Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 294 - Not interested in

Blood flowed, Tieqi roared!

Three thousand Bayern knights in a wall-mounted array rushed into the battlefield from the wings of the battlefield like a revolving door, rushing straight to the side and rear of the Azores who had no defense.

There is no small step to run, no gradual acceleration-come up, it is the best sprint!

“Cavalry, the cavalry of the Empire!”

The first elf warrior who sensed the earth’s shaking, tried his best to scream at the warriors on his side, warning: “The imperial cavalry is about to rush!”

“Assemble formations, prepare for defense-!!!”

On the battlefield of the melee, the tacit warriors of tacit understanding quickly divided into two parts-the front army continued to hold Baien’s frontal phalanx, and the rear army quickly completed the turn and assembled in the direction of the knights’ attack.

They propped up their shields, stood close together, shielded them with their shields to protect them from the wind, and extended their swords like spears from the gaps between the shields, forming a thick shield wall.

The shields stacked like fish scales are layered like a kind of vegetable. The elf warriors in the front row and the back row maintain a certain distance-they are not going to block the cavalry against the shield wall, but use “human” Wall “, use your own flesh and blood to interrupt the cavalry charge, and win time for the robe behind you.

But the Bayern knights who were two hundred steps away from them saw the first sight of the “shield wall” with only a ruthless sneer.

“Hard shield–!”

The roar of battle erupted from every knight leader in the front row.

The roaring dark shadows came from the elves ‘shield walls, but the arrows did not cause any harm except for the “musical notes” that rang on the knights’ armor and shields.

“Raise the gun–!”

As Lin’s spear was raised, the colorful swallowtail flag was rolled behind the spear in the wind, and gave a screaming shriek.

The elf warriors held their breath, and there was a bit of decisiveness on their faces-for the heavy cavalry of the Empire, they had already taught once in Shenlinbao.

The frontal charge is very powerful, but only once, as long as they can block their first round of charge, let them slow down and drag them from the battle … they are no longer opponents of elf warriors.

One second before the charge, they could even see the knight’s angry expression, and even a little more confidence in the shield in their hands.

That’s right, with such a strong shield and so many layers of shield walls, there is no reason to block only one-third of the number …


A horrible loud noise, the sound of the shield being smashed by the flag gun, the sound of the war horse hitting the flesh and blood, the sound of the iron hoof trampling bones and shredded meat, and the knight hitting the shield, the blade penetrated the body Sound, and the sound of the spearpoint breaking in the samurai’s head …

When all these sounds were calm, only a straight “blood line” was left on the position just held by the Azore Elf warrior, and a few survived, standing in a daze.

However, the charge of the Knights of Bain still has no signs of being blocked, even showing signs of procrastination, and he still shows no mercy and pounces on the belly of the Azores.

Block the wall-mounted charge of the knight byrne? Slow them down?

The Bayern can prove the facts one thousand times and ten thousand times, this kind of thing …


“For Bain, for the Holy Cross, for the Sarkland Empire!”

Ranmaros laughed arrogantly with his right-handed flag gun, and single-handedly rushed out of the wall-arrangement: “For the Black Duke–, rush–!”

“Long live the Black Duke ———————— !!!!!!”

In the neat shouts, the Bayern knights once again put down their spears and started to charge against the wall.

There is no doubt that the elf warriors who dared to use the flesh and blood to fight against the heavy cavalry charge are not brave, but their efforts are destined to be in vain-layers of defense, fragile like thin parchment, futile battles except breaking the knight Outside of our spears, there is no point at all.

These elf warriors who are “good at learning”, their armor is simply not enough to protect their flesh and blood in front of the knights; on the contrary, heavy armor makes them lose the most critical flexibility and cannot avoid the Bayern knight. Sharp edge.

The knights with broken flag guns pulled out the two-handed big swords that should be used in the step battle from the saddle, and the elf warrior who rushed forward to block, then dragged the big sword backwards. The inertia of the momentum and the weight of the sword slammed forward without looking at it.

