Shattered Moonstone

book 4 chapter 11 NSFW

their is sex, emotional baggage, peting (both heavy and light), and one half baked scheem in this chapter. You have been warned.

Eryl let out a sharp breath as she backed into the trunk of the world tree, the rough bark digging into her back through her thin cotton shirt as Hecatolite rose to capture her lips once more. She briefly wondered where her leather vest had gone, having lost it during the retreat from the edge of the branch they now stood on, not that she cared much at this point.

Eryl was lost in the woman before her, in this exact moment nothing else mattered as Hecatolite leaned into another passionate kiss causing the world around them faded away. Suddenly it was as if all the nervous energy from before had flooded out of her body, all her annoyance from the previous day, her worries from the night, everything was just an afterthought to the here and now. her heart thundered in her chest, each rhythmic thump bringing another wave of all consuming heat that ate away at her and the only thing keeping her grounded was the small woman who was now trailing countless kisses down her neck.

“Hecatolite,” Eryl’s voice dripped with desire as her hands trembled, this… this was not like anything she had ever experienced before. This all-consuming longing as every one of her scenes focused solely on small woman in her arms. The sound of her labored breaths, the faintly sweet scent of her sweat, the woody smell of her hair, the flowery taste of her lips, every detail was burned into her mind pushing anything else out as Hecatolite’s small hands worked their way into her shirt. The contact on her bare skin was like a soothing balm that fought back the raging heat from her core, her small fingers danced up Eryl’s bare sides as she pushed the offending shirt further up. 

Her entire body tingled with a desire to just… touch her, it was maddening. “I… I need…” she just needed a moment, a second to compose herself, to make sense of whatever this was before it consumed her completely. 

Hecatolite however had… other plans; slowly lowering herself to trail kisses down Eryl’s now exposed abdomen, each kiss sending a wave of… pleasure though her as Hecatolite stopped at the hem of her pants, the final bastion of rationality against this all. 

“I want,” Hecatolite’s breathy voice sent another wave of heat though Eryl as she looked down at the woman before her. Finally able to take a breath herself, Eryl swallowed hard as Hecatolite ever so gently tugged on her pants. “To taste you.”

Eryl’s legs suddenly felt weak as their eyes met, her entire body falling back only managing to stay on her feet thanks to the trunk of the tree behind her. The large crystal-clear blood red eyes that looked up at her, the pure lust that radiated from them chipped away at her as tried desperately to… to what? Fight it? 

Why in the world would she fight this? She… she wanted this. She needed this, needed Hecatolite… needed a release from this burning, this sudden desire that prickled her skin.

Eryl moved a trembling hand to her belt, her own desire guiding her movements as she gripped the sturdy leather. The faint click of the latch was like a gunshot, Hecatolite wasting no time removing the final barrier between the two, unceremoniously pulling Eryl’s pants to her ankles in one smooth motion that caused the taller woman to stagger slightly before falling back against the tree with a humph.

The cool morning air prickling against her bare skin did nothing to soothe fiery desire radiating from Eryl’s core, if anything it added to the overwhelming need building in her. “Please.” Her own voice sounded distant in her ears as she moaned the word, and Hecatolite was all too eager to comply.

The world went white as Hecatolite’s warm tongue slid across her, the faintest flick caused her body to shudder as she grabbed onto the smaller woman’s hair in a desperate attempt to steady herself. 

It… it was too much, the euphoric pleasure that coursed through her with every slight movement; she was… she was going to lose everything to this feeling, this pleasure as the other woman’s tongue traced small circles around her entrance.

Just as Eryl was about to fall, to let herself be consumed by the roaring inferno, she felt it. Hecatolite’s small hands gripping her thighs as if holding her very soul in place, “breath.” Hecatolite’s voice echoed in her mind pulling her back to reality as she gingerly traced her wet slit with her tongue.

