Shadow of the Soul King [250+ Chapter Symbiotic Munchkin LitRPG]

Chapter 118: Chaos Human


With Diana accepting Aalam as her overlord, Mila had access to Diana’s status, and it brought up a lot of questions.

Name: Diana Alvaro

Level: 18

Race: Chaos Human (F-Heroic)

Bloodline: Primordial Titan (Empyrean)


Omniglot Reader (Legendary)

Nascent Energy Converter (Legendary)

Silver Soul (Legendary)

Miracle Summoner (Legendary)

Lady’s Aura (Heroic)


Class: Yin Yang Summoner (F-Legendary)


Balance of Dualism (F-Legendary) 92% mastered

Yang Spirit (F-Legendary) 88% mastered

Yin Spirit (F-Legendary) 88% mastered

Spirit Enhancement (F-Legendary) 86% mastered

Lord (F-Epic) 100% mastered

Spirit Avatar (F-Legendary) 2% mastered



Law Larvae:

Spark - High

Frost - High

Day - High

Night - High

Flesh - Middle

Necrosis - Middle



Strength: 808

Agility: 880

Endurance: 1064

Toughness: 1064

Vitality: 1064

Perception: 952

Magic: 3104

Spirit: 952

Soul: 2376

Aura: 613

Attunement: 469

Luck: 496


Free Stats: 0



Lower Dantian: 1 Large Core Container

Middle Dantian: 6 Huge + 2 Colossal Mana Wells

Upper Dantian: 1 Large Mental Forge



Magic Princess

Yin Yang Queen



Personal Servant of the Heavenly Spark Soul King: Increase the effectiveness of the Soul and Attunement stats by 6.25% and raise affinity with all Laws by 12.5%.

Mila had already known about Diana’s uniquenesses. Magic Princess, a Fabled grade uniqueness, increased Diana’s effective magic stat by 200% and Yin Yang Queen, a Mythic grade uniqueness, increased Diana’s affinity with fire, water, light, darkness, life, and death element Laws by 700%. Together with her two Colossal and six Huge mana wells, no matter what stats Diana had she would be a powerhouse.

It also wasn’t surprising her Laws were more advanced than either Mila or Aalam. Even with quite a bit less Attunement and no multi-mind skill, a plus 700% to affinities was just broken.

What was surprising, however, were Diana’s race and bloodline.

Chaos Human (F-Heroic)

A human born from primal chaos or a human who has traced the power of their ancestry back to the very beginning

Racial Abilities: 5

No order related abilities

Max stats:

Strength: 4320

Agility: 4320

Endurance: 4320

Toughness: 4320

Vitality: 4320

Perception: 4320

Magic: 4320

Spirit: 4320

Soul: 4320

Aura: 4320

Attunement: 4320

Luck: 4320

Stat Growth Per Level:

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Endurance: 10

Toughness: 10

Vitality: 10

Perception: 10

Magic: 10

Spirit: 10

Soul: 10

Aura: 0

Attunement: 0

Luck: 0

Advancement Criteria:

Reach level 36 and then absorb the same amount of primal energy required to get you there



Mila and Aalam had talked about the various human races and Chaos Human was one of the rarest and most powerful of the Heroic grade human variants, with the highest natural affinities for all Laws. If their tutorial had instead allowed them to be reborn as cultivators, getting Chaos Human—or ideally Strong Soul Chaos Human—would have been one of Aalam’s ideal races for F rank, yet that was his sister’s race for likely far less resources than had been required to evolve Aalam into the only Epic grade Strong Soul Incubus Prince, as Diana’s bloodline made advancing race grades much easier.

Primordial Titan (Empyrean)

Humanity was created in their image


Increase the effectiveness of all stats by 25%

The flow of all resources is much faster, with much better burst potential

Cultivation is sped up by 6 times

All stats +12 per level, Scalable

Less resources and achievements are required for advancing the grade of a human line race when advancing its rank

Her bloodline was Empyrean grade, a grade higher than Mythic, and it was a very, very powerful bloodline, with multiple incredibly useful effects.

It was also something Diana had almost certainly been born with, and, given Aalam was her full biological brother, a bloodline Aalam had almost certainly been born with as well.

Nana Xara,” Mila sent as she continued running through South America, “is the population of Earth even more naturally gifted than you led me to believe?

Nope.” Nana Xara sounded like her normal cheerful self and, if she had a body, she’d definitely be smiling. “Most of Earth’s population is descended from my force and the talents from various B, A, and Divine rank forces I destroyed, but natural born Ideal Humans like Diana are very rare in the universe. Even Isaiah’s mother only managed to advance to Ideal Human when she raised her race to D rank, allowing him to awaken that bloodline.

Earth’s tutorial only had 37 individuals born with Epic grade human variant races, and no one else with a Legendary grade race. No one but Diana even had a Mythic grade bloodline. When it came to races and bloodlines, the forces I destroyed just weren’t that powerful.

Diana and Aalam’s mother wasn’t a native of Earth, but some human from the wider universe and she somehow came to Earth, had two children with the most talented of my descendants, and then disappeared. I have no idea why she came or where she went, and Diana doesn’t seem to know either.

"Her and Aalam’s father might have had more information, but I can confirm he died in a car crash a couple years later.

Mila took a couple minutes to absorb that information. Then she looked at Diana’s racial abilities.

Omniglot Reader (Legendary): You can understand all non-magical and low-magical languages in both written and spoken form.

Nascent Energy Converter (Legendary): Any extra stats which would be lost due to the stat’s limit having been reached instead become free stats.

