Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 326 - your name

“Although it may feel like a useless work, I still have to ask … Who are you?”

Returning to the darkness of loneliness, Loren’s consciousness turned his “vision” to the sound that suddenly sounded behind him, and said.

Is an opening, but in fact it is more like a message transmission. The two parties communicate with each other in a way that cannot be described by time and distance.

“This is not useless work.” The voice “opened”, and a hint of explanation was mixed in the message:

“This is the first step in understanding anything … The process of knowing each other is the process of knowing yourself.”

“For an individual who has never seen another person similar to him, how should he judge the relationship between” self “and the world? For a group of individuals who exist in the same area, if there is no” outside “and” outside “in this area How can they establish contact with each other and recognize each other as being of the same kind? “

“As the sincerity of our first two” existence “negotiations, I can provide you with more than five thousand different examples to illustrate the importance and necessity of this issue.”

Ugh? !

“Wait, no more! I mean I know you … um!”

Frightened, Loren had just wanted to stop, countless mass messages had poured into his consciousness, and finally he returned to normal thinking and was shocked again.

“Sorry.” There was an apologetic emotion in the voice: “But I still think that you should have an accurate understanding of these … Sharing the collated information is the only way I can express apology.”

“……I accept your apology.”

“Thank you.”

The voice is not fast or slow, as if you can see a scholar strolling in the garden: “So, as the initiator of the question before I speak, please tell me first … who are you?”


“Let me save some spam messages that need to be processed for us first, I know you are from the material world.” The voice said indifferently:

“Title, title, place of birth, name, identity, relationship … These meaningless messages, there is no need to pass on, you just need to tell me … who you are, it is all right.”

“… you really look at me.”

If you can, Loren really wants to pull the corner of her mouth.

Did not continue to sound, and seemed to be waiting for the reply of the dark-haired wizard.

Silence, silence.

The hesitant black-haired wizard turned his vision back to that voice:

“As you know … I don’t come from the void.”

“A perfect answer, by denying the option of excluding errors, while avoiding the problem.”

The voice seemed unimpressed: “Since that, using the principle of equality as a benchmark, all I can tell you is that … I am not from the physical world.”

“So … you and me, two ‘existences’ from two different areas, met in my area, I think this naturally gave me some obligations, let me help you have a minimum understanding of the void To prevent what happened just now from happening again. “

“What happened just now?”

“Yes, what happened just now-you almost killed yourself without external interference; this is something that no void exists, and I think … you have prevented you from continuing to do so Obligations. “

The voice is very serious, as if to really help yourself.

The black-haired wizard wanted to frown.

“You are on the alert, this is right, and good reason with no reason should be on alert.” The voice said softly: “But this time is a little different … If you just disappear like this, it will cause me some trouble.”

“So you don’t have to be too vigilant about my goodwill, because this is totally my self-interested move.”

“Trouble, what trouble?”

Loren asked rhetorically.

“Messages … Every consciousness that appears in the void for the first time exposes a lot of messages-ideas, preferences, guesses, ideas … because they can’t control their thinking. Most of these messages are useless, and they are repeated useless messages. But there will always be something different. “

The voice seemed to be very interested in this topic: “The brand-new message is the source of the power to maintain thinking. When everything is at rest, thinking is meaningless … Stop thinking, it is death.”

“So, you need these messages to ensure you can continue to ‘think’ … uh, live?”

The dark-haired wizard began to understand what he meant.

“Exactly, and the amount of information you bring is very large, many of which I have never been in contact with.” Loren could almost see the voice nodding towards himself:

“So … you should know how important you are to me, for this I am willing to help you.”

“And the first step to help you is to let you truly master your strength.”


As if the sound of water droplets falling into the bottom of the well, the dark smoke disappeared, and instead appeared in the vision of the black-haired wizard, it was his dream world.

The burning dark sun hangs high above the sky, and below is the dilapidated Wimpar College standing in the middle of the abyss.

Loren can clearly perceive that the other party is observing his dream world very carefully.

“Very good, very good dreams … Under the condition of reducing the loss as much as possible, use the limited thinking spare power to the limit.” The voice said lightly:

“You can be sure that this is not a masterpiece that you have completed by yourself, but the result of helping in other existences-simple, clear, and intuitive. All the necessary elements are displayed in the most intuitive way.”

Intuitive? How do I feel so lifeless and particularly sophomore, especially black and deep disabled?

Especially the burning black sun.

This time the voice didn’t continue to worry about Loren’s emotions, and continued:

“The size of the castle symbolizes the scope and sturdiness of the dream world, and reflects the scope and bearing capacity of your thinking affairs within a certain period of time; as long as it exceeds this range and the bearing limit, it will collapse;”

“Books scattered in the hall symbolize your memory, using books as carriers rather than others, expressing the creator’s knowledge of” knowledge carriers “… I remember that there are similar types carved in stone or wood, or echoing constantly; “

“The cage in the hall symbolizes the restraint of emotions. The existence of the material world seems to have exactly the same existence as oneself, and has a special emotion. It is very able to stabilize emotions by killing or ‘communicating’ with himself;

“Burning black sun …” The sound was a little bit, it seemed to be feeling something: “It is fantasy, it is the existence beyond the physical world; it is deception, deception at a glance.”

“Deception at a glance?” Loren was puzzled.

