Shattered Moonstone

Book 2 chapter 45

Valor lazily tapped on a terminal as his followers ran around his realm. They had managed to break into the world log in the last year, yet anything further seems to be impossible for them, even the log seemed… broken. Large gaps of information, particularly pertaining to this Deity that had arrived and mocked him during the offerings. 

“I just don’t see how something can be completely removed from the system.” He muttered pulling up the log on Eryl. He had originally believed that the admin had fabricated the Deity for some reason or another, but the log showed no indication of it. He could track her every move, even more so now that he had her collard. “Then there's that.” He hissed looking at a porcelain plate.

It was just an ordinary plate, nothing special… minus the fact it was forced into his realm with an offering on it. “The Saintess”. How a mortal gained enough power to force a physical object into the divine realms was beyond him. 

He pulled up the system log on Amethyst, scowling as it displayed the barest information on her as well. He could see her name, her singular title of the “all-faiths saint” but nothing more. In fact, that whole family remained a mystery, it was as if they simply vanished from the system, even the sage that was currently training his hero’s, someone who was devoted to him, was simply nonexistent in the system. 

He was unconcerned about the sage currently living in his church, even if he couldn’t see him in the system, the constant prayers from those around him showed Valor that the man was doing his duty. Guiding the heroes to greatness, though the training was slow it was understandable given the peaceful world they had come from, not that it mattered much in the end. There was that minor problem of the sage's family, his sister the saint and the other a hero that had yet to be brought to his church, though that was simply a matter of time.

There were a lot of possibilities to the family's newfound anonymity. It could be the saint’s newfound power that keeps them from his sight, or that the family apparently birthed a summoned hero as well, it was very possible the hero had some ability that hid it from the gods… there was also the possibility it was another divine trying to hide them away, that Deity that clearly has some deceptive ability… 

Not that its matter’s in the end. He thought, pulling up the name that had been given to him, Hecatolite Lapidary, the only hero he could not track down. Again, annoyed by the lack of information on her as the terminal only showed her name along with a blank soul page. If she is a hero, then she will come around in due time. If not, I will simply remove her.

The arrival of the heroes had the desired effect, increasing his own domain significantly as they acted as a nice figurehead in the war. He even gained a Saint himself, an unforeseen boon to the mass summoning, even if she was still young, her presence had increased his faith two-fold as the public adored her. With the sudden increase in his following, he couldn’t help but grin as he looked down at the hazy fingertip that had been so violently broken years ago. 

With his new influx of power, the healing had sped up considerably, where he used to be missing a whole knuckle it had regrown to nearly its nail. 

He flexed his hand as he nodded to himself. Even with all the setbacks everything’s finally getting back on track. Soon I will rid this world of its rot and take my place as its one true god. Just a little more… Valor stopped as cold chill ran down his spine, his entire body shivering as he looked around his realm. 

“What… was that?” He asked, looking at the terminal. Its normally blue screen flashing red as black lines webbed across it. 

Continue to cast your gaze upon me and I will do more than simply look back.

He barely had time to read it before the terminal crumbled in his hand leaving him stunned as the creeping cold lingered in his body.

Siofra was having a problem… she had received a warning from Amethyst earlier in the day, thankfully giving her time to seclude herself as she prepared for Hecatolite’s… mating. 

She had expected it to be a long night, knowing full well the effect Hecatolite’s libido had on her in the past, having settled into her grove just before the premonition of the succubus hit her. 

What she did not expect was just how long the effect would be.

“Will you two stop already?” She groaned as another wave of lust pulsed through her. 

It had been hours, she had long since relieved herself to the point of boredom. It had been fun at the start but now.

A terminal flashed into existence before her. “Message from Soter, can’t you do anything about this sister. Some of us have things to do.” 

“Oh, sure let me just pop down there and tell the demon lord of excess and the deity of lust and gluttony that you need your beauty sleep.” She replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes, “you think it's bad for you, at least you can call that little devil of yours to help you out.”

“If I wanted someone to stab me in the back I'd be better off going to Valor.” Soter replied, the terminal doing its best to convey the annoyance in his voice as it mimicked him. “They have to tire eventually, they both are still in mortal bodies, right?”

“As far as I know…” she stopped as she felt a presence enter her grove… 

“and here you have been telling everyone you know nothing of this Deity.” A snickering voice called out.

“I’ll call you back.” She said dismissing the terminal as she stood, her legs only shaking slightly as she turned to face the intruder. “Asmit.” She growled as he manifested before her, “I do not care for eavesdroppers.”

“Now Goddess, I am not here to fight.” He held his hands up defensively as the trees around him closed in, “I simply wish to… talk.” He said with a nervous laugh as a vine wrapped around his legs. Asmit was powerful but to fight Siofra in her own grove… “you seem to be having trouble, goddess.” He snickered seeing her flushed cheeks, the fact she was nude was not lost on the devil though far be it from him to bring up someone’s state of dress in their own domain. 

