Shattered Moonstone

book 4 chapter 12

Amethyst couldn’t help but pace nervously around the small inn room as Himari sat calmly tapping away at a terminal. She had gone to get Himari last night when it looked like Hecatolite and Eryl were going to start fighting again only for the older woman to tell her to “let them sort it out themselves”, whatever that meant.

At first it seemed fine, Amethyst had assumed Himari knew what she was talking about, and her sister would be back by dinner time; after all, Hecatolite never missed a meal. But then dinner rolled around, and it was still just Amethyst and Himari… 

Himari had reassured her that it would be fine, and the two were likely still “working it out” and Amethyst managed to relax a little… then hours went by, and it was nighttime and still no sign of the two missing women.

And now it is morning! Just where are they? Has something happened to them? what if…

“Amethyst, you’re going to wear a hole in the floor if you keep that up.” Himari said softly, briefly looking up from her terminal. “Please, sit down and relax.” 

“But what if Hecatolite got lost again? Or what if they are fighting still?” Amethyst couldn’t help but worry, she didn’t like it when people fought, even less when it was her family. Hecatolite was brash and unruly, she would fight all day if she really wanted, and it didn’t seem like Eryl would back down either. What if Hecatolite had another melt down? Then what? 

Himari sighed, “Amethyst,” she said as she slowly stood from her seat. She wobbled a little as she crossed the room with shaky steps, her right leg buckling a little as she walked up to Amethyst and put a hand on her shoulder. “Eryl is with her, Hecatolite won’t get “lost” again, and if they were actually fighting, we would know. Or have you forgotten who they are, Hecatolite isn’t exactly subtle, and Eryl is not a push over. If they started to actually fight the whole city would know; they are probably still just working out their differences.” Himari said softly as she gently squeezed Amethyst's shoulders. “The two of them need to figure this out on their own if we have any hope of traveling together; they need to be able to talk to each other.” She smiled as she pulled Amethyst towards the chair. “Have faith in them, they are both… adults.” Amethyst didn’t miss Himari’s hesitation, and she couldn’t help but laugh a little.

“Hecatolite is an adult you know.” Amethyst replied with a nervous laugh and Himari reluctantly nodded as she sat Amethyst down in the chair.

“She is, and you know as well as anyone she is surprisingly mature when she wants to be.” She said sitting down across from Amethyst at the small table. “So let them talk it out. They need to be able to communicate and we won’t do them any favors by jumping in every time they have a disagreement.”

Amethyst tentatively nodded, “I know it's just… What if they say something and one of them gets hurt? Hecatolite isn’t… good with her words, and her feelings are easily hurt.” She said softly, looking down at her hands. Hecatolite had always protected Amethyst and now she had a chance to protect her sister. Sure, it wasn’t from a physical threat, but Amethyst could at least be there to help her with the emotional things, couldn’t she?

“Then one of them gets hurt.” Himari said, chuckling softly, “That’s part of communication. Sometimes, you hear things you don’t like, or agree with. That's just life, and you can’t stop that. But, if the two of them can get past that then they will come out of this stronger and closer than before.” 

Amethyst furrowed her brows, Himari… was not wrong, she didn’t think. But the thought that getting hurt was just part of life seemed a bit dark for the normally kind healer. 

“You know, back in my old world there was a saying.” Himari said and Amethyst looked up at her with interest. Neither Himari nor Hecatolite spoke of their old world much, well Hecatolite spoke about it in bits and pieces but Amethyst considered that more her memory problems than anything. “You only ever truly fight with those you love. Do you understand? It means that if you care for someone, really care for them, only then will you be able to oppose them when the time comes. If you didn’t care for someone, then what point would there be to arguing with them? If their opinion doesn’t matter to you then why would you care to change it?”

Amethyst couldn’t help but raise her eyebrow, “That doesn’t sound right, people fight all the time when they don’t like each other. In Fact there is an entire war going on right now between people who don’t care for one another.”

Himari sighed, “Yes, but that isn’t a battle of logic. I’m talking about arguments.” She leaned back in her chair and something about the look in her eyes gave Amethyst pause. Himari was young, Well, in this world. She was only as old as Amethyst herself, but for a moment she could see it, an elderly woman sitting back in a chair, her small, shriveled body ravaged by time, yet her eyes filled with the knowledge of a life lived. “I used to argue with my husband all the time. That man infuriated me, always with a small soft smile on his face as if he knew everything even when he was wrong. But… I loved him till my dying breath.” She said wistfully, “My old world was very different from this one, no magic and only humans. Sure, we fought wars against each other but by the time I passed… I think I passed away.” Himari furrowed her brows slightly, “it’s been what 17 years, gods, I would be… 115 now, even if I didn’t die I doubt I would still be alive.” 