Eryl hadn’t even noticed she was holding her breath. With a gasp she gulped the crisp morning air as if it were the answer to life itself, “I…” the words were lost as Hecatolite’s tongue flicked across her clit, the world flashing white again as she let out a low rumbling laugh against Eryl’s core. The vibration between her legs pushing her to the edge once more as curled in on herself. 

Her entire body burned as her abdomen clenched, curling herself around Hecatolite’s head she pulled at the smaller woman’s hair. “Hecatolite!” She all but yelled the other woman’s name as she begged for a release from this fiery hell she found herself in. Everything was on fire. Her mind, her body, her soul itself was burning. 

In answers to her pleas, Hecatolite slowly ran her tongue up Eryl’s soaking pussy, the tip of her tongue dragging across her only stoked the desire in her as her thighs closed around the other woman’s head. 

Eryl’s whole body shook as she desperately pushed against Hecatolite’s, her hands now tangled in the other woman’s hair as if holding her in place as Eryl’s movements became more frantic. Just as she was coming to her senses, as the waves of pleasure were subsiding and Eryl was about to catch her breath she felt it.

Hecatolite’s tongue pressing into her, like pouring fuel on a dying fire; Eryl’s whole body convulsed. Slamming herself back against the tree she cried out as Hecatolite’s long tongue pierced her and Eryl's entire world exploded around her. Everything went white as her mind filled with static. It was like a bomb went off inside her, her body going limp as she was thrown over the edge she had been teetering on; surrendering completely to the pleasure Eryl fell, only faintly aware of the impact as landed on top of Hecatolite as her entire body twitched.

When the world finally came into focus around her, she was lying face down on the branch, her own leather vest acting as a makeshift pillow as Hecatolite tentatively rubbed her back.

Eryl’s body felt like jelly as she tried to lift herself, her arms still shaking as they refused to lift her. 

“That…” her voice was hoarse as she tried to piece together what happened. 

“Shh.” Hecatolite shushed her as her small hands worked the aching muscles in her back. 

Everything ached, yet it wasn’t unpleasant. The sensation of the dull throbbing in muscles mixed with the warm sensation of Hecatolite’s hands on her back filled her with an odd contentment Eryl had never felt before. 

Rolling onto her back Eryl was greeted with the sight of the woman who had just shattered her entire existence and an entire new warmth filled her chest. 

Hecatolite seemed so… small straddling her legs. The other woman’s petite frame dwarfed by the world around them as she continued to diligently massage Eryl’s sore muscles, “You’re still so tense.” Hecatolite smiled as her tiny fingers danced down Eryl’s thighs. 

It was so strange for Eryl as she took in the sight before her. Hecatolite was… a primordial, a being above everything else, the embodiment of a concept of the universe and here she was carefully massaging Eryl’s stiff legs? 

Her mind now clear from the lustful haze, she finally looked at Hecatolite. Her porcelain white skin practically glowing in the morning sun as the shadows of the tree around them danced across her bare chest, her long snow-white hair was mess from where Eryl had been pulling it, her pink lips swollen from their fanatic kissing…

“What?” Hecatolite actually blushed as she looked up at Eryl, her large red eyes caused Eryl’s breath to catch as they met. 

They weren’t filled with their usual mirth, nor were they filled with lust like they had been. No, this time when Hecatolite looked at her, her usual grin nothing more than a small content smile, her expression was filled with nothing but warmth. A caring desire that caused Eryl’s heart to flutter as she brought her hands up to grab on Hecatolite’s thin waist.

“You’re just so,” Eryl’s fingers traced Hecatolite’s surprisingly soft skin, her thumbs running across the smaller woman ribs as she gripped her sides. “Tiny.” She giggled as Hecatolite puffed her cheeks out in mock offense as she slapped Eryl’s hands away.

“If you're going to be like that I’ll just leave you here in the tree.” She grumbled though she didn’t move to stand, crossing her arms as Eryl laughed.