“Speak quickly Asmit, I have little patience for your games.” She hissed as the vines danced around him.

“Fine, fine, fine, I will spare you the offer of assistance with that particular problem.” He laughed as a vine ripped him from the ground, choosing it best to not resist as he was dangled before her. “I wish to join this little coven you have here on the moon. Truth be told I grow bored of hiding away in my own realm…” the vines around him tightened as she glared at him. “ok ok, shesh you are no fun.” He wheezed as he considered retreating until she had calmed. 

Siofra did not answer as she scanned his face, pushing the building lust in her body aside was a lot easier when she had something to focus on, it did help Asmit was far from what she would consider “fun”.

“Imagine the look on Valor’s face if I were to join your little group, it would be simply delightful. That and the Deity you seem so close to seems to get under his skin so much, I want to know more of this Hecatolite.” The mention of her name caused Siofra to pause, as far as she knew none of the divine other than her brother knew of Hecatolite. “I see your surprise, yes, it is true, I know of the Deity as well, though sadly she seems to be out of my reach to contact. Something is blocking her, even her sister who has my mark seems to be out of my reach. So peculiar that you…” he was violently dropped cutting his words short.

“You don’t know what it is you trifle with Asmit,” Siofra shook her head, “Hecatolite is not someone you should cross, do with that information as you please.” She said, snapping her fingers and covering herself. The fact he knew Hecatolite’s name and hadn’t shared it with Valor was enough to show at least a little truth in his words. “Wishing to join the shared realm is something you should speak to Jaki about.”

“I fear I would scare the small bunny if I approached her alone.” He laughed as he stood. He dusted himself off before clearing his throat. “Siofra, know I do not wish to cross this Deity, unlike Valor, I can understand the scope of someone destroying a moon. That, on top of what she does to the wildlife around her whenever she gets hungry is truly a sight to behold. I simply wish to know more about her, what she is, how she can walk among the mortals, and how she is going to react when Eryl stands before her.”

“Likely violently.” Siofra shuttered at the thought of Hecatolite meeting Eryl only to pause when Asmit laughed.

“You do not know, do you?” he chuckled, “what Valor did.”

“What Valor…” she stopped to contemplate his words. Hecatolite had spoken of Eryl once to her, though the conversation was brief given the system’s interference of either of them sharing any information about her. 

Did Valor do something to Eryl? 

“This is too rich, oh what a great stage you have set for yourself, Valor.” Asmit was unable to contain his laughter, “I will share this with you since you looked confused.” Ashmit wiped a tear from his eyes. “Valor stopped the formation of seeds…”

“Yes I know that he blocked the formation of new gods by shoving his realm in the Aether spring, how he did it without Eryl noticing…”

“That's the trick, if you would be patient.” Asmit growled. “you gods, always so quick to cut someone off while they are speaking. Valor’s realm was “beside” the aether spring when Eryl left to train the hero’s, once on the mortal realm, she was unable to stop him from moving it, even less so now that she has been blocked from the system.”

“Wait he blocked her from… he didn’t.” her face paled as the truth sunk in.

Asmit nodded, “She has been collared. Though it seems she had some safeties in place that kept him from naming himself admin. As to what those are,” he shrugged dramatically, “I haven’t a clue. But I am sure it has something to do with that little Deity.”

Siofra scrunched her face as she thought, “but to what end? Valor must know that messing with the balance like that will not end well for him… and Hecatolite is an affront to everything Eryl stands for. Why would she willingly use her for… Eryl thinks Hecatolite is just a summoned, doesn’t she…”

Ashmit clicked his tongue as he waved a finger in front of himself, “speculation will get us nowhere, I simply wanted to let you know I am not your enemy here.”

“Yes, but what do you gain?” Siofra narrowed her eyes as Ashmit feigned offense.

“Can I simply not be concerned about the world I reside in?” His face faltered as he held back a laugh. Her glare caused him to let out a chuckle, “I should have contacted your brother, maybe he would have been more entertaining.” He sighed, “Valor is an annoyance, an entertaining annoyance, but an annoyance none the less. His ego has always led him astray, he had the bravado to stand against me and I respect that. But for ages he had the audacity to claim himself better than me!” Ashmit’s face twisted as his smile morphed into a scowl, “to claim that he, barely able to stand on his own two feet, bested me in combat. To stand on a tower of lies built on my name! You ask what I gain, goddess, I wish to see him fall into despair and I think this Hecatolite will be instrumental in this. She stands on her own, openly mocks those who have made their names through deceit, praises those whose achievements are worthy of note. Yes, this Deity along with her sister have shown that the mortals of this world have not yet forgotten what it is to take pride in one's own work, with them at the helm Valor will fail in whatever pathetic scheme he is attempting to form in this world, drag them to light and show him for the deprived pathetic man he is…” Siofra actually took a step back as the devil before her rambled, the mask finally falling from his face as he laughed maniacally in her realm. “Yes, I wish to see the Goat king be unmasked in this world for the cowering animal he truly is, the stage is set my dear Siofra and soon Valor’s sins will be laid bare. You ask what I gain from this, and the answer is simple, vengeance. I forgave Valor when he marched on my lands, I forgave him when he burned my villages to the ground, killed my kin, but I will never forgive him for the slander he has spewed over the ages. to use my name as a pedestal to stand on as he brainwashed the mortals to worship him. If that means I will play my part in this game he has constructed then so be it, but know this, Valor will fall and I will be damn sure that the world forgets the golden throne he constructed for himself.”

