Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 325 - Secret voice

“If you want to hide a secret, what should you do?”

West Sacran, the capital of Golovin, a suburban farm.

“First … the most obvious, you ca n’t tell anyone about it.”

Sitting at the dining table, a ragged priest, while enjoying the freshly brewed Sacran dry red on the dining table, loosened the hard bread into the hot soup.

“Every more one knows the existence of the secret, it will increase the risk of secret exposure-this is not only for the secret itself, but also for the irresponsible of the informed person, plainly increases a risk.”

“Second, you should stay away from this secret as much as possible … try to keep everything you do away from it, avoid any places that may be involved, and anything that may make this all abrupt and discordant Place … Forgetting is always the best way to keep secret. “

“Of course, this is only for the existence of the physical world.”

“He … knows this.”

After a slight meal, the look of the outcast priest was calm and his expression was indifferent.

“So in order to hide this secret that only he knows, he must not only conceal it from others, but even conceal from himself, give various hints to himself to conceal that real secret.”

“These hints are many in number, and many of them are full of loopholes … but loopholes are not the key, the key is the number-even if it is impossible to truly forget the secret completely, you must make yourself misunderstand the secret itself, even the sky Misunderstandings … “


The sound from outside the door made the sorrowful priest frown slightly, his cold eyes glanced out from under the hood.

The little figure huddled outside shook violently, and the sound stopped.

Nodded and withdrawn his gaze before the priest regained the glass on the table.

“Only by doing so can you earn enough time, and even allow the person trying to explore the secret to step into his carefully prepared traps again and again.”

“Smart … really smart.”

“Clearly know the limitations of his ability, have enough knowledge of the enemy’s means, plus a little luck, be cautious, take a little risky action … this is the smartest way.”

“Roland Turin is brave enough, but just a fanatic;”

“Eckhart de Salion has a long-term vision, but lacks strength;”

“Every generation has been empowered by the material world, confounded by the losers, and the ‘existence’ who confronts the void is restricted to themselves, unable to resist invasion from another level, all they can do is delay the time. “

“If you want to defeat one world, you must use another world to fight against it, generate variables, and create opportunities … even if this will bring more danger, because the danger itself … is an opportunity.”

“In order to make a comeback, they really have nothing to do.”

The smile of the priest’s mouth showed a smile, and his expression seemed to be aftertaste the sweetness of the new brew.

“But now, the struggling grand drama should come to an end and come to an end, everything will end, everything will end.”

“Everything has its end … No matter how hard it is to resist, it will not help.”

“Everything you do-noble, cheap, cruel, kind, passionate, plain, cumbersome, concise, hearty, painful …”

“For the sake of … it’s all calm and quiet at the last moment, the sound of the song ends.”

The priest slowly fell, and pushed away the owner of the manor who had been dead for a long time, as well as the owner’s wife, eldest son and little girl sitting around the dining table.


The manor ’s body collapsed to the ground, and a night watch ring fell from his arms to the pool of blood below him.

The priest stepped on the floor soaked in blood and walked toward the outer courtyard of the living room without changing his color. The soles of the dirt were stained with a circle of dark red.

In the clean and tidy courtyard, there are dozens of corpses lying horizontally; there are demon hunters and night watchmen … their common ground is mostly broken, like being bitten, and there is almost no intact piece from head to toe The bones and flesh, and the greasy face also prove that they had suffered a lot before they died.

Although … there are only a few “lucky ones” who can retain their legacy.

The elf girl Shira, who was curled up behind the door, worked very hard to put these corpses of different sizes neatly stacked in the corner of the yard; the petite figure kept moving things that were two or three times larger than herself. It would have been sweating for a long time.

Some elder and shabby samurai robes reveal the delicate limbs of the elf girl, with a blush in the white net, transparent enough to see the color of the veins and muscle texture below, as if they have just grown out; with the immature girl ’s young face, it looks very cute .

Only the demon hunters who died tragically in the hands of this elf girl could understand what kind of bitter beast was hidden under this “cute look”.

Seeing the sorrowful priest walking out of the room, Shira’s eyes lit up, pleasingly pleasing to the “life-saving benefactor” who saved himself and restored his limbs; Is too close.

The downcast priest whose face was hidden under his hood seemed to ignore her mood. Looking back, she looked up and looked at the end of the gem river, where the sun was setting.

Eboden direction.

The quietly flowing Jewel River, covered with the golden sunset sparkling waves of the setting sun-that dazzling light, is even more dazzling and magnificent than the sun and the sky.

Looking at the landscape of Tianshui, there was a little sneer on the priest’s face.

The power of the rapidly expanding void is more dazzling in his eyes than the sunset near.

If it was before … in Ebden, Dragon King City, Red Blood Castle, Silver Helmet Mountain … At any time in the past, he will do everything he can to destroy him; at least, he must also be prevented from going further, causing damage to his plan Variable.

But now, there is no need to do so.

The ending has been settled, let him arrogant for a while before the end.

“Let’s go.”

Retracted his gaze, the faint priest who spoke lightly did not wait for the elf girl behind him to react, and he had already left.

“where to?”

The elf girl quickly followed, and asked subconsciously.

But almost at the moment of opening, the expression of “nice and lovely” face showed a frightened expression, and quickly closed his mouth, curled up and trembling on the ground, not daring to move.

It was n’t until the priest walked away that she found that she had n’t followed up, she stopped and looked back slowly:



Everything is quiet.

Vibration, collapse, fall, dragon roar, roar … All sounds disappeared in the dark.

