Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 295 - Dean Peter

(First release, domain name (please remember _) text) The word is the most important)

The battle ended in the evening, and Sicotus and his elf warriors did not even persevere into the evening.

After quickly defeating the Azores on the frontal battlefield, with the knights as the vanguard, the Byern Legion collectively turned around and forcibly marched into the “Footpath Battlefield”, which was under the responsibility of the Elmans.

Facts have proved that Shella did not lie-60,000 fully armed elf warriors moved from the direction of the small radial ancient town in accordance with “His Royal Highness’ Order”.

Despite the orders, the somewhat elusive elf warriors kept their minimum vigilance; 60,000 troops maintained a tight and orderly marching queue, with outposts, two-winged guards, and a large number of armies protected by the center. Until the entire army was evacuated, there were garrisons in the camp to maintain vigilance and finalize the work.

Then they were ambushed by the Elmans.

The 30,000 Ellemant Legion launched the raid from both sides of the trail without warning. The elf warriors who lost the commander re-enacted the experience of the former imperial warrior Shira.

Startled, rebelled, surrounded, collapsed … nothing changed.

They tried to make a breakthrough in the direction of the fortress camp, and Yuli Wiltz did not pursue the fleeing enemy, so as to avoid the enemy ’s awareness of their scarcity, only half of them; the scattered elf warriors rushed back and forth in the trail, While retreating to the camp, while fighting against the Hundreds and even smaller scales, they stubbornly resisted.

Until the three thousand Bain knights and Phalanx regiments joined the battle, the chaotic battle situation and the knightly charge of knights charged, crushing the last points of the elf warriors.

The retreat turned into a retreat, the elf warriors who no longer resisted the stubborn resistance rushed to the gate of the fortress camp, and the masses of robes were pushed down into the trenches covered with wood thorns, and the warriors in the back row were tough Stepped over the trenches that were piled up, and rushed to the gate under the chasing of the two-handed swordsmen of Byrne Knight and Elmans.

Then they saw the closed gate, and the double sword blood cross erected on the gate.

Rows of Rotel longbow shooters stepped on the bones of the elf warrior and filled every corner of the parapet; almost struggling to break the long bow to the arrow of the Azores outside the gate.

The elf warriors are finally desperate.

They didn’t even try to run away because they had nowhere to escape; they didn’t try to surrender because they slaughtered Deep Forest Castle and they knew exactly what was going to happen to them.

The stalemate battle continued until the evening, and the little wizard who tried everything he could to bring a bright lightsaber, ten torsion ballistas, and three tanks of fire to the battlefield.

First, Jiaoguang sword opened its path, sweeping the trees on both sides with a beam of light to make a separation belt; then it dropped a burning fire tank on the elf warriors crowded together under the gate; and finally, Jiaoguang sword continued its shooting.

In this way, Ain Rand burned all the elf warriors alive without igniting the entire Wimpal area … and taught everyone on hand how to deal with the enemies hiding in the forest .

Especially the warriors of Elleman and Lotel who are good at fighting between the forests … that sent tens of thousands of Azore elves into the fire of hell, so that they will still remember them for the rest of their lives.


A raging fire dyed the dome brightly red.

The smoke that swept through most of the battlefield made it extremely difficult to count the casualties and clean the battlefield after the war, so that until the early morning of the next day, the cavalry who chased the deserters all the way in the direction of the deep forest were finally returning.

In a battle, more than 30,000 enemies were annihilated in the frontal battlefield. The subsequent chases and crushed soldiers cannot be counted, but not less than 50,000.

Because the armies of the three principalities did not receive any captives who surrendered, and no shadows of enemies running away could be seen around the battlefield. Even if the number of deserters was exaggerated as much as possible, it could only be this number.

In this way, with only one battle, the Azore elves in the direction of the ancient wood forest were destroyed by a devastating blow. In addition to the small number of enemies stationed in the deep forest and Wuyueting, the Azore elves have been lost here. All the power of a region.