“115 isn’t old, especially for a mage.” Amethyst said, unable to keep her confusion in check, “I think my grandma is 110 and she’s still working and just as spry as ever. Last time I saw her she was smacking dad in the back of the head for making a joke?”

Himari laughed again, “People didn’t live that long in my old-world Amethyst. Without magic and mana most people didn’t live past the eighties, and even that was if they were healthy.” 

“Really? that sounds… horrible.” Amethyst said. That would mean that mom and dad would be old in that world, the queen would be… old, like soon coming to the end of her life, in that world. 

“It wasn’t all bad, as I was saying by the time I died most “fights” were ideological fights, arguments with debates that only sometimes came to blows. That’s not to say we didn’t have wars, or dumb fights with each other, but with the internet, most people would just fling harsh words at each other before parting ways.” Himari took a deep breath as if remembering something.

“Can you tell me about your old world? Hecatolite has told me bits and pieces but…” Amethyst bit her lip, her face one of concentration as she tried to picture this strange other world.

Himari chuckled, “I would be happy too, what would you…” Himari’s whole body tensed as she felt it, a crushing pressure that shook the walls. With a gasp she almost fell forward out of her chair as her body was flushed with burning heat, and for a moment all she could hear was the sound of her own heart thundering in her chest as her legs shook.

She was sure Amethyst had said something as she felt the younger woman’s hand on her shoulder, but the contact flooded her with… desire? No, it was… “lust.” She hissed, realizing what must have happened as another wave of force crashed down on the elven city.

After a few minutes the waves stopped, though the air was still filled with a thick haze of magic that pricked her skin.

  “Well, looks like the two of them made up.” Amethyst laughed as she rubbed Himari’s shoulder, “Are you going to be ok?” she asked softly.

Himari nodded though she could still feel it, the burning in her body that caused her hands to shake slightly. “I will… Can you… Do something about this?” She asked in a shaky voice, not daring to look up at Amethyst.

“I think I can…” She heard Amethyst trail off as she stepped away. A moment later the room was filled with a cool calming aura that pushed back against the heat of desire. “There we go, now we just have to wait for the two of them to finish… well, making up.” Amethyst chuckled with a slight blush on her cheeks as Himari took a deep breath of the calming mana that swirled around them.

“Thank you.” She said finally sitting back up in her chair. “Yes, it seems like your worries were for naught after all.” She said, closing her eyes as she relaxed in her chair, the last dregs of Hecatolite’s influence slowly draining from her body with every breath. “Babylon?” She said, and a terminal appeared before her, “What the hell was that?” She cracked an eye open to see the blank screen before her.

The terminal floated there, blank aside from the soft blue glow. “Babylon?” She said tapping on the terminal. “Overseer?” She tried and another terminal appeared, the red glow of this one seeming… dim as it floated beside the other one.

“Are they…  Broken?” Amethyst asked tentatively tapping on the terminals.

They sat there, inspecting the two terminals before Overseer finally flared to life. “Apologies, we are currently working to rout Hecatolite’s aether though the world tree. It is taking… more processing power than I originally thought.”

“Her aether?” Himari furrowed her brows, “Is that what's causing that… heat?”

“Yes, and no. The “heat” is simply Hecatolite’s aura, that will remain in place until she has finished mating.” It replied bluntly, “Her aether however is spiking during her copulation with Mother Eryl, that is what caused the tremors. Thankfully her aura only extends for a short area around her body; it will not affect anything beyond the shadow of the world tree given her location, her aether however, will have been felt… Well, everywhere. We will need to find a more suitable way to contain it in the future now that she is in her own body as I am sure there will be repercussions to her discharging that much energy again. Please note that Amethyst’s own aura will be able to protect you from the effects of her sister’s aura but only for a short area around her as Amethyst's will is not yet strong enough to combat Hecatolite’s full weight.”

Amethyst shook her head, “I am sure mom will have something to say about her causing another worldwide earthquake.” 

“Great, and how long do you think this,” Himari waved a hand in the air, “Will last?”

There was a long pause before Overseer replied, “Last time Hecatolite mated she was sharing a human body with Amethyst, and it lasted for roughly six hours with a succubus. Now she is in her own homunculus body and mating with an admin in homunculus body… it is unknown how long “this” will last as neither of them have a need to eat or sleep and their bodies are much sturdier… so in short, as long as it lasts, or until one of them passes out.”

