Shadow of the Soul King [250+ Chapter Symbiotic Munchkin LitRPG]

Chapter 117: End of the Ice Giants


Having heard all about Mila’s experiences in the tutorial and on the planet called Hira, Diana was feeling a lot more thankful her brother had managed to get someone like her in his life. He definitely wouldn’t have survived without her and Diana was quite happy the two would at least continue working together in the near future.

When she heard about what that demigod had done after the tutorial, however, Diana wanted to rip the woman’s head off. How dare such a spoiled brat block Aalam’s path to power. No wonder she got the impression Mila was in a rush. There was a six year time limit.

When they landed on Antarctica near the Ice Giants’ Pillar of Conquest, Diana dismissed Dioscuri. Then, as planned, she got on Mila’s back and Mila started running, the stealth effect from Mila’s skill covering her as well.

A couple minutes later they arrived at the Ice Giants’ village surrounding their Pillar of Conquest, a series of gothic buildings grown from the ice, and Mila ran right in, none of the Ice Giants able to spot her.

The Ice Giants looked like the classic depiction of a yeti, white-furred and ape like, their average height about the same as her brother’s knight, and all roughly 12,000 of them who had come to Earth were clustered around the main square of their town. There they had some kind of church, and, from what Diana could tell, they were all taking turns painting its walls with what looked like the blood of monsters evolved from penguins.

With them distracted and Mila’s stealth skills, they were able to easily make it to the Pillar of Conquest, and Diana then lightly brushed her hand against it as they rushed past.

You have touched the Pillar of Conquest of one of the invasion forces into your world.

The process of conquest will take half a day, during which time you must protect the pillar from the original invasion force as well as any other challengers.

Would you like to begin the process of conquest?


Diana chose yes, and then she summoned both Dioscuri, who slithered over to the Pillar of Conquest and wrapped himself around it, as well as his sister Helen, Diana’s Yang spirit, who took the form of a pegasus and went to attack the Ice Giants where they were all clustered up around the church.

Neither spirit truly had any gender, both born from her own soul and brought to life by her magic, and technically yin was feminine while yang was masculine, but Diana didn’t really care. Her yin spirit favored the form of a two-headed serpent, which she felt seemed like the type of stupid choice a boy would make, while her yang spirit preferred the form of a winged horse, like from My Little Pony, which, even though the original Pegasus from myth was a stallion, to her seemed more feminine.

She’d named her yin spirit after Greek Mythology’s famous pair of twins, Castor and Pollux, together known as the Dioscuri, and then named her yang spirit after their sister, the famous woman the Trojan War was fought over.

Dioscuri, as a yin spirit, could wield the elements of water, darkness, and death, his form black and shadowy and his temperature cold. He could shoot out beams of pure death mana from his mouths, emit an aura of freezing cold, and enter into stealth almost as effective as Mila’s. Made up of pure mana, he was nearly impossible for anyone below C rank to destroy and, to disperse his essence so he’d take a few hours to reform, one would have to inject his body with yang aligned energy or hit him with a very powerful attack containing at least the same amount of energy he was made from, something quite difficult given he was formed from all the mana of one of Diana’s two Colossal sized mana wells, empowered by Diana’s effective Magic stat of over 10,000.

Helen on the other hand wielded the elements of fire, light, and life. Her favored form of attack was to create little balls of flame that looked like miniature suns and then shoot them at her enemies like bullets. She was also a master of illusion, usually making copies of herself as decoys and distractions. And she could heal with a touch, something which had saved Diana’s life twice already.

The two spirits were powerful, but the biggest weakness of a summoner was the summoner herself. Diana’s skill slots consisted of the two Legendary grade skills for her spirits, one Legendary grade skill to enhance her spirits further, one Legendary grade skill so her mana channels didn’t fry from having such concentrated yin and yang energy flowing through them, and an Epic grade version of the Lord skill which would be advanced when she became sovereign of the planet, while her last skill slot was still empty. She didn’t have a defensive skill, a movement skill, or even a detection skill, so she herself was vulnerable to ambush, couldn’t defend herself, and couldn’t even run away.

