail swished angrily.

I think I will take your suggestion and read up on how to work the suit before I use it.” Black Panther said.

Shuri mockingly gave him a royal salute and then laughed and laughed.


I finally managed to tire out my guards and used the fabricator to create something that Aunt May had asked me to make for her a while ago. Since I now had limited access to vibranium and various ores that could be created from it, I had a unique opportunity to give May a present that she would probably kill for.

I didn't bother with blueprints or anything, because I didn't want this device to get away from my exclusive control. I even used one of the dozen vibranium arc reactors as a power source, because it was easily regulated and there was no chance of an overload or something going wrong. Both Shuri's components and my programming ensured that it was completely safe.

I packed it up and put it with the crate of reactors that I was granted permission to take with me. Once I had that done, I went to work on one more gift. It was something that I had to do before I left to go home. I was very reluctant to give up my access to a wonderful metal fabrication unit and thought about copying the plans.

I shook my head at that, because it wasn't something that could be taken to New York. I could probably keep it safe; but, if I had access to it all the time, I doubted I would ever do anything else except make things with it spitting out the designed parts. Of course, that was tempting all by itself, because good lord, being able to make almost anything I wanted was like an addictive drug.

Just one more and I'll quit. I thought and laughed as I repeated the phrase that all addicts used.


Six hours later, I was escorted into the throne room of the palace by my two guards and the crowd was even thicker than it had been the last two times I had been there. I stopped at a respectable fifteen feet away from the throne and gave the royal salute of crossed arms and bowed deeply to the royal family.

“Benjamin Peter Parker.” King T'Chaka said with authority. “My Queen and I have closely watched you during the last two days.”

Not too closely, I hope. I thought and kept my face blank.

“Despite my initial misgivings and thoughts that you would... what is that phrase you said, my daughter?”

“Slack off and only do things half-assed.” Shuri said with a smug smile.

“Yes, that.” King T'Chaka said. “I am reluctant to admit that I and my wife were impressed with your work ethic. You have accomplished much more than even my genius daughter thought you could.”

“You honor me with your praise, your highness.” I said and bowed again. “However, Princess Shuri deserves most of the credit. She demanded my best performance or she would be disappointed with me.” I said and gave Shuri an intense look. “I never want her disappointed with me.”

Shuri and her mother looked pleased while all of the other women in the room nodded.

King T'Chaka nodded as well. “Then my decision stands. You have proven that you are useful to my country... and to my daughter.”

A few gasps came from the audience.

“My next decision will be unpopular for a short while, until those gathered here realize the depths of the changes your inventions will make in our way of life.”

“Outside influences should be rejected because they are outside influences!” Someone in the crowd shouted.

King T'Chaka held up a hand to stop the guards from hunting the person down to remove them from the room. “My daughter?”

Shuri used her wrist bangle and a holographic representation of the new vibranium encased Shurinium arc reactor appeared between myself and the throne. She gave a short explanation of it and what exactly it did. Complete silence met her words and she nodded to T'Challa.

My guards and I moved back as T'Challa stepped forward. The hologram disappeared and T'Challa took my place and faced the royal family. He held his hands down with the palms out towards the king and queen, then three seconds of a fluttering sound later, the suit was deployed and Black Panther stood there for all to see.

In the soft lighting of the throne room, it sure looked impressive. The sounds of shock and disbelief from the crowd and the pleased look on the queen's face, easily gave away how the king really felt, despite his blank face. When the prehensile tail swished from side to side, the king's eyes widened.

T'Challa must have taken that as a cue, because he took a fighting pose and four inch razor sharp claws came out of his fingertips and the six inch long vibranium blade popped out of the end of the tail as the tail whipped around and stopped just before it clanged against the ancient floor of the throne room. The ooo and ahhh sounds from everyone made me feel all warm inside, because I had helped make that sound happen.

“Does anyone else believe that this particular young man's influences should be rejected?” The queen asked.

Not one single person spoke or even breathed.

King T'Chaka waved to T'Challa to return to his side and the prince kept the suit deployed. “My decision is to approve my daughter's request.”

Shuri gasped and the queen smiled.

“I hereby declare Benjamin Peter Parker a Friend of Wakanda and Royal Consort to Princess Shuri.” King T'Chaka declared. “In four years, if no other suitable candidate appears, you will be formally married under royal ceremony.”

Ohhh, fuck. I thought. Aunt May is going to kill me.

“Jubadi, you have been approved for transfer to become the Royal Consort's personal guard.” The queen said and Jubadi saluted and bowed deeply. “Continue to keep him safe or your life will be forfeit.”

“Yes, My Queen.” Jubadi said and stood at attention.

“Consorts are only allowed one guard. I hope you can manage this task without too much difficulty.”

“I will not fail in my duty, My Queen.” Jubadi said, proudly.

I managed to not slap a hand over my face in frustration. Aunt May is really going to kill me now!

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