There was a long pause as its words sank in. two nearly tireless bodies… “Well. That is going to be a problem, isn’t it?” Amethyst asked, looking to Himari for guidance.

“We should go talk to the council.” Himari sighed standing up, “Last time she was fined, this time we will be lucky if we don’t get kicked out of the city.”


Walking through the elven city was… eerie this time. The once crowded streets were now empty, no one stepping out of their homes as the two of them made their way up the street towards the council chamber at the base of the world tree.  Amethyst could… feel people on the edge of her mind, hiding in their homes; on a rare occasion she would see people peeking out of windows yet no one stepped outside. 

“This… is strange.” She whispered as if simply speaking was taboo.

“People are scared,” Himari sighed, “Your sister’s outburst followed by her Aura has likely spooked the entire city, though I have to say I expected there to be… more panic?” She said looking around only to catch a glimpse of someone ducking behind a windowsill. “I guess we should feel lucky she didn’t shatter all the glass in the city.” She muttered as she stepped over a root in the road only to pause.

Looking down at the root she couldn’t help but step back. “Is… is the world tree… glowing?” she asked bending down to inspect it.

Amethyst knelt beside her and stared at the root that was indeed emitting a very faint glow, barely visible in the sunlight. Squinting Amethyst placed a hand on the root. “It's… hot.” She said as she removed her hand. “Do you think it's because of Hecatolite?”

Himari couldn’t help but give Amethyst a very flat look, “I know it is. Overseer said they were routing her power through the tree, hopefully it doesn’t do anything stranger than that.” she said standing back up, “We should hurry before they start to panic.” 

They didn’t make it to the council chamber as just around the next corner they came face to face with nearly two dozen guards led by Alagos though the sight of him gave Amethyst pause. 

The tall man normally wore robes with a sword at his hip, but this time he was in full armor, his tall thin frame suddenly very imposing as he stood in his green and gold armor with his long sword sheathed at his hip. 

His eyes narrowed as he saw the two, turning on his heels he strode up the street with all the grace of a commander on a warpath, only to stop when he got within a few yards of the two. His entire body seemed to relax a little, his rigid posture softening as he entered Amethyst's own aura. 

“It just so happens I was about to come find your group,” he said, coming to stand before them, towering over the two much smaller women as he looked down at them. “There is a situation, and as foreign delegates Cemi insisted your safety should be a priority. Though given your protection from whatever is happening, I am assuming you know more about what is going on than we do.” His voice a low hiss as he spoke through clenched teeth causing a slight chill to run down Amethyst's spine as she looked up at him.

Letting out a nervous laugh she replied, “We… might know what's going on.” Looking up at him it was very reminiscent of looking up at her mother when she was angry, and if it was anything like that, she couldn’t help but feel that maybe they should have just stayed in the inn.

“Would you be so kind as to enlighten me?” He asked with the same cold tone as his eyes narrowed, “Though I can guess your sister is somehow involved.”

“What gives you that idea?” She asked with a weak smile only to give up on it when their eyes met, it was very obvious that Alagos was not in any mood for jokes. “You know for an aura that makes people excited, everyone is so angry whenever she does this.” Amethyst looked away.

“It's because it's disruptive to everything.” Himari said flatly as Amethyst shifted her weight from foot to foot.

“As much fun as I am sure this whole conversation will be, my entire city is on lockdown due to a mental attack.” He growled, “Can you two please hurry up?” and Himari was rather impressed. Despite the situation he was still at least attempting to be formal.

“Fine, Hecatolite is… with Eryl…” Amethyst bit her lip nervously, unsure of how to approach this conversation. “And when she is… doing this particular activity, she cannot control her own magic.” 

Himari sighed, “Hecatolite exudes a rather powerful emotional aura that she normally keeps contained,” she added in an attempt to save Amethyst from the embarrassment of the conversation. “Though sometimes her control slips, much like a magical discharge. What you and your city are experiencing is the effects of a very powerful soul sorcerer losing control of her magical aura. I assure you that though it may be alarming and uncomfortable it is completely harmless, and will pass once she has finished with what she is doing.” 

Alagos stood silent for a long moment, his brows furrowed as he processed what Himari had just said. “Allow me to get this straight, you expect me to believe that Hecatolite is not only a powerful enough soul mage to affect an entire city with her mere presence, but this is a byproduct of a morning tryst?” One could hear a pin drop as he glared at the two, “My entire city is under the influence of a magical aura because one girl cannot control herself?”