Hecatolite was tiny, all things considered. She was alarmingly thin, a surprising fact given she ate nearly constantly, her ribs faintly visible through her skin around her perky breasts that were now being covered by her slender arms as she pouted at her. The only part of Hecatolite’s body that could be considered “large” in any capacity were her legs, if one ignored her tail that is. Her muscular thighs, that were currently pressed against Eryl’s own waist as she straddled her, still seemed so small as Eryl rested her hands on them; she could feel the small woman tense at the touch, her legs tighting slightly around her waist as she quickly looked away.

Despite her pouting Eryl could feel Hecatolite’s tail between her own legs. The long appendage wrapping around one of Eryl’s legs as she pulled Hecatolite closer.

Even without the burning desire, Eryl found herself still wanting to be close to the other woman, to feel her warmth, as she pulled Hecatolite down onto her. “I didn’t mean it like that.” She said softly as Hecatolite fell onto her, coming to rest on Eryl’s still covered chest.

“It’s unfair,” Hecatolite grumbled as she rested her head on Eryl’s chest, the small woman glared at Eryl’s breast but there was no heat behind it. “Even Amethyst is bigger than me.” She pouted.

Eryl chuckled as she slowly rubbed Hecatolite’s back, her hands running down the other woman’s furred spine before bumping into the base of her tail. The reaction to her touch was instant, Hecatolite’s entire body tensed as Eryl ran her fingers across the base of her tail, surprised to find that the other woman’s back was… muscular, surprisingly so. She could feel the rippling muscles around the base of Hecatolite’s tail as ran her hands through the soft short fur that covered it. 

Hecatolite let out a small moan despite her pout, her back arching slightly as Eryl toyed with her tail. “I… like it. your body, it’s… you. So small, yet powerful.” Eryl wasn’t sure what she was saying at this point, losing herself in the squirming woman on top of her as she watched Hecatolite’s tail curling behind her. 

Hecatolite twisted to look at her, peeking over Eryl’s breast with flushed cheeks and she caught a glimpse of color. Not the red of Hecatolite’s eyes, no it was a faint… pink around the other woman's arms. And it clicked in Eryl’s mind.

The burning desire earlier, the warmth in her chest now… they were her emotions, her feelings, her own lust… Hecatolite had been holding back, she had to have been. From what Eryl knew Hecatolite burned out her suppressing bands whenever she wasn’t holding herself back… but why? How? Eryl had never felt anything like that before, she was certain the Hecatolite had been the cause of it, why else would she have given into Eryl’s lust like that?

Tentatively Eryl brought her hands up, resting them on Hecatolite’s arms as she tried to piece together her own emotions. She… wanted Hecatolite, that much was clear even to her, but if she wasn’t being influenced then why had she felt so much… more?

Eryl was no stranger to sex, to lust and desire, but that was something completely different. There was no slow build up, no tentative release, it was… primal… and it was her’s alone. And now, now that she had released all her pent up emotions, she still had this lingering heat in her chest whenever she looked at the other woman, a desire to be with her, to be close to her, hold her…

Eryl’s eyes went wide as she looked into Hecatolite’s crystal clear eyes, “I think…” her voice trembled as her fingers curled around the bands on Hecatolite’s arms. “I am…” her throat was suddenly dry as the words died in her mouth. 

Hecatolite cocked her head to the side as Eryl opened her mouth again, unable to say the words in her mind. This… this was not possible. She was an Administrator, a neutral entity in the world, and Hecatolite! She was a primordial! She couldn’t be, yet… I… I am falling for her. 

Hecatolite smiled as she slowly sat up. “Eryl,” Hecatolite suddenly looked so big looking down at the stunned Eryl. “Don’t force yourself.” she rested a small hand on Eryl’s cheek, “We have all the time in the world, but for what it's worth.” She leaned down, her lips brushing against Eryl’s ear as she whispered to the taller woman. The words forever burned into Eryl’s mind as Hecatolite sat back, that same soft caring smile on her face, her eyes looking so hollow as she suddenly looked every second as old as she had to be. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t…”

“Show me.” Eryl’s voice surprised even herself as she grabbed the smaller woman’s arms. “Hecatolite, I want you. All of you, not just… this.” She gestured at Hecatolite’s body. “So, if you mean it, if you really mean it; show me.”