Siofra took a deep breath as she contemplated his words, there was no secret that Ashmit had some resentment to Valor; that much had been clear through his constant mocking of the god king. But for it to run this deep, “and why is Hecatolite needed for this? Could you not simply bring the truth to light yourself?”

“That would be pointless, the ramblings of a devil scorned in the eyes of the world. No, this Deity brought here by his own hands would make a much better main character, don’t you think? Besides, Hecatolite is in a very strange position, you see, once Valor falls there will be a vacuum in the holy court once the head is removed. Who do you think will sit atop the vacant throne? Surely not a devil as myself, yet a half devil?”

This time Siofra laughed, causing Ashmit to scowl, “Hecatolite would just as likely let the whole court burn before she took up the mantle of head. Ashmit, I appreciate your plans and schemes so I will again warn you, Hecatolite is harmless as it is now. Not because she lacks power but because she simply doesn’t wish to use it. She is more than content simply running around on the mortal world, to think that she would bother with the court is… well, mad. She would likely shatter the entire realm if someone tried to force her into the position. My advice on this game you’re playing, pawns are only useful if you can control them. What do you have to offer Hecatolite for her participation that she can not simply take on her own?” She shook her head recalling that Ashmit had managed to get his own blessing onto Amethyst during the offering. “And before you say something truly foolish, know the last person to threaten her loved ones has been so thoroughly removed from existence that I doubt even the Primordial court could resurrect him.”

“I am no fool,” Ashmit groaned, “The Deity did erase a dozen souls from existence in the blink of an eye, the fact Valor refuses to connect the dots is his own hubris that something in this world may be more powerful than himself.” Again he laughed, “but you mistake something, there is a game being played in this world, one bigger than even I am fully aware. But I am not the one playing it. The real question is, what will happen when Eryl is freed from her servitude?”

“If Valor is the one who collared her then…. Hecatolite.” She faltered remembering how easily the young woman tore her own soul apart… 

“Exactly, she may not even know she is playing but all the pieces move around her. The saintess, the sage, the nation of Crown, the system itself, it all runs back to her. Even Valor doesn’t realize he himself is marching to the beat of her drum. And soon he will present Eryl to her on a silver platter and I can’t wait to see what she does. She tears the system terminals apart like paper, eats souls like candy, and kills gods with nary a thought. And what do you think will happen when a defenseless administrator is before her?”

Siofra took another breath as she tried to remain calm, “you seem to have a lot of information yet no facts. Were you not the one who said speculation would do us no good? I must ask how you managed to glean that Valor has indeed collared Eryl? That is quite the accusation, that if true, is grounds not only for his removal, but likely banishment or shattering by the primordial court. That is of course, if you can prove it?”

Ashmit shrugged again, “this is true, I cannot prove without a doubt that Valor is the one who orchestrated her enslavement. I know that a collar of his own design rests on her neck, yet his followers have branded her a heretic, so it is possible they did that on their own accord. Yet, none of those matters. In no more than a few days Eryl will stand before this Hecatolite,” he smiled wide as Siofra raised an eyebrow. “Before you ask I will tell you. Information given freely as a gift of our new alliance. Eryl is currently being used as a maid for one of the heroes that had been injured, it just so happens that the hero is the current saintess of Valor, Himari. Now all that would be pointless unless you consider that they believe Hecatolite to be, not only insane, but stuck in another's body. Himari, as a former doctor, has a deep understanding of the human body and mind, making her the best candidate to make contact with the unstable hero if they wish for her to join their cause.”

“Yes, but the church won’t send a saint out on a fool's errand…”

Ashmit glared at her, “do you wish me to finish or not?” He asked as she rolled her eyes, motioning for him to continue. “you gods, always so rude. Fine, I'll skip to the end, since you can’t be patient.” He sighed. “I have made sure that Himari was chosen as one of the hero’s that are currently traveling to Crown to attend the princess’ coronation where Hecatolite and her sister will likely be in attendance.”

“Wait, how did you…”

“Oh, now you want to hear the whole story?” he mocked as he rolled his eyes, “too bad, I think I'll leave that as a secret for now. Just know that I estimate by month's end Eryl will either be free, and Valor will be shaking in his boots, or dead and then well… we will be right back where we started in terms of an admin to contact the primordial court. But regardless of that, Crown will join the war by the end of it.” Again, his mad laugh rang out as he nearly doubled over. “That party will mark the beginning of Valor’s end.”

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