She Chooses To Destroy the World

Chapter 77

Chapter 77: Mage Alliance. …

They talked a lot this night together.

Alice didn’t know when she fell asleep. When she opened her eyes again, it was already the next morning. After breakfast, they embarked on the journey again.

Perhaps because of a good night’s sleep in a different environment, Corimo looked much better than the day before. Although it was still a sluggish look, at least he had the spirit to talk, and he could also tell Alice about the various mage towers in the east, as well as the overall customs in the east.

There are a lot of mage towers in the eastern region, and they are scattered all over the place. Among them, there is an academy-type mage tower with a large number of apprentices, and there are also small mage towers that are just a reclusive mage with a few apprentices. Although the concepts of each mage tower are generally different, most of the mage towers have joined the organization of the “Eastern Mage Alliance”.

This group of wizards is the darling of the night **** Ludnier, and the status of the wizards in the east is the most respected, which makes the Eastern Mage Alliance the most powerful group in the entire east. Although there are no kings and nobles here, the Eastern Mage Alliance is truly standing at the top of power in the Eastern Region.

The Flammel Mage Tower that Alice will go to is located in the hinterland of the eastern region and is the core of the Eastern Mage Alliance. For nearly a thousand years, the stars here are shining, and 80% of the so-called mages are from the Flamel family. The remaining two achievements are not from the Flamel tower, and they have inseparable and close ties with this place. The mages must admit that the existence of the Flammel Mage Tower has laid the foundation for the development of modern spells.

In addition, the number of apprentices enrolled here each year is also the largest in the entire east. Although it is generally believed that it is actually harder for the apprentices to get ahead of them, no young man who wants to become a mage can resist the temptation of the Flamer Tower. There are the most famous tutors in the entire east, the most magnificent buildings, and a cafeteria that provides warm food around the clock.

Although the number of enrollment in the Flamel Tower is more than that of other wizard towers in the east, people generally don’t think it is an academic-type wizard tower. People have created an additional type for the Frammel Mage Tower, which is called the Political Mage Tower.

The main reason for calling it a political mage tower is that the tower owner of the Flamel mage tower will automatically become the leader of the Eastern Mage Alliance. Although the eastern region as a whole has always been in a state of anarchy, the Frammel Tower is indeed the political center of the eastern region.

If you want to become the master of the Flamel Wizard Tower, you must meet several necessary conditions. First of all, he must be from the Flammel family and get the title of Archmage before the age of thirty. Only in this way is eligible to stand for election. But don’t think that if you meet the above two criteria, you will have a chance to become a tower owner. Under normal circumstances, the tower owner is elected every 20 years, and the age of the candidate cannot be more than 35 years old. Considering that most of the archmages who are capable of becoming tower masters have very little chance of dying before the age of fifty-five, this means that from the moment they are born, their chances of becoming tower masters are almost zero.

Most of the excellent wizards who cannot become the master of the tower will still stay in the Flamer Tower, which can provide them with generous conditions that are rare elsewhere, precious materials, and a large number of apprentices for miscellaneous work, which is very beneficial to their research. However, the more ambitious wizards will choose to leave the Flamel Tower after becoming an archmage, and go to other wizard towers to participate in the competition of the tower owners, or simply find a way to build their own wizard tower. The Flamel Wizard Tower does not have many restrictions on this, and only requires the leaving wizards to promise to join the East and join the Alliance of Wizards. Such regulations have been implemented for hundreds of years, making the status of the Eastern Mage Alliance more stable and will never be easily shaken.

Alice’s task this time is to deliver the letter from His Majesty the King to the current Eastern Mage Alliance leader, Flamer Mage Tata Master, and Talus Edwards Flamer Archmage.

Every tower owner in Flamel is a person who can be called a legend, and so is this archmage. He was particularly noticed when he was an apprentice. He became a qualified instructor at the age of twenty, and became a master at the age of twenty-six. When he became the tower master at the age of 30, most of the mages of his age were still squeezing their heads for the qualifications of instructors. He is now forty-four years old, and he is in a golden age full of vitality, with boundless scenery.

However, there are still a few people like Archmage Thales after all. Most apprentices who discuss life in the mage tower think most about not how to become a tower master or an archmage, but how to pass the “exam”.

