Shattered Moonstone

Book 2 chapter 44 NSFW

So I know the poll on last chapter still has a while but lets be honest with ourselves, its pretty clear where it is going. Remember you all voted so what comes next is as much your fault as mine in this chapter lol. If you are not interested in the NSFW chapter skip to the end where I will add a small summery of this chapter as it is not crucial to the "story".

Hecatolite’s voice caught in her throat as Saffron began removing her armor, the simple act sending her mind reeling as her body refused to move. Only calming once Saffron had finished, stepping back as she eyed the now nude woman, a sudden burning in Hecatolite’s cheeks along with the sudden chill of the air on her bare skin bringing her mind back to reality.

Hecatolite felt a strange sensation from Saffron’s gaze, her eyes feeling like hot coals across her skin as her eyes wandered down Hecatolite as if admiring her, causing her to become suddenly self-conscious. Hecatolite had never worried about their appearance much, she accepted they were attractive but aside from that, never gave how she looked anything more than a passing thought, but suddenly standing here…

Hecatolite squirmed under Saffron’s gaze as she sheepishly attempted to cover herself, she was about to ask for her not to stare but something in her mind stopped her, the ever-present noise clearing for a brief moment as she recalled Saffron’s command “no more talking…” The order slammed into her mind causing her throat to tighten as the warmth in her abdomen flared to life.

That’s… so strange. Her thoughts came disjointed even to her as the growing heat found its way into her own mind. Hecatolite had been “told”' to do things before, even ordered around a few times yet she never felt such a strong compulsion to follow such commands, yet, something deep inside of her… compelled her to listen to the succubus’s words. She was about to activate her soul sight in an attempt to search for a spell when Saffron stepped towards her.

“Now, Hecatolite,” Saffron’s soothing voice snapped her attention to her, the desire in her mind screaming at her to listen as Saffron gingerly took her hand she had been using to cover herself. “How am I going to wash you if you do that?” Their eyes met as Saffron placed a hand on her shoulder, suddenly setting Hecatolite alight as Saffron’s soul came into view.

Normally Saffron’s soul felt warm, inviting, even a bit… alluring. But now… it was almost completely different. Not in appearance but the feeling flooding into Hecatolite was… desire, loyalty… dominating. The sudden rush of new information caused her knees to quiver beneath her as a new desire rose from within her…

She felt Saffron’s hand on her shoulder shift slightly, with the slightest amount of force, as she pushed onto Hecatolite’s shoulder. Saffron looked momentarily surprised as Hecatolite fell to her knees before her, submitting without question to the unspoken command. The look of surprise quickly vanished as a devilish grin grew on her face.

“Stay right there while I prepare.” Her voice washed over Hecatolite as it bore into her mind like a hot iron, the single word being repeated by the chorus in her mind, “stay.” 

Hecatolite’s concern over her body’s reaction was short lived as she watched Saffron turn her back to the stunned woman. With a single fluid motion Saffron undid the ribbon that acted as her belt, a flick of her wrist pulling it free almost like a well-choreographed dance as the short skirt fluttered free of its restraint. The motion enrapturing Hecatolite as she watched Saffron’s skin begin to darken slightly while she carefully, and painfully slowly, lifted the dress over her head, expertly avoiding her growing horns as she tossed it to the side. Hecatolite’s whole body shuddered as a wave of power washed off her, her eyes tracing down Saffron’s back landing on her surprisingly toned ass.

Hecatolite’s own sharp inhale drowned out Saffron’s chuckles as she bent down to undo the knee-high boots she wore, the motion pressing her hips backwards toward Hecatolite’s stunned face as she sat mouth slightly open. Hecatolite’s mind cleared she watched Saffron’s butt dancing before her, the stark contrast of her panties on her now reddish pink skin, the faint impression of her pussy showing through the thin fabric. 

Stay… repeated in her mind as her body felt like it was burning, the cold stone floor beneath her now feeling like ice against her. The unconscious rocking of her own hips lost on her as she drifted closer to the sweet…

Hecatolite jerked back as Saffron’s whip-like tail swatted her, the sudden motion breaking her trance as she looked up at the succubus who now looked back to her, her pitch-black almond eyes narrowing as she did. “Hecatolite,” though her voice sounded annoyed, the slight smirk on her face betrayed her amusement as she looked down at the stunned woman. “Don’t misunderstand,” she leaned towards Hecatolite as she hooked her thumbs into her own panties, “I simply do not want to get my clothes wet.”