Regardless of the hit or not, the knights did not stay any longer but continued to charge forward-the large sword in his hand was like a scythe for death to harvest life, and each swing brought a **** color.

In the face of the charge of the knight of Brian, the incapable elf warrior can only use the flesh and blood to die for a little delay; the very few guardian warriors who master the way of the warrior can only barely face in front of hundreds of cavalry charges Bao, looked at the robes beside him falling one by one, turning into minced meat splashing in the blood beach.

“Loren Turin … Loren Turin …”

Looking at the Byr Knight who had rushed up from behind, Prince Sicotus’ eyes flashed with excitement, wielding a knife and smashing a demon hunter who was trying to sneak into the air.

“Good job, you didn’t disappoint me!”

In less than a quarter of an hour, the elite casualties of 30,000 Azore elves have exceeded one-tenth, and the winning balance is quickly tilting towards the side of Byrne, but Sicutus is not angry and happy, even unable to restrain his emotions and reveals Excited colors.


At this stage of the battle, the Baine Legion who had first put the last card had lost the resistance to resistance-no need to think about it, he must have taken all the remaining troops to attack the fortress camp, and even a reinforcement was impossible. Have.

And for the 60,000 elite, you only need 30,000 … no! Another 20,000 troops quickly joined the battle from behind, and they could wipe out the Bayern Army. Then they turned their spears and wiped out the armies of Elleman and Lotel who were still fighting hard around the fortress.

During World War I, Lotel will be in his pocket, and the land that was defeated by the Byrne Legion when he entered West Sackland will be plowed by Rodria once again, and there will be no effective obstruction. ;

As for the army of the empire … let them and Rodria go to fight as much as possible. After they have swallowed the land along the Lotel and the Jewel River, their dear brother will see him come to save him and save the fate of the Azores. Of reinforcements.

In the name of the eagle king!


The impact of the sharp blade exploded in the ear of Prince Sicutus. With his sword in his hands, he barely blocked the head of the “Dawn” sword.

The charge of the horse warrior and the hacking of the sword almost knocked him off, and Prince Sicotus, who was holding it hard, was dragged out for more than ten steps before he stood firm.

But he was too late to be thankful, because the sword-wielding figure had already rushed to himself at the moment of blocking.


The spark bloomed in the center where the two blades collided.

“I don’t know who you are, but my instinct tells me that you are the Duke of Byrne, Loren Turin …” Between the blades, he stared at the face of the black-haired wizard with a slight trembling voice. Restrainable excitement:

“The Empire who defeated Rodria, my dear brother … twice.”

“I really don’t know what is so proud of this kind of thing.”

The moment the dark-haired wizard opened his mouth coldly, he pulled the blazing “dawn” sword from the body of Azore’s long knife and slammed it all the way.

At the same instant, the ecstatic Sikortus completed the turn at the same time, and the long sword suppressed by the big sword turned with the figure, whistling and swept toward the back of the black-haired wizard.


The pick-up sword followed Loren’s turn and smashed backwards, colliding with the swept blade again.

“No … you should be proud.” Sicotus’ grin became very grim:

“Defeat Rodria, this will be the second most proud thing in your life; and the most proud …”

“It was me who died … Sicotus Azore’s knife!”

The knife thrust straight, and the tip of Sikortus pointed at the face of the dark-haired wizard; but this was just a guise. At the moment when Loren raised his sword, Sicutus, who had turned around, slashed towards the blade. Loren’s jaw, then …


Blood spewed … It wasn’t the black wizard’s neck that was torn apart, but Sicotus’ left wrist.

Sicutus’ expression changed suddenly, staring at the sleeved sword stretched out under the left wrist of the dark-haired wizard.


The knife flashed over and quickly blocked the sleeved sword that pierced the neck and the “dawn” that was falling head-on. Some embarrassed Sikortus retreated back and forth, pulling back more than ten steps before gaining a firm foothold.

The dark-haired wizard who raised his sword had already rushed forward again.

“Protect Your Highness–!”

Seeing this scene, the elf warriors exclaimed, screaming and rushed forward.