Without light, there is no light, everything belongs to the cold and silent darkness … Even the touch of temperature, the smell, and everything that can confirm their existence are deprived of “darkness”.

Only the consciousness of “thinking” is still in operation.

Continually thinking, Loren opened his “eyes”.

Void … This is his first time, “one person” came here.

At any time before, whether it was falling into a dream, a spiritual hall, a dream world … almost always accompanied by “people”, or at least, under the premise of protective measures, involved in it.

And this time … the black-haired wizard had no safeguards and stood alone in the void.

The first thing felt was “freedom.”

Unconstrained “freedom”.

Is not only the freedom of existence, but even the freedom limited by the body-no longer bound by the material world, he can clearly feel that his consciousness can move at any time and any place at any level.

He even feels that he can instantly move to any corner of the world, any corner that exists or does not exist; he can also travel through time to the past or future.

As long as he wants, as long as there is such a “concept” in his mind, he can do whatever he wants, and he can do everything.

Is even creating a world, or … being a world.

This is the power of the void, or …

This is the void.

“Being” because it does not exist.

The black-haired wizard frowned slightly, and an inexplicable impulse surged into his heart.

The “consciousness” of thinking flashed in a flash-just at that moment, the world in front of me immediately changed its appearance.

Is hot, burning hot and blazing flames, Yao Yao pour out the tongue of fire appeared above his head, sweeping away the darkness!

The clear dome appeared on the side of the black-haired wizard, surrounded by the accumulation of long-story battles, and at the foot of the vast earth.

The next second, the consciousness of thinking is slightly biased, like the spark dissipating.

In the blink of an eye, the sun was extinguished and dim; the accumulation of clouds turned into dark clouds and thunders; the cracked mountains and rivers burst out of the sky and the rocky earth was cracked, and the gas that exploded exploded, igniting the land that fell in the sea;

The dark clouds that roll up soot drop acid rain like a waterfall. Together with the seawater that flooded the earth and the flames that burned the mountains and rivers, all the creatures that were born or will be born in the future will be wiped out in the bud.

All these changes were too fast, too fast, so that when the dark-haired wizard realized what had just happened, the clear sky above his head had turned into a still galaxy, and the stars would embrace his “body” like a moon.

And directly below him, the “Destroyed World” was reborn again, only slightly changed its appearance:

The mountain peaks were erected like an arrow tower, and the earth was divided into nine, layer by layer, surrounding the highest and widest mountain peak among them, and stood proudly.

This “world”, like the world tree, or the ancient wood forest elf settlement tree, shows a completely different appearance because of the high levels-the top land is illuminated by stars and is the same as the past; the bottom layer is completely enveloped In the darkness, just like the abyss.

The field of vision fell, and the Milky Way of the dome fell like a shower; it stopped suddenly just before the stars were about to fall to the ground, and it stopped forever at the last moment of the fall.

The dark-haired wizard felt as if he began to understand the “operation” of the void world.

Then at this moment, the situation changed.

Sadness, joy, excitement, dullness, anger, calmness … Various emotions flowed into your consciousness like a storm, and thousands of arrows hit the iron and copper walls erected for your consciousness with calmness and reason .

The speed of thinking had to be slowed down, and I tried my best to curb these rapidly expanding emotions from nowhere; the “star world” that lost control instantly capsized and was destroyed by the explosion and roar of falling.

Almost at the same time, or there were early signs, or the concept of time does not exist at all … A new world, completely beyond the scope of the dark-haired wizard’s understanding, appeared in front of him.

Massive information still flooded into his consciousness and became a part of his thinking; and the original light was exhausted to “deflect” to resist emotions, and was shocked again.

Is like a stick!

He could n’t stop thinking, just as life could n’t stop survival—thinking and emotions are the roots of maintaining consciousness. He could n’t stop, he had to stop and understand the influx into his “field of vision” “, A lot of information.

Those messages … they are words, symbols, sounds, hypotheses, flashes of light in my mind, so absurd that I would never be a real joke, but cold, hot, and sturdy that I can really feel when I touch them. , Soft, comfortable, painful …

The black-haired wizard wants to shout, he wants to shout … He can tear his heart, he can yell, but there is no feeling of shouting, let alone the pain of his heart— -Because he is left with consciousness, he is no longer bound by his body.

He wants to stop all this, but once he stops thinking, it means “consciousness” and the death of existence-for other wizards, it means that it will become a lunatic, for Loren ~ ~ it means The existence of his material and consciousness will end at the same time.

Because he is not the existence of this world, he is a stranger.

His spiritual and material levels are completely unified and cannot be separated.

Even if he only died early, late, or died better than life, he must persevere, otherwise it will be all over, he will not even have a hair strand, he will be “killed” by himself.


A quick and short voice exploded in the consciousness of the dark-haired wizard.

At that moment, everything stopped, and the huge flow of information became slow-it is actually very inappropriate to describe it, because there is no time in the void and there is no difference between speed and speed, but it really seems to be slow-gradually, It started to become acceptable to Loren.

The information in my mind is pondered, understood, accepted, and digested bit by bit … all kinds of different information, intelligence, things that happened and never happened, truth and illusion, reality and lies , Constantly wandering in Loren’s mind.

Seems to be reading a huge, never-ending book.


“No need to be nervous, no need to be vigilant, from the physical world, you are very safe now.”

The voice sounded in the consciousness of the black-haired wizard, who could clearly perceive the difference between this voice and other “messages”-it was subjective and conscious:

“You … are under my protection.”

:. :

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