Shattered Moonstone

Book 2 chapter 43

The two stood unmoving, Saffron arms crossed in front of the door as she watched Hecatolite sheepishly look around the room. 

In truth, Amethyst had done more than call Saffron, having more than enough time to tell her about her sisters’ sudden strange behavior and why. For the first time Amethyst shared with someone the full story of what happened with Applejack, having decided it best to keep her family in the dark about the more… private details.

Saffron was… Amethyst would describe it as passionately murderous when she heard the story in full detail. Amethyst actually had a whole new fear that the demon lord would secretly, as Saffron said, “re-educate him”. Amethyst was only able to calm her when she… well in Amethyst's defense what she had said was, “Hecatolite needs your help, but she’s scared.” She may or may not have indicated that Hecatolite’s aversion to intimacy should no longer be a concern.

“i… um… yea, we… we should talk.” Hecatolite stammered when she realized Saffron was standing between her and the only escape route. Sure, she could push past Saffron but the last thing she wanted to do was hurt the women’s feelings more.

Hecatolite took a deep breath as she finally looked up at the waiting Saffron, who stood patiently waiting. “The thing is… well you see, I kind of realized I never asked you… Saffron, what is it you want to do?”

Saffron couldn’t help but smirk as she saw Hecatolite shyly before her. She had stood beside Hecatolite without question for years at this point, she had felt Hecatolite’s power coursing through her, not just the diluted waves of her trying to contain herself, or the dribbles of power Hecatolite shared with her over the years. Saffron was probably one of the only people alive on this world that knew the true endless well that was her mistresses aether, yet here she stood face smeared in dry blood looking at Saffron with such a sheepish expression.

Saffron cocked an eyebrow as she stepped towards Hecatolite, “I have to ask what you mean, mistress.” Saffron, who had devoted herself to Hecatolite, learning every little detail about her from her favorite food to her most preferred sleeping positions; couldn’t help herself as she purposefully leaned over the edge of the tub, knowing full well her short skirt would leave her on full display for Hecatolite, as she pulled the drain plug allowing the water to trickle out of the tub. “I believe I have made myself clear on my intentions, so I do not understand the question.” She glanced back over her shoulder just in time to see the bands on Hecatolite’s arms flash while she averted her eyes. “I believe my mistress doesn't like when the tub it’s to full, correct?” She asked plugging the tub again before sitting on the rim of the tub.

Hecatolite nodded as her face burned, she had only mentioned it once before that she did not like getting into water, but Saffron had apparently remembered it. “I mean… do… Do you want to go home… you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.”

For a brief moment Saffron’s emotions got the best of her as what Amethyst had told her caused her to scowl. She took a sharp breath as she wrangled her own emotions while trying not to succumb to the lust that was trickling off Hecatolite. 

Saffron knew why Hecatolite was avoiding her now and allowing herself to be swept up in the lustful aura would only cause her mistress more unnecessary concern. “Do you wish me to leave my mistress?” 

“No!” Hecatolite’s quick reply seemed to shock them both as a wave of power washed through the small room. “I mean… if you want to, I won’t stop you… but I…” Hecatolite struggled to pull her power back as she seemed to shrink. “I don’t want to take advantage of you. and you have more than helped me with containing my power and…” Hecatolite started to breathe rapidly as she quickly rambled out her thoughts only to stop as Saffron stood.

Saffron, with a single step, crossed the small room causing Hecatolite to step back bumping into the wall as Saffron suddenly seemed to tower over her. Saffron, though being able to look over the twin’s head with ease, was not tall; yet to Hecatolite, who looked up to her with wide eyes, she seemed every inch as tall as their father. “Take advantage of me? How have you been taking advantage of me?” 

“well… my aura makes people like me. And you always do what I ask, and….”

Saffron was more than acquainted with the feeling rising in her as she looked down at Hecatolite, “and why would you think that?” a desire she had long since pushed out of her mind, ever since the night she took advantage of Hecatolite in the castle.

“Well… it's true.” Hecatolite squirmed as Saffron’s eyes seemed to scan every inch of her face. “I healed you and never even bothered to ask what you….”

“Do you honestly believe that?” Saffron again felt a creeping annoyance at the pest of a boy who dared insult her mistress. Her mind briefly filled with promises to visit the lost bunny who had the audacity to cause the goddess before her such worry.

“How can you be sure it's not true? Even Amethyst can’t tell what she feels because of…” The whispers in Hecatolite’s mind started to grow as she spoke, the anxiety gripping her as her throat started to tighten.

Saffron could see the growing concern in Hecatolite’s eyes as she began to breathe heavily, looking a lot like a cornered rabbit herself. Saffron very slowly raised a hand, placing a finger gently on Hecatolite’s lips. “Hecatolite, stop.” 