By this point, just based on stats, she was by far the most powerful person on Earth before Mila, Aalam, and Isaiah arrived, yet she’d never been able to show off her full power because A, she couldn’t risk knowledge of her power getting off world, and B, she was quite easy to kill.

On Mila’s back and completely out of her enemies’ sight, however, she could let loose, and Helen especially was drawing on the full force of her mana, firing fiery bullets at such speed it was like they’d been shot from a machine gun.

The Ice Giants, mostly warriors or ice mages, tried to defend themselves, but their defensive skills, artifacts, and ice walls, due to the sheer difference in stats, could only slightly slow down the fire bullets. Some of them tried to rush for the pillar, but they met an even worse end, hit by beams of pure death from Dioscuri and having their bodies forcibly rotted to death.

A few of the brighter Ice Giants tried to flee from the village, but they didn’t make it very far. Eight clones of Mila hidden in some kind of mist, completely obscuring her identity, flew out from Mila’s body and entered into stealth as well. Then, any of the Ice Giants who tried to flee silently had their necks twisted by Telekinesis, killed almost effortlessly.

Mila’s true body also took a pair of pistols out of the subspace of the fingerless glove artifact Diana now knew to be Aalam’s main weapon, and she silently disabled all of the stronger Ice Giants, allowing Helen and Dioscuri to kill even faster.

In less than 7 minutes, the battle, if you could call it that, was over, and Mila put Diana down. Then they took the next four hours to loot the bodies, burn all the corpses in a somewhat respectful funeral pyre, and loot the village, gaining way more resources than from the other invasion forces Diana had destroyed, the Ice Giants having taken so much from Earth’s fifth largest continent.

Mila then gave Diana a whole set of Territory expanding array disks, hugged her, and left, rushing off to deal with the other forces on the planet. Meanwhile, Diana climbed up to sit on top of the Ice Giants’ Pillar of Conquest and, while Dioscuri and Helen kept her safe, took the time to try and advance her Law Larvae of Flesh and Necrosis.

Then, after eight more hours, the Pillar of Conquest was hers.

Destroy the Invasion IX (Epic) Completed!

Personal completion percentage: 100%

There were no escapees among the invasion’s forces.

You solo-killed the leader of the invasion.

You solo-killed all three generals of the invasion.



All stats +12

One choice of F rank skill orb up to Legendary grade

One choice of F rank artifact up to Legendary grade

For the skill orb, Diana chose the last skill she and Nana Xara had planned for her class, Spirit Avatar (F-Legendary), a skill which would allow her spirits to merge with her to let her fight with their powers. This was the true cornerstone skill of her class, and Diana’s own body would no longer be her weakness.

Then, for the Legendary grade artifact, she chose something called Camoran’s 97th Puzzle Book. She wasn’t sure exactly what it did, but apparently it would be useful for Aalam’s training in crafting, and Aalam and Mila had gotten way too many points in the Trial Tower, so any other Legendary grade artifact they could need Mila could just buy.

Learning the skill, she then flew back to Tasmania at full speed on Dioscuri, and, when she arrived, she saw Isaiah fighting monsters. His skin was covered with purple magical scales from some boosting skill and he was literally running through the air at any beast stupid enough to get within a kilometer of Aalam’s tent, killing each one with a single stab of his spear.

She just hovered above and admired for a few minutes. Then she had Dioscuri fly down next to the tent, nodded to Isaiah when he looked over at her, and entered.

There she saw Aalam still sleeping and she left the puzzle book next to his bed, kissed him on the forehead, and then finally accepted Mila’s request to take him as her overlord.

Nothing special happened, and Diana couldn’t even feel the magical connection, her not being in her Territory and not being an expert on bonds like Mila or Aalam, but she felt a lot more relaxed then she had in a long, long time.

Her little brother was alive and he was doing well, with good people around him to keep him safe even if she couldn’t always do so herself, and, with him back, she wasn’t facing the cruel universe by herself anymore.

Smiling, she left the tent, summoned Dioscuri, and started flying back to Sydney.


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