It can be said that in the next round, Lotel would just reorganize the army step by step, go north all the way, recover all the lost ground and even merge the ancient wood forest into the territory-if they really wanted it-it was only a matter of time, there was no possibility of overturning the ship in the gutter.

The results were huge, but the losses and casualties were equally heavy.

In order to seek quick battles and quick decisions, this “War of Wampal” is almost to resist the level of monster invasion … at all costs, as far as possible to destroy and annihilate the enemy’s new force.

The first to bear are the Bain phalanx corps and the Elmans two-handed swordsman, one of them almost suffered the frontal impact of the ogres, and then was strangled by the elf warrior; the other was “surrounded” by only half of the troops. More than twice the number of enemies reached the Baine Legion to wipe out the frontal enemy and join the battle.

It was always followed by the shooting army-this newly established legion has only fought two battles until now, but the death and injury rate is the same as that of the confronting army, and the efficiency of killing the enemy and suicide is very high.

Despite this, Loren was reluctant to give up its powerful output ability; as the commander of the shooting army, Carl Colin directly stated that the shooting army would not withdraw until the last row of shooters in the dead light. Battle order of the Legion.

For this fate-determining war, all the forces of the empire have completed the mobilization to the maximum extent; Lotel, who has been seriously injured, for the time being, regardless of Elleman or Byrne, the elite soldiers in the legion are dead one less There is almost no replacement.

The expedition of tens of thousands of armies, while demonstrating their great strength, also drained all the heritage and potential of a principality.

The wizard and alchemist who manipulated the Jiaoguang sword in the back changed four shifts and were all exhausted; the archers of the three principalities almost shot the arrows that could kill the enemy twenty times, and used up all the extras. The fuel and damaged weapons stored in Eagle Hunter Fort will allow the rest of the people to change their clothes again …

Strictly speaking, it is only a few months ago that the Empire and Ebden really entered a state of full-scale war; but the materials consumed since the battle of Eboden have been quickly draining the wealth of the empire; on the surface, it seems to prevail. The Sakran empire is actually not far away from mountains and rivers, and has no strength to patiently grind with the enemy.

Either win or destroy … This is the same for both parties.

With a slightly heavy and slightly complicated mood, the dark-haired wizard was accompanied by Yuli Wiltz and walked towards Wimpar College.

Burning trenches, broken fences, corpses everywhere, and the dark red soil beneath the corpses … If it weren’t the Wimpar Castle in the distance, Loren wouldn’t even recognize this as a small town outside the college gate.

“I’ve ordered people to clean up and clean as much as possible, but … there is almost nothing left.” Julie Wiltz’s expression was very tired, and the only silver-gray pupil left was covered with bloodshot eyes, and his eyes were black:

“Civilians around towns, wizards and wizard apprentices in towns … nothing, nothing but the castle.”

“As for the academy … just a little cleaning, the library, material warehouse and laboratory are all well-preserved by the Azores, and there is almost no loss; as for the dean of Master Wimpar, Master Peter …”

Grand Duke Ellerman’s words suddenly burst out, and there seems to be no reason why he can’t say it: “I told them not to make good claims, you should go and see for yourself.”

The dark-haired wizard nodded: “Thank you.”

“It’s nothing, similar things … the mood is the same for everyone else.” Yuli Wiltz shook his head and noticed that there was suddenly a figure missing beside him:

“What about Ain Rand?”

“Together with Liya.” Loren replied: “The trail’s battle gave her too much excitement, so … need a friend to enlighten, and the two of them are waiting for us outside the gate of the college.”

Grand Duke Elmans nodded slightly, a clear flash in his eyes.

The murderer who killed the family, the emptiness after the revenge … How heavy the impact of this ups and downs on people, Yuli Wiltz is not unexperienced, so there is some understanding of the small wizards who have the same sympathy.