Another wave of power surged through her as she watched Saffron, slowly, slide her panties down her thighs. Hecatolite knew Saffron felt the slip of power, taking in a deep breath as her eyes seemed to haze for a moment. Saffron slowly exhaled as she seemed to compose herself before spinning to face the tub.

Hecatolite tore her eyes from Saffron’s back, taking deep breaths as she tried to snuff out the heat rising in her body. Pushing the persistent voices from her mind as she told herself Saffron only wanted to take a bath, nothing more. Anything more would be…

Saffron cleared her throat drawing Hecatolite back to her.

It felt as if Hecatolite had been lit on fire as she clutched her thighs tightly together, the world around her fading as her eyes landed on Saffron whose eyes shot open wide at the sudden influx of lust that cascaded off her. The sight caused Hecatolite’s mind to grind to a halt as she felt a massive draw on her aether.

Saffron closed her eyes as she felt Hecatolite’s power slam into her, trying desperately to control herself as she resisted her urge to dive onto her mistress again. Having to keep reminding herself why she had chosen this activity, simply bathing Hecatolite would be arousing to both of them, but she needed to prove to her that she could resist the lust the Deity extruded. To do that Saffron needed to bathe Hecatolite… maybe teasing her was a bit much but… 

Saffron opened her eyes as she looked back to the small woman sitting only feet away from her, the way she looked at her with such pleading desire filled eyes. The way her legs shifted beneath her as she resisted touching herself. Saffron couldn’t help but smile as she watched Hecatolite digging her fingers into the stone she sat on, her entire body shivering as her eyes wandered up and down Saffron’s body with wide eyes… she couldn’t help but tease her mistress, Hecatolite’s reactions, the way she, a goddess, would just submit to her was simply too adorable.

Suddenly an image was rammed into Saffron’s mind as Hecatolite’s power surged forth, a whirlwind of emotions forcing their way forth as the premonition hit her.

The confusion threatened to overtake Hecatolite as she looked at the woman perched on the edge of the bathtub. Hecatolite was unable to process her own thoughts as she greedily scanned every inch of Saffron’s body.

Her large black horns intertwined in her long curly red hair that framed her slightly angular face. Her sharp black eyes that seemed to look through Hecatolite, as if looking directly into her core setting it ablaze as she wanted nothing more than to lose herself in them. Her eyes traced down her thin neck, over her almost dainty shoulders that seemed to tense as her gaze continued down. Hecatolite’s eyes stopped for a moment just below Saffron’s collar bone, her own body reacting to the black tattoo-like mark that was in the center of her chest. The “mark” she had put on her was on full display as Saffron leaned back. The motion caused her perky breasts to shift slightly as if they were framing the mark. Hecatolite couldn’t help but drink in the sight as her eyes ran over Saffron’s otherwise perfect chest, the reddish hue of her skin accentuated her breasts, her quarter sized light pink nipples drawing her eyes as her imagination ran rampant... her attention was grabbed again as Saffron shifted her long legs, opening her tone thighs. Hecatolite swallowed hard as she traced Saffron’s inviting legs only for the burning to threaten to overtake her, flaring to life even hotter than before as her eyes landed on the patch of curly red hair that sat atop Saffron’s now clearly aroused pussy.

Hecatolite’s mouth hung open though no words came, she didn’t know if it was the compulsion that kept her from speaking or simply a lack of words to describe the woman before her. There was no doubt that Saffron was gorgeous, but sitting there with her wings and tail tucked behind her Hecatolite simply had no words to describe the flame inside of her own body. They sat for nearly a minute admiring each other before Saffron was finally able to come to her senses.

Saffron swallowed hard as she motioned to Hecatolite to come to her, now concerned of her own ability to control herself, she beckoned to her mistress with a single finger. Pointing to the spot before her on the ground only to be surprised as Hecatolite eagerly scrambled to the spot without a word, not bothering to stand as she lunged across the floor just barely stopping between Saffron’s legs. 

Saffron managed to calm herself as Hecatolite fell to the floor before her, sitting patiently as she waited… kind of, she still seemed to squirm as she now sat on her ever-shifting knees. Saffron smiled as she placed a hand on Hecatolite’s cheek, “so well behaved,” she could see Hecatolite’s entire body tense at her words, the small woman going rigid as she caressed her face. “Let's not waste any more time.” 