With a roar of white light flashing, elves and samurai warriors who were too late to respond fell down; and the demon hunters wielding bright silver swords rushed into the battlefield under the cover of the shooting army.

“Wings of the sky, cover the Duke!”

The gray pupil of Double Sword Round Dance joined the battle for the first time and snorted coldly: “Give this group of miscellaneous people a little surprise!”

The gray-blue sword and the mirror-like blade were strangled together, entangled with each other in a desperate manner-no matter how anxious the elf warriors were, the number of them no longer had the advantage, they could not break through the “ring” formed by the demon hunters. Line of defense “.

With the rounds of impassioned wall-to-wall charging by the Bayern knights, the battle situation has gradually evolved into a one-sided situation … The Azores army, whose casualties are rapidly expanding, has already been about to collapse.

Deeper on the battlefield, the elves strangled with the infantry knights of the rifle phalanx are still stubbornly resisting, but as the enemy’s combat power is getting less and less, the phalanx infantry with the number advantage has completed the assembly again, forming a hundred people The squadrons of squadrons of squad size flooded into the show of elf warriors.

Divide, disintegrate, destroy, annihilate.

The resistance of the Azores is getting weaker … the messy battlefield is about to come to an end.

“Come down?”

The sneering Sicotus hung his left arm with blood dripping and propped himself up with a knife: “In your eyes, you are about to win … right, Loren Turin?”

“Do not.”

The dark-haired wizard was expressionless, dragging the sword of “Dawn” close to him step by step: “I’m not about to win.”

“I won.”

Sicotus grinned more.

Loren sighed.

“Forget it, I’ll let you die a little bit better.”

“Death understand?”

“Yeah, otherwise, when you see your father, you may not even explain it.”

“Father … you ?!”

Sicutus, whose face changed suddenly, only felt cold.

“Yes, I … and by the way, you probably think why I would let the cavalry charge without hesitation, or even stand in front of you in person?”

“Think about it, I know that you still have at least 60,000 troops, I still don’t hesitate to do this … why don’t you die, don’t want to live? Or … have another reason …”

“Come on, guess what, or gamble-maybe I was wrong, maybe you will be defeated in a quarter of an hour, killing me and my army here.”

“Who on earth can be the reversal of this battle?”


In shock, Sicotus was thinking quickly-who is it, who can make the remaining elf warriors refuse to execute, and even defy their own orders, delaying to send troops to support, and waiting to be defeated by the Baine Legion herein?

Who the **** … have this guts, this ambition …

A petite, lying on the ground shivering, looked at his elf girl with a soft and flattering look, and emerged from Sicotus’s mind involuntarily.

“Sherla —? !!!!!!”

The fiercely looking Sikortus’s eyes shrank, and his burning pupils seemed to be able to tear a fairy girl into pieces in the next second.

But the dark-haired wizard was not surprised when he heard the name, and even showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

No wonder it will become like this … if it is her, such a lack of virtue of one’s own people … indeed it can be done.

“Ha ha ha … ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha …”

Shocked Sicotus laughed suddenly, his face filled with self-deprecating expressions: “Very good … Lorren Turin, I lost, the lucky one in this battle is you.”

“You won, congratulations.”

The dark-haired wizard didn’t finish talking ~ ~ still approaching Sicotus step by step, watching him hold the handle of the long knife and hang the tip of the knife.

“But … you seem to have forgotten, I am not only a heir to the eagle king, I am also an Azore Elf warrior-unless you die, never think of really defeating me!”

The moment the words fell, the expansive force of the void spread rapidly around Sicotus, and the purple fire poured out from the tip of the knife, surrounding the two.

“Let’s see, my warrior way!” Sicotus smiled gradually:

“Sword pole, hidden in …”


The moment the blood was splattered, the sound of sharp blade tearing the flesh was heard.

Sicutus, whose blade was broken, looked at the big sword that smashed into his chest from the shoulder, and the figure of the big sword waving opposite him.

“Sorry, not interested.”


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