“Speaking of this, there is a guy who has been waiting for you.” The usual-looking Grand Duke Elmand turned forward: “Yu Ting Ci Xila, I will let her give her to Lucien, and then you will hunt The devil is in charge. “

“I have dug a lot of useful information from her, and intuitively told me that she knows more than that-if my judgment is not wrong, she is not only the second seat of the court, Rodria Azore’s Dear friends, she may know more than we think. “

“But she is also very cunning, as if I am sure that I will not kill her, no matter how intimidating the lure, she will not open her mouth; the information I told me before is probably just to prevent me from killing her bait easily. “

This is not surprising for Loren … When he was in Ebden, he had seen how cunning this “cute elf girl” was.

“By the way, is the handover location safe? Is it possible for her to escape?”

“I’m not sure. After all, the elves almost always use magic.” Grand Duke Ellerman shook his head and whispered in a very plain tone:

“But I cut off her limbs, took her saber, and let the soldiers dig out her eyes and tongue when necessary, plus the care of wizards and demon hunters … if she can still run away, Then I can only say that there is nothing I can do. “

“…” Loren Turin.

During the conversation, the two had come to Wimpar College; the female elf Liya and the little wizard stood outside the door, and it seemed that they had been waiting for some time.

After the two sides met, they looked at each other, and the female elf left the Grand Duke Elmand very cooperatively. There were only two black wizards and a small wizard in front of the college gate.

The little wizard’s expression was a little low and lonely; there was a trace of fear and uneasiness in his eyes … not to others, but to himself.

It was exactly the same as when she first rebelled against her family.

“Are you ready?”

“Ah!” The little wizard woke up and looked sharply at the eyes that were watching him. After a moment, he nodded firmly:

“I’m ready.”

Loren snorted with a smile, and the hands of the two pressed together on a door:

“Let us go and visit Dean Peter again.”

The voice fell, and the dark-haired wizard and the small wizard walked into the college at the same time.

Courtyards, towers, promenades, halls … The familiar pictures and landscapes are one by one in the eyes of the two, and the two of them strolling seem to have fallen into a dream, but everything around them is extremely real.

When they awakened, they were already standing in front of the chapel.

With a certain indescribable mood, the two opened the locked door of the chapel without saying a word, and then gently pushed open.

There was silence in the main hall of the church, and the holy cross sculpture placed directly in front of it was cold and solemn, which made people unable to bear heart.

Obviously, after Loren left, Dean Peter once repaired it again, judging from the dust and muddy air in the corner, it should have not been opened for a long time after the repair.

As for the footprints on the ground, the obviously passive chairs and door handles … from the size, it should be the female elf named Shira.

She probably got the information about Peter from Middlel, the second generation of the imperial court, who was killed by Loren at the Wuyue Court, so she kept the original state here, hoping to use it one day. Right?

Under the holy cross sculpture, a thin figure sat cross-legged-he was wearing a slightly wider dark blue wizard robe, his hair was completely gray, and his exposed arms were like dead wood, almost no blood.

When he stepped into the gate, the dark-haired wizard’s complexion changed slightly, and he immediately recovered.

“Pedro … Dean …”

The dumb little wizard whispered instinctively toward the familiar back; her footsteps were staggering, some were eager and some were afraid, as if guessing something but she couldn’t believe it, stepping closer.


The white little hand held the old man’s shoulder ~ ~ The little wizard was carefully leaned over and looked towards the old man’s face; when the blue pupil and the old man’s eyes looked at each other, the stunned Ai Yin seemed Losing his soul, he staggered and sat on the floor.

Dean Wimpal … Dalton Kander’s mentor Peter … has passed away.

And it’s been a long, long time … Lorren can’t even feel a little bit of void reaction from his body.

The gray-faced old man seemed to retain the serenity of the last moment before his death.

As for why Dean Peter came to this chapel at the last moment of his life … The dark-haired wizard, faintly, as if guessing something, turned his eyes to the holy cross sculpture in front of him, and raised his right hand to touch it gently. .


A soft click opened the organ on the holy cross sculpture.

A letter fell in his hand.

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