Silver Soul (Legendary): Increase the effectiveness of the Soul stat by 25%.

Miracle Summoner (Legendary): Increase the power of summoning category skills

Lady’s Aura (Heroic): Increase the effectiveness of the Aura stat by 50%.

Other than Miracle Summoner, every racial ability Diana had was of a line Aalam had also received the chance to awaken, the last one even after he was reborn and had advanced to a Strong Soul Incubus Prince, and that was notable to Mila.

Nana Xara, I don’t believe you have no guesses as to who Aalam and Diana’s mother might have been, but we’ll get to that later. First, what are the rules when it comes to awakening racial abilities?

And there’s my Mila.” Nana Xara started laughing.

First, awakening a racial ability is an inherently random process, with most cultivators having many, many racial ability lines they could awaken abilities from, but what abilities are most likely to appear is heavily dependent on race, bloodline, family, and personal inclination. Second, while both you and Aalam died and changed your race, in practice that isn’t much different than a normal racial advancement, so the family and personal inclination aspects didn’t change for either of you.

Among humans, especially the normal variants which don’t strongly lean in any direction, the family aspect is often times quite important, being the biggest differentiator between clans. My husband, for example, had the Omniglot Reader racial ability, so, while it is a quite rare ability in the universe, it is a fairly common ability on Earth.

Nascent Energy Converter and the line of abilities which affects the Aura stat, however, are both even rarer in the universe and unheard of on Earth except for Diana and Aalam, so that is a pretty big hint to who their mother might be, as you expected.

That family aspect of a soul, however, has no effect on Law talent whatsoever. That’s much more individual. The reason Aalam is better with Laws than you, despite the two of you having the exact same affinities, is purely due to who he is and the way he thinks, not because he was born with more gifts.

Mila decided to completely ignore the last part, even though it had been very much part of the reason she’d originally asked the question. “So, in practice, does the System affect the choices? Or does it just help guide a cultivator’s energy to awaken the desired ability?

I can neither confirm nor deny?” The cheerful way Nana Xara said the words, to Mila, completely confirmed her guess that the System just helped guide the energy, not fully controlling it inside a cultivator’s body.

In that case, why does Luck seem to affect the grade of the racial ability choices?

Awakening a racial ability is a very random process, affected by countless ever changing variables related to a cultivator’s soul. Why wouldn’t a stat that represents the confluence of good fortune affect such inherently chaotic magic? That’s the type of natural magic the Luck stat affects most.

Right. Mila had started to think of the Luck stat mostly in relation to the System, as the biggest uses she’d seen from the stat were in things like getting good stages in the Trial Tower, the side with more Luck always having an advantage. But the true use of the stat, or what the stat represented, was usually seen in relation to gaining positive effects from natural magic.

It was pretty much useless when dealing with other cultivators, but in those limited cases where it applied, such as the awakening of racial abilities, the results of high Luck could be huge.

So, who do you think Aalam and Diana’s mother was?” As Mila made her way into the heart of Sao Paulo, Brazil, the capital of the area controlled by South America’s Garcia Clan, she went back to the main point of their discussion.

I truly don't have a good guess.” Nana Xara sounded like she rather liked not knowing, which made sense to Mila given Nana Xara was effectively treating their lives as a final story she was reading and spoilers generally weren’t fun, even if Mila, at least for this case, would have liked to have them all. “Them both having access to an Aura increasing racial ability line, and the fact Aalam awoke to a royal line uniqueness, would normally lead me to think their mother was a princess from one of the major human empires, but I’d never heard of Diana’s bloodline before the tutorial and Nascent Energy Converter is not an ability I’ve ever heard of any of the universe’s human royal families having, so I can’t make a good guess as to which one, if any.

Mila already knew humans were the most populous race in the universe, with the most gods rising from their numbers, and thus many, many royal families, so she didn’t think Nana Xara was lying. Her teacher most likely really didn’t know.

Sighing to herself about having yet another possible future disaster she’d have to deal with, Mila checked the last remaining part of Diana’s status, her class.

Yin Yang Summoner (F-Legendary)

You are a master of spirits and one with the forces of yin and yang


Increase the effectiveness of the Magic, Soul, and Aura stats by 25%

Raise affinity with fire, water, light, darkness, life, and death element Laws by 50%

Markedly increase the power of magic category summoning skills

Skill slots:


May not learn skills of the following categories:


Stat bonuses per level:

Strength: 8

Agility: 12

Endurance: 8

Toughness: 8

Vitality: 8

Perception: 16

Magic: 36

Spirit: 16

Soul: 24

Aura: 8

Attunement: 0

Luck: 0


Middle grade Law Eggs of the fire, water, light, darkness, life, and death elements, the Balance of Dualism (G-Legendary) skill, the Yang Spirit (G-Legendary) skill, the Yin Spirit (G-Legendary) skill, Magic greater than 72, Soul greater than 36, Aura greater than 36

As expected, it was a powerful combat class, and thankfully it didn’t seem like it would be that difficult for Diana to keep advancing as it was unlikely progressing her Laws and increasing her stats would be much of a bottleneck.

One last thing, Mila.” Nana Xara mentioned, almost sounding like what she was about to say was an afterthought, scaring Mila as a result. “Given Diana’s race and bloodline, her heart, brain, and other body parts would make great cultivation resources for pretty much any human cultivator up to C rank, so if you could help make sure she hides the true extent of her race and bloodline it would be much appreciated.

Mila almost stumbled, but then she sighed and added protecting the secrets of Diana’s race and bloodline to her ever growing list of responsibilities and snuck into the Garcia clan’s main compound to have a good chat with their leader.


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