Hecatolite’s entire focus was captured by desperately attempting to subdue her own lust as Saffron went to work delicately scrubbing her body with a damp cloth. Saffron’s touch sending jolts across her skin that caused her focus to falter, allowing her power to leak out of her, filling the room with a haze of lust. Each wave chipping away at her mental walls, the noise in her mind screaming for a release as Saffron’s hand danced across her. Her entire body twitched as she felt Saffron’s hand on her own chest, cupping one of her breasts as she scrubbed it, a weak moan escaping her as she let out a panting breath only to let out a disappointed whimper as Saffron’s hand retreated. 

Hecatolite lost what little control she had as Saffron leaned over her, the succubus hand working a lather onto the back of her neck. Hecatolite found herself pulled close enough to Saffron that her pubic hair brushed the tip of her nose, her mind breaking as the slightly musky sweet scent filled her mind. The warmth radiating off Saffron shattered any hope Hecatolite had of quenching the inferno of desire as she leaned closer to the wet pussy barely an inch away…

Hecatolite let out a surprised gasp as her advance was stopped, the sudden invasion of Saffron’s thumb in her mouth causing her to jerk back slightly as Saffron, bravely, did the only thing she could think of and grabbed onto Hecatolite’s open mouth.

“Didn’t I tell you, only bathing?” Saffron chastised as she guided Hecatolite’s head away from her, glaring down at the wide eyed Hecatolite who nodded while trying not to bite her hand. Saffron shook her head as she released Hecatolite’s mouth before standing. “Since you can’t control yourself, I’ll have to remove the temptation, wont I?” She hummed as she circled behind Hecatolite who gave her a puzzled look.

Again, Hecatolite let out a shocked yelp as she was lifted from the ground, unable to protest as Saffron took her in her arms and stepped into the tub. “Now, are you going to behave?” Saffron whispered into her ear as she sat with Hecatolite in her lap.

Hecatolite nodded sheepishly as Saffron pressed into her back, the warm water doing nothing to cool her body as she felt Saffron go back to work scrubbing her back.

Saffron was honestly thankful for the new position, the lustful haze around Hecatolite was strong but nothing compared to her own desire. She was nearing her own limit as Hecatolite’s pleading eyes chipped away at her own conviction to only bathe her mistress as proof of control.

Saffron’s own mind wandered as her hands worked their way down Hecatolite’s sides, massaging her hips as the small woman in her lap, who let out ragged breaths. “You seem so tense mistress,” she purred into Hecatolite’s ear, “are you perhaps, uncomfortable?” she asked as her hands slowly made their way around Hecatolite’s thighs. 

Her words were lost as a single finger brushed Hecatolite’s bare pussy. The sudden release of power that exploded outwards shaking the metal tub around them as Hecatolite leaned her head back with eyes closed, releasing a breath she had not realized she was holding in a low rumbling moan that reverberated in her chest as Saffron was suddenly flooded with her mistress’s raw power.

Saffron couldn’t help herself as she traced Hecatolite with a finger, “now, Hecatolite,” she licked her lips as her finger slowly worked its way towards Hecatolite’s entrance, “you’re not misunderstanding this, are you?” She asked as her finger slowly prodded, just barely pressing into her before retreating. “I think you are clean enough now.” She smiled deviously as Hecatolite let out another pained whimper. 

“Saffron,” Hecatolite nearly cried out in a weak wheeze as she felt Saffron shifting behind her. “I… I need you.” She begged, the words breaking any hope she had of controlling the fire within her as her power flooded out of her.

Saffron inhaled sharply as Hecatolite’s power slammed into her, an invading emotion causing her knees to wobble as her legs almost lost strength. She felt Hecatolite’s unyielding lust yet there was more, something else mixed into her pleas, a deep desire. One Saffron understood, not something simple as lust for her body, but a desire for her. 

“I already told you Hecatolite,” She felt Hecatolite's entire body shudder at her words, “only bathing.” 

Hecatolite’s entire body went numb as she slumped forward, the burning in her abdomen going out as she felt a new creeping coldness inside of her as her mind became a maelstrom of noise that drowned out the world around her.

Of course… she did say that… why would she… her thoughts suddenly became disjointed as she sat in the now chilling bath.