“Examination” is what the apprentices say. In fact, it refers to the ceremony held when the apprentices reach the age of seventeen. The apprentices of the mage must offer their loyalty to the **** of the night, Ludnier, in order to gain his acceptance. Ludenier is a arrogant and strict god. He carefully selects his followers and will never easily assign his divine power to people who are not qualified enough or who are not enlightened to dedicate everything to their gods. He will give a topic in the ceremony, so that apprentices who want to become wizards will prepare sacrifices accordingly. As long as the apprentices can complete the sacrifice within a year, it is considered a success.

The content of Ludenier’s questions is generally broad, and there is usually not only one solution. The simpler the plan, the more cruel the conditions are reached, and sometimes even the apprentices are required to sacrifice themselves. Some apprentices with insufficient qualifications do not have the courage to make such a move, so they can only re-convene the ceremony in the second year and conduct a “make-up exam”, and expect Ludenier to be kind to them and give them an easier task to complete.

In the process of completing the “examination”, the Mage Tower usually provides assistance to the apprentices. But in a place with fierce competition like the Frammel Mage Tower, if an apprentice fails to pass the “examination” by the age of twenty, he can only fall into a career. If they still don’t want to leave the mage tower after they graduated, they can only become handymen at the bottom of the tower, usually doing some servant work. Generally speaking, this is a better choice. Staying in the mage tower gives them the opportunity to continue their studies, and after they are ready, they may still pass the exam to become an official mage. However, the young apprentices’ attitude towards handyman is always very contemptuous, sometimes even cruel. Most people cannot bear the humiliation and usually choose to leave the mage tower to find a way out.

This type of person is called the “Master of Distress”. The miscellaneous masters have no mana, so they are not actually true masters. If they are a bit adventurous, they may be able to do some business such as reselling potions or enchanting weapons, and they can always make a living. However, some people are inherently lazy and unwilling to do such a laborious business. Instead, they choose to swindle and cooperate with fraud artists like Corey Mo, selling some fake enchanted gems and potions that have no effect at all.

Although there are a large number of misunderstood mage leaving the mage tower to make a living every year, entering the mage tower as an apprentice is still the most important way for the mage. However, there are some people who are already quite old when they want to become a mage, and they have no way of entering the mage tower to learn. Only groping in the wilderness. Most of these people have failed, but there are also some who have experienced unimaginable terrible sacrifices and almost completely sacrificed themselves to become followers of His Majesty Ludnier, the **** of the night. These people are far less capable than the wizards who have been systematically studied and trained in the Mage Tower, and will not join the Eastern Mage Alliance, but based on the huge sacrifices they made to become a mage, most of the wizards who came from the Mage Tower Will respect them.

In addition, the necromancers who accompany the dead are sometimes called “mages”, but they are followers of the **** of death Heldis, and they are not the same way as the wizards who are the darling of the night god. Their organization is more secretive, except that the members of their organization’s high-level will have contact with the Eastern Mage Alliance, and have no contact with ordinary wizards.

Most of the information that Coremo knew was heard when chatting with the mages, and it was basically accurate. He would tell Alice every day to make this journey less boring. When they rode up to the sixth day, they finally saw the towering Flamer tower appear in front of them.

“Although there is still a distance from the Mage Tower itself, it is considered to have entered the area controlled by the Flamel Mage Tower.” Corimo’s spirit has almost completely returned to normal. At this moment, he was talking while talking. Looking at the ring of contract in hand, “What conditions did you set when you prepared the ring, and when can you drop this thing?”

“No hurry.” Alice said, looking at the mage tower, “when I enter the tower, the ring will naturally fall off.”

“All right.” Corey moaned, “Can you please settle the bill before you go in? I don’t want to wait for you out in a place like this. For ordinary people like us, Flame A place like El Master Tower makes people uncomfortable to look at.”

Alice glanced at Corimo in amazement, only to see that his face was pale, and the expression on his face could not be said to be panic or nervous.

“Are you scared?” she asked.

“It’s not afraid.” Corimo’s voice trembled a little. “The deterrent magic of the Mage Tower is specially designed to clean up people and other people. When ordinary people like me arrive here, they just want to turn around and run away… Are you okay? ?”

After listening to Corimo, Alice looked back at the Mage Tower, only to think that the building was magnificent and majestic, and it didn’t look special.

“You also said that you are not from the Flamel family.” Corey moaned, “If it were not for the mage or from the Flamel family, it would be my reaction when I walked here…Quickly check out, I I can’t stand it anymore.”

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