“Soul sorcerer,” Himari corrected, “Hecatolite is not a mage.”

“Besides the point.” Alagos hissed. “I find it hard to believe an attack on this scale…”

“It is not an attack.” Amethyst cut him off, “Hecatolite and Eryl were having an argument yesterday, as I am sure you remember, and well… they are making up.”

“Do you take me for a fool?” he asked bluntly, “I am well aware of how aura’s work, and no one’s aura is this powerful or large. The only way to affect an area this size with a magical pressure this powerful would be a dedicated squad of mages all casting a single spell in tandem. And furthermore you,” he said looking between the two, “Seem to somehow be in an unaffected area.”

“That one is easy, I’m pushing back Hecatolite’s aura with my own.” Amethyst said with a weary smile, “Though I can’t negate it completely, it’s only a small area.”

Alagos couldn’t help but narrow his eyes. This explanation, though implausible, made… some sense. As a mage himself he had studied aura effects, and a soul mage aura could be used to affect an area around them, but that also left the question of just how much magic a normal aura used. He could keep an aura up around him, but it would only affect a few feet out from his body, and it would eventually wear him out.

Yet Amethyst was claiming to keep an aura up of a few yards, and she didn’t even look winded. Not to mention the simple fact that an aura that would affect the entire city like this, it would simply be impossible. Yet… nothing about these two makes sense.

“And where is Hecatolite now?” He asked, planning to get to the bottom of this, if he could observe Hecatolite he could ascertain if she was really the epicenter of this all. Honestly if these two hadn’t been so cooperative he would likely have arrested them already, yet their group has been nothing but open and kind since arriving in the nation so they deserved at least this much. “If she really is the center of all this, I will need to question her, and put an end to this all.”

Amethyst  shook her head, “I am sorry.” She striated to her full height, which was not much but still. “Alagos, even if I knew where she was, I wouldn’t tell you.”

“Why?” He asked, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword as he eyed her.

“Hecatolite and Eryl’s personal life is not a spectacle, I do apologize for the inconvenience but I…” Amethyst took a deep breath before lifting her chin to look him in the eyes, “I simply cannot allow you to interfere with what is happening between them right now. Not only because she is my sister, but I severely doubt she will take kindly to someone attempting to stop her at present.”

The air around the two was tense for a long moment as they locked eyes, neither moving as they both waited to see what the other had planned before Himari stepped between them. “Ok you two, there is enough going on without causing an diplomatic incident.” She looked at Amethyst, “You both know better than this, I get that this is stressful but will fighting solve anything right now?” She said calmly looking at Amethyst, “I get you want to protect your sister but this is not the time to go fighting with people over it. It would be best to just defer to the local authority on this, or do you want to ruin all the trust we have built up here?” She turned to Alagos, “And you, attempting to intimidate us was a rather foolish way to go about this. You have seen what Hecatolite is capable of while holding back, but if you want to go try and stop the Deity of lust…”

Himari froze as the words left her mouth. She… hadn’t meant to say that, why did the system not… It's trying to contain Hecatolite. She thought, remembering the blank terminal still floating in the inn room. It didn’t even have enough power to reply, Overseer only managed because it is fueled by Hecatolite herself.

Alagos raised an eyebrow, “Deity of Lust?” He said slowly. The existence of a Deity is no secret in the world, after all the gods hadn’t exactly been quiet while searching for information about it, in fact anyone with any social power or religious ties had likely heard of the rogue Deity at this point, But… “The Deity, X47?” He chuckled, this had to be a joke… a second deity showed up recently, didn't it? Our spies in Algimar and utopia had said there was an uproar when a second deity had been discovered… A… his eyes drifted to Amethyst who was very obviously not looking at him despite the tension, “Twin.” He said remembering the report. 

Two strangely powerful girls, twins, who seem to defy all common sense. One, a creature he had never seen before that ignores logic itself, and the other with enough magical power to teleport at will and not even look winded.

“Eryl is not going to be happy about that.” Himari hissed as she chastised herself. “Ok, let's just forget that little slip up.” She tried but it was obvious that wasn’t going to happen as she looked up at the man whose eyes were locked onto Amethyst. 