“Yes, this is the only thing I can’t understand about your dream world, because the reason it appears seems to be to tell you that all this is just a lie … I can’t understand the reason.” The voice said quickly, it seemed that I didn’t want to Delayed too long on this topic:

“In any case, your dream world has laid the firmest foundation for you to master the power … Most of the existence of the material world for the first time in the void often requires you to build your own dream world from scratch. Fit your own way of thinking. “

“You don’t need it, this is your advantage … Of course, it can also be a disadvantage, because you have fully integrated this dream with yourself, it is impossible to make any more changes.”

The dark-haired wizard stared at the burning black sun: “You mean …”

“You actually … have mastered the power, but haven’t really realized it yet.” The voice continued: “This statement is misunderstood, so it can also be called … you just need to know what your power is.”

“And if you want to know what your power is, you must have a clear understanding of your existence, which means …”

“who am I?”

Asked the dark-haired wizard.

“It seems that you have understood what the most critical issue is.”

So the topic came back again … Loren couldn’t help thinking.

Sounds like a definition for yourself, but it is actually a matter of determining your position.

What is your surname, what does the name mean, and why is this surname?

Where do you come from, what is your identity, are there any guys who are similar to you, who is the same kind of person as you? Why are you like me, but different?

Who do you obey and who is loyal to you? What do you do makes sense, what is your persistence?

Do you have friends, relatives, and people like them? Are there enemies, are there enemies that must be killed? Why are you friends, enemies, relatives and enemies with him?

…… The consciousness of the black-haired wizard began to think quickly. Numerous problems gave birth to countless messages, and the messages evoked memories, and he returned to the situations he had experienced in the past.

Outside the wild dog village, looking at his little wizard in panic;

“… Ain Rand, Wimpal apprentice wizard, future alchemist, how about you …”

Dalton Kant tutor wary of himself at Wimpar College;

“… I have to admit that at first I was not going to let you into this room …”

In Gumu Town, Fanesses with a strong heart;

“… Don’t be too restrained, sit down and rest for a while …”

In Shenlinbao, talk to yourself about Ruben Friedel,

“… I don’t want them to think that my wizard advisor is a sick seedling …”

In the ancient wood forest, the female elf who is very disgusted with herself and the dancer Liya;

“… Stranger, explain your intention …”

And Isaac, Charlotte, Peter, Brandon, Lucien, Corona, Dresis, Karl Colin …

For them, who they are, what they mean and what they mean, do they have a title that can be explained to all of them and will not be confused with anyone?

What did they think of when they saw their first glance?

Who is this guy?

As Loren began to think quickly, but this time his consciousness did not fall into the pain and vagueness as before, and became more and more clear.

The “answer” hidden deep in my heart is gradually surfaced.

Almost there.

He can feel … that is visible, touchable, can be sniffed, can be felt.

The answer lies before me.

Under the gaze of “that voice”, the black sun burning in the dome began to tremble unsteadily, and the fire was dark and bright, as if in the final dying struggle.

The Wimpar Academy, standing in the abyss, began to collapse, and large swaths of “land” rose from the bottom of the abyss-rapid rise, rapid collapse, as if constantly trying to find what .

“Boom — !!!!!!”

The burning black sun burst into bursts, divided into nine in the sky dome, and the spurious fire pillars connected them to each other to form a nine-pointed star that enveloped the dome.

Looking at the sound, I saw that the nine “stars” divided into nines also exploded, divided into smaller nine parts, and formed the new nine-pointed star … layer by layer, endless.

The burning flame outlined a huge ring around the stacked nine-pointed stars, covering it in the center … A brand new “black sun” covered by countless nine-pointed star magic arrays was born.

Continuous thinking, continuous self-examination of the dark-haired wizard, the consciousness became clearer, the ground underneath his feet rose and collapsed, and he continued to cycle back and forth.

That … is the answer.

Is himself.

“Boom ———— !!!!!!”

There was another thunder, and Loren’s consciousness opened his eyes.

Slowly raised his right hand, the center of the “body” that did not exist originally, the burning ring’s brand continued to overflow the flame, and began to shape his body from the chest-torso, neck, head, limbs …


The flames swept through, and Loren had a simple wizard robe on his body.

Looked at the brand-new body, the dark-haired wizard slowly turned his eyes to his side, and a pale golden looming “body” appeared on his side, examining himself.

“So … looks like you already have an answer?”

Asked quietly.

The dark-haired wizard nodded slightly.

“Since this is ~ ~ then let’s start from the beginning.” The voice said softly: “Dear, from the material world, please …

“who are you?”

“I am Loren.”

Lorren Turin smiled slightly and read the answer gently:

“A wizard from afar.”

At this moment, there was no confusion in his eyes, and his heart was as clear as a mirror.

Yes, for this world, I will never be part of it, let alone its existence; I am not within its rules, not bound by its laws, but have established a permanent connection with it.

I once tried to integrate into this world, trying to make myself look like the existence of other worlds, but failed.

Asriel, Metzka, Serel … Even if they didn’t show up, they would still come to the door.

For them, for this world, forever … forever they will always be that stranger from afar.

Since this is the case, so be it.

“A very suitable title, somewhat ambiguous but … it really fits the meaning you represent; for this world, you are indeed an unacceptable being.”

The voice said lightly: “So, it’s my turn.”

“Lorren, the wizard from afar, is honored to meet you, my name is …”

“Holy Cross.”

:. :

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