“Come here.” Saffron’s honey-like voice cut though the voices in her own mind, causing her head to snap up as she saw Saffron standing by the door beckoning her with her hand as she smiled. 

“But you said…”

“Come,” Saffron’s words caused Hecatolite’s entire body to tense as they bit into her mind, “here.” She pointed to the floor next to her.

Hecatolite stood without thought, slowly stepping next to the woman as she sheepishly looked at the floor. She couldn’t process why her body seemed to react on its own though Saffron’s commanding tone caused the noise in her mind to subside.

She tensed as Saffron placed a hand on her shoulder, gently running up the side of her neck as she lifted Hecatolite’s face to look at her. “The bath is over, Hecatolite.” She said softly as she rubbed her cheek, “you should no longer be worried that I cannot resist your aura.” Hecatolite’s body shook as Saffron slowly leaned towards her, “I simply do not wish to.”

Just as suddenly as the burning desire in her body had vanished it returned with a new found ferocity as Saffron’s lips brushed hers. Hecatolite’s entire being was suddenly alite as Saffron embarrassed her, the fire in her abdomen creeping into her very mind as if burning away the voices that mocked her until nothing was left but the feeling of the woman who held her in her arms.

Saffron motioned to leave the room only to be stopped as Hecatolite pulled her into a deep kiss, pressing her entire body against her as she desperately kissed her. There was no aether, no power behind the kiss yet it still filled Saffron’s mind with pleasure as Hecatolite greedily pressed into her.

Saffron managed to break away as Hecatolite began to grind against her, “so eager.” she panted as her hands began running across Hecatolite’s thin hips. “You did good while in the bath.” She licked her lips, her fingers sinking into her surprising plump butt. “But you still need to learn patience.” 

Hecatolite did not protest as Saffron pulled her from the ground, wrapping her legs around the succubus waist right below her wings as she tried to kiss her again. 

Saffron carried Hecatolite out of the bathroom, ignoring their nudity as she walked down the hall to the twin’s bedroom, while smiling at Hecatolite’s desperate kissing attempt before she gave up and began kissing her neck.

Hecatolite lost herself as Saffron carried her, feeling the warmth of her body as she desperately kissed Saffron’s neck. Her mind, though clear of the noise, was still burning with need as she pressed her hips into Saffron’s abdomen. She only regained herself as she was suddenly dropped, the sudden motion soliciting a yell as she fell onto the soft bed beneath her. 

She scrambled to sit up only to be violently pushed back down as Saffron climbed on top of her, “Stay.” She commanded as she pushed down on Hecatolite with enough force to cause the bed to creak beneath them. 

Hecatolite locked into place as Saffron bent down and kissed her neck, both of them not noticing the pulsing waves coming off her as every little touch sent jolts of power though her body. 

Saffron kissed down Hecatolite’s neck, stopping briefly at her small breasts, toying with them as she licked around the hard nipples, each kiss sending a wave though her body as the black vein-like marks danced around each spot her lips touched. 

Hecatolite let out a long moan as Saffron worked her way down to her hips while placing a hand on her leg. Hecatolite did not need to be asked as she submitted, opening her legs for Saffron who stopped as she hovered over her.

Hecatolite looked down to see Saffron smiling up at her from between her legs, her long dark horns pressing against her thighs…

The entire world became white for a moment as she felt Saffron’s warm breath against her, her body tensing as Saffron ever so gently kissed her lips, only to let out a cry as she felt Saffron pulling away.

“Oh, do you want something?” Saffron teased as she leaned back down.

Hecatolite opened her mouth to reply only to nearly bite her own tongue as Saffron ran her hot tongue over her slit.

“Now Hecatolite, how will I know what you want if you don’t tell me?” She asked playfully as Hecatolite panted.

“ple…” Again, Saffron licked her.

“Are you going to come to me next time you have a problem?” 

Hecatolite nodded as she tried to respond, “ye..” again she was stopped as Saffron ran her tongue across her.

After the fourth time Hecatolite managed to get out a pleading word, “please.” She begged.

Saffron nodded, her horns rubbing against Hecatolite’s legs as she spoke, “good.” 