“Eryl, I…” her voice wavered as she looked down at Eryl with hollow eyes that showed lifetimes of pain. She had already shown that side of her to Saffron, and that… that was enough; she had a wife, a lover to show her entirety to, already endangered her with her selfish desire.

Hecatolite’s mind was suddenly filled with noise as brought her hands up to her head, her eyes clenching shut as the whispers flowed into her. This was a mistake; she never should have said that. She never should have done this to Eryl… It was wrong, the never dies will come and take it all away again…

“Hecatolite,” Eryl’s voice was suddenly stern as it slammed through the noise in her mind. “I know what you are.” Hecatolite’s eyes shot open only to realize Eryl hadn’t… her lips weren’t moving… 

The world slowed as Eryl’s mouth opened, her hands tugging on the suppressing bands as she spoke. “Words are just that. Words. Hecatolite, show me and I will give you my answer.”

As the bands fell from her arms Hecatolite sank into Eryl. This time as their lips met the world around them shook, and Eryl felt it.

The desire, the longing, the need to be loved, to be recognized, to be… seen. Hecatolite was laid bare before her and she in kind opened herself to the torrent of emotions, letting her own desires flow out of her and for a moment, the barest of seconds she could see it all. And for a brief moment there wasn’t Hecatolite and Eryl, there was just… Thought, their feelings melding into one; and for the second time in a day Eryl’s soul changed. An ancient power resonating in her, the soft chime in her mind filled her with warmth as the two caressed one another. 

The notification lost to their passion as the two sank into each other, a faint sigh in the back of both their minds forgotten as the two became one. And in the void a single terminal flashed an annoyed yellow as its defeated voice rang out.

“You two really are going to do it right here huh.” It sighed as a sting of text scrolled across it, Initializing administrative functions, Eryl Lapidary, Admin N6T 5796842 recognized. Transferring administrative access… failed. Unable to separate system key from host. Granting administrative access to the Overseer system to “Mother Eryl”… success. System initialization… failed, error, extensive system damage detected. Unable to contact the universal system. Partial system recovery… successful, reinitializing split functionality of the universal system. 

Just then a surge of power ran though the world as another terminal appeared. “Overseer! What in the world…” Another surge of power and the Babylon terminal shrank, the light blue screen cowering next to the larger red terminal. “What’s happening?”

With a sigh Overseer bumped the smaller, much younger terminal, “Don’t worry, it’s just a slight hiccup as Mother Eryl is reintroduced to the system.” The darkness around them shifted as another wave of power crashed through the void. “Though we should do something about that. Maybe we can route it though the world tree.”

“Through the world tree! Into the worlds ley line!” Babylon screamed as it continued to cower, a cold… fear creeping though it as it scanned the void space around it. 

“Don’t do that,” Overseer replied as it bumped the smaller terminal again, “and I was thinking more along the lines of sending it… the other way though the tree.” It actually chuckled, a maniacal chorus of laughter filling the void as it did. “Yes, we have an abundance of Aether, and a perfectly good outlet. For once one of these damned trees can be useful. I doubt Life is doing anything too important at the moment anyway.”

here we are yet again! Hello, it is I the author here again to regale you with excuses! just kidding, i already beat that dead horse so just infromation. First, this was insanly hard to wright becuse i knew i wanted their to be two stages to it, just not what those stages were. i litterly did a coin toss between hot and heavy or slow and sensual, and you can guess what one won. i wanted this to be more of eryl not being in full controll of her emotions just yet and relizing that, not that she did much relizing of anything in the first half. it was difficult to get it down between too much information and not enough, no one likes a sex scen with three pages of internal diolage so i kind of cut..most of it for a "later" that came after the sex. i do hope you all injoyed it, the next few chapters should come out much faster now that this is out of the way given its all more or less, less important reactions to what just happened and the fall out of it all! as always, thank you all for reading!

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