Hecatolite’s entire body froze as she even held her breath, if it wasn’t for the rapid pounding in her chest, she would have thought her own heart stopped as Saffron’s soft voice washed over her; her words though spoken in the gentlest of tones slammed through Hecatolite’s mind instantly silencing all the noise in her mind as for the first time Saffron addressed her not by title but by her name.

Hecatolite stood stunned, her mind blank as her entire being focused on the finger pressed to her lips. “I do not know why you would believe such things,” Saffron seemed to growl as gently dragged her finger down Hecatolite’s lips, “but know this Hecatolite.” she leaned down as her finger parted Hecatolite’s lips. “I am the demon lord of Excess. I would not be controlled by something as simple as a little lust.” 

Her breath tickled Hecatolite’s lips as she spoke, her mouth barely an inch away from her own causing the bands on her arms to flash a bright pink, the room suddenly filling with the lustful haze that was her divine aura.

Hecatolite went to speak but was quickly silenced by Saffron who quickly pulled back from her, the annoyed look on her face causing Hecatolite to swallow hard as Saffron’s single word rang in her mind; stop.

Saffron clicked her tongue as she seemed to think for a moment, her annoyance clear on her face as she thought of a way to get through to Hecatolite. She was not only annoyed at the man who put such foolish thoughts in her mistresses mind, but at Hecatolite herself. to think that Hecatolite believes Saffron so weak as to be controlled by her, that her devotion was so shallow. Hecatolite seemed to believe, despite anyones protest, that she had taken advantage of Saffron; that idea bothered Saffron, to think her mistress would ever take advantage of anyone, and even more to simply ignore her own words to the contrary. 

“Since my mistress is so naïve as to be so easily led by others,” Saffron ran a hand up Hecatolite’s armored arm, even through the metal armor the action sent shivers through her body. “I will show you myself.” Saffron’s hand rested on the glowing band that was now nearing being filled. “You asked what I wish to do, Hecatolite. I wish to bathe you.” She licked her lips as she slowly pushed the band down her arm. 

The sound of the metal band hitting the floor was quickly forgotten as Hecatolite’s aura blasted through the house, the sudden release instantly overloading the second band that, with a loud crack, went dark. 

Hecatolite could barely think as she asked, “only…”

Saffron again pressed a finger to her lips as she shushed her, “only bathe.” Even as she spoke the words, she knew she was lying, but Saffron couldn’t help herself. Hecatolite was by far the most powerful entity she had ever met, someone with enough power to shape the world into their every desire, and yet Saffron couldn’t resist her own burning desire, the one that was lit years ago, to tease her. To have a goddess at your fingertips, to have her so concerned about you she would rip the moon from the sky, only to be reduced to a shy rambling girl… 

Saffron knew everything she needed to know about her mistress, not just how powerful she was; she knew the spring of kindness that her mistress had, in the care and devotion she had not just to her own family but all those around her. She knew the whimsy that was her fractured mind that masked the knowledge in her mind hidden behind her almost childlike disposition. All of that wrapped in the unwavering beliefs that she held fast to, beliefs that others did not seem to understand, the belief that she should protect those around her. 

All of Saffron’s emotions swirled inside her mind as she looked into Hecatolite’s black eyes. Saffron had devoted herself to Hecatolite because of her power, because she was a goddess. but she stayed because of who Hecatolite was, and Saffron was about to teach Hecatolite about one of her favorite things about her mistress, a little quirk in her own personality that had excited Saffron since the day she had stumbled upon it. “Now, it’s getting late so no more chit chat, understand?”

Though Saffron asked a question Hecatolite found herself unable to answer as Saffron’s finger lingered on her lips. The burning in her body screaming for her to take Saffron right there suddenly grew as her body locked in place as her mind registered the question as what it really was, a command. A command that every fiber of Hecatolite’s being wanted to do nothing but fulfill…

So I did not mean to leave this as a slight cliff hanger, though I am sure no one is "guessing" what happens next. The next chapter is currently in production and will be up in the next few days as I am currently trying to work out how it will work out (POV wise and all. the current draft is... not great, needs a lot of TLC thinking of narrowing it down to just Hecatolite's POV). I also wanted to share with everyone that I have read all your comments and I am writing them down for when I rewrite the story, it is bringing to light a lot of things I did not think about and am thankful for them. I have said before that this is a rough draft at best and will be rewritten once the story is completed. I honestly only have about one more books worth of plan with the story, spoiler book two only has a handful more chapters before I will start "book 3" but I do ask if you like the story please bare with me while I tweak it here and their along the way, you feed back is always apricated XD (I do realize now that I did over weaken Hecatolite and should have planned her better before simply buffing Amethyst to act as a counter balance, now that I have Amethyst character more fleshed out in my mind and where she is going


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