The world around them vanished as Saffron’s hot tongue ran across Hecatolite’s now dripping pussy; unable to hold back the moans as she felt Saffron’s tongue working its way inside of her. Slowly, she could feel her body clenching as a sinking feeling began to form in her stomach, Saffron’s long tongue feeling like a hot iron as it explored every inch of her as if stoking the flame inside of her, her breaths becoming more erratic as she curled her legs around the succubus head, ignoring the sharp jab of her horns as she clenched her thighs around her.

Saffron could feel Hecatolite tightening around her, the shifting of her hips falling into a smooth rhythm as she greedily drank every drop of her mistress’s desire. Feeling Hecatolite’s legs wrapping around her brought a sense of pride to her she did not expect as she picked up the pace, moving from prodding her to flicking her hard clit with her tongue, causing Hecatolite to twitch uncontrollably as tendrils of black aether surged from where they were connected, webbing across her spotless skin in waves that seemed to match the rhythm of Saffron’s tongue.

“I…. I’m….” Hecatolite slammed her hips up as her entire body convulsed, the sudden surge of energy nearly ripping her from Saffron’s grasp as she let out a distorted yell. 

Her body ached as suddenly all the pressure exploded inside of her, waves of pleasure flooded her, the burning desire was slowly washed away by the cooling euphoria as wave after wave washed over her. After nearly a minute she fell limp back onto the bed as she gasped for air, her mind filled with static as she lay twitching on the bed before going still.

Saffron licked her lips as she stood, the fleeting thought of how the city was going to react to the sudden outburst of lust quickly passed through her mind as she looked down at the sweat soaked woman panting beneath her. She hummed to herself as she ran a hand across Hecatolite’s abdomen, the black veins flaring at her touch. 

She had figured Hecatolite had fallen asleep as she did not move when Saffron bent down and softly kissed her head. Turning to leave she was stopped when two small hands wrapped around her waist.

She turned back to see Hecatolite half fallen from the bed as she grabbed onto her, looking up at her with large crystal-clear blood red eyes. She froze as their eyes met, a sudden tingling sensation in the back of her mind as if she was looking at something she shouldn’t… but she couldn’t look away. Hecatolite’s deep red eyes drawing her in as she felt something inside of her own mind... bend… Saffron watched as Hecatolite’s eyes slowly darkened, the edges of her irises turning the usual inky black as it seemed to bleed into them.

Hecatolite's mind was clear from… everything. The silence was terrifying as for the first time she could recall, she heard nothing. She felt around her own mind, Amethyst’s presence was there but it was faint, aside from that there was… nothing. no memories, no voices, no noise, just… her. Her own thoughts, desires, needs and wants… and what she wanted right now… more than anything…

“Stay with me.” Her voice was barely a whisper as she felt her mind begin to haze again, like a calm lake with a stone thrown into it, a ripple coursed through her mind as she could hear the faint distant whispers. “I… it's your turn.” She said shyly as she pulled Saffron back towards the bed. 

Saffron smiled as Hecatolite tugged on her, the creeping sensation vanishing as she felt her mistresses pull on her. “I will always stay with you, Hecatolite.” She said softly as she allowed herself to be pulled into the bed, “if that is what you wish then…”

Hecatolite stopped her with a kiss, “only if you want to. Stay with me. Let me take care of you.” She said kissing her again, “do you want me?”

The question caused Saffron to pause, that a goddess would ask her… sure, she had teased Hecatolite, but she was simply helping her mistress relieve herself. Did she enjoy it, of course, but that was only because she knew in her mind that if Hecatolite wished it she would have stopped her… but to… “yes. I want you Hecatolite, more than I think you will ever know.” She said as her own unattended desire flared inside of her. She wanted Hecatolite, not just her power, but all of her, all of her quirks, her faults, everything… Saffron wanted nothing more than to stay by Hecatolite. 

Neither of them noticed the faint sound of a notification as Hecatolite and Saffron kissed, the first of many very long nights as the world around them was battered with the desire of the two.

Ok, for those of you that skipped to the end I feel as if you had not missed much as this chapter focused mainly on Hecatolite and Saffron. Their was some relationship building but honestly their really are only a few takeaways from this chapter that may be considered plot relevant. The first being that after climax Hecatolite's mind is clear, no noise, no voices, nothing. While in this state just looking into her eyes was "unnerving" to Saffron, (that has come up before and will come up again). The second being a "strange compulsion" to listen to Saffron during the sexy time. This is something I was kind of playing with and will just explain now given it probably wont come back up for a long time if ever. spoilers ahead,


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