If he had any doubts a moment ago, Himari’s rambling put them to rest. But now… what? the Deities were part of the divine weren’t they? That’s why the gods were trying to find them, and everyone knows that gods and devils cannot come to the mortal world, and a Deity was described as half god half devil, which would mean they shouldn’t… they couldn’t be though, could they? He stepped towards Amethyst only for Himari to stop him.

“I wouldn’t.” She said calmly putting a hand on his arm, “You do not want to push this.”

“A set of strangely powerful twins, with a world sage and an elf arrive in the city. Then my entire city is put under an emotional influence.” He said stepping away from Himari, “You have to understand that this looks a lot like an attack, one I would not put past Algimar; where you are from, summoned hero Himari.” Alagos said bluntly, “You came looking for an alliance Amethyst, part of that is honesty, so are you going to be honest with us.”

Amethyst sighed, “And I have been.” She said looking up at him and this time Alagos stepped back as her eyes met his. 

The deep purple of her eyes glowing slightly as she glared at him, it was… the same as her sister's eyes; weaker, sure, but the feeling in the bottom of his gut was the same as when he was in the forest with Hecatolite.

“I am Amethyst Lapidary, the all faiths saint, and as a noble of Crown I offered you an alliance.” She said stepping up to him, “As Singularity, the lucidity of bedlam, I will offer you this warning, neither my sister nor I will not take kindly to any attempt to coerce us.” Just like when he had stood before Hecatolite, Alagos suddenly felt… small in front of this tiny girl as she looked into his eyes, as if peering into his very soul. And then just like that the intensity left her eyes, the glowing fading along with that sinking feeling in his gut as she sighed, “I have judged you Alagos, and I find you to be a trustworthy man. You are bound not by your duty but a love for your land and people, and I find that to be worthy. What I am about to say however is only to placate you and is not public knowledge, I would appreciate it if it stayed that way.”

Alagos was taken back by the sudden change in her demeanor, and for the first time he realized that maybe Amethyst and Hecatolite were far more alike than he thought. “I understand, your private information is your own, but I must protect my people.” He said, and Amethyst nodded.

“Hecatolite is X47, the mad devour, she resides over the domains of lust and gluttony. As the goddess of lust, I think you can understand why her aura would cause such a powerful reaction in those around her; which is why she attempts to contain it.” Amethyst said bluntly as if she had rehearsed it, “I am the Singularity, the lucidity of bedlam, I reside over judgment and mercy. I give you my word as the goddess of mercy that this is not an attack, and no harm will come to you or your people from it. My sister is simply trying to deepen her bond with a woman she cares deeply for and I would appreciate it if you respected that. We will be willing to pay for the inconvenience this has caused you, though I ask you to understand that we are limited on funds and very far from home.” She continued as she stepped back from him, though her eyes never left his, “I tell you this not as a representative of Crown but as myself, these actions do not represent our nation or its people, please do not let it affect our dealing going forward.” 

Alagos stood stunned, looking down at the girl who claimed to be a goddess… No, a Deity, and for some reason… he believed her, as if it just made sense. It could have been her display of power, or the calm tone in which she spoke but suddenly all the turmoil in him just left as he sighed. “You swear that it will not have any lasting effects?” He asked, and Amethyst looked at Himari.

“No, once the aura fades there may be a few hours where the effects linger but aside from that there will be no lasting effects.” Himari said, “and Alagos, please don’t ever call me a summoned hero again. I left that behind when I fled from Algimar, I am the saintess of the Singularity now.” She added as if just now regstring what had been said.

Alagos nodded, “Fine. I will go to the council to discuss remunerations for this.” He turned to walk away only to stop as he came to the edge of Amethyst aura. “I apologize for my rude behavior but…”

“You were doing what you thought needed to be done.” Amethyst cut him off, “There is nothing to apologize for, I don’t blame you for protecting your people.” 

And with that he nodded and left leaving the two standing in the street. “Well that was…” Himari started only to stop as Amethyst swayed on her feet. “Hey…” She gasped as Amethyst staggered back into her.

“Sorry… I suddenly feel… really dizzy.” Amethyst said, holding her head with one hand. “And tired.”

Once they made it back to the inn Himari had healed Amethyst before she had gone to bed. Sitting in the chair next to the bed she shook her head. Putting her head in her hands she fought the urge to yell. It’s the same, she thought while looking at Amethyst though her fingers, just like her sister if she exerts herself her body starts to fail. It was just a headache this time, but if she were to do whatever she did much longer her brain would hemorrhage just like her sisters… But why had it not done it before? What was different this time as to when she used her domains on the ship? She thought as she chewed her cheek.

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